In the Dark

Chapter 2: Nightmare (2)


The weather in May, the rainstorm comes and goes quickly. After the rain, the world is completely new.

The next day I went to the Municipal Bureau. Xie Lanshan didn't sleep well for several nights, so he took the bus if he didn't want to drive. As usual, he bought a pancake on the way and added more pepper and coriander. Xie Lanshan was not particular about eating it. He used pancakes to sacrifice to the Five Zang Temple all year round, and he was not tired of it.

The old man selling pancakes had a very old face, he looked like he was in his seventies, but I heard that he was only in his sixties. The old man's surname is Tan, and people around him call him Tan Bo. Tan Bo's skin was dark, but his hands were very clean. He used refined oil bought in the supermarket to spread the cakes, and the cakes were not expensive.

After brushing a layer of oil on the clang, Tan Bo said, "I haven't been here for a while."

Xie Lanshan nodded, his face slightly resentful: "Suspended for investigation, it has been two months."

Scooping out a spoonful of the batter and spreading it out with a wooden spatula, he felt that the cake was a little thinner, so he added another spoonful, and Tan Bo sighed, "I've also read the news, why is this so unreasonable."

The "thing" in Tan Bo's mouth happened two months ago. A pork dealer had a quarrel with his wife on the street. The reason was that he sold meat for business, and he suspected that his wife also "sells meat" for business. According to the neighbor's testimony afterwards, this man usually has a tendency to be violent, and he beat his wife whenever he disagreed.

The "People's Police Law" clearly stipulates that in emergencies such as resisting arrest, rioting and other violent acts, the police are allowed to use weapons. The scene was very dangerous at one time. First, the crowd who wanted to pull the frame was scratched with a knife, and then the police failed to dissuade him. The meat dealer was red-eyed, his blue veins were exposed, he held a machete high, and slashed his wife’s head with one knife— This was an unquestionable "violent act". At the critical moment, Xie Lanshan responded quickly, killing someone with a single shot from a distance of 100 meters.

The marksmanship is very accurate and the posture is very handsome. I didn't expect that the video was taken by the good people and posted on the Internet, causing a thousand waves. After being "retained under the knife", the butcher's wife cried bitterly to Xie Lanshan and bluntly expressed her gratitude. As soon as she turned her head, she changed her tune to the swarming media, saying that this kind of situation is normal in their family, and it was just to frighten her. To frighten her, it is definitely not to kill someone, and he said that his man was obviously ready to put down the knife at that time, and was shot to death by the police inexplicably.

After the collective fermenting and fermenting by the media, the procuratorial organs began to intervene. They said that the investigation was suspended, but they first gave Xie Lanshan an administrative demerit punishment.

After Tan Bo spread out the cake, he deliberately added two more spoonfuls of chili on top, rolled the cake and handed it to Xie Lanshan. He smiled and said, "I see that you are very excited recently, so I guess you want something spicy."

Tan Bo is a native of Sichuan and Chongqing. No matter whether it is selling breakfast or making late-night snacks, he is always happy. Xie Lanshan said "um" and left a piece of ten yuan, and don't give change.

Xie Lanshan chatted with Tan Bo all the time, and just before the tram at the stop was about to close, he stepped up and waved to the old man behind the pan.

The last tram in the modern metropolis has been preserved as a symbol of the city. The old wheels and rails are rumbling, and the traffic is like a snake. Xie Lanshan bit the pancake, guessing that he was going to be late, so he didn't mind.

Before entering the city bureau, he heard the security guard at the door shout to him from a distance, "There was another group of reporters just now, and they all blocked it for you."

"Thank you." Xie Lanshan nodded towards the other party and walked inside.

Hanhai City Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Detachment, his master Tao Jun is waiting for him.

Tao Jun was the captain of the frontier detachment when he was young. He followed the route of a tough guy, fighting wits and courage with drug dealers, and was fearless. It is a pity that he was injured in the performance of the mission and limped in one leg. He had no choice but to retreat from the front line and became an instructor of the Municipal Bureau. Now that he's getting older, he's becoming more and more old, and his dark and wrinkled face is more and more inconspicuous. Seeing that Xie Lanshan was late on the first day of his reinstatement, he didn't get angry. Without further ado, he took out a pack of the front door from his pocket and threw a cigarette at him.

Xie Lanshan took the cigarette neatly in his hand, put it under his nose to smell it, and frowned.

Tao Jun asked, "Have you quit smoking?"

"If you don't quit, smoking is bad." Playing with cigarettes with slender fingers, Xie Lanshan leaned against a female colleague's desk, turned his head and lowered his brows, smiling ambiguously. It should be a newcomer, with fresh face, melon face and big eyes, very beautiful.

"It's important to be poor and not tired." Tao Jun lit the cigarette in his hand and took a breath. "You didn't live so delicately before."

There has been a foreign-related case in the past two days. The little girl was doing translation. She was laughed at by a beautiful man, and she accidentally typed a wrong word.

Xie Lanshan raised his hand and lightly buttoned her screen, correcting her: "Wrong."

Tao Jun on the side couldn't help frowning. His face changed with his expression, and it became more and more old like the bark of winter trees. It was almost impossible to see. He asked Xie Lanshan: "When did you learn French?"

Xie Lanshan looked back and said, "We can't keep telling people that our police are uneducated."

Tao Jun frowned and smoked: "Don't waver, do you know what the superiors are going to do with you?"

Whether Xie Lanshan's shot is considered normal law enforcement has been arguing on the Internet for more than a month, and it has gradually died down recently. The prosecutor's conclusion was that the situation was critical at the time, and the shot was really necessary, but the transfer notice still came.

Xie Lanshan had already guessed the ending. The main reason is that the impact is too bad. Originally, the police killed the villain, but it turned into a bit of quarrel and quarrel between the couple. Then, when they met the collective climax of the media, articles were questioning whether the police shooting was in compliance with the regulations. Next, it is fortunate that it is not punished as "intentional homicide".

"Hey, let you report to the traffic police detachment as soon as possible," Master Tao Jun specifically asked him, "Do you have any comments on this arrangement?"

Xie Lanshan shrugged his shoulders, and seemed to smile indifferently: "Xie grinding and killing donkeys, what opinion can I have."

Tao Jun was born with anger and scolded his face: "Little bastard! Who is a grinder and who is a donkey, you are open-mouthed, what nonsense?!"

Killing a donkey is not purely a complaint, but there is actually something to say.

Tao Jun and Xie Lanshan's father, Xie Jiaqing, are colleagues and even close friends. Lao Xie died for the country and became a hero. Lao Xie's wife was deeply in love with Lao Xie and his wife. He couldn't bear the blow and went crazy, so the only one left behind went with Tao Jun. Tao Jun saw that the boy was not a student, and was doomed to miss a book, so he simply let him take the college entrance examination for the police. Over the years, Tao Jun has really cultivated Xie Lanshan as his own son. In the blink of an eye, Xie Lanshan has grown up, with a strong physique and greater ability, but he is simple and gentle, and his calmness and steadiness in his bones have never changed.

Seven years ago, Xie Lanshan just graduated from the police academy, and he was arranged by the leaders to do something wrong. This is an industry term. To put it bluntly, it is an undercover drug dealer.

At that time, the largest armed drug-trafficking gang in the Golden Triangle, headed by a drug lord named Mu Kun, allegedly had six divisions of the military, rampantly harassing my country's borders, and posting videos of American tourists being cut off on the Internet. Cruel and arrogant.

Xie Lanshan lived up to expectations. It only took three years to sneak into Mu Kun's drug gang and became Mu Kun's confidant.

That experience was said to be a lighthearted death, and the final anti-drug operation was also successful thanks to Xie Lanshan's reliable intelligence.

As many American tourists were killed under Mukun's hands, the Americans also got involved, and the three countries jointly pursued them across the country. However, Mu Kun's life should not end, and he managed to escape in the net of heaven and earth, and has since disappeared. Taking into account Xie Lanshan's personal safety, the superiors awarded him a personal second-class merit, and transferred him from the anti-drug front line to the Criminal Investigation Brigade.