In the Dark

Chapter 23: chase (3)


Zhang Yuchun was taken back to the city bureau, and remained silent in the interrogation room. He heard the phrase "Resist and be strict and go home for the New Year" somewhere. He was afraid that he would make a lot of mistakes, and no one would believe what he said. Therefore, in the face of Tao Longyue's aggressive questioning and a series of irrefutable evidences, he used his only Some judges have chosen a last resort - hunger strike.

When interrogating the suspect, two police officers must be present at the same time. Xie Lanshan walked in from the interrogation room, holding a huge bowl in his hand, and pouted at Xiaoliang next to Tao team: "You go out."

A strong fragrance came, the dried bamboo shoots were sour, and the fish was tender. Xie Lanshan brought Zhang Yuchun's famous dish into the interrogation room, boiled fish with sour bamboo shoots.

Tao Longyue scolded Xie Lanshan: "What are you doing, this is against the rules!"

"Hungry, I haven't eaten since the investigation." Xie Lanshan sat down generously and moved the bowl in his hand a little closer to Zhang Yuchun, "The rules are dead, people are alive, you continue."

"When you first came in, you said that you fainted as soon as you entered the door, how is that possible?! The one on the monitor is you sleepwalking out by yourself—"

With a "sucking slip", Xie Lanshan took a sip of the golden and attractive fish soup, and said, "It's good."

He usually eats a lot of shit, and doesn't make such a big noise. Tao Long gave him a white look and continued to fire at Zhang Yuchun: "You are willing to come back with us, it is best to explain everything one by one. When you came in, you saw the hanging on the wall. Is there a word for it? Confession is lenient, resistance is strict."

Zhang Yuchun moved his lips, looked at what he wanted to say, saw Tao Longyue pointing to the back wall, and swallowed the words again. Continue to be silent.

"The evidence has been—"

Another "sucking" interrupted him, Tao Longyue glared at Xie Lanshan angrily: "Xie Lanshan!"

"Senior brother, your red three-chop bibimbap is here." Ding Li came in from the interrogation room, and placed a porcelain bowl on the table, which contained tomatoes, red pork, and red peppers. One of the dishes, spread on white rice, the soup is bright red and beautiful, but the meat is not cut well, and it is crooked.

Hungry to the third question, Zhang Yuchun swallowed because of the scent, stretched his neck and looked at the table.

Xie Lanshan slowly mixed the soup into the rice, raised his eyes and glanced at Zhang Yuchun: "Authentic red three chops, especially for dinner."

Hometown people know their hometown dishes, Zhang Yuchun couldn't help but say: "Your meat is too big, it's not authentic."

The aunt in the cafeteria is from the north and doesn't know how to make this dish. Xie Lanshan read the recipe with his mobile phone in one hand and a spoon in the palm of his hand, and cooked up this "country flavor" for Zhang Yuchun. He deliberately didn't mince the pork, not neat.

Xie Lanshan smiled slightly: "When you go home, invite me to eat authentic food."

The nostalgia caused nostalgia, and the word "going home" directly touched Zhang Yuchun's sensitive nerves. He looked sad: "Can you really go home?"

"I don't know, it's up to you to cooperate." Xie Lanshan looked more serious, "Anyway, 'resist and be strict and go home for the New Year' is definitely bullshit."

"Don't talk shit, the people's police have to have quality." When Tao Longyue cursed himself, he used all kinds of foul language, and he put on the air of a leader as soon as he came to Xie Lanshan.

"That's the fart of the donkey fart, pig fart and weasel," Xie Lanshan pretended to be serious, "the person who invented this should be caught and shot."

Zhang Yuchun never expected Tao Longyue, who he had known for a long time, to believe his own words, but looking at Xie Lanshan, who had never seen each other for a long time, he felt that he could give it a try.

He said that he fainted as soon as he entered the door, and when he regained consciousness, people were already by the river. He said that he felt that someone had thrown him into the river, and he felt that someone had fished him out. It was still dark at that time, there were no stars or moon in the sky, and the river was pitch black. He only woke up when it was almost dawn, and walked into the city in a confused way.

"What river?" Tao Longyue thought for a while, "You mean Fan Luojiang?"

Fanluo River is an important waterway between Hanhai City and neighboring cities. It is a big river that was once famous for historical figures. It has abundant water and pours into the sea. However, due to its remote location, it does not match the temperament of a flowery city like Hanhai. It has rich connotations. The culture of the river basin has always been "raised in a deep boudoir that no one knows". It is said that it has benefited from urban planning recently, and has planned to focus on development. The high-rise buildings are waiting to be pulled up, but it seems that it is still a dumping place for natural garbage, desolate, desolate, and inaccessible. After calculating the straight-line distance between Cong's family and Fan Luojiang, we can infer the approximate time when Zhang Yuchun fell into the water and was rescued. The high degree of professional sensitivity made the two policemen suspicious: no one would wander alone by the river at three or four in the morning. If there really is the person Zhang Yuchun said, what is he doing there

"Throw you into the river and fish it out? Are you kidding around in the middle of the night?" Tao Longyue thought this was a fantasy.

"That's all I remember..." Zhang Yuchun had been on a hunger strike for two and a half days, hungry and wilted, and he was dejected, "I never left the Cong's house from beginning to end, and I really didn't kill anyone."

"You didn't leave Cong's house?" As soon as all the suspects entered the interrogation room, they kept saying the same thing over and over again. Tao Longyue's ears were full of calluses, and he didn't believe what Zhang Yuchun said. Tell the truth about your crime!"

"I really never left!" Zhang Yuchun's eyes turned red, "Tao brother, believe me, I lost consciousness as soon as I entered the room."

"How do you want me to believe you? Surveillance and fingerprints are all iron evidence. It's enough for you to go to court with these! You are now saying that someone rescued you from the river. Do not believe!"

Tao Longyue scolded his mouth dry, took a sip of herbal tea to reduce the fire, and Xie Lanshan, who had been listening all the time, finally asked, "I want to trust you, provided you give me more information to trust. You close now. Adjust your eyes, adjust your breathing, and carefully recall what happened on the night of the crime. How did you faint after entering the gate of Cong's house? Someone hit a sap from behind, or someone covered your mouth with a handkerchief..." Zhang Yuchun, who is sensitive and flustered and doesn't trust the police, said that the more he was forced, the more he resisted. Even if he confessed, he might miss important details.

To this day, Zhang Yuchun is still in shock. He tried Xie Lanshan's method, suddenly opened his eyes, and said excitedly: "Someone stuck a needle in my neck, I can show you the eye of the needle."

"It's useless." Xie Lanshan shook his head, "You said that someone had a needle in your neck. You've been absconding for so many days, and the eye of the needle is long gone."

Zhang Yuchun's eyes darkened, and he fainted again.

"Don't give up in a hurry. Think again. You said someone rescued you from the river. Even if you don't see what he looks like, what about his clothes? What about his body shape? What about his smell?"

Tao Longyue said from the side: "Unless you find the person who rescued you and prove it, you didn't do this case, you did it."

"The man left after he rescued me, where can I find it?" Zhang Yuchun was also anxious, blinking his dry eyes to recall, "I was dazed by choking water at the time, and I vaguely felt that the other party was an old man. Because his hair is gray. By the way, after he rescued me, he even poked my breath out, and I seem to smell the smell of spicy hot pot in his fingernails."

Leaving the interrogation room, Tao Longyue blurted out and scolded: "I can't shed tears without seeing the coffin, and the goddamn follow me on a 'hunger strike'. I can't wait to put the essential oil in his eyes to see if he recognizes it!"

Captain Tao is talking about torture to extract a confession. He seems to be well versed in this, with clever names and many tricks, but even if the control in this area was lax in the past, he has never done it.

"The boss told me to 'solve the case within a time limit', and to quickly end the investigation and transfer it to the procuratorate. This kid is still here asking three questions, full of nonsense." Tao Longyue shook his head and sighed, "I think it's this kid who did it, he was beaten for nonsense. fainted."

Xie Lanshan frowned slightly: "Anyway, go to Fanluo River and take a look."

Complaining is complaining. When he stepped out of the serious crime team, Captain Tao still turned his head and confessed to Ding Li: "Get a bowl of porridge for Zhang Yuchun. After hiding for these days and hungry for these days, put a cushion first, don't hurt your stomach."

The bank of Fanluo River is like a garbage dump, and the imaginary scene of "smoky fresh water and clouds" is not even half.

Several factories were built near the river. Due to the long-term lack of management, illegal dumping of these factories has become a bad habit.

There is a sloping bridge where the tributaries are slightly thinner. It has been eroded by years and washed by river water. Looking at the mottled bridge body, the gaps between the stones are like big teeth in the mouth, and it is crumbling.

Although the nearby factory has been moved out in the past two years, the water quality is seriously polluted.

The sky is still high, Xie Lanshan stood on the river bank, closed his eyes, let the river wind blow over his face, blowing away a little dirty air, he put himself into the mouth of Zhang Yuchun, the old man who saved people without a name, and felt the lonely night by himself A state of mind that is sleepless and standing facing the river.

"It's very clever to dump the corpse here. With so much garbage, it's not easy to leave clues." Tao Longyue said casually, and immediately asked again, "Who would appear in such a place at three or four in the morning? I can't figure out how to leave after saving people."

Xie Lanshan opened his eyes and gave two words lightly: "Murderer."

Tao Longyue was surprised: "What murderer? The murderer of the Cong family annihilation case?"

Xie Lanshan did not answer. It was an exaggeration to say "the murderer", he thought, who must have been standing here that night with a huge secret and a heavy burden of pain. Just like this ancient river, it seems to be stable on the surface, but in fact it is turbulent inside, and it will never be peaceful.

Bai ran for a trip and asked a few nearby people. There were not many people in the daytime, and it was estimated that they could only run into ghosts at night. Tao Longyue and Xie Lanshan turned back on the same road and drove for nearly an hour before returning to the city center.

Looking up at the red light, Tao Longyue parked his car at the intersection, turned his head to look out the window, and asked, "Why hasn't Tan Bo sold out recently?"

Following the prestige, the figure that had no hindrance from rain or shine was gone for a few days. Xie Lanshan looked at the empty street corner thoughtfully, and when the car started again, he suddenly asked Tao Longyue, "How's the net hunting operation?"

"It just so happens that the Cong family's case also left footprints, and some old cases also left clues such as footprints, so the current work is mainly to investigate the floating population and some suspicious people, and let them compare their footprints." The restart of the old cold case The action is not under the control of Captain Tao's serious crime team, "But after all, it is a case from so many years ago, and it is not easy to investigate."

Xie Lanshan's eyebrows became serious: "You told Tan Bo all this?"

"I didn't take the initiative to say it. I kept asking about it when I met him that day. I won't be able to do it in the future." Tao Longyue knew that something was wrong, but he still wanted to be cunning, "But Bo Tan is half a police assistant in our district, right? Isn't there a lot of good things he's done over the years, and it's okay to tell him about the case."

Xie Lanshan frowned slightly, looking out the window without speaking.

Tao Longyue asked, "Why haven't you been driving recently?"

Xie Lanshan said, "Why do you drive your own car with a ready-made driver?"

"Ready-made driver, do you mean Shen Liufei?" Tao Longyue saw Xie Lanshan step down from the back seat of Shen Liufei's car that day. The two of them had a tacit understanding, and the moment they looked at each other, there seemed to be sparks splashing, which was simply detached from ordinary friendship.

"You're too close to that Shen Liufei." Tao Longyue emphasized again, "Have you ever thought about what kind of person would leave such a wound?"

Xie Lanshan really didn't think about it. Being with Shen Liufei always made him feel relaxed and happy. This rare state was inexplicable, and he didn't understand it himself.

"Anyway," Captain Tao saw that Xie Lanshan didn't speak, sniffled and winked, and concluded, "This person is not simple, I don't trust him."

"Alright, alright, please drive a car with so much nonsense," Xie Lanshan smiled disapprovingly, "I'll drive it next time."

"If I hadn't known you for so many years, I would have thought you were gay because of your surname Shen." Tao Longyue suddenly sighed softly, "In the past, you liked Song Qilian, and you didn't say anything, only knew how to give People carve things."

When he was studying, Xie Lanshan had no talent for studying, but his handwork was quite good, so that the teachers in the school thought that his father was not a policeman, but a carpenter. He doesn't like to socialize with anyone. In his spare time, he often takes a piece of wood and a knife, and sits alone under a tree to carve. He carved elephants, birds, and rabbits. The wooden statues he carved were lifelike, and they were not bad at all.

Tao Longyue knew that Xie Lanshan had carved a Song Qilian.

Tao Longyue said, "You don't have any other ideas after hearing this. Song Qilian... She got divorced two months ago..."

Xie Lanshan had no idea, and didn't even hear it at all.

He said, I want to go to Tan Bo's house to see.