In the Dark

Chapter 27: chase (7)


Tan Guangsheng didn't expect that he rescued a person from the turbulent dark river, but he got himself involved in a major case of extermination, and even the old case from 30 years ago was turned upside down, so that he escaped for a lifetime, in the end It is found that the way of heaven is so fair.

The matter has to start from thirty years ago. At that time, he was not the white-haired, rickety Tan Bo. People around him called him Brother Sheng, because he was heroic, righteous, and had the temperament of a big brother in all corners of the world.

Tan Guangsheng is very proud of this "Brother Sheng", and is very happy to help others, sometimes it is a small favor, and sometimes it is a big event. My wife has a lot of criticism and thinks that he is too stupid. He always smiles and passes it off. Giving is more blessed than receiving. Sooner or later, we will have great blessings.

Tan Guangsheng didn't wait for his "Da Fu Bao", but his brother who was working together came to ask him for help, crying and saying that the boss of the factory surnamed Tan maliciously owed wages, and he and several other workers were owed a total of 100,000 yuan. Now I want to ask for a salary, but no one dares to open the mouth first.

In fact, Tan Guangsheng only worked there for two days. Although the money was not paid, it would not affect him to open the fire warehouse. However, Tan Guangsheng heard that Boss Tan had to spend more than 10,000 yuan for one consumption in the nightclub, but he refused to pay the ten. million. His blood surged, and he immediately slapped his thigh, "Okay, my family, I'll beg for it!"

Tan Guangsheng brought his co-workers to negotiate with Boss Tan. He has no culture, but he is born with eloquence. He encouraged other workers in Boss Tan's company to strike together and pressured the senior management to ask for salaries.

The situation was unstoppable for a while. Seeing that Tan Guangsheng was the only tough guy in the group, he immediately came up with a trick of "catching the thief first and the king". He sent someone to let out the wind. The boss didn't pay the salary because he had some personal grudges with Tan Guangsheng.

That day, Tan Guangsheng will always remember that day when he gathered workers who were also owed wages to surround Boss Tan's company, blocking the door and blocking the road. He directed them to pull up banners and take the lead in shouting slogans. Unexpectedly, Boss Tan made a wide range of friends on weekdays, and there were some random friends on the road. Some people rushed out from behind the gate and violently drove the workers away.

Tan Guangsheng can fight. Although he was short, he learned martial arts when he was a child, and was often ridiculed that he fought like Bruce Lee. It's a pity that the other party was so numerous that he fought with others in a rush from left to right, but was still captured. The three big men twisted his shoulders and forced him to kneel, but he couldn't resist.

Boss Tan pretended to be a good man and told the workers that it wasn't because he didn't want to give the money, but he was really angry with this man named Tan. You asked him to kneel. If he was willing to kneel, the grievances would be eliminated. The 100,000 yuan will be paid to his brother immediately. Several settled.

The sparks of the rumors erupted at this moment, and the workers were eager to go home for the New Year, and they persuaded him one after another, saying, Brother Sheng, you can kneel. Kneel and press me to celebrate the New Year.

The captured Tan Guangsheng is still like a flaming lion. Whoever persuades him close to him, he spit on. He hasn't read many books, but he has heard a sentence that a man has gold under his knees, how can he just give that surname to Tan What about kneeling

One worker dared to come up first and violently folded Tan Guangsheng's arm. Then a group of workers came up and beat and kicked him, including the first one who came crying and begging him, and threw him two big ones. Slap.

In the end, Tan Guangsheng didn't even remember whether he knelt down or not. He kept looking up at the sky above his head tragically until he was knocked unconscious by the punch and kick.

Tan Guangsheng was beaten violently by his own people, and he lay in the hospital bed for two months. During this period, no worker came to see him. When he returned home, he found that his wife could not bear his warmheartedness over the years, and had already run away with others.

Boss Tan has a lot of connections in the local area. Tan Guangsheng was threatened by the other party before he was discharged from the hospital. He told him to get out of the hospital quickly, or he would be beaten every time he saw him. Tan Guangsheng had no choice but to drag his injured leg and leave the country.

Later, he found out that his legs seemed to be longer or shorter. Although he couldn't see it on weekdays and didn't affect his walking, Tan Guangsheng had a lump in his heart since then. The more he thought about it, the more he didn't understand this matter. He helped others, but instead he hurt himself and hurt his heart. The second thing was that he thought people were really abhorrent.

After being disappointed with human nature, Tan Guangsheng did a lot of bad things in order to make a living. One night he went into a factory to steal money, only to be chased and bitten down a street by a dog guarding the gate. A piece of flesh was torn from the thigh, dripping with blood. He staggered forward, too embarrassed and too desperate.

Not knowing how far he had gone, Tan Guangsheng knocked on a house at will. He was exhausted and penniless, so he wanted to ask for a sip of water.

It was a woman who opened the door, and she was a little hesitant about the visit of a strange man, but when she looked down and saw Tan Guangsheng's bleeding legs and shoes with exposed toes, she felt compassion again. She opened the door and said to him, brother, come in and sit down.

Tan Guangsheng's heart throbbed fiercely, a long-lost local accent.

"Brother, why don't you drink tea?"

After receiving a cup of hot barley tea, a warm current emerged in Tan Guangsheng's heart. He was like a piece of wood that had been withered for many years, and was watered with vitality by this warm current.

The woman is also married and has not been back to her hometown for many years, so she is very kind to this accent. It seems that he has no defense against Tan Guangsheng. To tell the truth, "My man has gone out to work, and my daughter and I are the only ones in the house."

The woman was still cooking on the stove, chatted with Tan Guangsheng, asked about the changes in her hometown, turned around and entered the kitchen again.

The kitchen and the living room are separated by a curtain, with a light green bottom and broken flowers, which are plain and beautiful.

A woman's voice was faintly heard from behind the curtain, and Tan Guangsheng pricked up his ears and listened—

"I think he must have committed a crime like this. I will report him first, and then find a way to hold him back..."

With a bang, something exploded in Tan Guangsheng's mind. His hands and feet were cold, his whole body was shaking, and all the blood that had just been heated had turned into the coldest ice ballast. At this moment, Tan Guangsheng thought of Boss Tan who showed off his strength, thought of his wife who would always scold him for being unpromising, and thought of the co-worker who slapped him. .

As soon as the woman opened the curtain and walked out of the kitchen, Tan Guangsheng rushed up, the white knife went in and the red knife came out, and stabbed the other side fiercely a dozen times. The resentment accumulated and fermented over the years needs to be vented, and he just wants to vent.

The woman's daughter was doing her homework upstairs when she heard an abnormal noise and went down the stairs. She saw her mother lying in a pool of blood and screamed.

Tan Guangsheng, who was red-eyed, didn't do anything, rushed up to cover the girl's mouth, and stabbed her more than a dozen times.

The pale green curtain was covered in blood. After killing the mother and daughter, Tan Guangsheng went into the kitchen with a knife. He wanted to see if the woman was calling his husband to report the news, or was talking to a chattering neighbor, but found a shocking fact.

"There was an undercurrent in the room, and the woman made up her mind and walked gently towards the man with a fierce face..."

It was a man's voice on the radio.

Who would have thought that the story of Cao Mengde killing Lu Boshe would be repeated a thousand years later, and Tan Guangsheng was stunned in place, dumbfounded.

The dry pot ribs were steaming on the stovetop, and there was a small radio next to it. Women are used to listening to the radio while cooking, and the words he heard just now were actually "Hundreds of Stories" on the radio.

He didn't know that women had the habit of cooking while listening to stories. He was so sensitive that he didn't even understand that the woman in the story was speaking Mandarin, not his native dialect.

Tan Guangsheng walked out of the kitchen blankly, and saw some fragments of porcelain bowls beside the woman who fell to the ground. He counted them, and there were exactly three sets of tableware.

He burst into tears instantly.

The kind woman also wanted to keep him for a hot meal.

He killed this kindness.

Tan Guangsheng wiped off his fingerprints and took away some of the woman's private money and jewelry. The jewelry was packed in a silver jewelry box that looked old. He walked too hastily, and later learned from the newspaper that he had left a bloody footprint at the scene.

It is said that after the money is spent and the jewelry is sold, he should dispose of the jewelry box soon, so as not to be found by the police in the future. But Tan Guangsheng did not. He has been secretly hiding the jewelry box beside him to remind himself that he will pay for his sins with the rest of his life.

Tan Guangsheng knew that the wear characteristics of his soles were very unique because of the length of his feet that he did not notice. He heard people talk about "Operation Net Hunting", and he heard from Tao Longyue that the footprints also have portraits, such as knock marks, tread marks, squat marks, and indentations, sometimes more accurate than DNA. In the past, the field of criminal investigation did not pay attention to this. , Now that it's taken seriously, the suspect can't run away.

He even saw the police investigate the floating population and people with bad deeds in the rental house in order to kill the case, pour ink on the ground, let people walk away at will, and the shoe mold is clear at a glance.

Every word and every sentence made him tremble with fear. He had escaped for half his life, but his first reaction was to escape.

Now, in the interrogation room of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, Tan Guangsheng was able to escape but could not escape. Instead, he took the initiative to explain the old case 30 years ago.

He had acquaintances in the serious crime team, two nice young men, who politely called him "Tan Bo".

"I knew that with the current technology, that bloody footprint would be a bad thing sooner or later, so I wanted to leave quickly. I was afraid that you would suspect, so I said my daughter wanted to pick me up..." The daughter made up. All his money was donated, and every day he eats steamed buns and it is salty. Which woman is willing to go with him, where will his daughter come from.

Tao Longyue rarely fell silent when interrogating the suspect. Everything the old man confessed was far beyond his knowledge.

Xie Lanshan asked, "Why were you by the Fanluo River on the night of the murder case?"

The answer speaks for itself. Fan Luojiang is a natural garbage dump, and Tan Guangsheng, a fugitive, mostly wants to annihilate the evidence of old cases.

Sure enough, Tan Guangsheng said, "I want to throw that jewelry box away, but maybe no one can find it until I throw it there."

Xie Lanshan asked, "Then what did you see?"

Tan Guangsheng said he could testify that he saw a red Audi driving to the riverside that night—the logo was four circles, and he recognized it. With a bang, he threw something into the river, and he immediately found out that it was a big living person. The other party had already got into the car and walked away.

Tao Longyue asked, "Have you remembered the license plate number?"

Tan Guangsheng shook his head: "It was so dark, I just thought about saving people and didn't pay attention to anything else."

Tao Longyue asked knowingly, "Why didn't you call the police at that time?"

Tan Guangsheng explained: "I can't explain clearly that there is a person by the river in the middle of the night. I'm afraid you will treat me as a suspicious person and let me leave footprints."

Tao Longyue continued to ask, "Then why are you here again now?"

Tan Guangsheng glanced at Xie Lanshan: "I can't tell. I thought about it for two days. I thought that it was a life. I jumped into the big river to save him that night, and I might drown, but I still jumped, so I decided to come." The old man glanced at Xie Lanshan again, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Maybe if I think about it for two more days, I won't come again."

Xie Lanshan was also shocked. He vaguely felt that Tan Bo had an unspeakable secret, but he didn't know that it would involve an old case from many years ago. He asked him with a serious face: "Do you know the consequences of your confession?"

"I know." Tan Guangsheng nodded, "Eat a bullet, I know."

This ending thirty years late brings not panic, but relief. He said that he would never forget the look in the eyes of a woman before she died. No matter how many good deeds he did, he would wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night and see the tragic appearance of the woman and her daughter in a pool of blood. He said that he didn't read much. When he was a child, he heard a story called The Farmer and the Snake. At that time, he was shaking all over with anger. He never thought that one day he would become the most shameless and despicable snake.

"After so many years, I always remember that the woman called my brother, took me back to the house to cut the dog's disgust, gave me hot tea, and wanted me to have a full meal..." Tan Guangsheng Speaking back to his hometown dialect, he used to be too afraid of revealing the truth, and he was always trembling when he spoke.

Looking through the cold lime walls of the interrogation room, Tan Guangsheng's eyes were filled with endless regret and longing, as if his hometown he had not returned for a long time was in sight.

He finally said, I am not a good person. In my next life... strive to be a good person.

Tan Guangsheng and Zhang Yuchun are not related, his testimony made Liu Ju, who was eager to close the case, have nothing to say, and Zhang Yuchun finally regained his life.

"A murder suspect who has been absconding for 30 years and voluntarily surrendered in order to save another murder suspect. It sounds like a fantasy." Tao Longyue still hadn't recovered from Tan Guangsheng's confession.

"Never underestimate ourselves." Xie Lanshan said, "Aren't we such a contradictory and strange species, we can live and die for the frivolous, or we can repent and become Buddhas on the spot."

"Since Zhang Yuchun has witnesses, it means that Zhang Yuchun is not a bullshit. Before he arrived at Cong's house, the real culprit had already lurked there by some means to avoid the surveillance." Tao Longyue turned his head and instructed Xiaoliang and Ding Li. The area has not yet been developed, and the road monitoring has not been fully covered, anyway, first go to check the people around Cong Ying, who is driving a red Audi."

Xie Lanshan said that there is a more direct way. After Yan Bi raised his head, he looked at the office door of the serious crime team with a consonant heart, and smiled when he saw a person coming in from the door.

Shen Liufei.

"Why is Mr. Shen here today?" Tao Longyue still didn't deal with Shen Liufei. He kept saying that he was Chinese, but in the end, he was still the old beauty. At present, he has an attitude of "it's none of our business" and is unorganized. Undisciplined.

"I've already joined the job." Shen Liufei came with a drawing board on his back. He didn't look at Tao Longyue, but said to Xie Lanshan, "The best time to simulate a portrait is within three days of the crime. We are already late, and we must hurry up."

Leaving the interrogation room where the prisoners were interrogated, and sitting in a separate office, Zhang Yuchun was handed a cup of hot tea and began to detail what happened after the delivery arrived at Cong's house that day. It's not easy, it's been long enough, the memory is confused and the picture is mutilated.

Like restoring a long-buried antique, Shen Liufei showed enough patience and professionalism to guide Zhang Yuchun to recall the situation at that time, stitching and adjusting it again and again, and restoring and coloring it bit by bit.

"The lights were dim at that time, and the woman who opened the door for me had a towel wrapped around her head and covered her head. I thought it was my aunt who had just come out of the shower. She asked me to sit in and I just wanted to see Miss Cong... "

Nearly three hours passed, and a clear woman's face finally appeared on the drawing board—

Xie Lanshan and Tao Longyue exclaimed at the same time: "Tracy!"