Improper Relationship

Chapter 47: It's all fate


Sun Ling had never lost his composure in his entire life. He rushed to City Y almost in a frenzy, and used all available connections to bring Sun Yan and Yan Haian's family back to City B by helicopter, and then let Yan Haian enter. The best hospital rescue.

Yan Haian had multiple fractures in his back, two broken ribs on his left side, and the most serious injury was a lung contusion, which also caused sepsis, so he could only lie in the ICU for monitoring. He was rescued several times, but his life was still not out of danger. .

Sun Ling thought he would see a Sun Yan who was out of control and collapsed, but Sun Yan was very calm and took over everything. He himself is still on a drip, but he has to chase after the doctor every day to discuss his condition, and he even goes to comfort all of Yan Haian's relatives.

But this unusual calm made Sun Ling afraid. He would rather Sun Yan not yelling and crying like a man, rather than being completely ignorant of what he was thinking now.

Except for necessary matters, Sun Yan would stand outside the glass window of the ICU, no matter whether the curtains were drawn or not, he could still look inside without eating or drinking.

Sun Ling couldn't stand it anymore: "Why don't you take a break? You can't hold on any longer, what will Hai'an do?"

He knew he wouldn't listen to other Sun Yan, but mentioning Yan Hai'an's name would definitely get a reaction.

Sure enough, Sun Yan turned his head little by little, staring at Sun Ling with all the right eyeballs. His eyes were black and blue, his chin was full of stubble, and his eyes were very focused, to the point of nervousness.

He said: "If he can hold on, I can hold on."

Sun Yan's heart tightened, he was stunned for a long while, and finally understood what the extremely disturbing thing he saw in Sun Yan was.

It is the will to die.

Sun Ling raised his hand, as if he wanted to punch Sun Yan, stopped in the air for a long time, and then slowly put it down: "What do you mean?"

Sun Yan stared at the window without speaking, his profile was exhausted, and he felt like he might fall down at any moment.

Sun Ling gritted his teeth, his chest heaved. Since he was a child, Sun Yan has a very hard temper and a good face. He would swallow it with a smile even if he broke a tooth. , just because of this temper, he and himself have been confronting each other all the time, refusing to make people at all, and fighting against each other everywhere. It was so annoying that Sun Ling once wanted to change his younger brother with his classmates.

He raised his voice and questioned: "Yan Hai'an is lying in there for you, his parents are promising with this son, you don't care about anything?"

Unexpectedly, Sun Yan said: "I've already written the will, and they won't have to worry about it for the rest of their lives."

After finishing speaking, he could still smile: "If you rob someone's son, you have to show it."

Sun Ling listened to him with a pale face, that wanting to die is actually a terrible idea, but Sun Yan looked organized and not impulsive at all, as if he didn't feel anything about it, just like his All emotions were pulled out of the body by a big hand, turning into extreme calm.

Maybe all the people who want to die are the same, because there is no living head, no hope, and no way out, so they think about dying in an extremely peaceful way.

At this point, death is the only way out.

Sun Ling stared blankly at the glass window with only curtains, his heart was blank. He should have persuaded Sun Yan, or scolded and beaten him, but he was so clear about the nightmare that haunted Sun Yan all his life that he didn't know where to start.

The only thing he could think about was that Yan Hai'an must not have any accidents.

Yan Jiali and the others didn't know about the conversation between the brothers, nor did they know about Sun Yan's plan, but seeing Sun Yan's dedication to his son was very touching, even if he knew that Yan Hai'an was the one who was most injured in order to save Sun Yan They have no complaints about that.

The simple old man believes in fate, and this is fate.

"Xiaoyan, why don't you take a break, you'll be ruined if you strangle me like this." Lu Suju couldn't stand Sun Yan's self-harming behavior anymore, "Having a friend like you in Hai'an, this life is worth it .”

Sun Yan even looked a little scary now, he smiled at Lu Su, but ended up pulling the corners of his mouth stiffly: "It's okay, auntie, I can feel at ease by guarding."

Lu Suju couldn't force him, so she turned her head and said to her old man, "Xiaoyan looks so worrisome, does he think it's his fault that Hai'an got hurt?"

Yan Haili didn't relax his brows during this time, and only sighed when he heard the words.

"Well, when I look at him these days, I feel..." Lu Suju continued doubtfully, "If something happens to Hai'an, he won't be able to survive. How about we persuade him again?"

"What are you talking about? How is it possible?" Yan Haili retorted and thought about it carefully, and felt that it was true. They have never seen anything in the world, but they have lived for most of their lives, and they still have a little discernment in seeing people.

"To be honest, I never thought that there would be someone who would treat Hai'an so well." Lu Suju sighed, "At first, I blamed him a little bit, but seeing him like this, I can't say anything."

Yan Haijian was bored to the side and didn't speak. He is also very entangled, Yan Hai'an doesn't want his life for Sun Yan's sake, Sun Yan also cares about Hai'an, can a man and a man really live a lifetime

His Nokia rang. It was a call from the hospital.

Yan Haian is out of danger.

Lu Su bowed and burst into tears: "God bless, God bless."

"Go, go, cut to the hospital!" Yan Haili almost jumped to the waist when he stood up, and Yan Jing immediately supported him. The whole family rushed to the hospital, Yan Haijian was the first to run, and ran towards the ICU. Halfway through the run, he realized that he was dizzy, and Yan Haian had already been transferred to the general ward.

Rigorously one step behind, instead he asked about the location and led Yan Haili and Lu Suju one step ahead. He was also anxious in his heart. After seeing the house number, he opened the door and entered.


Lu Suju bumped into her grandson and asked anxiously, "What are you doing? Why did you close the door?"

Yan Jing stared and held the doorknob tightly, and couldn't control his mouth. For a while, he couldn't tell what the picture he saw just now meant, but he subconsciously felt that it was not very good.

Yan Haili was a little out of breath just now, and reached out to push the door: "Claws stuck here? Why don't you enter Qinan? Ann?"

The scene just now was too shocking, and he couldn't help stammering rigorously: "He, they..."

This is a single ward, spacious and bright, so it is clear at a glance, rigorous and tangled and surprised, was Boss Sun kissing uncle just now? Or is Boss Sun just bending over to check something

Seeing Yan Haijian's late arrival, he turned around and leaned against the door, instinctively not wanting the adults in, and decided to hide the matter.

"Claw claw?" He stared at Yan Jing, "Xiao Jin?"

Being stared at by grandpa, grandma and dad Qiqi, Yan Jing was flustered and hurriedly said: "I think uncle is a bit tired, otherwise we will wait later..."

Before he finished speaking, there were several sounds of objects falling to the ground in the room. Yan Haijian didn't dare to delay any longer, and rushed in despite his ignorance.

"Boss Sun!" Yan Haijian helped Sun Yan who had fainted to the ground, and hurriedly called Yan Jing to ring the bell. Nurses and doctors hurried over, but they didn't expect that the person who had the accident was not lying on the bed.

Sun Ling held back his breath, his cold heart was still warmed up, and he didn't intend to come, but when he heard that Sun Yan was fainted, he had to rush over.

Sun Yan's diagnosis was not a major problem, but low blood sugar and malnutrition.

Seeing that Sun Yan was about to get out of bed as soon as he woke up, he angrily pushed him back: "Come on, everyone over there is fine, can you calm down?"

Sun Yan looked at him, his eyes were sunken and his cheeks were a little sunken, but somehow his eyes were a little angry: "Brother."

Perhaps he hadn't spoken for too long, and his voice was very unpleasant. The content contained in this voice was too complicated, and Sun Ling couldn't finish it for a while.

How many years has this guy not called brother? Beginning with graduation from kindergarten

"... Oh, I really convinced you." Sun Ling didn't know whether to scold or care, and didn't know if he had broken the Milky Way in his previous life. In this life, with such a younger brother, "You just pity me Right? Are you going to torture me to death? I don’t even want a child anymore, and I can still live if it’s as hard as you to support me?”

Sun Yan smiled, then coughed.

Sun Ling rudely stuffed him with a glass of water: "Just these two bottles of glucose, finish it quietly for me, and then you can go and watch over there."

Sun Yan wasn't willful this time. He glanced at the bottle and opened the infusion tube to the maximum.

Sun Ling: "..."

You can do it, I am convinced.

After finishing the infusion as quickly as possible, Sun Yan returned to Yan Hai'an's ward. The whole family of the Yan family stayed inside, and when they saw Sun Yan coming, they stepped forward to show concern, only Yan Jing still hid to the side with the scene of shocking the three views flashing back in his mind.

Lu Su interrogated: "The doctor didn't say anything, how long will it take to wake up?"

"Wake up when the anesthetic wears off." Sun Yan's eyes fell on Yan Hai'an. Yan Hai'an was originally pale, but now there was no color at all, and he seemed to blend in with the sheets.

This whiteness hurt his eyes, he walked over to help Yan Haian tuck the sheets, touched his pale forehead, and carefully brushed away the scattered bangs from his eyelids.

This series of actions is done very naturally and full of emotion, and the tenderness and friendship can be clearly felt by others. Lu Suju faintly felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong: "Xiaoyan, why don't you take a rest, let's come and see Hai'an."

Sun Yan couldn't bear to take his gaze away from Yan Hai'an: "It's okay, if it wasn't for him, maybe I would be gone. It's what I should do to guard him."

After he finished speaking, he turned to Lu Suju: "Auntie, Hai'an saved my life, and I will never forget it. His affairs are my affairs, and his relatives are also my relatives. You and uncle are still in love." There is a big brother and his family can come to me directly no matter what they have, and I will support you with him in the future."

"Hey, this..." Sun Yan said sincerely. Lu Suju didn't expect him to be so grateful, and he didn't mean to give a sum of money, but to make such a promise, and he was very moved, "Haian and you The relationship is good, he definitely didn't think so much at the time, so don't worry about it so much, it's good that both of you have nothing to do now."

Sun Yan smiled and looked back at Yan Hai'an. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were red. Whenever he looks at this person, everything around him disappears, because this is his future, his hope.

It is also his life.