In the Dark

Chapter 36: old friend (2)


Xie Lanshan kept his promise and practiced himself for two years. Sui Hong came to take him out of the police academy according to his appointment, and explained to him a seemingly impossible task—undercover the Golden Triangle to capture and destroy the largest local armed drug lord, Mu Kun.

In order to make his "degenerate" experience more credible, Xie Lanshan voluntarily ate for half a year in prison. In prison, he became acquainted with a small boss who was a frequent seller and smoked, and successfully opened the first door to the undercover golden triangle.

As a scout, Xie Lanshan knows that the anti-drug situation is serious.

Unexpectedly, the girl who has always been in her heart cannot be neglected or neglected. In the second year of undercover, Song Qilian's marriage news came.

The first time Xie Lanshan acted without authorization, he traveled more than 2,000 kilometers from Yunnan to Hanhai.

One step too late.

The wedding was arranged in a five-star hotel with great pomp. The groom is Liu Mingfang, the son of Liu Yanbo, the deputy director of the Hanhai Municipal Bureau. The son of Liu Bureau did not follow his father's business as a policeman, and he became a young talent in the financial circle.

Song Qilian's mother couldn't stop smiling from beginning to end. She knew who her daughter really liked, but she didn't care. Except that he doesn't have the spirit of Xie Lanshan, Liu Mingfang is a hundred times stronger than Xie Lanshan everywhere. He has a family background, a career, and a father who is a leader. But what about Xie Lanshan? Tan food and ladle and drink, in a precarious situation, he poured out all his money, but there was not much left.

Beside the beaming mother-in-law, is a bride with a dreary look.

Xie Lanshan did not enter the auditorium, but only wandered around the sign-in area.

The best man and the bridesmaids are all friends of the groom and do not recognize Xie Lanshan. The bridesmaid was slightly plump, with a smiling face like a ripe peach. As soon as she opened her voice, she said, "Give me all the red envelopes, and I will keep them for the new couple."

"Trouble... hand it over to Song Qilian for me." Xie Lanshan didn't bring a red envelope. He only held a wooden statue not much bigger than a palm in his hand, shoved it into the bridesmaid's hand, and turned away.

Seeing the wooden statue in her hand, the bridesmaid screamed sharply. The wooden statue was stained with blood, and at first glance it looked like it had been painted with uneven layers of red paint. She didn't know that in order to give this gift, Xie Lanshan carved the knife all night, and the carving knife was wedged into his palm countless times, and he was unaware.

It seems unlucky to give a bloody wooden figure to the newlyweds, but the bridesmaids took a closer look.

Sui Hong knew the couple, so he was also invited to be the guest of honor. He saw Xie Lanshan who came and left in a hurry. He quietly left the auditorium and made a phone call to his subordinates using a mobile phone number known only to the two of them.

On the top floor of a skyscraper, Xie Lanshan arrived earlier than Sui Hong, and stood silently on the edge of the roof until the night was half-obscured, and the night wind was blowing in all directions.

He clenched his wounded fist, blood dripping down his fingers.

Sui Hong walked over from behind him.

Xie Lanshan turned back and saw his captain, tears that he had endured for a long time slowly flowed down: "Captain, I can't do it anymore..."

Sui Hong came to him, without saying a word, he wrapped his arms around his shoulder and faced the city in the dark with him.

On the auspicious day of this month, in addition to countless couples choosing to get married today, the annual tourist festival float parade is about to begin. The originally wide downtown streets have been filled with tourists, and the song and dance performances on the sidewalks have obliterated countless Chinese and foreign films, and tens of thousands of spectators are eagerly waiting for food. Looking out from the height where Xie Lanshan is located, I can see a large area with people like ants and cars like turtles.

After a long time, Sui Hongcai said: "If you inject heroin intravenously, twice a day, 0.1 grams each time, you can become addicted for up to 3 days. If you take drugs, you can become addicted once, and 0.2 grams can be fatal. According to your investigation Informant, over the past year, your comrades in arms have arrested 7 criminals at home and abroad trying to bring drugs into the country, intercepted a total of 966 kilograms of heroin, 474 kilograms of pure ice, and 122 packets of meth tablets. Have you ever thought about it, if these The successful entry of drugs into China has unimaginable consequences."

On time and on time, several landmark high-rise buildings in Hanhai City lighted up LED screens at the same time, refracting brilliant colorful beams. The float parade officially started, and the crowd erupted into prolonged applause.

Sui Hong smiled and said, "Look, it's a peaceful and prosperous world."

Xie Lanshan did not answer. He stood on a high place, overlooking the city's prosperous night scene for a long time, and suddenly realized that personal happiness and unhappiness are so insignificant, yes, this is a peaceful and prosperous age, people have adopted children and grandchildren, and live and work in peace.

It seemed that it was just a moment when he was enlightened. Xie Lanshan wanted to understand. Looking at the rich and colorful city, there was nothing else in his eyes, and he smiled slightly.

After thinking about it, Xie Lanshan threw his jacket over his shoulders, turned his head and left.

Sui Hong shouted behind him, "Why, I'm leaving now?"

Xie Lanshan stopped, turned his face sideways, and put on a vicious look: "Sir, I'm going back to work."

"Speak well, don't learn the Hong Kong-Taiwan accent in the movie." Sui Hong scolded him with a smile, and then said, "Alan, I will wait for you to come back. You are a good policeman and my most proud subordinate."

At this moment, in the intensive care unit of the hospital, although I haven't seen you for a long time, Sui Hong is still a good captain who is considerate to his subordinates, and smiled to Xie Lanshan: "When I arrived at the Criminal Police Team, I can see your news on the Internet almost every day. He has a headshot with a hundred steps, and this time he staged a 'Fast and Furious' show on the viaduct, what? You don't want to be a policeman, you want to change your career to become an internet celebrity?"

Xie Lanshan was riddled with criticism a while ago, but this time he finally won some applause. He pulled out his phone and read the news. In the report, he was calm in the face of danger, sacrificed himself to save others, and was splendid like a hero who was going to bomb a bunker. These news made Xie Lanshan happy. At that moment, how could he care so much, but instinctively.

Sui Hong was very concerned about the situation of his old subordinates: "Are you still used to it in the new place?"

Xie Lanshan opened his mouth and came immediately: "It's a habit, to be in step with the leaders, to fight wherever you want, not to mention solving cases and chasing the culprits, and directing traffic is no problem."

Hearing that this was a brood over the transfer, Sui Hong smiled: "Any grievances?"

Xie Lanshan thought about it seriously, and smiled: "Really not."

The two chatted for a while, Sui Hong asked Xie Lanshan's current situation, and also talked about the recent anti-drug work in the province.

"Okay, don't bother you anymore, have a good rest." Seeing the nurse coming in to change Xie Lanshan's medicine, Sui Hong turned around and walked out of the ward. He stopped at the door, turned around and said to Xie Lanshan, "You will always be my team member and my most proud subordinate."

The old saying was repeated, but things were right and wrong. Xie Lanshan's throat was sore, and he couldn't say a word of goodbye, so he could only give Sui Hong a military salute.

Sui Hong walked out of Xie Lanshan's ward and bumped into Song Qilian who was still waiting outside the door. The eyes of the two briefly collided, and Song Qilian lost his politeness in front of Xie Lanshan, his eyes darkened for a moment, and he lowered his head to leave.

Song Qilian had some complaints against Sui Hong. It was this man who took Xie Lanshan away from her life, and then changed her life. He talked to her about responsibility and mission, and about loyalty and faithfulness. She could understand, but she did not understand.

Song Qilian wanted to leave, but Sui Hong didn't. He called her name behind her and said, Qilian, I want to talk to you.

The content of the conversation was about Xie Lanshan. Sui Hong recounted Xie Lanshan's six years of undercover experience, the days of high pressure and high pressure, dancing on the tip of a knife, he heard Song Qilian's heart was like a knife, and he was afraid.

Sui Hong said: "The person who wants to save can't be saved, and the comrades around him have sacrificed because of him. He is under enormous pressure, misunderstanding and pain. I am very worried about his psychological condition."

"What can I do?" Song Qilian is both distressed and confused. my country's "National Occupational Standards for Psychological Counselors" expressly stipulates that a dual relationship between counselors and clients must be avoided as much as possible. In short, they cannot be acquaintances or relatives and friends. . Although it is not a hard and fast rule, Sui Hong's arrangement is not rigorous enough.

"Don't treat him as an evaluation object, and you don't need to perform psychotherapy on him, just treat him as the friend you've known since you were twelve years old, relieve him, comfort him, and support him," Sui Hong instructed Song Qilian, " No matter what difficulties he encounters in the future, or some abnormal situation he has, please keep in touch with me at any time."

Xie Lanshan rested in the hospital for another half a month. During this period, Captain Tao only showed up in a hurry, and he was busy closing the case and picking up girls, and never appeared in the ward again. Xie Lanshan is bored and can only use a mobile phone to follow online dramas. It is a domestic criminal investigation drama that focuses on natural reasoning. It is so suspenseful and brain-burning, but you can guess the murderer within five minutes of watching one episode. After watching three episodes like this, More boring.

If you have a little more leisure, you can only play stud with the little nurses.

These days, Xie Lanshan's hair has grown a bit longer, and the congestion in the skull has not been absorbed completely, and it is not convenient to take care of it in the ward. He asked the nurse for a rubber band, and he pulled his hair behind his head and tied it in a small braid.

Xie Lanshan's card skills are superb, and his luck is not bad, so he basically only wins but not loses. If he wins, he punishes the loser, blows his mind or kisses him, and he lets the girls choose between them.

"Why did you win again!"

Xie Lanshan already had five or six deep and shallow lipstick marks on his face, and he could no longer find a place to put his mouth down. The little nurse who lost was in trouble and did not want to be hit on the forehead because he was afraid of pain.

"It's okay to be afraid of the pain, kiss here." Xie Lanshan raised his beautiful jaw at the girl, stretched out his finger and touched his lips.

The two nurses next to him clapped and coaxed, and the one who lost immediately blushed, and Yingshengyan refused angrily.

"It hurts me to play people." Xie Lanshan smiled sweetly and scare the other party.

The little nurse was not frightened, but she pouted slightly and put her face up.

When Shen Liufei stepped into the ward, he saw this scene.