In the Dark

Chapter 109: Perfect Victim (4)


The last time I wanted to move, I was accidentally interrupted by Duan Licheng, and the serial rape and murder case caused a lot of chaos and panic, so the cohabitation was delayed. While the case was temporarily over, Xie Lanshan was busy searching for Qiao Hui all over the city, and Shen Liufei went back to his apartment building alone, ready to pack some more things, and moved in with him.

On the night of early winter, it was dark and quiet, the sky was full of black clouds, there were no stars in the sky, only a tiny moon glowed faintly. The room was also so dimly lit, Shen Liufei sat silently at the desk, thinking deeply about the notebook in front of him.

The screen was still full of old case materials, but he thought about deleting them all together, but he moved his finger to the mouse, but he couldn't get rid of this cruelty. After hesitating and hesitating, the palm of his hand was already soaked with cold sweat, which was extremely cold.

Shen Liufei opened the document numbered 0001 and focused on the photo of the suspect.

The current Xie Lanshan and the former Ye Shen have similar but different faces and expressions. They obviously share the same body, but their souls are completely different. With the hatred and unsolved mysteries of the family, he designed a script for revenge, deliberately tempted, deliberately or unintentionally provoked, and the result turned into a love story of "a mistake for life, goodbye to destroy the third world", which is really ironic Can.

Before this scene really kicked off, he really didn't even think so.

Xie Lanshan said to him before the car accident, I seem to have seen you somewhere.

Shen Liufei replied softly in front of the screen at the moment, me too.

The doorbell rang just in time. As soon as the door opened, there was a flickering wind blowing in the winter night, and Song Qilian came along with it.

Shen Liufei didn't expect that Song Qilian would take the initiative to come to the door to find him, and politely let people into the room, patiently waiting for the other party to explain his intention.

Shen Liufei took out a can of soda water from the refrigerator, opened the tab, and held it in front of Song Qilian: "I'm sorry, I'm busy moving, this is the only thing left."

"Don't bother, I'm here to ask you for help." The soda water was placed on the coffee table, Song Qilian said bluntly, "Someone asked me for help about her condition, her condition is very bad, and it is not related to this series The rape and murder case is closely related, I want to help her, and I also want to help Alan solve the case."

After a murmur, Song Qilian said a little embarrassedly: "After all, my psychological appraisal book almost made him suffer an unjust injustice."

Hearing that the patient in the other's mouth was Su Man's voice, Shen Liufei frowned slightly: "Why don't you go directly to Xie Lanshan?"

Song Qilian said: "Actually, he has come to me, Tao Longyue has come to me, but I promised her not to tell her secrets. Although she is not my patient, as a career counselor, I can't either. Feel free to divulge her condition."

Shen Liufei said lightly, "Then why did you come to me?"

Song Qilian's eyes brightened and his tone became more anxious: "When you were in the United States, in addition to focusing on simulated portraits, you also participated in criminal psychology profiles, didn't you?"

Shen Liufei nodded: "Yes."

Song Qilian sighed lightly: "Since you are an expert in criminal psychology, can I, as a junior in the same industry with little talent and knowledge, come to consult you on a difficult case?"

This is a two-way solution. It does not violate the professional ethics of a psychological counselor, and it can help the police solve the case. Shen Liufei lightly agreed: "You say it."

She used "that patient" as a proxy, briefly described her condition, and then said, "The largest massacre in human history was a rape like Fang Siqi." In the story, the man named "Fang Siqi" was sexually assaulted. The girl went crazy because of the unbearable accusations of others, and beyond the story, those seemingly fluffy online remarks are like sharp fangs and hard claws, which will completely shred this woman's last reason and dignity.

She said that the other party refused to communicate further, like sealing herself in a thick cocoon, and judging from this terrible mental state, she was worried that she was about to do something terrible and irreversible.

In the end, she said that any psychological intervention is ultimately his salvation, and she hoped that this woman who once impressed her would be able to stand up first and save herself bravely.

The crescent moon that looked like a hook was still hanging in the sky, and Su Mansheng woke up again from the state of being like a dream but not a dream. She didn't remember what she did at all, she just looked down at herself blankly, her palms were cold, and most of her body was wet.

The room was still not turned on, and after the words on the Internet turned into a storm, she became bored with the lights and voices, not fear, but boredom. In the darkness, Su Man heard the clear sound of water ticking from the bathroom, and followed the sound.

Pushing open the bathroom door, a cluster of shimmering light hit his face, Su Man's voice suddenly tensed and his whole body stiffened, his eyes widened as if he had lost his soul.

Three candles were lit on the edge of the bathtub, and an old doll was placed on the ground. She looked like a living thing, covered in blood, and was looking at her with a smile that was not a smile.

The scene in front of her reenacted the most terrifying and helpless nightmare in her memory. Su Man shook violently and almost fell to the ground. She managed to stand still, and in a trance, she saw her eyes through the bathroom mirror, what a pair of unfamiliar eyes, evil and crazy.

Xiaoqun was attracted by the strange sound, and went to see what was going on in the dark. Unexpectedly, his crept up sound alarmed the woman in the bathroom. Su Man's voice suddenly rushed towards her, twisting her shoulder completely out of control, and shaking it vigorously: " You did it, right? It must be you, right?!"

Xiaoqun was frightened by such madness and struggled to escape. But Su Man rushed up, and the girl was knocked down by her, her forehead slammed on the tile floor, and a hot liquid flowed down.

The girl put on her heavy bangs, reached out and touched her head, and there was blood on her hands.

"Who did it? Who did it?" Su Mansheng was on the verge of madness, and despite the girl's injuries, he still knelt in front of her and shook her shoulders vigorously.

"Yes..." Xiaoqun had a headache and was shaken, but this stimulation made her want to speak. She looked at the woman with tears in her eyes, pointed at her tremblingly, and shouted with all her might, "You... you did it yourself!"

Su Mansheng was startled, his hand loosened, and Xiaoqun hurriedly rolled and crawled back to escape, already extremely frightened.

Su Mansheng stood up dumbly and looked back at the bathtub where the water was gradually pouring out. The abuse of prostitutes, accomplices and the like are still in her ears, the whole world thinks she is guilty, and it is ridiculous that she believes it herself. Guilt, fear, regret and other negative emotions rushed back and forth, and she suddenly smiled.

She wanted to go back to her mother's womb, the home where she lived before she was born, and she wanted to be wrapped in warm amniotic fluid so that there would be no more disputes and pain.

At this moment, the bathtub filled with warm water is like a mother's womb. Su Mansheng saw that there was a scalpel on the bathtub. It was cold and sharp. As long as she scratched her wrist, she could go home.

Su Mansheng slowly picked up the scalpel and was about to cut his wrists when a red light suddenly flashed outside the window, police sirens sounded from far to near, and police cars passed by in groups.

Immediately afterwards, someone banged on her door from outside the house. Listening to the sound, it was Tao Longyue.

Su Mansheng recovered from that stunned state and hurriedly opened the door.

Without waiting for Su Man's question, Tao Longyue grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the door. !"

Su Mansheng was dragged by Tao Longyuesheng to the scene of the crime, but Ding Li, who arrived one step ahead of them, said that a passerby happened to pass by and called the police in time. The victim was only injured and had already been sent to the hospital.

Tao Longyue yelled, "Where's Qiao Hui?"

Ding Li's eardrums were shaken by his roar, and she couldn't help but take a step back: "Run... run away... I was almost caught..."

Tao Longyue scolded: "Damn it! He ran away again! If he doesn't catch this lunatic quickly, he may really commit crimes without distinction, and I don't know how many innocent girls will die tragically under his hands!"

Xie Lanshan also called the police. Seeing that he was empty again, he pondered for a moment and then proposed with a dignified expression: "I don't know where he is hiding in the vast sea of people. Since Qiao Hui is obsessed with red dress and long hair, we have a purpose and arrange a dress like this. The policewoman came to entrap him and bring him to justice.”

As he said that, he took a glance at Ding Li with the tip of his eyes.

Facing the confrontation with the perverted murderer, Ding Li was so frightened that she shook her head and waved her hands: "No, no, I can't... I-I'm just a civilian..."

Captain Tao made a message: "You are the only female detective in the entire serious crime team. If you are not here, who else can be here?!"

Ding Li still refused to give in, and said with a crying voice: "He's a pervert. I can't hold my hands. Last time I went to the undercover sister T's club, you didn't let me join..."

"The last time was the last time," Tao Longyue glanced at Su Mansheng, "If you let it go, you can't let ordinary people take risks."

"I'm resigning...Is it okay to resign..."

"You're just out of this—"

The two were pushing and shoving back and forth with words. Anyway, one was persecuted with the power of a leader, and the other would rather die. Su Man listened quietly and suddenly said, "I'm coming."

Xie Lanshan and Tao Longyue looked at her at the same time: "You?"

In the last second, she almost did something stupid, but this second, the police spirit has completely recovered. Maybe it is because of professional habit, maybe it is because of the strength in her bones, like the seed of spring, it can't be overwhelmed or submerged. When an opportunity arises, it always emerges. The shame and remorse for all the victims, the fear and hatred for the perpetrators, all turned into a dignified fire, burning her to the point of ignoring her life. Su Mansheng said firmly: "Trust me, if anyone in this world can lead this pervert, it must be me."

Xie Lanshan asked, "What are you going to do?"

Su Mansheng thought for a while and said, "Trapping on the street is too inefficient. I want to be on TV, and I want to be interviewed by Oriental Vision."