Improper Relationship

Chapter 4: Thousands of lights


After eating a spoiled meal, it was close to two o'clock in the afternoon. Sun Yan drove Yan Haian back to the studio. Mo Yisheng was already awake, curled up on the sofa, eating the takeaway that Yan Haian told the front desk to order, and looking at his easel, as if he was thinking about it. Here is still building where to write.

Yan Haian shouted, "Yi Sheng."

He turned his head and saw that Yan Hai'an was fine, and when he saw Sun Yan next to him, he immediately showed a look of boredom, and reluctantly said hello under Yan Hai'an's gaze.

Sun Yan was smiling, and his casual gaze probably scanned the entire space, staring at the only decoration in the room—the three paintings.

This set of paintings is a bit abstract, and they are very similar to each other. The chaotic colors are highly saturated, but it does not give people a lively feeling. There are some thick lines that seem to be messy on the top, entangled from the lower left corner to the upper right. Fang, there is a black spot on each painting, as if the author used a brush to chop off the canvas, the position in each painting is different, from left to right, then to the right near.

He squinted his eyes for a while, and then spoke to Mo Yisheng naturally: "You also drew this?"

Before Mo Yisheng could answer, he said, "Probably not."

Both Mo Yisheng and Yan Hai'an were a little surprised. This painting was indeed not painted by Mo Yisheng, but it is difficult for people who are not familiar with paintings to distinguish the painter from such unobvious paintings. Mo Yisheng didn't intend to talk to Sun Yan at first, but now he couldn't help but ask, "Can you see that?"

Sun Yan took one last look at the painting and asked, "Are you selling it?"

After Mo Yisheng finished eating the takeaway, he put the lunch box on the ground casually, and when he got off the ground, he said firmly: "I won't sell it. Mr. Sun, I'm going to start drawing."

The implication is that you should go now.

"It doesn't matter, you can draw." Sun Yan said, turned around and sat down on the sofa, with his hands spread out on the back of the sofa, like an old man.

Yan Hai'an gave Mo Yisheng a helpless look, and Mo Yisheng turned around, staring at his painting in a daze, making up his mind to treat Sun Yan as nothing.

With a thick skin, a high status, and an unpredictable personality, Yan Hai'an had nothing to do with Sun Yan, so he went to pack the lunch box sadly.

Sun Yan raised his eyebrows at the look of his familiar nanny, who was obviously used to it.

Mo Yisheng has a simple mind, out of sight and out of mind, as long as he can draw pictures, he can put aside the big things. He quickly put the annoying guy behind him and picked up his paintbrush to continue his work.

Yan Hai'an threw away the trash, and walked back to the studio with a glass of water. Sun Yan tilted his head slightly, instead of looking at Mo Yisheng, he looked at the set of paintings on the wall.

Yan Hai'an handed the water to Sun Yan with a complicated mood, but Sun Yan withdrew his hand to hold it, apparently not intending to take a sip.

In the whole room, there were only the sofa and the wooden stool under Mo Yisheng's buttocks to sit on. Yan Haian stood for a while, and then quietly sat on the edge of the sofa closest to the armrest.

Sun Yan glanced at him keenly, as if Yan Hai'an had invaded his territory. Yan Hai'an was thinking about standing still, but Sun Yan had already turned his head away.

The only sound in the room was the slight sound that Mo Yisheng occasionally made when he was painting. At first, Yan Hai'an was wary of Sun Yan, but after more than two hours, Sun Yan hadn't said a word. He gradually relaxed his vigilance and began to think about various trivial matters.

Li Qing will gather a circle of insiders every month, and it should be ready next week. This time, we have to see who is there after pulling Bramo Yisheng... Recently, the number of clients in the studio has increased. However, there should still be enough manpower, so don't hire any more people for now...

The sofa moved slightly, and Yan Haian regained consciousness instantly. Sun Yan took out his phone and listened to a few words: "Okay, okay, I see, you're never finished."

The tone is impatient, but there is a kind of intimacy in it. Yan Hai'an took a sneak peek at Sun Yan, and found that the sense of distance on the other party's body that was thousands of miles away had dissipated a little.

Yan Haian's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly came to his senses.

Sun Yan didn't care at all.

He didn't care what Yan Hai'an said, he didn't care about wasting an afternoon with them when he was free, and maybe he didn't care about Mo Yisheng either.

He is like a lion who has accidentally become interested in small flowers on the roadside, and is just going to spend a while here.

Sun Yan got up and waved to Yan Hai'an. The two of them quietly went downstairs without disturbing Mo Yisheng.

"Yi Sheng is so reckless in painting, remember to ask him to eat." Sun Yan told Yan Hai'an as if he was telling his subordinates, "I will send someone to deliver the dinner. I will go first and come next time."

He saw the price list on the counter and pointed casually: "Help me get the most expensive one."

Look at this statement, it's really a standard line for local tyrants. Yan Haian took a deep breath, and said to the girl at the front desk, "Help Mr. Sun go through the formalities."

The little girl had long coveted Sun Yan's beauty, her face flushed slightly, and she took out a watch in a very gentle and reserved manner.

Sun Yan took out the card and raised his chin to Yan Hai'an: "You fill it out, I'm too lazy to do it."

Yan Haian took the card silently, not only helped to swipe the POS machine, but also buried himself in helping to fill in the form, and put out a hand beside him, pinching his chin and lifting his head.

The blush on the little girl's face faded, and her eyes almost popped out.

Sun Yan asked with a smile, "Unhappy?"

Yan Haian was in pain from being pinched, turned his head, and calmly got rid of Sun Yan's not-so-serious restraint: "How could it be? I also want to thank Mr. Sun for taking care of me."

There are paper towels printed with the studio's logo on the front desk for guests to use. Sun Yan pulled out one and wiped his hands slowly: "I like people who think they are smart the most. Such people are often very funny."

He smiled and nodded like a gentleman: "I'll go first, goodbye."

The little girl watched Sun Yan leave in a daze, and asked tremblingly, "Boss, who is this..."

Yan Hai'an said normally: "One customer. By the way, order two takeaways, as usual."

The little girl asked suspiciously, "Huh? But that person said just now that someone would send them here?"

Yan Hai'an said: "Today we will pack a work meal, and when it is delivered, you ask them to eat together."

"Oh, then..." Before she could finish speaking, Yan Hai'an had already turned around and went upstairs.

When it’s meal time, blue hydrangeas in long gift boxes are also delivered with the five-star takeaway. Yan Haian was very tired. Although the little girl said that this brand of flowers is a big name used by a certain celebrity to get married, the cards on this bunch of flowers are obviously matched. There is only the name of the recipient, and there is no other word, as if The flower-giver just gave a casual order.

It's expensive, but don't worry about it.

Hua Yan Haian asked the little girl to put it in the decoration space at the front desk, and turned around and said such a thing lightly to Mo Yisheng.

Mo Yisheng was taken aback: "Why did he send flowers here?"

Fortunately, it wasn't roses, so I don't know if it was Sun Yan who obeyed the sentence "Take your time slowly" or even he thought it was too much to send roses to men. Yan Hai'an looked at Mo Yisheng's innocent face and couldn't help but think. I didn't make up a reasonable but beneficial reason for Sun Yan: "I probably feel that I'm taking the liberty to disturb you, and I'm sorry, so let's go back and make up for it."

"Oh..." Mo Yisheng nodded, and his impression of Sun Yan was a little better, "For he has a heart."

Staring at Mo Yisheng after dinner, Yan Haian cleaned up and didn't stay in the studio any longer. He went downstairs and smoked half a pack of cigarettes in one go.

He was very upset, and he had no one to talk to, so he went alone to the bar he used to frequent.

Yan Hai'an didn't have any acquaintances, and he didn't chat with the bartender very much. He ordered a glass of ginger vodka, and sat at the bar with his brows furrowed.

A snap of his fingers exploded in front of his eyes, and Yan Hai'an was stunned.

The visitor sat on the chair next to him and ordered a martini with ice: "Long time no see, I thought I couldn't see you."

Yan Hai'an said indifferently: "He's not dead yet."

The dim lighting in the bar covered all kinds of blemishes on everyone's faces, and Li Xi's facial features were in excellent proportions. Such an eye-catching handsome guy attracted countless attentions as soon as he walked into the bar.

He laughed and said, "Why are you so aggressive? Who made you unhappy?"

As soon as Yan Hai'an heard the word "unhappy", he immediately thought of the pretender who killed a thousand swords, his face darkened, and then he was very vigilant about his state.

His temper is not as good as he showed, and five or six years later, he is also an arrogant young man who is unreasonable when he gets angry, and his current appearance depends entirely on self-discipline.

After the bar mixed the wine, put the coaster on it and pushed it in front of Li Xi, Li Xi chatted with him casually, then picked it up and took a sip, watching Yan Hai'an's face: "Where have you been recently?"

Yan Haian adjusted his mood, and his tone was no longer so out of control: "I'm very busy."

"Well, you are so ruthless." Li Xi lowered his voice and moved closer, "At any rate, it will be better for the two of us for a while."

This is an ordinary cocktail bar, so Yan Hai'an didn't expect to find the same kind to be accosted. Speaking of which, Li Xi is very suitable for Yan Haian's appetite in all aspects. There are many times, Yan Haian wants to follow.

Sometimes it's just too hard to be alone.

But then Yan Hai'an was so busy that he stopped coming to the bar, and Li Xi and Li Xi naturally calmed down. See you now, this person has not changed.

Yan Hai'an leaned his elbows on the bar, looked at Li Xi's handsome face, for a while, then gave up disheartened, and went to drink by himself.

Li Xi didn't know the choice he made in his mind just now, so he teased and said, "To be honest, do you have someone in your heart?"

As he spoke, he covered his chest and made a sad look: "For example, that unforgettable white moonlight in my heart?"

Yan Hai'an didn't answer, raised his brows, and touched Li Xi with his wine glass: "It sounds like you are very experienced."

"Tsk, at this age, who hasn't fallen in love a few times?" Li Xi shrugged calmly, as if he and Yan Hai'an were just old friends, but there was some tenderness in his eyes, "But the past It’s over, people have to move forward.”

Yan Hai'an didn't comment and took a sip of wine.

Li Xi smiled and said, "Do you really not think about me?"

"Next time." Yan Haian drank a glass of wine, calculated that it was almost done, got up and left, "I have to go back."

At this time, the studio was closed, but Mo Yisheng was still in the studio, Yan Haian didn't dare to leave Mo Yisheng alone for too long, and he didn't drink well, so one drink was enough. Li Xi turned around, leaned his back against the bar, and toasted him far away.

Yan Haian took a taxi back, and when he got downstairs, he looked up. There were still many rooms with lights on in this building, including Mo Yisheng's studio. Behind it stands silently, buildings of various communities surround it, and behind every window is a family.

Among thousands of lights, which one is lit for me

Probably because he was drunk and his thoughts were slightly intoxicated, such a hypocritical thought popped up unexpectedly. Yan Haian shook his head and walked into the gate.