Improper Relationship

Chapter 5: small differences


Li Qing's location is in a clubhouse, just downstairs of her gallery, there is a platform garden, which is planted with various green plants, which are pleasing to the eye and maintain privacy. It is especially pleasant to sit here when the weather is good .

The operation of the gallery is far less glamorous than it looks from the outside world, and the business tax that is much higher than other industries is a huge burden. Sometimes the bigger it is, the more it loses money. And unlike the established industry abroad, the domestic art market is not very popular, and there are also auction houses and art museums rushing to do the gallery business, so more galleries open and more close down. There are very few people like Li Qing who can do it for ten years. Yan Haian admires her for this alone.

"In the past few years, it was easy to do. Which larger gallery doesn't earn tens of millions a year?" Li Qing was wearing a long black dress, slightly curly long hair on her shoulders, makeup and jewelry. Exquisite, "Now that everyone is awake, there are fewer and fewer buyers who want to speculate, and there are still almost no collectors. It is thanks to Chairman Wang that my small business can continue."

Wang Yuhu sat on the main seat. He was slightly fat and elegant-looking. His hair was a little short in middle age, and it was neatly groomed. It should have been dyed so that it was shiny black.

Yan Hai'an had met the chairman of the Oil Painting Association of Province A, but he hadn't spoken to him before, so his impression couldn't be good or bad. All things like associations are non-governmental organizations, and the powerful ones can hook up with the government, but to put it bluntly, they are all self-indulgence of insiders. Mo Yisheng has always hated such and such associations, that is, because he is worried about him, Yan Haian has not had too much contact with this type of people.

Wang Yuhu waved his hands modestly, and greeted Li Qing politely: "With a gallery like yours, young talents now have more opportunities. Next time at the Biennale in City B, I want young people to show up more. Make a special exhibition for newcomers."

Li Qing immediately offered a few compliments. Besides Yan Hai'an and Mo Yisheng, there are six or seven painters, most of whom are young and newcomers like Mo Yisheng. Li Qing invited Wang Yuhu over today, just to draw a line in the middle, so that the group of people who sell paintings in his gallery can have a better chance.

Mo Yisheng obviously didn't appreciate her good intentions, he was bored, with a blank face, and had no desire to speak at all.

The person sitting next to him didn't participate in the conversation either: "Hello, I've seen you, Mo Yisheng, right?"

Mo Yisheng turned his head away, not recognizing him: "Yes, who are you?"

"My name is He Ling." He Ling is about thirty years old, wearing a dark blue linen long-sleeved shirt, and wearing a string of beads made of giant clams and colored glaze on his hands. Taste, looks very friendly.

He glanced at the people who were talking about it, and suddenly approached and whispered to Mo Yisheng: "Are you annoyed by this too?"

He looked like a student who was telling short stories in class, and straightened up again after he finished speaking, with a serious look.

Mo Yisheng laughed unexpectedly, then turned his back on everyone and frowned.

The corner of He Ling's mouth twitched, and he quickly suppressed it, saying with empathy: "But this is how this business is now, and we still have to get used to it."

As Li Qing said, most of the domestic buyers are buyers, and newcomers cannot cultivate a fixed customer base. Fame is very important, and fame means participating in solo exhibitions here, winning an award there, and entering a well-known conference. Title, paintings naturally sell at a starting price in the market.

Mo Yisheng didn't answer, making it clear that he wasn't interested.

He Ling said: "The last time I saw you standing in front of your painting, I wanted to come over, but I saw that you were busy. Then I left again, and I didn't find the opportunity."

Mo Yisheng thought for a while, and knew that he was talking about the time when Li Qing moved to the gallery. They chatted about this point, and extended it to Mo Yisheng's paintings.

On the other hand, Yan Hai'an originally attended this party for a purpose, so he naturally listened very carefully, and occasionally added a few sentences, acting knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

Wang Yuhu noticed him: "This one is a little strange, is it...?"

In fact, they were introduced by Li Qing as soon as they came, but they were not remembered by Wang Yuhu.

"He and Mo Yisheng are together." Li Qing smiled, "I mentioned it to you last time, and you even praised the painting of grapes and girls."

"Oh..." Wang Yuhu finally remembered that Mo Yisheng's paintings had a beautiful and romantic classical flavor, and he was really talented in the use of lines and light and shadow. His eyes turned to Yan Hai'an.

Yan Hai'an elbowed Mo Yisheng, who was chatting happily with He Ling, and kept talking: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask Chairman Wang for advice. I have seen Chairman Wang's previous paintings, and there are really many things worth learning from." The place."

Wang Yuhu smiled at Li Qing: "Too modest."

Li Qing also saw Yan Hai'an's actions, but Mo Yisheng closed his mouth, stared at them and it was over, and did not do anything else.

She knew Mo Yisheng's virtues very well, so she hurriedly said, "Young people, it's good to be humble. In fact, there is such a thing today. I want to hold an exhibition. What do you think should be the theme? "

Wang Yuhu didn't have a clue, he couldn't give any advice, he just had a taste: "It's good to have an idea, do you have an invitation list?"

Li Qing just asked that question. Since she wanted to do it, she had already thought about other things: "I want to do a special creation, with our local characteristics as the content. This is a selling point. After the exhibition, I will directly auction."

Wang Yuhu nodded, motioning for her to continue.

Li Qing turned to the others: "City B faces west, and there is an ancient village about 100 kilometers away. It has not been developed yet, so it is not very famous, but I have visited it, and it is very distinctive. And it will be developed soon. , Some companies are optimistic about its tourism resources and are already planning to start construction. If the theme of 'disappeared culture' is used to paint, the effect should be very good, and it will easily cause social topics at that time."

This means that the exhibitors have to go to the local area to collect pictures. Li Qing said generously that she chartered car fees, board and lodging. After all, these paintings will be sold in her gallery and are her commodities. She will never be stingy with these necessary investments. , the only requirement is that the time should not be too long. Some people can paint a painting for a year or a half, and she can't afford to wait.

Everyone present immediately expressed that they would all participate. Mo Yisheng was not interested in the association, but was interested in painting itself, so he agreed.

In the evening, Li Qing ordered Chinese food, which was of a very high standard, but Mo Yisheng refused to stay no matter how Yan Haian tried to persuade him.

Mo Yisheng kept complaining: "I shouldn't have come to this party today, I just knew what we were talking about."

"I didn't ask you to do anything, and I didn't delay things." Yan Hai'an persuaded earnestly, "I don't even need you to say anything, is that okay?"

Mo Yisheng frowned, and looked at Yan Hai'an with a bit of reproach: "This group of people gather together to hold their feet. Look at that chairman, he doesn't understand what he said. Have you really seen his paintings?" ? You like that kind of stuff?"

Yan Hai'an really watched it, otherwise what would you say when we chatted? "Yi Sheng, you are too extreme. These are just jobs."

"But painting is not work." Mo Yisheng looked at Yan Hai'an stubbornly, with obvious disappointment in his eyes, "What the hell are you... Hai'an, you were not like this when we were learning painting together before, I told you not to follow This kind of people are mixed. When you are with them, you smile too much."

These words hurt people, even though Yan Hai'an's skill in nourishing Qi is getting better now, he still gets stabbed painfully. His chest rose and fell several times. If painting is not work, how can he earn a living? What do you rely on to buy painting tools for you? In the eyes of some people, painting is art and the creation of the soul, but in the eyes of more people, painting is a commodity and a business that can be speculated. No one in any industry can exist in isolation and must abide by the rules.

Yan Hai'an tried his best to restrain himself, and looked at Mo Yisheng in silence. Mo Yisheng's eyes were still spotless and clean.

It's heart-poundingly clean, but also heart-wrenching.

" go back first, remember to eat." Yan Hai'an looked away as if admitting defeat, and urged tiredly, "I'll be back after dinner."

Seeing that he really didn't go back with him, Mo Yi angrily turned around and left alone.

At this time, Li Qing had already arranged the seats, and waited for the others to go to Qun Xing Gong Yue Wang Yu Hu, came down to find the two of them, saw that Yan Hai'an was the only one, and said clearly: "Or leave?"

Yan Hai'an sighed in his chest and didn't show it at all. He smiled at Li Qing normally: "You know he only likes painting, and hates socializing the most."

"Okay, he has always disliked the things I do." Li Qing didn't take it seriously, "After all, he is still young and has few experience."

The temperature has risen a little today, Yan Haian is still wearing formal clothes, he straightened his neckline, and still looks impeccable: "He is like this, it has nothing to do with how much he has done. And isn't the artistic conception in his paintings precisely because of this? "

"The paintings of the young and inexperienced have the purity of the inexperienced, and the paintings that have been read by Qian Fan have the depth of the painting." After Li Qing finished speaking, he gracefully took his hand and said, "Go, go up."