In the Dark

Chapter 102: red skirt (4)


The rescued girl may have seen the suspect's appearance, and Shen Liufei needed to make a mock portrait through her confession.

When the express train left the platform, the sun began to sink, and the sky was covered with red clouds and purple clouds, like a big burning flowerbed, but you know that the flowers will fade soon, and the fire will soon go out. If you say that under the sun Without sin, the coming of darkness has all the more reason to palpitate.

Cangnan and his party obviously gained a lot. Xiaoman was originally the witness they were looking for. However, several corpses were found together. The forensic doctor who dissected the corpse did not mention a similar old case. Su Mansheng was attacked and injured by a murderer while dating her, and Su Mansheng's suspicion suddenly increased.

The sky outside the window became more turbid, and the scenery quickly regressed. Xie Lanshan pondered the case and said to Shen Liufei: "Su Mansheng's age is exactly right for Xiaoman. Judging from the murderer's professional skinning techniques, it is very likely that he is a forensic doctor."

Shen Liufei added for him: "It's almost impossible for a woman to complete this case. We assume that Xiao Man is the murderer, then the man who stabbed Tao Longyue is her accomplice, and he is obedient to her."

"But there is one thing I don't understand. From the discovery of the first female dead 25 years ago to the suspect committing suicide four years later, why did the murderer start committing crimes again after 20 years?"

"Is it possible," Shen Liufei thought for a while, and said, "After Xiaoman was rescued and survived, she once returned to her normal life, but suddenly encountered some kind of strong stimulus that caused her to collapse again, and she quickly changed from the victim of the year to the one perpetrator."

"Such cases are not uncommon." This explanation sounded very reasonable, Xie Lanshan couldn't help sighing, "Poor old Tao."

In the end, it was just the speculation of the two of them, and there had to be solid evidence. Xie Lanshan couldn't imagine how heartbroken Tao Longyue would be once Su Man was convicted, and Shen Liufei seemed to have something on his mind. They fell silent at the same time.

The train rumbled forward, the night fell fast in the late autumn and early winter, and it was not long before it became dark.

After a long silence, Xie Lanshan suddenly asked, "Why did you ask Zhu Mingwu that sentence before you left?"

Shen Liufei replied indifferently, "Captain Lao Tao is half my husband, shouldn't I find out his personality and preferences?"

Xie Lanshan smiled and said no more. When a smart person meets a smart person, the good thing is that each other's thoughts are clear at a glance, their behavior is transparent, and they get along with each other intimately and comfortably. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. If you really want to hide something, it will be difficult to hide it. If you don't know what to do, it is easy to leave a rift and unhappiness.

Xie Lanshan's mind is now in a mess, and all kinds of strange thoughts are emerging one after another. He wants to trust Shen Liufei unconditionally, but he doesn't trust himself.

That night Tao Longyue was stabbed into the hospital, but luckily he didn't hurt the vital part. After 10 stitches, he was a hero again.

Captain Xiao Tao didn't take this little injury to heart, and he was about to be discharged from the hospital as soon as he opened his eyes. He was still deeply annoyed by himself, and he really almost caught the pervert!

Tao Longyue's attending doctor didn't like such uncooperative patients, and said viciously: "I have never seen such a lifeless person, and they will be discharged before they get off the operating table! Tell you, this knife almost hurt your spleen. If the spleen is removed, don't think of being a policeman in the future, don't even think about doing any physical work!"

"How close is it?" It was Duan Licheng who had just undergone surgery, so he stopped by to see Tao Longyue. Tao Longyue raised his head and glanced at the other party, then turned his eyes to look at his own doctor in charge. This man seemed to be the same age as Duan Licheng, and he looked decent, but after Duan Licheng's comparison, he immediately became mean, even in the same white coat. It is also far less straightforward than the other party.

"Yes..." The attending doctor did not expect Duan Licheng to ask such a question, and stuttered for a while, but did not answer.

Duan Licheng sank his face: "For patients, medical workers can't have even a millimeter of suddenness."

The attending doctor looked embarrassed: "Isn't it good for him? If something happens to him if he is forced to be discharged from the hospital, the hospital will definitely be held accountable in turn."

"I'm here to take care of the accident, I can't delay our Captain Tao's arrest of the criminal." Duan Licheng smiled and glanced at Tao Longyue, who was eagerly waiting for him to do justice on the hospital bed, and teased, "Besides, it wasn't a serious injury, so he couldn't die. ."

The attending doctor left the ward angrily, and before he had gone far, he heard his dissatisfied complaint: "Isn't he from the United States, what's his arrogance?!"

When there were only two people left in the ward, Tao Longyue sat up straight and asked nervously, "Where's the rescued girl, are you alright?"

"It's mostly soft tissue contusions, not serious," Duan Licheng frowned slightly, "it's just that she was strongly mentally stimulated and refused to accept further examinations. At the beginning, anyone who touched her body would make sharp noises. Yell, madly resist, and now the mood is finally stable."

"She said she didn't say who the man who hurt her was?" Tao Longyue was annoyed again. The girl had already been violated. At the age of 14 or 15, how tormented by such an encounter, he should have run faster that day.

"I don't think it's appropriate to ask her about these things now," Duan Licheng said. "However, she has been muttering to herself and saying one word over and over again."

"say what?"

"Red dress."

Captain Tao still wanted to ask questions, but there was a sudden noise from outside the ward. It turned out that a group of reporters swarmed and heard the news that the victim had been rescued by the police from nowhere. They were all emotionally boiling and shouting "citizens' right to know". The stunt of the serial rape and murder case is too big, and they all want to be the first to release the latest news.

The momentum is not small, and it is about to overturn the sky. Tao Longyue was so angry that he was struggling to get out of bed with his injuries.

Duan Licheng raised his hand, stopped the person, and said, "I'll go take a look first."

"Girls don't dare to go out at night now! Three young women were brutally murdered in succession, but the police couldn't even figure out the connection between the murderer's purpose and the victim, and now the murderer can escape in front of the police. Does it mean that the police officer who undertook it was seriously negligent?"

The leading female reporter is from the most daring and outspoken news program "Oriental Vision" in China. Other reporters also helped to speak together, and everyone thought that as long as they helped each other cover and fight together, they could get more news.

"The doctor's trouble has already been sentenced." A man's voice sounded, arrogant and domineering, as if drawing wages from the bottom of the pot, and everyone was silent.

Duan Licheng walked out of the ward and walked towards the crowd of troublemakers. Some onlookers nurses and patients spontaneously made way for him,

"Forcibly staying in a medical facility, gathering crowds to disrupt social order, and making medical work impossible," Duan Licheng came to the female reporter, bowed slightly, and approached her with a smile that was not a smile. Said, "The chief among them shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

As soon as these words came out, the troublemakers stopped even more. Some of them are new media, some are self-media, and most of them don't even have a press card, so they are just watching people's dishes, and they will wilt when they encounter tough problems. Just now, the nurse and the doctor were arguing with each other, and he was quite righteous. At this moment, it seems that everyone's appearance is very extraordinary, and the high arrogance is instantly annihilated.

The female reporter came from Pearl TV, the largest TV station in China. She is a professional media person with legal rights to interview, so she was not afraid at all, and she directly replied with her words: "I am a reporter, and I have the right to collect information, conduct in-depth investigations, and effectively disseminate it. , especially when the public is in panic and urgently needs to know.”

"Any rights and freedoms are relative." Duan Licheng stared at the other party's eyes, and every word was loud, "In a legal news interview, for a case that is still under investigation, a reporter must exercise the right to interview without interfering with the police solving the case. The premise is that if the key information of the case is leaked because of your report, which affects the arrest of the suspect, even if there is no sentence, the punishment will be inevitable."

The female reporter changed her face on the spot. She didn't want the other party to lean over and smile at her again with grace, and said jokingly: "Of course, there are other preferential treatment for a beauty like you."

Without waiting for the female reporter to blush, Duan Licheng raised his voice and said to all the media personnel present: "You can go to the hospital conference room and wait for a while. On the condition that the specific case details and the victim's personal information are not disclosed, the relevant personnel of our hospital will inform everyone. The injuries of the rescued girl and the rescued detective."

With a slap in the face and then a jujube, the media people who came to inquire about the news did not find anything, and finally withdrew.

After dismissing the noisy reporters, Duan Licheng returned to Tao Longyue's ward.

Tao Longyue on the hospital bed breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "The media is becoming more and more overwhelming, and I don't know if it's true that reporters are still fishing in troubled waters."

"I think the more journalists with such curiosity, the better," Duan Licheng smiled slightly. "However, we have to pay attention to methods."

Thinking that Xie Lanshan had said that he did not deal with Duan Licheng, and that Captain Tao was kind of his brother, he felt that this doctor might not be a good thing. After this trouble, this negative impression was completely dissipated. He looked at Duan Licheng, thought about it and asked, "Are you familiar with Shen Liufei?"

Duan Licheng nodded: "We have known each other for many years."

As soon as Captain Tao admires anyone, he immediately wants to make up his mind, and said frankly: "I don't like this person very much. He also came back from overseas. He is much more energetic than you."

Duan Licheng squinted his eyes slightly, and seemed to recall something before saying, "That's because you don't understand his experience."

Tao Longyue was surprised: "What kind of experience can a rich man who does not worry about eating and drinking?"

"His current father is actually his teacher. Because he admires his talent for painting and has no children, he took him abroad with him."

"What about his biological parents

"When he was fourteen years old, his entire family was killed." After a moment of silence, Duan Licheng continued with a sullen face, "His eight-year-old brother was not spared, and his mother was also judged dead after her disappearance, only he , and escaped because he was sketching in a foreign place when the incident happened."