In the Dark

Chapter 44: National Treasure (3)


The group visited the Crane Art Museum, pacing from the west area to the east area. The last time I held an exhibition of Shen Liufei's paintings, the content of the paintings were glamorous and eerie portraits or dark and gloomy landscapes. Just like a conspiracy.

The exhibition hall on the first floor of the east area of the art museum is being built, which is almost like setting up a set in a movie. A group of people are busy and busy. The set in this construction is a scene from the "Luoshen Futu". Xie Lanshan and the others saw a Luoshen wax figure of the same scale as the real person, riding a six-dragon cloud car, flying gracefully. The cloud car is very ornately decorated, with clouds flying around, and the fish and whales in the original painting are also vividly restored.

Especially this Luoshen, who looks too much like a beautiful living person, at first glance scared Captain Tao.

""Luoshen Futu" itself is a comic strip composed of multiple story plots, so we selected the Luoshen in six different paragraphs and six images in "Luoshen Futu" to make a high-fidelity wax figure, and the related sets are also A one-to-one restoration of the real scene." Zhang Wenli saw the two police officers were fascinated, and took the initiative to introduce, "This is what Mr. Li meant, he is very obsessed with the story of "Luo Shen Fu Tu", we also think this idea is very interesting On the opening day of the exhibition, there was also an opening ceremony in the East Hall, and the real-life presentation in this original painting is the core component of this 'Impression of China' National Treasure Exhibition."

Captain Tao turned around "Luo Shen" and muttered something in his mouth: "It's too similar, it's too similar... If you don't look closely, it's really a living person."

"Actually, I originally wanted to invite a real person to play the role of Luoshen and perform a singing and dancing performance. On the opening day, there will be many guests, and the scene will be very lively." Everyone should like beautiful women, Zhang Wenli added with some regret, "But Mr. Li While saying that considering the safety hazards of the paintings and calligraphy exhibits, we decided to cancel the live performance and use wax figures."

"It's lively and lively, but the scene in the painting where the gods and people take different paths is very sad." Shen Liufei said lightly, "It's unnecessary for a live performance to be overwhelming."

A young man's voice sounded from behind them: "Mr. Shen is very reasonable."

As soon as they turned around, a young man in a suit was standing behind them. Because of the tight schedule for the exhibition, the construction workers were sweating profusely.

The young man’s name is Qin Ke, Li Guochang’s personal assistant. He has been studying in the United States for many years, majoring in Chinese art history. This time he returned to China, mainly on behalf of Li Guochang, to communicate and coordinate with the exhibition hall.

People in the art circle probably have a special temperament, either it is difficult to distinguish between people and ghosts, such as Liu Mingfang, or they are indifferent between males and females, such as this Qin Ke in front of him. A particularly delicate young man, as delicate as an orchid waiting to be folded. Captain Tao was naturally allergic to this kind of appearance. He glanced at it, and he kept muttering in his heart, where did the little white face come from

"Mr. Li is very interested in this exhibition, and hopes to be perfect in all aspects, thanks to Director Zhang's willingness to cooperate." As soon as this voice came out, Xie Lanshan, who had not been paying attention to others, was also in high spirits, with a female face and a good voice. , mellow like an organ, with a bit of Shen Liufei's taste. Listening to this young man, the cooperation of the Crane Art Museum is comprehensive and in place.

"Bringing a national treasure worth tens of billions of dollars back to the motherland is very admirable for Mr. Li's feelings! It's right that we can do what we can." Zhang Wenli asked Qin Ke, "But Mr. Li last night Call me and say he's changed his mind and doesn't plan to exhibit anymore."

Tao Longyue said in surprise: "But it's going to be launched this weekend. Can you withdraw in two days?"

Zhang Wenli nodded: "Of course, this is Mr. Li's private collection after all, and he cannot be forced to exhibit or donate it. If he doesn't want to exhibit, it's a pity, but we will fully respect his wishes."

Qin Ke shook his head and smiled: "It's not a big deal, so Mr. Li's wife was a little emotional. What should be exhibited must be exhibited, and what should be donated must be donated. Mrs. Li's wife came over from the United States on purpose. , I have argued several times with Mr. Li about whether to donate the paintings, and now the two of them have finally reached an agreement, I am afraid that if they continue to fight, they will have to get divorced."

A hint of gloom flashed across Zhang Wenli's eyes, as if some hope had suddenly arisen, but it was shattered in an instant. Xie Lanshan and Shen Liufei looked at each other, although the man was covering it up well, they both saw the unnaturalness.

Xie Lanshan asked: "Why, is Mrs. Li unwilling to return to China for "Luo Shen Fu Tu"?"

Qin Ke asked him back, "If it's real, it's worth billions and tens of billions. Would you like it?"

Xie Lanshan really frowned and squinted, seriously considered the answer to this question, and came to a conclusion: "I would like this painting, but if I want to change another painting, I don't want it." Then he glanced lightly. He glanced at Shen Liufei: "Someone said that they wanted to paint a picture with me as a model, and they were about to pick up the gun and load it, so why didn't they write anything?"

Qin Ke thought he was joking, how could any folk work be more precious than the original work of "Luo Shen Fu Tu"? He continued: "Mrs. Li is young, she can understand after a while, this is not just a simple donation, it is also the heart of a traveller who has returned from afar. The value of this heart is no less than that of this painting. They are all priceless treasures.”

Tao Longyue listened to the first half of the sentence: "Mr. Li is already seventy years old, and his wife is still young?"

"It's not a real wife, it's a sequel, just married more than a year ago." Qin Ke smiled, "Mrs. Li is two years younger than me."

Qin Ke has just graduated from university at most, which means that Li Guochang and his foreign wife are a real couple.

In the professional field, Tao Longyue is very sensitive, and Qin Ke's question arises: "Since it is a national treasure returning to China and a wanderer returning to its roots, why not directly arrange the exhibition in the National Museum? How can such an exhibition that the whole people pay attention to? Held in a private art museum like the Crane Art Museum?"

"Because Mr. Li's decision is rather hasty. The National Museum usually completes the exhibition plan for the second year as early as the first year, and it is difficult to free up the space in a short period of time. We also got Mr. Li to return to China about half a month ago. After discussing the news, I decided to understand Mr. Li's urgent desire to send a national treasure back to China, overcome all difficulties, squeeze out time and space, and undertake this exhibition." Zhang Wenli's explanation for this is quite generous, "Besides, whether it is a fake or an authentic work. , there is no conclusion yet, Mr. Li insists on the exhibition first and then the gift, and when the experts from the Palace Museum come to the Crane Art Museum on the day of the exhibition, it will be clear at a glance whether it is true or false.”

"Whether it's a temporary decision or not, since the exhibition is held, the security work has to keep up." Tao Longyue was not satisfied with the security work of the Crane Art Museum. After all, last time I wanted to use surveillance to find the real murderer who blamed Shen Liufei. But I found that there are a lot of dead corners in this place. "The monitoring equipment here is too old, and there are many dead corners."

Zhang Wenli explained: "The original intention of the Crane Art Museum was to integrate with nature. The pavilion is surrounded by trees, and the interior of the pavilion is mostly wooden structure. The space design also adopts an irregular geometric composition, so that there is no dead space at all. It’s really impossible. The lighting power of infrared cameras is much larger than that of ordinary cameras, and the collection is full of famous paintings and calligraphy. Once a fire is caused, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Qin Ke added on his behalf: "However, ten infrared cameras have been temporarily added to the west area of the "Luo Shen Fu Tu" and other famous calligraphy and painting exhibitions, and the entire security monitoring center is an independent uninterrupted power system. It will automatically record."

Zhang Wenli said with a smile: "Of course, there is no need to worry about power failure. There are emergency power supply measures in the art museum. If there is a power failure, the backup power supply can be activated in just five minutes. During this time, our security personnel will carefully monitor every area. Check and call the police immediately if any abnormality is found.”

Xie Lanshan looked around vigilantly: "There are a lot of new faces."

Zhang Wenli nodded: "They are all newly recruited. The return of the national treasure has caused a sensation in the country. The original guards may not have enough manpower. After we got the news of Mr. Li's return to China, we immediately began to recruit new security guards and detailed them. Psychological education and skills training to ensure that from the moment the national treasure enters the museum, the museum will be patrolled 24 hours a day without interruption. A key investigation is to be carried out.”

The dog patrols outside the museum, and the people and skills in the museum are integrated. Anyway, it is the four old museums of anti-theft, civil defense, physical defense, technical defense and dog defense. Zhang Wenli swears and promises that the whole museum has already done for the return of this national treasure. Fully prepared, such security measures are comparable to the Forbidden City!

It does sound foolproof.

There was no gain from the case on this trip. When the sun was setting, Tao Longyue and Xie Lanshan were about to leave the museum. They walked out of the winding corridor and walked out the gate. One of them was suddenly stopped by a voice behind him: "I'll see you off."

Xie Lanshan stopped and turned around. Tao Longyue coughed unnaturally, like a reminder.

"Come here by bike?" Xie Lanshan didn't want to refuse, but he was still a little hesitant. "Snake bites are afraid of well ropes" is somewhat reasonable. He just had a flower in his head, and he consciously couldn't resist Mr. Shen's wild and casual driving style. What's more, it's not good to sit on the back of a person's buttocks in front of everyone's eyes.

"Driving here." Shen Liufei seemed to know what he meant, and his eyes were slightly teasing, "Are you afraid?"

"Next time," Xie Lanshan said after thinking for a while, "I've let go of the psychologist a few times, and I have to see her today anyway."

"That's good." Shen Liufei didn't force it, nodded slightly, turned around and left.

Shen Liufei was in a suit and leather shoes at this moment, and his demeanor was very personable. Just looking at the back, he looked like two different people in the fight bar. Xie Lanshan suddenly wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't reveal a word, just watched the other party go away.

Tao Longyue leaned in and said, "Then I will send you off. I haven't seen Qilian for a long time."

Xie Lanshan glanced at him with disgust on his face, then turned his head and left: "Forget it."


"The car is ugly."