In the Dark

Chapter 118: Blue Fox (3)


The serial rape and murder case ended with the death of Qiao Hui and his mother, but Shen Liufei believed that the case was still suspicious and he did not find the necessary connection between Xia Hong and Qiao Hui. The first deceased, Luo Xin, was Qiao Hui's neighbor, while the other two deceased had medical records at Puren Hospital. Xia Hong and Qiao Hui's social circles are incompatible, and the places they usually go in and out are also very different. Xia Hong was killed on the same night that Qiao Hui and Tao Longyue met, and attacked another victim in such a short period of time without any follow-up investigation. , seems to be inconsistent with his habit of committing crimes.

Taking advantage of Xie Lanshan's return to the provincial team's stall, Shen Liufei asked Duan Licheng to retrieve the surveillance video of Puren Hospital for him, but he did not find any trace of Xia Hong. He sat contemplating by the window, his face divided by light and shadow.

Duan Licheng was indifferent to this case, but he was very concerned about the wound on Shen Liufei's hand, and asked, "Someone attacked you, do you think it was a coincidence?"

Shen Liufei looked at his injured hand, contacted the fight bar that night, shook his head and said, "I think someone wants my life."

Duan Licheng fell in love with Shen Liufei, knelt on the ground, and asked him, "Do you still want to find out the truth of that year?"

Shen Liufei remained silent, the answer was self-evident, he had already given up.

Duan Licheng's face sank: "I took a huge risk to let you participate in this experiment because we have known each other for many years, and you told me that you can't accept the murderer getting away with another identity, and you want him to fall under the law."

Regarding that experiment, all the relevant personnel kept their mouths shut, and all the mainstream media kept it a secret. Only some gossips were hyped up, causing the audience to wonder if it was true or false. The debate on whether "transplantation of advanced parts of the human brain" violates medical ethics has not stopped, but the trial was indeed forced to be suspended, and the project leader was also jailed for experimenting with living people.

Duan Licheng, as the "second knife" of the transplant operation, deeply understands the conflicts of interest involved in all aspects, otherwise he would not have cleared everything and returned to China in a hurry.

"I told you the secret of Ye Shen and Xie Lanshan, not for you to come back to die." Duan Licheng supported Shen Liufei's shoulders and said earnestly, "Since you have given up finding the truth, you don't intend to reveal the truth of Xie Lanshan. I'd rather go back to the United States with me."

Shen Liufei raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him, his eyes were cold and quiet, like a deep well. After a long silence, he shook his head.

The rejection came so directly, Duan Licheng was startled at first, and then sneered: "You are blinded by this stupid feeling. He is not a policeman at all, he is the murderer of your whole family, a vicious criminal."

"You're half right, but not entirely right." Shen Liufei frowned, pondered for a long time before slowly opening his mouth, "Maybe it's because the mother and son have a good relationship, I always feel that my mother is not dead."

"The only person who knows the truth of the case is Ye Shen now, but you don't even want to hide who he is, how are you going to investigate?" Duan Licheng stared into Shen Liufei's eyes with a cold and sarcastic tone, "It's better to say that the happiness in bed is better than your unjust death. Is the family important?"

"Duan Licheng!" Shen Liufei clenched his opponent's collar and scolded in a low voice.

When Duan Licheng met Shen Liufei, Shen Liufei had just come to the United States with his painter master, and when Duan Licheng was six or seven years old when he met a fellow in a foreign country, the two became close naturally. In Duan Licheng's eyes, Shen Liufei is both indifferent and awkward. When he is indifferent, regardless of whether the outside world is flooded or dry, he can stand alone on his side, watching from the sidelines, not neglecting or irritating; Can come up with the toughest and toughest temper to touch you.

They didn't speak for more than half a sentence, and the two faced each other in silence until a ringing bell broke the strange deadlock.

Shen Liufei picked up Xie Lanshan's call, and he came back from the provincial team.

His chest was suffocating, he hung up the phone and took a deep breath, got up and left.

Duan Licheng knew that he couldn't keep it, and he couldn't persuade him to return.

The place to meet is Jiexin Park. There is an artificial lake in it. The water is clear and there are many fish. There are often old people who come to pass the time and sit with a fishing rod for a whole day.

On a cloudy day, the January wind was blowing on the lake, and it was cold and fierce like a knife, and there were few tourists around the lake.

Xie Lanshan sat on a stone by the lake, staring at the man's face reflected in the lake, completely unaware that someone was approaching him from behind.

He squinted and looked at a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar. He squinted and looked at it carefully. He numbly pulled the corner of his mouth, and the man in the water suddenly smiled at him.

He found that there was no smile in this person's eyes, and his eyes were so cold.

Xie Lanshan turned to look at his hand. Others were ruthlessly beautiful, but his fingers were beautiful and delicate. The slenderness and fairness were better than the magnolia flowers. As Chi Jin said, it was too unlike the hands of a drug police officer. He thought of the data room that had not been opened by his fingerprints, and suddenly remembered something.

When he first went undercover, it was difficult for him to gain the trust of those drug dealers. Sometimes he was forced to test drugs himself, so he could only pretend to be a drug addict on aluminum foil, and then use the guise of drug strength to come up with people. Fight hard, use the knife to slash the arm, pull the thigh, and successfully pass the test.

Xie Lanshan finally realized that a terrible change had taken place in him - he had never thought of it like this before, maybe the idea itself was too far-fetched, or maybe it was out of some kind of self-protection instinct. Convince yourself to avoid this possibility.

He thought of "Transformation" by Keigo Higashino.

In connection with the craniotomy he has no memory of, the recent frequent out-of-control, the unfamiliar deceased who always flash back in front of his eyes, and the "Night God" whom Zhuo Tian begged so bitterly, he now has to rethink, Perhaps this body is no longer his own.

When Shen Liufei approached, Xie Lanshan was frowning, clinging to the stone with one hand, and halfway toward the lake. He was so focused, staring at the figure reflected in the lake, the cold wind from all directions was about to stab him down, and everyone was about to fall.

A pair of men's hands were already very close to his shoulders, and Xie Lanshan, who was half-hanging on the lake, noticed it, and was about to turn back—

Those hands suddenly squeezed his shoulders strongly and brought him back to the safe ground.

Xie Lanshan saw that the person who pulled him back was Shen Liufei, with a slightly happy expression on his face, and shouted in a serious manner: "Cousin brother."

Shen Liufei didn't respond with words, and directly took the person into his arms.

The two embraced each other quietly, and the evening glow was sparsely dotted by the lake. They were both extremely tired, but they finally found some warmth and strength through each other's body temperature.

After a while, Shen Liufei let go of Xie Lanshan, but he held his face and the back of his neck again, touching his forehead, and his breath blended: "What are you thinking about?"

Xie Lanshan couldn't tell this secret about himself. It was too absurd. He naughty wiped Shen Liufei's nose with the bridge of his nose, tried his best to squeeze out a smile, and asked, "What about you, where did you go just now?"

The setting sun fell from the sky, reflecting a gentle and tired man's face, Shen Liufei tried his best to hide his tiredness in front of Xie Lanshan, and only said: "I found that Xia Hong's case is still suspicious, I just went to Puren Hospital, I plan to visit her house again."

"Go get the car, I'll go with you." Xie Lanshan raised his eyebrows lazily, and suddenly his face froze, he once again had the terrifying feeling of being stared at by a crocodile, turned his head and asked Shen Liufei, "Do you think that Is someone following us?"

"You noticed it too." Shen Liufei also looked around. There were not many tourists in Jiexin Park. When the sun was setting, the sight was still good and the sky was bright. They tried looking for it with their eyes, and there seemed to be a dark shadow flashing by behind the rockery, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that it was just the evergreen trees in the park roaring in the wind, shaking their shadows.

Xie Lanshan froze in place and did not move, still with the expression of an enemy, Shen Liufei patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

The two went to Xia Hong's house to have a look first. The woman lives alone, the house is not big, the two bedrooms and one living room are very straight, the furnishings are elegant, and the corners and corners are also very clean.

Xie Lanshan stepped into the door. Although he was not more sensitive to colors than Shen Liufei, he immediately felt that the house looked dark and cold, and he couldn't tell where the uncomfortable feeling came from.

Shen Liufei reminded: "There is no red."

After a little bit of dialing and a closer look, there is no red at all.

Xie Lanshan immediately remembered one thing: "I remember that Xia Hong's mobile phone has a record of her dispute with the Taobao seller. The other party sent the wrong color and turned the purple bed cover into red. She was furious and refused to accept the apology and compensate."

Xia Hong is a very naughty woman. In addition to taking selfies and her own quarrel records on her mobile phone, there are things related to promoting prosperity and feng shui.

No new clues could be found in the house, and the two went to another place according to the itinerary recorded on Xia Hong's mobile phone.

In a main ridge restaurant, a huge signboard with the word "calculation" can be seen ten meters away. An old blind man wearing sunglasses was setting up a stall on the street for people to tell fortunes. There was no one at the moment, and he was enjoying himself. He muttered to himself from time to time, and occasionally sang.

The old blind man was not really blind, so he hired a few apprentices to massage the spine and sell some so-called treasures. Seeing that the business is deserted, in fact, it can be eaten for three years as soon as it opens. Some extremely rich fans, such as the boss whose wealth can stretch his belly, will ask him to practice feng shui with Taoism.

Xie Lanshan came to the old blind man, spread his arms, and put it on the fortune-telling table with some momentum. He moved the corner of his mouth slightly, and called out with a half-smile, "Master."

The old blind man didn't talk, but he stretched out his fingers like dry wood to tap on the table, and put the copper coins, bamboo sticks, and wooden sticks in front of him into his arms.

Xie Lanshan's eyes turned cold and he asked him, "What are you doing?"

"The stall is closed, there's nothing good for the police to come to the door." The old blind man waved his hand hastily, as if he didn't even want his fortune-telling fortune-telling, he pretended to touch the guide stick beside his feet, "Li ghost hooks the soul, impermanence asks Fate, almost as bad."

Xie Lanshan obviously didn't have a certificate, but the other party knew his identity at a glance, and he didn't know how to do it. It was just a blind cat and a dead mouse.

"It's not for you, and I know you're not blind, so stop pretending." Kicked out some of the stools in front of the booth, Xie Lanshan stood aside, and instead let Shen Liufei sit down.

"I'm not a policeman, so naturally I can't touch your bad luck." Shen Liufei took out a photo, held it in front of the old blind man, and said politely, "There is a female customer named Xia Hong who often comes to visit you, I don't know if you still have no impression?"

The old blind man pulled the sunglasses under the bridge of his nose, looked at the photo carefully, clapped his hands suddenly, and nodded repeatedly to say he remembered.

"This girl speaks in a snarky voice, and is very generous. She wants to marry her rich boss who just divorced."

Does this mean that Liu Ming released it? Shen Liufei frowned slightly and asked, "Then what did you say to her?"

"She belongs to the tiger in the zodiac sign, the fire is in the furnace, and there is a homophonic 'red' in her name. In addition, the five elements of the fleeting year also belong to the fire, and the fire is added to the fire, and the five elements are dry, which is very unlucky..." The old blind man said over and over again, In a word, Xia Hong should avoid red this year.

Although Xie Lanshan didn't believe in these gossip and the Five Elements, he understood one thing: Xia Hong, who believed in these things, would never be able to wear a red dress on the street and be targeted by Qiao Hui as prey.

Shen Liufei thanked the old blind man, and just as he was about to get up, the old blind man suddenly spoke again: "As the saying goes, 'people have no room and no place to live, no life without a palace and no owner', most people have only one life palace, but you actually have a double, this There are many changes in your life, do you want to be counted?"

I have to say that these rambunctious warlocks have their own ability to figure out people's hearts. These words hit Xie Lanshan's mind. He immediately changed his color and said, "Even the police dare to fool you, be careful I will arrest you and bring you back to the bureau."

"I didn't say it to you when I said it's not a policeman." The old blind man raised his eyes covered by his sunglasses and gave Shen Liufei a weird smile, "It's too rare and strange for you to have a double life palace. Seeing you, even the birds on my branch don't dare to make a sound."

There was a very bright wild bird sitting on the top of the tree. The bird built its nest under the roof of the main ridge hall, watching the apprentices practicing exercises and reciting spells in the hall day and night, and actually got some spiritual energy. I thought I was a phoenix. The old blind man thought it was noisy, so he sent his apprentices to hit Shizi a few times, but it didn't work.

The old blind man seemed to have some skills. He raised his hand and moved his fingers, and the bird sang twice as if it were pardoning, and flew away without a trace.

Farewell to this old blind man of Shinto Taoism, the two of them did not take the last bluffing words to heart, and only focused on Xia Hong's case.

Xie Lanshan said: "Is it possible that when the serial rape and murder cases were all over the city at that time, someone took advantage of this news to kill Xia Hong, and deliberately peeled the skin and sewed his mouth, pretending that it was a human skin killer who committed the crime again?"

Shen Liufei nodded slightly: "Although Xia Hong's body was handled very professionally, it's almost real, but the key information of 'Red Skirt' was only revealed after Xia Hong was killed. this point."

Xie Lanshan said without hesitation: "After Xia Hong was killed, Liu Mingfang made a transcript at the city bureau, but he didn't mention the close relationship between the two."

Shen Liufei looked at him and asked lightly, "Are you sure that you have no selfishness in your doubts?"

New hatreds add to old hatreds, and the grievances of the upper and lower generations are entangled together. Xie Lanshan really thought about it for a while, and then he pouted and answered firmly: "Without selfishness, I dare not say that he is the murderer, but he must be Something to hide."