Improper Relationship

Chapter 33: goodbye


Although he met Wang Yu in City S, Yan Hai'an still didn't contact any of his classmates after returning to City B. He had been hesitant about when to go back, but he didn't expect Sun Yan to take it to heart after hearing a sentence that day.

Yan Hai'an opened the door and got out of the car. It was the school celebration and the school was open to the public. It was not yet 4 pm, and there were many people coming in and out of the door. He walked in with the crowd, and the sound of the radio came from the playground.

The school uniforms of the students who passed by him were the same as before, but their appearance was much more foreign than his original appearance.

You only go to high school once in your life.

Strange to say, at that time he had a mixed love and hate for this school, maybe he hated it more than he liked it, but looking back now, the rest of his emotions are indifferent, and those intense feelings are just the melancholy of a teenager after all, and there is nothing special about it of.

Yan Hai'an stood downstairs and looked around for a while, and stopped a student: "Excuse me, do you know where Teacher Feng Yiqing is?"

The boy is used to being asked for directions today, and pointed to another teaching building: "You mean the dean? The office is over there, but I don't know if he is there."

Yan Hai'an thanked him, and went to the office he was pointing at.

Probably because of the school celebration, except for those who were in class, everyone else went out, and the teaching corridor was empty. The dean has a separate office with the door closed.

Yan Hai'an knocked, but it didn't open.

No one is here.

Yan Hai stayed quietly for a while, then turned and left.

There was a man standing not far away with a shocked expression on his face.

After ten years of childhood, people will change, but Feng Yiqing has become a little bit more. I don't know if it's because of his position, Feng Yiqing's clothes are a bit old-fashioned, his face has no wrinkles, but his body is a bit fat, not fat at all, but his heart-pounding delicacy has been wiped away.

There was a hint of guilt in his eyes, but he immediately laughed: "Haian! Long time no see, I saw Wang Yu and the others just now, why, aren't you with them?"

The tone was very familiar, with a little more superficial enthusiasm than before. He seemed to be afraid of what Yan Haian would say: "Wang Yu said that I met you before, and I wonder if you won't come again this time. You haven't come to see the teacher for so many years. Have you also visited other teachers? ? Teacher Sun has retired, and taught you mathematics for three years at that time."

After listening to him, Yan Haian smiled when he was about to say something more: "Teacher Feng, I just want to come back and see you."

Feng Yiqing closed his mouth, his expression became vigilant, and his smile faded a little: "I thought you forgot about us teachers, and you didn't see you at the class reunion. I have something to do right now, otherwise you wait for me ?”

"No, I'll leave after a few words." Yan Hai'an was in a trance, but he didn't think too much when he came here, and he didn't even organize his words to say something to Feng Yiqing, so he just came here.

He still remembered every detail of being with Feng Yiqing, that Feng Yiqing seemed to be divorced from reality, he was not the same person as the current one, or even the later Feng Yiqing.

Perhaps Feng Yiqing has not changed, he is just such a person, a bit smart, spiritually pursuing, but also very practical, cowardly, calculating, and never treats a seventeen-year-old boy as an equal. When you like it, you can enjoy the devotion of love. When you feel it is a burden, you have to cut it off.

It was Yan Hai'an who beautified him too much in his own heart, but maybe the students have a good imagination of their teacher.

Yan Haian took a step towards Feng Yiqing, Feng Yiqing immediately took a step back.

His smile has completely disappeared: "Yan Hai'an, what exactly do you want to do?"

"What are you afraid of?" Yan Hai'an smiled, thinking that it was really funny, "Actually, I never thought of using our relationship to threaten you. To me, that is not something that can be used to threaten anyone handle."

No matter what Feng Yiqing thinks, to Yan Hai'an, it was a beam of light that illuminated him in his muddle-headed, miserable youth. How could he be willing to spoil such a precious thing

Feng Yiqing seemed to want to turn around and leave, but he was concerned about Yan Hai'an and didn't move: "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Yan Haian glanced out of the corridor, the trees in summer are always green and vibrant, and the way the sun falls on them will make people full of hope.

Was the sky so blue back then

He turned back and said, "I know that you are the one who said that I sold myself as an escort in the bar. I knew it from the beginning. No one listened to my explanation. After all, I do work in the bar."

Feng Yiqing froze: "What evidence do you have?"

Yan Hai'an shook his head: "I have no evidence, but I know who did it. Don't worry, I don't intend to tell other people. I knew at that time that it was very important for you to associate with Mr. Li without telling me. Angry, but I'm really not prepared to do anything to you."

Teacher Li is the principal's niece, and Feng Yiqing became the envy of everyone for a while, while Yan Hai'an seemed superfluous and an eyesore.

Maybe this is also the reason why Yan Haian was expelled so quickly that year, and I don't know how Feng Yiqing told her.

"You're already married to her, right?" Seeing Feng Yiqing now, Yan Haian said, "I can't blame you for being a liar. For a long time, I really wanted to do something to fight back against you."

But he couldn't do it, even though he was so embarrassed and betrayed so hard, his pride still didn't allow him to do the same despicable things as the other party.

"What the hell are you trying to do!" Feng Yiqing couldn't listen anymore, and asked sharply, "Don't force me to find security to kick you out!"

"I'm here to say goodbye to you. I've hated you and myself for so many years. But I think that's enough, it's over, and it's useless to think about it." Yan Hai'an smiled slightly, hanging down slightly The eyelids looked a little tender and tired, "Goodbye, I'm going to be myself again."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head, his eyes were full of light from the side, just like the youthful spirit back then.

Feng Yiqing was dumbfounded.

Yan Haian has already walked past him.

Feng Yiqing suddenly said, "Yan Hai'an!"

Yan Hai'an's back didn't stop, he had turned around the stairs, and he couldn't be seen anymore.

He walked forward all the way, with the noisy crowd and the past behind him, walked along the avenue of plane trees to the outside of the school gate, walked through high school, walked through pain, and walked towards his present.

Sun Yan was smoking with the car window open. Seeing him coming, he looked at him with a filter in his mouth.

Maybe Sun Yan knew something, but he didn't ask anything. Just like Yan Hai'an never asked about those painful memories of Sun Yan, this is their precious tacit understanding, never pity each other.

Feng Yiqing is a romantic person and a literati, he loves foreign poetry the most. In order to please him, Yan Hai'an watched a lot of them.

For some reason, I remembered this sentence:

—I stand before you at the end of the day, and you will see my scars, and know that I was wounded and I was healed.

Yan Haian got into the car, and heaved a sigh of relief when surrounded by the air conditioner.

Sun Yan asked: "Solved? So fast?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Yan Hai'an suddenly smiled, "Go home?"

Whether he admits it or not, he has already lost too much because of Feng Yiqing, his heart is full of dust, and there is still a pile of garbage.

If he doesn't clean these up, how can he welcome other people to settle in

Sun Yan raised his eyebrows when he saw that he was relaxed and relaxed, took off his cigarette and threw it away: "Go home."

The beginning of summer vacation heralds another round of peak season for tourism, but in July, City B was as hot as a pressure cooker, and when there were more people, I felt even more irritable.

Yan Haian waited outside the train station, constantly looking at his watch. Obviously it should have arrived at 10 am, because it was late and I didn't know when it would be postponed.

Finally, the electronic screen reminded the train from Province S to enter the station. Ten minutes later, the crowd poured out. Yan Haian cheered up and searched for familiar faces in the crowd.


Yan Haian raised his hand and waved it vigorously, while continuing to call: "Haijian! Rigorous!"

Strict and sensitive, he heard his voice first, and when he looked at him, he dragged his father over.

"Brother!" Yan Haijian burst into laughter as soon as he saw his younger brother. He was obviously very happy. He held the bulging woven bag in one hand and patted him on the shoulder vigorously with the other, "It's grown again!"

Yan Haian was also very happy, and wanted to take what he was holding, but Yan Haijian avoided it: "This is heavy, I'll do it."

Yan Hai'an didn't compete with him either: "Rigorousness has become so high in a blink of an eye. I just nodded like that when I saw him last time."

Rigorously holding a plastic bag in one hand and a luggage bag in the other, not being infected by the enthusiasm of the adults, he pursed his lips and stared at Yan Hai'an.

Yan Haijian was a little embarrassed, and slapped him on the head: "Why don't you shout people! Are you talking?"

"It's okay." Yan Hai'an saw that the rigor was a bit introverted, and took the initiative to change the luggage bag from the child's hand to his own, "Come with me, go back and put your luggage first, and then I will take you to dinner."

A group of people squeezed through the crowd and walked to the parking lot. The SUV is spacious enough, and the trunk can easily fit all the luggage. Yan Haijian sat in the co-pilot: "Are you buying a car?"

Yan Haian smiled and said: "No, it belongs to someone else, and I just borrowed it."

"Oh..." Yan Haijian didn't know what he thought of, showing an embarrassed expression, retracted his hands and sat down. But it may be that he is not used to the quiet atmosphere, so he immediately said again: "I brought some food from the house, and my mother told me to bring a can of Doubanerjiang, you can save it for yourself."

They were catching the train all the way, and they carried such a big bag of things, and what they brought was not necessarily delicious. It was all a thought, Yan Haian smiled and said: "Great! I think about the taste of home every day, here I haven't had it for years."

Only then did Yan Haijian feel relieved and laughed.

Rigorous sitting in the back row didn't try to intervene, just sat by the window and looked outside.

Yan Haian booked a hotel for them in advance. Originally, Sun Yan insisted on taking them home, but Yan Haian knew that Yan Haijian still had a big problem with his sexual orientation, and they hadn't persuaded each other for so many years. The current situation is that his elder brother can't control him, but he definitely doesn't agree, so he just drags it along like this. He can't be blatantly irritating people with Sun Yan in front of Yan Haijian all day long, right

After the two of them settled down, Yan Haian went home to put away his things, but Sun Yan waited at home unexpectedly.

Sun Yan saw his big and small bags, and hurried to help. He has great strength, and he carried the two heaviest bags with each hand: "Did you get it?"

Yan Haian nodded, and took out something from the woven bag. Sun-dried peanuts, sweet potatoes, and walnuts were packed in plastic bags, half of which were stuffed, and there was also a large jar of bean paste.

There are so many things, I really don't know when I will finish them.

The author has something to say:

At the end of the day, I stand before you, and you will see my scars, and know that I was wounded and I was healed.

-"Stray Birds"