In Name Only

Chapter 73: Hot search again


There are more than 1,000 kilometers of road from Mohe to Yichun, and it takes 12 hours to drive. Lin Zhuo and let the shooting team go on the road first, make-up, video, lighting, and so on. Anyway, they all go first, and Qin Wan has already arrived directly in Yichun. , she had to contact the local government to confirm the most suitable location for the scene, and delineate a range, so that Lin Zhuoyu and the actors could focus on filming.

Yichun Forest District is still the peak tourist season in September and October. In order to avoid crowds, the crew can only continue to go deep into the mountains. There are also many protected wild animals in the mixed forest. The local government sent people from the forest farm to help them surround the land to prevent wild animals from infesting them. .

Qin Wan planned the homestay in advance, and she deliberately chatted after Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu arrived.

"I heard from Director Lin that your role is quite heavy." Qin Wan took out a cigarette from her carry-on bag, put it on her lips, and didn't light it, "I have already discussed with Zhang Man about the promotion, and I will prepare Keep it low-key and announce it after the filming is over, what do you think, Teacher Xu?"

Xu Jingzhe smiled and said, "This is not my concern, you can decide."

Qin Wan just likes an actor like him. She has few things to do, she just wants to make a good show, and everything else is unimportant. She has been in the circle for a long time, and she knows that there are too few such actors. There is only one person in the industry like Jing Zhe, who is still the red life.

When Liang Yu arrived in Yichun, he didn't need to work anymore. What Lin Zhuoyu meant was to let him and the forest rangers of the forest farm work together and spend a few hours every day patrolling.

Wuhuashan is the most beautiful time now, and Xu Jingzhe is the first time in his life that he has seen so many trees. He didn't understand the concept of "the forest is full of dye" before, but now that he has seen it, he can truly understand this picture.

The Korean pine is evergreen all year round, and the green is conspicuous. The larch gradually turns golden after the autumn frost, and the red maple is purplish red. It is like poured on the lush tree canopy, the color is like a mixed color plate, flowing across the corners of the mountains and rivers. Xu Jingzhe accompanied Liang Yu to the top of a mountain in the early morning. When he looked back, he could only feel that there were thousands of miles of color and splendid peaks under his feet.

There are more than a dozen mountain patrollers, all young men and women. They don't care that Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu are big stars who come to film. The main reason is that there is a problem with Liang Yu's image. Everyone thought he was the new mountain worker in the team.

Liang Yu was dressed similarly to them, with a large cotton-padded coat, cotton pants, and hiking shoes. He carried a mountaineering bag on his waist, which contained some things he needed for hiking in the deep mountains.

Lin Zhuoyu has been taking people to set the scene in the past few days. The scenery of Wuhua Mountain during the day is more important than the night, which means that their actors do not have to follow the big night, and many scenes can be filmed at dawn. Lin Zhuoyu finally did not continue to change the script of this section, and sent it directly to several of them. Xu Jingzhe couldn't put it down all day long, and he had to recite it as he walked in the woods.

Halfway through the mountain tour, everyone had to take a break. The captain in front brought water, and Xu Jingzhe sat on the pile of fallen leaves regardless of whether his pants would be soiled.

He was still flipping through the script, and after flipping through it for a while, he looked up and found Liang Yu looking at him.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jingzhe asked, "Are you tired?"

Liang Yu raised his chin: "You stand up."

Xu Jingzhe stood up according to his words, and Liang Yu told him to turn around. Sure enough, he had just stomped his butt, and his pants were covered in mud.

"..." Xu Jingzhe looked at the ground and found that the fallen leaves were quite thick, but in the early morning, the dew was heavy, and all the leaves that fell at night were soaked.

Liang Yu asked him, "Are your underwear wet?"

Xu Jingzhe said embarrassedly, "I don't feel anything... I wore two, and I also wore long pants."

It was really cold here in September and October. Xu Jingzhe woke up one morning and felt that his legs were frozen, so he directly asked the owner of the homestay to buy a pair of long johns and put them on for 24 hours.

Liang Yu was embarrassed for a moment, maybe he didn't expect: "Are you wearing long johns?"

Xu Jingzhe still understands the truth of "you can't wear long johns in the fashion world", but it's all over now, who cares about this, these days, he doesn't say anything about his makeup, and he doesn't care about his hairstyle, and his clothes and pants are all local. What a man wears what he wears.

"You're not afraid of being a substitute photographer." Liang Yu finally couldn't hold back and laughed, "But if there is a substitute photographer, you probably won't recognize us." He said, making Xu Jingzhe come closer and help him clean up. Mud on the ass.

Liang Yu seemed to suddenly remember something, and whispered: "You are at my house during the New Year, digging soil in the vegetable garden, and you are afraid that the mud will get on your body."

Xu Jingzhe blinked and asked him, "Is the hole I dug still there?"

Liang Yu looked up at him and said, "Isn't it already buried here?"

Xu Jingzhe was inexplicably happy, and he asked Liang Yu when did you start liking me

Liang Yu refused to say it, he said you wouldn't think about it yourself.

Xu Jingzhe asked himself again on his birthday, when the thunder struck, did you want to confess.

"You also said that the show is fake." Xu Jingzhe was quite proud.

Liang Yu: "You said it first and foremost." He refused to admit defeat, "You dare to say that you didn't like me at that time?"

Of course Xu Jingzhe did not dare to say it.

In fact, the conversation between the two was not nutritious. First, Liang Yu said that Xu Jingzhe had bad taste, and the socks were too ugly at first.

"I told you to change it." Xu Jingzhe felt that he couldn't get past this hurdle, "Zhang Man said you couldn't look at socks, but I thought you would actually look at them."

Liang Yu's expression was very pretentious: "You don't understand, gays pay attention to details."

Xu Jingzhe: "You also said that I should have sex when I look at my face."

"I'm complimenting you." Liang Yu said lazily, and he casually said, "Who do people like us like, even if we haven't talked about it yet, the most thing we want to do is to have sex with him."

Xu Jingzhe understood, Liang Yu admitted in disguise that his face was his heavenly dish, but he didn't expose it, coaxing people to be happy for a while.

Liang Yu later took Xu Jingzhe's men down the mountain. They didn't shy away when they got to the foot of the mountain. Even the tourists who passed by saw everything, but most of them didn't recognize them, they just thought they were a local couple of the same sex. Little couple, after a few glances, they passed by.

But they forgot that this is the season, tourists don't pay attention, but there are too many videos, and there are always one or two that go outside the circle, and the sharp-eyed can recognize it.

The first thing that became popular was on Dou X. The angle of the short video was just shot from the middle of the colorful mountain to the foot of the mountain. Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu entered the country the whole time. , but it can be seen that they were used as reference objects, and finally added a text, saying that it is "the beautiful love of Wuhuashan."

As a result, the topic #wuhuashanjumeilove# became a hot search that night.

When Zhu Xiaoxiao was called by Zhang Man on the phone in the middle of the night, she was still a little confused. She chatted with Xiao Luo too late at night. Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu would send them some news about filming every day. , While nibbling on sugar, like Xanadu, I don't know what is going on.

"How much filming materials do you have." Zhang Man knew that Xu Jingzhe was in contact with Zhu Xiaoxiao. With Zhu Xiaoxiao's level of dedication, any thing Xu Jingzhe sent her would be saved in a special folder like a treasure.

Zhu Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, "There are many."

Zhang Man: "Let's sort it out, maybe the movie has to be announced in advance."

"?" Zhu Xiaoxiao was still a little reluctant, "Is it so fast, why?"

Zhang Man said angrily: "I also want to ask why! Teacher Xu pays so much attention to people who are burdened by idols! Did you see what he looked like in the hot search?! What the hell did Liang Yu do to him! , you want to be ugly, right?!"

Zhu Xiaoxiao: "..."