In the Dark

Chapter 168: Epilogue (below)


After 20 years, Shen Liufei finally saw his mother again. He could no longer see the rest of the world, and he only saw this woman wearing a cheongsam in the color of Concubine Xiang.

Twenty years have passed, and women who are over fifty are certainly old. Her hair is white and she is quite plump, her face is wider than in the old photo, and there are fine wrinkles around her lips and eyes. But Shen Liufei stared at his mother from a distance, thinking that she was still a charming woman, she was no different from the youth in his dream, her bun was carefully combed like a maid in an ancient painting, and the wrinkles on her face were more than window flowers. Be beautiful.

A woman sits in front of her small shop. The small shop sells some local handicrafts. Almost every household here does this kind of business. The woman has no sense of competition. The business in the shop is deserted, and she is not anxious. The woman closed her eyes slightly, enjoying the humid air and light sunshine unique to the Jiangnan water town, and from time to time she adjusted her cheongsam to make it smoother. Her cheongsam is very delicate, one side is fully open, the soft satin of Xiangfei color is trimmed with black lace, and the neckline and cuffs are all hand-embroidered. She is like a lotus flower that opens in the morning and closes in the evening, extraordinarily elegant and demure.

In order to make their visit not appear too abrupt. Shen Liufei brought the sketchbook with him. He pretended to be a foreign tourist, stepped forward, and chatted with the woman.

Xie Lanshan stood quietly outside the store. He wanted to leave the mother and son's time together.

Because of the change in appearance after the operation, the woman did not recognize that this was her son. Looking at this young man's simple clothes but outstanding temperament, he knew that he must be the rich type of tourists. So with a little philistine in her smile, the woman enthusiastically promoted the gadgets in her store.

"Buy this, this buckle is beautiful on clothes. Buy a little more. It's suitable to buy back for girlfriends and classmates." The woman sees the other person as young, and only thinks that he is a college student.

"There are also small satchels of this ethnic style, which are also the characteristics of this place. They are pure handmade silk embroidery. Look how beautiful this fringe is..."

"And this, a sterling silver bracelet made of cloisonne craftsmanship, buy one for your mother..."

No matter what the woman sells, Shen Liufei is not picky, nodding and saying yes. He bought in bits and pieces a lot of satchels, bracelets, ethnic clothes and the like that a man would never need.

The woman finally felt embarrassed herself, and smiled awkwardly at Shen Liufei: "You kid, you have to learn to refuse even if you have money, and it's not someone who sells you something, so you have to buy it."

Although Shen Liufei's usual expression was indifferent, but in the face of his long-lost relatives, his eyes were covered with a warm glow. He said, "It doesn't matter, these are all for my mother, as long as she is happy."

"Your mother is so lucky, and your son is handsome and filial—"

While speaking, a young girl's voice suddenly came from a distance: "Mom!"

Shen Liufei followed the prestige and saw a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl running towards them. The girl held a fresh lotus pod in her hand, and shouted to the woman in the cheongsam in the store as she ran, "Mom."

Shen Liufei immediately realized that his mother had married someone else, and she had a new family and a new child.

The girl is tied with a complicated and beautiful princess head, with slanted bangs and big eyes that make her student-like full of students. The facial features are very similar to those of women when they were young, and they are a bit like what he looked like back then. Shen Liufei can come out almost at a glance. This is his own mother. Half-sister.

The girl doesn't recognize life at all, and seems to have a good impression of this handsome and tall brother. Seeing him with a drawing board for sketching, she takes the initiative to chat up: "Are you here to paint? Many art students will come here to sketch, I I also want to study art."

Shen Liufei nodded: "Yes."

The girl asked again, "What do you draw?"

Shen Liufei said lightly, "Beautiful people with beautiful scenery are all painted."

The girl smiled and rolled her eyes: "Then am I a beauty? Can you draw a picture for me?"

Shen Liufei nodded happily.

"Come on, you're crazy, your hair is messed up. Mom will tie it up again for you."

The woman brought her daughter to her with a smile, unraveled her hair, and tied a braid in a different pattern—Shen Liufei didn't remember how skillful his mother was, let alone when she had ever shown such a happy smile.

"Wipe off the sweat and put on a lipstick..." The woman took out a lipstick, dipped it with her little finger, and smeared a thin layer on the girl's delicate lips. She held the girl's shoulders and looked left and right, as if she was extremely satisfied with her beautiful girl. She smiled more happily and more freely: "Let's go down to the bridge to paint, the scenery is beautiful there."

The red sandstone arch bridge, the place where the stone bridge enters the water is densely covered with layers of moss, such a bright red lined with a large green, not tacky at all, but rather stunning. There was a gurgling stream of water under the bridge, and the nib of the brush rubbed the paper to make a rustling noise. Shen Liufei painted carefully, and Xie Lanshan accompanied him silently.

A girl of this age can't sit still, she can't move, but she moves her mouth diligently. She asked Shen Liufei a lot of questions like checking her hukou, and finally came to the question she was most interested in: "You two... are a couple. ?"

Shen Liufei didn't say a word, Xie Lanshan replied for him: "What do you think?"

"I think it looks like it." The girl looked at the two men again, and felt that they were tall and beautiful in one stroke, and they were a perfect match. She couldn't help but ask again, "Now that same-sex marriage is legal in many places, where would you go? Are you married?"

This question is too far, Xie Lanshan smiled: "You are enlightened."

"Marriage is a very sacred thing for many people. What does it have to do with gender to find the right person?" The little girl was really open-minded, and she said without asking her, "I Mom has suffered a lot in the past. Her last husband beat her every day, and her in-laws imprisoned her in a different way. She was resigned at first, but then woke up and resisted. How well does she live now? She kept telling me I, if unfortunately marry the wrong person, if he scolds me, I will scold him, if he hits me, I will divorce, she said that a woman's awakening is never too late, don't die like a frog in warm water, you can only stand up after bathing in blood …”

Xu is the natural intimacy brought about by blood. The girl repeated her mother's words carelessly and half-understood, and suddenly covered her mouth and stuck out her tongue with a smile: "What nonsense am I talking about?" He stretched his neck and tried to look at the drawing board, which he couldn't see at all, and asked eagerly, "Did you draw it? Does it look good on me?"

In fact, there was no need for Xie Lanshan to tell him the truth back then. From the brilliance on his mother's face, Shen Liufei probably guessed it. With a faint smile, he neatly collected the last few strokes on the paper, and said, "Okay."

The portrait was given to the girl, and the gadgets that were paid for were left in the store, only to come back tomorrow to pick up. Saying goodbye to the happy mother and daughter, Shen Liufei and Xie Lanshan went to find a homestay to stay.

The water town of Guitang is a place with a particularly pure folk customs. The houses are next to the houses, and the windows are next to the windows. It seems that the residents here have no concept of privacy.

The night fell slowly, and the water on the river was dense and foggy. Every family here loves to hang lanterns in front of their doors. After nightfall, the lanterns are all lit up, and the red light is hazy and flickering, as if the happiness of the world, which is both ethereal and easy to reach.

But see what people think.

Shen Liufei stood in front of the window, silently looking at the quiet night outside the window.

Xie Lanshan asked him, "Do you still want to see her tomorrow?"

"Don't go," Shen Liufei said lightly, "it's enough to know that she is living well, there is no need to disturb her current life."

"Maybe it won't bother her, maybe she'll be willing to meet you..."

"I'm not the crystallization of her love, and neither is my brother, that's why she didn't even let him go when she resisted..."

"That's not true," Xie Lanshan said. "I think your brother's death was really an accident."

The woman was raped by Zheng Chenlong, who had been coveting her, but her husband thought that she was abusive and seduced. Another brutal beating, the woman who suffered repeated blows finally couldn't bear it anymore. She threw poison into the drinking water, thinking that she would die with the family who had been abusing her.

However, the dose was not enough, and the sturdy, muscular husband did not fall down, but picked up an axe and wanted to kill her.

Taking advantage of the drug's attack, the woman finally snatched the axe, and the years of pain and resentment were released, and she hacked to death the entire family who fell to the ground and groaned. The fourteen-year-old eldest son was studying painting abroad, and the eight-year-old younger son was awakened by a strange noise and went downstairs to find his mother.

The woman's eyes were red, she heard a sound behind her, and turned back with an axe.

When the fourteen-year-old Ye Shen heard the sound and came to the woman's house, the tragedy had already happened.

The boy was an orphan, and the guardians didn't take him seriously, and he was happy to be alone outside. Anyway, he is smart enough to have no sense of belonging anywhere. He seems like a gull in the world, ready to flutter away at any time.

The only one who ever gave him a little warmth was this woman who was reclusive and timid when she saw anyone.

The woman was on the verge of collapse, and the boy stepped forward and thought of a way out for her. He quickly arranged the scene and put the blame on Zheng Chenlong, who had fallen to the ground.

To create the illusion that the woman was dead, he drained her blood and then cut off a piece of her skin.

The teenager drove Zheng Chenlong's car and took Zheng Chenlong's body away, burying him in a deep mountain where no one knew about it, until the mountain was developed ten years later, and the incident happened.

He has been obsessed with finding his mother's whereabouts for many years. Now that he sees a living person, the dust has settled, and the burden in his heart has also been unloaded. Instead, he feels more relaxed and comfortable than ever before.

"You were the one who kept peeping outside my yard when I was a child." After taking a shower, the two men lay on their backs on the bed, Shen Liufei was still puzzled, "'Operation Net Hunt' has reopened the old case, you are worried The truth that my mother didn't die will be discovered, so I attacked Zhuo Tian and finally let her go, deliberately falling into the legal net. But I still don't understand, why do you have to bear the blame that does not belong to you? "

"It's hard to say, maybe I'm tired of this kind of material rich, spiritual but extremely empty life, maybe I just sympathize with them, because gender has to bear the suffering of birth..."

This extreme salvation complex made Shen Liufei want to laugh, he turned to hug Xie Lanshan, and said to him, we are the only two freaks in this world, for the sake of world peace, don't harm others, just focus on harming each other.

Xie Lanshan also laughed, leaned up to bite Shen Liufei's nose, and teased casually: "If you don't say you want a son in the car, then come and harm me."

They started kissing, undressing each other, and there was no light in the room, only a red glow from the lantern outside the window. This kind of bridal candle-like atmosphere gave birth to their desires like a flower bud in spring. The two of you went up and down to touch and kiss for a while, and Shen Liufei took the upper position.

He knelt between Xie Lanshan's legs, straightened his upper body, concealed his inflated desire, and faced his lover's face straight up.

"I'd rather have a girl who looks more like my father." Compared with Xie Lanshan's large parallel European eyes, Shen Liufei's eyes are narrower and more oriental, and he has a unique style of coldness and handsomeness. Xie Lanshan raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows and eyes, and said emotionally, "I think in this world, everything in the world is like you, and it's not comparable to you."

"No hurry," Mingming's crotch was already open, his brows were still cold, Shen Liufei turned his head to the side and kissed Xie Lanshan's fingers, "As long as you sow your seeds hard, don't say that your sons and daughters are in pairs, just ten. Eight, is also possible."

While talking coldly and lightly, he didn't know where the habit came from, he pulled up Xie Lanshan's long legs at once, and began to perform oral sex for him by standing on his knees and standing on his head.

The emotion came, Shen Liufei rubbed the inside of Xie Lanshan's thigh with the bridge of his nose and cheeks frantically, then opened his mouth to bite his scrotum, swiped with his tongue for a moment, and sucked the skin of his perineum, together with the soft flesh at the acupoint. All licked.

It was uncomfortable to stand upside down. Xie Lanshan was about to beg for mercy, but he felt that a piece of soft tongue had pushed into his anus, which made him tremble, and his voice turned into a moan, which could not be restrained from leaking out of his throat.

Shen Liufei hit the front with his tongue first, wet the hole, licked it softly, pushed it deeply and shallowly for a while, then freed up his hand and probed in with two fingers.

The soft inner wall was invaded, and Xie Lanshan reacted instantly. His penis was stretched straight, and his body temperature was even more scaldingly hot, as if the blood all over his body was converging on the surface of his body at this moment.

As Shen Liufei's fingers moved in and out, his bell mouth was ready to drip, it was like incontinence.

"Cousin, let's... lie down, okay..." It was so comfortable that the waist and legs were so soft that I couldn't stand upside down.

Shen Liufei pretended not to hear and stood up directly. After finding a convenient angle for wedging, he supported the stem and sent it forward, pushing the hard front end into Xie Lanshan's anus, slowed it down, and then stabbed it to the end.

"Cousin, I'm really dizzy... ah..." Lubrication is not enough, Xie Lanshan just shouted and then went dumb, thanks to his good physical strength, even if the other party was so tossed, he could still talk, and someone else passed away with blood congested.

Shen Liufei was in good spirits, and while he was pumping hotly, he asked questions in a cold voice.

"Cousin treat you well."

"… it is good."

"Cousin does it hurt you?"

"… it hurts."

His brain was congested, and he couldn't think about it. He could answer whatever the other party asked, and his voice was buzzing.

The more the genitals are rubbed, the hotter and harder, the more rubbed, the harder, looking for bliss in the slippery and tight corridors, Shen Liufei is also extremely comfortable, although his face is calm as usual, his voice full of lust is a lot rough.

"Cousin..." The genitals suddenly pulled out, and when the head of the glans was about to escape from the hole, it slammed into it again.

Xie Lanshan let out a sigh of relief, the inverted posture was completely out of shape, and the person hung on Shen Liufei's body crookedly.

Shen Liufei didn't care about the other person's posture, he just held Xie Lanshan's legs steady, and twitched his waist a hundred times before ejaculating.

Xie Lanshan stood upside down for so long, almost fainting, until he was laid flat on the bed, and the red tide on his face did not fade away. He was so fucked that he couldn't close his legs, and the open acupoint could not be closed for a while. Because of his posture, the semen had penetrated into the depths, and now it came out again, like the unmelted snow on the stamens of Yin Hong Hua.

Shen Liufei leaned down and kissed Xie Lanshan's lips.

Whether it's Bai Shuo and Xie Lanshan, or Shen Liufei and Ye Shen, you and I are destined to love each other. He deepened the kiss and said, Cousin loves you.

When Xie Lanshan calmed down, Shen Liufei inserted his genitals again, and changed to a more comfortable position for each other.

Muscle-to-muscle confrontation is the most powerful, greasy and intimacy all night long, and at dawn, the two men fell asleep exhausted. The rare thing this time is that Xie Lanshan opened his eyes first.

In the past, Shen Liufei was mostly not around when he woke up, maybe because of his heavy thoughts, which hindered Ye Shen's half-struggling relationship, he was conflicted and struggling, both sinking and sober. Now that the burden has been completely relieved, I can finally sleep soundly with my lover in my arms.

Shen Liufei was lying on his back, Xie Lanshan rested his toned chest on the pillow, and one hand reached down restlessly, grasping the fierce thing that made him so happy.

He put another leg on Shen Liufei's body and scratched lightly on the top hole with his fingertips, trying to wake up this part of the person first.

As a result, the ringing of the mobile phone was more anxious than he was, and it rang out loudly.

"It shouldn't be turned on." Seeing that Shen Liufei was awakened, Xie Lanshan complained and answered the phone, "Hey, Lao Tao, didn't you say it depends on your mood, you haven't finished the oath yet."

Tao Longyue persevered in disappointment and shouted to him on the other end of the phone, "What oath are you swearing, I'm dead again, hurry up and come back to handle the case!"

After all, he had just been mentioned as a deputy captain, whether he could participate in the activity of reviewing the oath of admission, the case could not be solved, so he hurriedly got up to clean up, and hurried back to Hanhai without stopping. After getting off the plane, they threw their luggage at home by the way, and they went straight to the crime scene.

The body has been brought back to the bureau for autopsy, but the on-site investigation is still going on. Xie Lanshan took the photo of the body from Tao Longyue and looked at it carefully.

"Yesterday morning, a citizen was exercising in the park, and saw a man sneakily burying things. Later, he heard the sound of a car driving away. He felt suspicious and called the police. The deceased was an adult male in his 30s with serious head injuries. He was killed by blunt violence, and his body was broken and many ribs were broken. It is suspected that the body was buried after a car accident..." Tao Longyue told Xie Lanshan about the general situation, and then said to Shen Liufei, "Mr. Shen, the witnesses who called the police are still there, I have to trouble you. Make a mock portrait of him."

Tao Longyue took Shen Liu to fly to meet the witness, while Xie Lanshan stayed where the body was dug up and continued to look for clues.

He picked up the photo of the corpse and looked at it again, but this time, instead of the strange man in the photo, he saw a familiar face through a similar death scene - he knew this man twenty years ago, he It was Shen Liufei's cousin, the Zheng Chenlong who had bad deeds and coveted the beauty of his cousin's sister-in-law.

Zheng Chenlong has always been proud of himself, showing off to everyone, saying that he once wanted to rape a girl again, but he didn't catch him, so scared that the other party panicked and fell into a pond and drowned. The girl's family knew that he did it, but due to the lack of evidence, the girl's mother fell ill in a fit of rage, and died the next year.

At that time, the fourteen-year-old boy who was still Ye Shen drove the man to the barren mountain, but he didn't expect that the pit was only half dug, and the other party woke up.

Shen Bing's attack was not too heavy, Zheng Chenlong was only slightly injured. However, due to excessive bleeding, he temporarily lost the ability to resist, and he could only beg for mercy to the young man in front of him. He said that he was only fascinated by lust. Although he had raped many women, his sins would not lead to death...

No matter how the other party cried and begged for mercy, the boy kept staring blankly at the man, like a snake staring at a frog.

There may really be this type of "natural born criminals" in this world. They are cold-blooded judges who are saved by killing. They need the sensory stimulation of blood-splattering to obtain short-term peace of mind.

"It was her own fault that the girl drowned, and I didn't kill it..."

Seeing that the other party was too noisy, the boy raised his index finger and gave a soft "shh", then smiled slightly.

"Alan, the director just called to say that the case must be solved in three days..."

Xie Lanshan raised his eyes following the sound, and saw Tao Long jumping towards him. The enchanting almost evil smile appeared on his face again, but it disappeared without abruptness before being discovered by the other party.

"Have you found anything?" Tao Longyue asked.

"Look here," Xie Lanshan pointed to a dent on the corpse's head, "this kind of spindle-shaped blunt weapon injury seems to be caused by a stick with an edge. However, the contusion near the wound edge of other wounds on the head is not obvious, excluding the covering effect of hair, there is another possibility, here is the post-mortem injury."

"It will be clear at a glance after the forensic doctor's in-depth autopsy," Shen Liufei walked over with witnesses, and followed Xie Lanshan's words, "Killing someone killed and then burying the body is a hit-and-run crime and a crime of destroying evidence. Covering up the truth is intentional homicide."

"The case is not that simple," Xie Lanshan looked at Shen Liufei, nodded, and raised his eyebrows quite confidently, "but three days is more than enough to solve the case."

On a bright June day, the clouds in the sky were crowded into a group, and the sun suddenly burst through the blockade of the clouds, chaotic and rushing, illuminating the mountains and rivers.

He watched his lover approach him, meeting his eyes perfectly.

Xie Lanshan's eyes flickered and blurred for a moment, but as Shen Liufei approached, his heart beat faster as he first saw him, and the haze in his eyes was swept away.

He told him with passionate and bright eyes:

Buddha and evil spirits have the same destination, I long for you, like eternal fireworks in the dark.

(End of full text)

The author has something to say: Thank you for reading, I wish you all a happy life and everything goes well~

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