Improper Relationship

Chapter 30: cute


Probably because he was too tired from playing today, Yan Haian didn't wake him up immediately, but waited beside him, and he couldn't smoke, so he had to take out his mobile phone to use it.

There was already a reminder under the circle of friends, Yan Haian poked in to see, and sure enough, there was a reply from Sun Yan.

Sun Yan: Isn't it rare to see me? How often do I come back matter

Yan Hai'an sighed, it was really unexpected. Isn't someone ashamed to say such childish remarks

He didn't comment anymore, and went directly to the chat box to ask: Oh, seeing that I was so annoying, did you turn around and leave the country? Am I that annoying

Taking a look at the time, Yan Haian reckoned that it was almost time: "Yi Sheng, Yi Sheng, wake up, go home and go to sleep."

Mo Yisheng mumbled and turned to the other side, Yan Haian shook his shoulders: "Get up quickly, it's more comfortable to sleep on your own bed."

Mo Yisheng turned left and right, and Yan Haian was so annoyed that he couldn't help it, so he got up and got out of the car. Yan Hai'an followed behind to help him get the small things left on the car, and when he turned around, everyone ran to the elevator: "You, what should I do if I live alone in the future."

"Why do I want to live alone?" Mo Yisheng's hair was a little messy in sleep, and his face was a little dazed when he just woke up. "Don't you live with me?"

Yan Hai'an saw him standing here for a long time without even pressing the elevator door, and sighed: "You can't live with me forever. You will get married in the future, right?"

Mo Yisheng didn't seem to have considered this kind of question at all: "Isn't that too early? Let's talk about it at that time, and I won't live alone by then?"

"That's right." Yan Hai'an smiled, "But I'm going to move out soon."

Mo Yisheng stared at the elevator numbers: "Oh."

The prompt screen flashed, and the elevator had arrived.

"What?!" Mo Yisheng exclaimed in surprise, "You are moving out? Why? Why are you moving out? Did I make you angry?"

Yan Haian also wanted this reaction, he blocked the elevator door with his hand, and motioned to go in first: "No, it's just that I need to move out."

Mo Yisheng stepped into the elevator in a daze: "What do you need?"

Yan Haian and him looked at each other in the clean elevator door, and blinked suddenly: "Secret."

Mo Yisheng: "..."

He seldom saw Yan Haian so lively, Yan Haian in his memory was always upright, as if he was seventeen or eighteen years older than himself. In the farther memories, Yan Hai'an is also a person who doesn't like to laugh very much. He walks alone and is not easy to get close to.

Mo Yisheng recalled that Yan Hai'an seemed to have become lighter recently. He didn't understand why it became like this, but he sincerely felt that it was a good thing. He couldn't help smiling, and realized: "Say! Do you have a date?"

Yan Hai'an smiled: "But I will come back to see you often, if not, I will hire you a nanny."

The elevator door opened, and Mo Yisheng chased after him: "What kind of nanny should I hire? I'm such a big man, you can't be so worried, right? You really have a date? Why is this? If I have someone I like, I will definitely be the first One will tell you."

Yan Hai'an stopped suddenly, turned around and asked: "I haven't asked you yet, I haven't seen you in a relationship for so many years, what kind of girl do you like?"

"Eh?" Mo Yisheng's face was dull, "Why did it happen to me?"

Yan Haian looked at him for a long time, then turned back melancholy.

Why does my own Chinese cabbage always have pigs wanting to push it? But why can't there be a pig that makes me feel at ease

Mo Yisheng was puzzled, and pitifully chased him home: "When will you move?"

Yan Hai'an felt that no matter what he did, he would have to wait for Sun Yan to come back to talk about it, but in the past few days, he would pack his bags: "After a while, I have to go on a business trip next week."

When it came to work, Mo Yisheng lost interest. He was still dozing off, and was about to fall into the bedroom, but Yan Haian caught him and took him to wash up.

After living here for several years, there are still a lot of things, and some of them still have to be thrown away. In fact, Yan Hai'an can live anywhere, find a place to rest, how can there be so many demands, living with Mo Yisheng is because it is convenient to take care of, and now moving to Sun Yan's is also to make Sun Yan happy.

It's just that he can't go back. Going back will bring too much pressure to himself and his family.

After sorting out the luggage for a while, Yan Hai'an estimated in his heart the manpower needed, and when he lay back on the bed, he remembered the message he had left for Sun Yan, and poked his phone expectantly.

Sun Yan: What an annoyance! Why don't you bother

Sun Yan: Seeing you is annoying, not seeing you is even more annoying.

Sun Yan: I can't help but miss you all the time, do you think you are annoying? !

Sun Yan: Stop talking, jet lag.

Yan Haian fell on the bed with his mobile phone in his arms, looked back and forth several times, and could almost see Sun Yan's stinky face while typing through the screen.

Feel a little cute.

Strange, why do you think this tall and thick guy is cute

How should I return him? Yan Hai'an thought about it with a rigorous attitude, until he fell asleep, but he didn't think of a perfect answer.

He silently repeated the question in the comments: How long are you coming back

It was only when Yan Haian boarded the plane that he realized that his economy class had been upgraded to first class. After landing in City S, the people from the hotel came directly to pick him up at the airport. Thanks to Mr. Sun, the treatment has been upgraded by more than a little bit.

Originally only planned to stay for two days, but just happened to meet an international art exhibition held in S city, and before that there was a graduation exhibition of S Academy of Fine Arts, so Yan Haian refunded his ticket and planned to stay for two more days to enjoy it.

Su Yin would call every day to inquire about Yan Haian's itinerary, and tried his best to express his desire to help, and even wanted to go directly to S City to be Yan Haian's temporary assistant.

It's a pity that Yan Hai'an doesn't have so many things and hypocrisy that need another person to serve him: "No, thank you. How soon will you be back, Mr. Sun?"

"I don't know the specific arrangement of Mr. Sun's work. This time he and Mr. Sun will go to country A to buy a bank. The time may be uncertain." Su Yin said apologetically, "I will ask for you, and I will call you later. ?”

Yan Hai'an hurriedly said: "Don't bother, I'm just asking casually."

Su Yin was very interested, so he stopped talking immediately: "Then how soon do you plan to come back? I can arrange air tickets and pick you up."

"I'm not sure about this, let's see again." Mo Yisheng was fine, drawing at home obediently, Li Qing's side also cooled them down, and Yan Hai'an was much freer than before.

I don't know if Sun Yan is too busy, the last time I asked him, he didn't reply to himself. It's only been three days, so I guess it will take a lot of time to come back, right

Yan Hai'an planned to stay in City S for a few more days to develop the channels here. It seems that the person in charge here thinks highly of him, and every day the wine bureau takes him to participate. Although they are all small fish and shrimps, if Mo Yisheng comes here, he will definitely despise him all over the place. Yan Hai'an doesn't like these things from the bottom of his heart, but he still has to deal with them.

"Hello?" As soon as Yan Haian returned to the hotel, he received a call from Su Yin, "I've arrived at the hotel, um, everything is safe."

He stayed in S City for a few days, and Su Yin made more than ten phone calls, morning and night, without a single call. Yan Hai'an couldn't laugh or cry when he answered, thinking that this assistant was not easy.

After putting down the phone, Yan Haian pulled his tie and sat on the sofa not wanting to move anymore. He drank a lot at night and was a little tipsy now.

The room Su Yin gave him had a good location, and the floor-to-ceiling windows on the 17th floor could see the busy traffic on the bustling street. He nestled on the sofa with a rare lazy expression.

After a moment of silence, he took out his phone, and the communication with Sun Yan was still stuck on the sentence "How long will it be back?" There was no answer.

"well… "

Yan Hai'an didn't know why he wanted to sigh, and slid his finger on the screen, wondering if he should have called at this time.

It is difficult for him to determine how deep his feelings for Sun Yan are, nor can he determine the extent of Sun Yan's feelings for him. own behavior.

Maybe it's because for him, there is no way to have that kind of desperate impulse in this life. But on weekdays, when he was busy and busy, his mind was full of things, but in the dead of night, when his mind was dizzy, it happened to be full of the figure of that person.

— ding dong.

Yan Haian rubbed his temples, and heard the doorbell rang hastily again. He thought for a few seconds, unable to think of who would knock on his door in the middle of the night.

However, the doorbell had already sounded like a symphony of fate, always feeling like he would be kicked if he didn't open the door, Yan Hai'an walked to the door with a headache, and opened a crack: "Who..."

Sun Yan turned his head and looked at him through the crack of the door: "Yo?"

Yan Haian: "..."

He took off the padlock and opened the door: "Why are you here?!"

The visitor looked travel-stained, stood coolly at the door, swept him from head to toe, and smiled: "Come to sleep with you."

Sun Yan took a step forward, forcing Yan Hai'an into the door. He blocked Yan Hai'an's waist with his strong arms, leaned sideways against the wall, and kissed him forcefully.

"Wait, uh!" Yan Hai'an was so kissed that he couldn't speak, his mouth seemed to be caught in a storm, so he could only passively follow the other party. He closed the door with his hands in a crack of reason, and then he let go of his mind and devoted himself to Sun Yan's enthusiasm.

Yan Haian moved, feeling a little uncomfortable in his stomach, and the memory came back immediately.

As soon as he moved, streams of stuff came out from behind. He frowned and looked at someone who had fallen asleep after ejaculation last night, lifted his feet out of the bed, and the warm liquid slid down his thighs, feeling ashamed as if he was incontinent.

Originally planning to take a bath, Yan Hai'an couldn't help but blush when he saw the mark left by him on the floor-to-ceiling window.

When Sun Yan pressed him against the glass yesterday, he almost jumped up and beat someone violently, but unfortunately his strength was so great that he couldn't resist. It's too embarrassing, why is this man so shameless

Yan Hai'an pulled the napkin with a cold face, squatted on the ground, wiped the marks less obvious, and then turned into the bathroom.