In Name Only

Chapter 77: Famous and real (end)


When Xu Jingzhe arrived at the company in the morning, his hair hadn't been done yet. It was the first time that Zhang Man saw his "chicken nest" up close. The shock was shocking. Depressed "how can my child become like this" sense of collapse.

So Xu Jingzhe felt a little embarrassed after taking off his hat and asked her, "Is it really so ugly?"

Zhang Man's expression was complicated, and he said, "Is the filming environment so hard?"

She had seen Liang Yu's image in the play, and it's no exaggeration to say "I can't recognize him at all". In contrast, Xu Jingzhe is much better, mainly because she is used to seeing her own boss. Years of delicacy have been like a day, and suddenly I can't bear it.

"As long as your face isn't broken," she said as if planning for a rainy day, "I know you work hard for your role, but you're in your thirties, not when you were in your teens or twenties. You could make it that way in the early days, but now you have to take it easy."

Xu Jingzhe smiled and didn't know if he heard it or not. Anyway, whatever she said, he still pays attention to his image. He came to the company today and wore branded clothes that were officially out on the street. His face was also clean and specially groomed. Eyebrows, in addition to hair, can't fault anything else.

Zhang Man couldn't bear to continue watching: "Let them cut it out for you in the afternoon."

Xu Jingzhe agreed.

According to the frequency of Xu Jingzhe's coming to the company, he rushes to work right after the show is definitely not just for his own image. After Zhang Man finished speaking, he stared at the pigeon egg on his left hand and found that his middle finger had been transferred to his ring finger. , and she wasn't sure whether Xu Jingzhe was photographed going out today.

Xu Jingzhe didn't waste too much time. After he confirmed the schedule for the next play, he said he would book a private villa in the suburbs.

Zhang Man pretended to be stupid: "Why did you order it? Are you having New Year's Eve dinner?"

Xu Jingzhe glanced at her, but didn't give her a clue: "I don't want to disturb the media too much for the wedding, so if I want to book a private villa, I invite friends and relatives I know to attend."

Zhang Man: "..." She didn't give up, "Do you have to do it by the end of the year?"

Xu Jingzhe: "Mr. Liang wants to do it earlier." After a pause, he added, "And you didn't say before that you should do things early and do things later, so that you don't have too many dreams at night."

"..." Zhang Man wondered when did I say that? ! At that time, I would say this because of engagement. Engagement is engagement, and marriage is marriage. Can this be the same? !

Xu Jingzhe wouldn't let Zhang Man think about the same thing now. He asked to book the entire villa, hire a well-known wedding design company, prepare bouquets, design dresses, finalize the list of invitations, and who to invite to be the wedding host.

Zhang Man felt that she was going to faint, and she finally asked, "Does all these Teacher Liang know?"

Xu Jingzhe seemed quite happy: "I don't know yet." He said, "Because I didn't tell him about the surprise."

Liang Yu was on the set waiting for Lin Zhuoyu to call for his shot. He wore the thickest military coat and huddled in a makeshift greenhouse. There was an oven next to his chair. Occasionally, he had to put his mobile phone on the oven when replying to news. On the fireside, so as not to be too cold to shut down.

Now, the entire crew is working at a faster pace, not because of lack of time but because the environment does not allow it. If the filming cannot be completed by mid-December, they will have to wait until the beginning of next year to continue filming.

Liang Yu opened WeChat while reading the script. The page stopped on the dialog box with Xu Jingzhe. The other party sent a few photos, wearing the pigeon egg he gave. Liang Yu watched it for a while and couldn't help laughing. .

Mo Yan and Zhou Jiulin also finished shooting a few days ago, and now there are only some local group actors left to accompany Liang Yu to finish the last few scenes. Lin Zhuoyu is going to take the last few snowy scenes today, with people and machines outside. Frozen to the point of becoming one.

Liang Yu took a few photos and sent them to Xu Jingzhe, who asked him if he was cold.

"There is an oven." Liang Yu said, "Now the phone does not dare to exit the interface, and if you exit, you may not be able to open WeChat."

Xu Jingzhe sent a "Hahahaha" emoji over here.

The field manager outside asked Liang Yu to come on camera. Liang Yu put down the script and sent Xu Jingzhe a message: "I'll be back after another two weeks. What are your plans?"

Xu Jingzhe replied "No".

The outside was urging people. Liang Yu could only leave his mobile phone beside the oven and go out to film first. When he came back after filming, there were snowflakes all over his head and neck. To the "click" sound of frost and snow.

Lin Zhuoyu also came in. They didn't bring any assistants. Everyone was too busy to take care of themselves and could only make their own. Liang Yu took off his half-wet military coat and started rubbing himself desperately, until his hands and neck became red. , it was replaced with dry rice again. Fortunately, the locals cooked a large pot of hot rice soup and kept it simmered so that they could drink it after filming.

Liang Yu went to press the phone beside the oven, but he was still shivering from the cold. It took a long time for the phone to turn on. Xu Jingzhe "No" followed by another message, saying that Xiaoluo would arrange for him to go to the beauty salon after he returned. .

Lin Zhuoyu also saw it, and gloated to damage him: "It seems that your wife dislikes you."

Liang Yu: "..."

After Xu Jingzhe replied the news, he continued to line up the guest list with Xiao Luo and Zhu Xiaoxiao.

When he was lining up the guest list, he realized that although there may not be many friends who usually look at it, but there are really a lot to count. The most important thing is that Liang Yu has a "payer" who has an account book. Please invite them. Also to pay.

"Just ask Mr. Xu to someone you know too." Xiao Luo said for Liang Yu, "No matter how big the red envelope is, it will pay back part of it, and it's not like we won't play mahjong in the future. During the festival, who would dare not come if my brother invites me? "

"..." Xu Jingzhe felt like a bandit robbery when he heard the brother and sister's tone, but after all, the family tradition, he didn't say much.

After finalizing the invitations, Xu Jingzhe had to go from house to house to give them away. After the first week of work, he felt a little dizzy and dizzy. He felt that getting married was really difficult. After all, the destruction of the world is easier than this.

"Wedding design, and flowers, etc., don't watch it yourself." Zhang Man said distressedly, "You can't do it."

She felt that Xu Jingzhe's professionalism radiated a bit too wide, and there was no problem in booking the villa, and the wedding was actually going to be run by himself. He has to take care of the flowers.

Xu Jingzhe was busy, but he was not bothered at all. He said, "Mr. Liang pays great attention to aesthetic details."

Zhang Man finally couldn't hold back, and asked a question from his soul: "...Who is the groom and who is the bride?"

Liang Yu finally returned to the capital from the icy Mohe near the end of December. He was on a plane early in the morning, and he didn't know where the itinerary was leaked. Except for the movie fans, all the paparazzi filming gathered at the airport, and the scale was terrifying.

And the media are not like movie fans. They also stare at Xu Jingzhe in addition to staring at him. When they found out that there is no other male protagonist at the airport, the trending search for #徐静zhindidn't pick up the airport# has already exploded on Weibo.

Liang Yu didn't read Weibo. He took the flowers from the fans, and took the scenes on behalf of him. The fans in the pick-up had big fans who had been with him for more than ten years, and they could even chat a few words occasionally.

"Mr. Liang has worked hard." The old fans knew his temper and deliberately kept a safe distance, saying, "You can rest for a while now."

Liang Yu smiled at them and said that he couldn't rest. He looked very good, and said, "I'm getting married."

The fans responded quickly, busy shouting "congratulations", and some even cried, saying, "Mr. Liang, you must be happy."

Liang Yu stretched out his arms with his back facing them, and in the end he just waved a few times.

Xiaoluo was already waiting at the door to help him with his luggage. After she got into the nanny car, she began to look at her brother's face carefully. After reading it, she felt a little heartbroken and said, "Even if you go to the beauty salon every day, it won't last for two or three months. I can't recover."

Liang Yuting didn't care: "I'm going to roll a needle?"

Xiaoluo: "It's not impossible, ask a reliable medical beauty center, Teacher Xu should know."

Liang Yu: "He doesn't move his face, it's pure natural."

Xiaoluo was speechless: "No matter how pure and natural it is, you have to take good care of it." She began to flip through her phone to search for business cards, and asked the driver to turn to the beauty salon she used to go to before, "Let's do basic care in the afternoon, sisters see your picture. The face must be crying."

Zhang Man is now numb to any news about Liang Yu and Xu Jingzhe on the hot search. Anyway, some people are more nervous than him, such as Yang Jerry. Called and asked what was going on.

Zhang Man: "Didn't you receive the wedding invitation, why are you panicking?"

Yang Jerry was so anxious: "Then there are still several days before marriage. Haven't you heard of pre-marital anxiety? Is Teacher Xu anxious?"

Zhang Man rolled his eyes at the air, thinking that Xu Jingzhe Jiao was not worried, she didn't know, anyway, she was mopping the floor now, and she felt like she could apply a layer of wax later.

The few of them are now in the same camp. Xu Jingzhe never told Liang Yu that he personally arranged the wedding, saying that it was a secret surprise. In front of Xu Jingzhe, he seemed like a 250-year-old. Of course, he still had a heart. Xu Jingzhe could understand why Liang Yu raised Yang Jerry like a waste. After all, they were his "people", and he should be protected by him.

Xiao Luo took advantage of Liang Yu's face to get him a change of clothes, and when the phototherapy was over, she urged her brother to change.

When Liang Yu came out of the dressing room, she felt that she had some plans, and asked bluntly, "Where is Xu Jingzhe?"

Xiaoluo looked at the clothes on his body. This set is actually going to be worn at the wedding in a few days. Today is a test sample. Liang Yu's face is still too dark, and the color difference is a bit big, but it is not inappropriate, anyway. There is a sweet and wild feel that is popular at the moment.

"He booked a place to eat, and I'll pick you up." Xiaoluo didn't hide it from him, meaning you should ask yourself.

Liang Yu didn't know what the hell they were doing, and when he got in the car, he called Xu Jingzhe.

There was no answer over there, Liang Yu lowered his head and frowned and stared at the phone.

Xiao Luo looked at his expression and warned, "Don't think too much."

After she finished speaking, she added, "Don't check xhu, Dou x, it's all a lie to talk about feelings."

Liang Yu: "..." He silently closed the webpage and put away his mobile phone.

Xiaoluo was very satisfied. She sent Liang Yu to a private villa, and said that she booked a room there tonight, so she didn't need to go back to the villa.

"Get used to it these few days." Xiaoluo persuaded him earnestly, "Cry when you want to cry, cry more, lest you cry too much that day and can't explain it to the guests."

Liang Yu wanted to scold her why Laozi wanted to cry, but when he turned around, he saw that there was a welcome guest who came out to pick him up, so he could only follow him to the villa first.

In the big night, there was no one in the whole villa, except for the waiter who stood like a sculpture, Liang Yu felt like a princess who entered the castle, walking on the carpet covered with petals.

Yingbin has been leading him to the lawn of the villa. Liang Yu saw countless artificial flower walls, which were very dreamy, and some people were hanging stars on them.

Xu Jingzhe was standing under a wall of flowers. He raised his head and was instructing: "Go a little further to the left... Okay, just over there, don't move." After a bit of comparison, when he turned around, he saw Liang Yu who was standing not far away.

Xu Jingzhe got down from the ladder. He dressed casually, just like normal work attire. After seeing what Liang Yu was wearing, he laughed again.

"It suits you very well," he said.

Liang Yu looked at him, and then looked at the things behind him, but didn't speak.

Xu Jingzhe handed him his hand and said, "We can rehearse now."

It took a long time for Liang Yu to hold his hand.

The workers had already left work, and the two walked through the flowered walls in the dark. When they finally stopped, Xu Jingzhe said that they would exchange rings and vows here.

Liang Yu gave a "hmm", Xu Jingzhe thought he understood, and just about to end the rehearsal, he said, "Let's go to dinner."

I heard Liang Yu suddenly ask: "Xu Jingzhe, are you willing to marry me for a lifetime?"

Xu Jingzhe blinked. He thought that Liang Yu wanted to rehearse completely, so he said, "I will."

Liang Yu looked at him and muttered, "This is not a dress rehearsal."

"?" Xu Jingzhe seemed to be confused for a while, then nodded with a smile, and said seriously, "I know, I will."

Liang Yu didn't ask any other questions, he just lowered his head and kissed Xu Jingzhe's lips.

In fact, in many things, Liang Yu felt that Xu Jingzhe might not understand what he really wanted to express, but that's how human beings are. Even if he didn't understand, Xu Jingzhe would always agree to any of his requests.

He's soft and wrapped in beautiful candy wrappers.

Only Liang Yu knew the taste in that layer of sugar paper.

———————————————————————— end

That's it, if you have an extra story, the update will start on Sunday~

If you have any indescribable content, remember to go to Weibo and I will notify you.

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