In Name Only

Chapter 15: pay a New Year call


Just like an actress with high self-esteem, Xu Jingzhe never touches any food with high heat and sugar, including popcorn, of course, so he didn't understand why Liang Yu's popcorn was eaten so fast.

In the dark, because the big screen attracted most of the attention, the other senses naturally increased their sharpness. When Xu Jingzhe was grasped by Liang Yu's fingertips, he subconsciously looked around, thinking that someone was filming them.

During the whole process, Xu Jingzhe kept quite calm, and even after it was over, he took out the handkerchief he was carrying with him and wiped the place where Liang Yu had touched it.

Xu Jingzhe didn't know the specific feeling, it was a bit like when Liang Yu helped him put on socks last time, his entire back was numb.

After Liang Yu chewed the popcorn in his mouth, he went to ask him for it again. Xu Jingzhe could only give him the bucket he had never touched. The movie was almost over, and he didn't want to miss the rest of the plot.

"Aren't you going to wash your hands?" Liang Yu asked suddenly.

Xu Jingzhe stared at the screen and said perfunctorily, "Wait and wash."

He actually felt that it didn't matter if he didn't wash his hands. His saliva had dried up early, and he might have been careless when he encountered it. Big men don't need to mind so much.

Liang Yu quickly ate half the bucket. He didn't seem to be interested in the movie at all, so he urged Xu Jingzhe to leave early when it was almost over.

Xu Jingzhe reluctantly followed Liang Yu to get up quietly, he packed the popcorn bucket, weighed the weight in his hand, and was a little speechless: "Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

Liang Yu replied, "It's all on vacation, can't I reduce it tomorrow?"

Liang Yu is indeed not like Xu Jingzhe. He does a lot of exercise, but he can't keep his mouth shut. Fortunately, his recent body management is mainly about building muscle, and the coach will not be too embarrassed for him.

The two went back to the car and waited. Luo Yaoyi and Mai Jiu came out after a while. Mai Jiu was one of the leading actors, and his condition was similar to Liang Yu. Go ahead and discuss the plot with Xu Jingzhe.

"It's a pity I didn't see the easter eggs." Luo Yaoyi said regretfully, "I don't know if Xiaocao has returned home."

Xiaocao is the role played by Jiang Yueming. There is a suspense at the end of the movie, and it doesn't say how Xiaocao is.

Xu Jingzhe was also very curious. Just as he was about to exchange a few words, he heard Liang Yu say coldly, "Going home, just in time for the reunion dinner."

Luo Yaoyi: "...As the starring role, you have no sense of professional ethics, shouldn't it be a spoiler?"

Liang Yu grinned and said with a sneer, "You should thank me for not sitting next to you and telling you what the movie was about."

Luo Yaoyao called out a long line of "Aah" again, scolding Liang Yu, and went back to the car to continue to touch up her makeup.

Xu Jingzhe stared at him for a while, then suddenly asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Liang Yu was driving the car, he wrinkled his nose childishly, and said with disgust, "You are so serious, I am too lazy to tell you."

After the normal New Year's Eve, the first and second days of the new year have to start visiting relatives. Xu Jingzhe's situation here is rather special. His parents have lived in Southeast Asia for many years, and they come back once or twice a year to comfort their children.

Xu Tianliang and Song Qiu opened a homestay in Thailand. During the Chinese New Year, the business was so good that they could only contact their son by phone.

"Does Liang Yu live with you now?" Song Qiu's voice sounded very energetic, Xu Jingzhe didn't tell her that he and Liang Yu were in a "business" relationship, Song Qiu just thought they were in love and were a pair of true lovers .

Although same-sex marriage has been open for many years, few are as open as Xu Jingzhe's parents.

"He lives with me." Xu Jingzhe said, "How are you and Dad doing, do you have enough money?"

Song Qiu: "You don't have to worry about us, but since Liang Yu lives with you, let's take a photo and send some to my mother."

"?" Xu Jingzhe didn't understand, "What are you doing?"

Song Qiu took advantage of it: "In the past, there were only photos of you in the store. After looking at it for a long time, customers would get tired of it. You can give me a few pictures of Liang Yu, and we can attract business together."

Xu Jingzhe: "..."

The issue of giving photos involves the image of the artist, so Xu Jingzhe must not give it casually. He later mentioned it to Liang Yu casually, and Liang Yu was also a little unbelievable: "What do you want?"

Xu Jingzhe: "The photo, my mother wants to put it in the homestay."

Liang Yu seemed to find it interesting. He deliberately joked: "Your mother wants my photo? Isn't it to see my son-in-law?"

"..." Xu Jingzhe thought to himself who you were taking advantage of, he explained, "She just wanted to set up the store to solicit business."

Liang Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "That has to be paid for advertising."

Xu Jingzhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't understand why he was being stingy. He said with a good temper, "You can tell me the number, and I'll give it to you now if it's appropriate."

Liang Yu really quoted the price, but it was not expensive. Xu Jingzhe generously gave the red envelope, and got Liang Yu's photos at night. They were all life photos taken at an unknown time. It's also good to find.

Xu Jingzhe packaged the photos and sent them to Song Qiu, then turned around and asked Liang Yu on WeChat, "Who took the photos for you?"

Liang Yu replied, "Why?"

Xu Jingzhe: "The technology is pretty good, can you introduce me?"

Liang Yu could see that it was a stinky fart: "Individual team, we will not lend it out."

Xu Jingzhe: "..."

Song Qiu was very satisfied when she got the photo. She said that it was displayed in the homestay the next day. She asked Xu Jingzhe, "Does he have a lot of family members? Did you go to pay New Year's greetings?"

"Fake business" does not need to be dedicated to this level, Xu Jingzhe can only tell the truth: "Not yet."

Song Qiu taught him a lesson: "Be proactive, do you want me to teach you about this?"

Xu Jingzhe could only bite the bullet and fool his mother first.

Liang Yu didn't mention his family, but Xiaoluo came in the second year of junior high.

Xu Jingzhe opened the door for her and was a little surprised to see her: "You don't have a holiday?"

"It's a holiday." Xiaoluo was very happy to see Xu Jingzhe, she said "Happy New Year" before continuing, "I'm here to pick up my brother and stay home for a few days."

A question mark slowly appeared on Xu Jingzhe's head. He looked back and saw Liang Yu coming down, his expression was very calm.

"I'm packing up, you wait for me downstairs." Liang Yu said to Xiao Luo.

Xu Jingzhe blinked, not knowing what to do.

Liang Yu called him over: "I have to go back to live for a week, what do you say?"

Xu Jingzhe didn't understand: "What should I say... Where are you going?"

Liang Yu: "Go back to my mother." He paused, raised his eyelids to look at Xu Jingzhe, and suddenly asked, "Would you like to come with me?"

Xu Jingzhe reacted, "Going to greet your family for the New Year?"

"..." Liang Yu's expression was a little complicated, "Mr. Xu, you don't need to work so hard during the Chinese New Year, just go and stay for a few days."

Xu Jingzhe let out an "oh", and after a while, he realized that he was a little too active, and said embarrassedly, "It won't bother you too much, right?"

"What's the trouble with this?" Liang Yu seemed to have suddenly thought of something. His expression changed for a long time before he said unsurely, "My family... There are a lot of people, so please bear with me."

Xu Jingzhe: "?"

The author says:

Teacher Liang: "It's okay to see the son-in-law, but you need to pay extra for advertising."