In the Dark

Chapter 46: National Treasure (5)


On Friday, Shen Liufei came to pick up Xie Lanshan by appointment. Xie Lanshan was smoking a cigarette, putting his hands in his pockets, reclining at the entrance of the city bureau, waiting under the hot sun. Seeing Shen Liufei's car approaching, he took the cigarette out of his mouth and smiled at him: "I will wait for you."

Shen Liufei had no habit of being late. Looking at the time, it was five minutes earlier than the scheduled twelve o'clock. He leaned over, stretched out his hand, and opened the car door for Xie Lanshan: "You are too impatient."

"I miss you," Xie Lanshan threw the cigarette butt and got into the car, the smile on the corner of his mouth widened again.

The two have known each other for the past few days, and their tempers are almost familiar. Xie Lanshan likes to take advantage of others, but only on the lips. Shen Liufei didn't answer his words and asked him, "Where are you going?"

Xie Lanshan smiled mysteriously: "Go to Ximen Wharf and take a boat to the island."

As soon as the car started, Tao Longyue came out of nowhere in the city bureau and shouted at a handful of gray exhaust: "You have to come back tonight, tomorrow's 'China Impression' will be launched, and our public security also has the responsibility of security. Did you hear?!"

Xie Lanshan didn't answer, he stretched out a hand from the passenger's window and gave a thumbs up.

Shen Liufei did not expect that Xie Lanshan actually took him to a mental hospital on an island after driving for more than an hour and taking a boat for more than 30 minutes. Weird people have quirks, it's rare for someone to date in a bar, restaurant, movie theater, and this person to date in a mental hospital.

Xie Lanshan saw that he was very familiar with the staff in the mental hospital, filled out a form at the registration desk, chatted with the little angels in white at the nurse station for a while, and turned back to greet Shen Liufei: "It's alright."

Shen Liufei followed Xie Lanshan along with a doctor. He didn't speak or express as usual. Xie Lanshan glanced at him secretly and smiled in his heart, knowing that this person was obviously puzzled but didn't ask, so he took the initiative to explain: "The ugly daughter-in-law always sees her in-laws. It's hard to see my father until Qingming, so I'll bring you to see my mother."

This time, Shen Liufei was slightly startled, but he knew that Xie Lanshan's mother was a mental patient.

When it was time for outdoor activities, a nurse pushed a wheelchair into the garden. On the wheelchair sat a simple and clean middle-aged woman. Looking at her hair, her hair was almost white, as if it had been eroded by time, but her face The skin on the top is very smooth, the facial features are still beautiful, and it does not look like a person of this age. Shen Liufei had seen a lot of beauties, but he had rarely seen such a smooth and delicate bone appearance. He intuitively told him that this was Xie Lanshan's mother.

Xie Lanshan was still joking with Shen Liufei just now, his hippie smile was not serious, and when he saw his mother, his expression immediately became solemn and gentle.

According to the accompanying doctor, in order to go out to find her son, the woman escaped the medical staff and fell off the building.

The doctor kept apologizing to Xie Lanshan: "In the final analysis, we were negligent. We underestimated a mother who misses her son."

A little foot injury is almost healed. Xie Lanshan has no intention of blaming the medical staff. Right now, he just wants to see his mother and chat with her about the current situation. He walked up, came to the woman, squatted down, and called her softly, "Mom."

The woman raised a blank face and stared at Xie Lanshan closely.

The nurse behind the wheelchair helped: "Look, old lady, this is your son."

The woman squinted her eyes, the trance in her eyes gradually dissipated and became clear, as if she had finally recognized her son, she raised her hand tremblingly and touched Xie Lanshan's cheek.

Suddenly, with a "pop", the woman slapped her son in the face and screamed sharply: "This is not my son, this is not my son!"

The change came unexpectedly, and everyone was stunned. The woman's scream resounded throughout the garden. She originally had a beautiful name, Zhuyin, and her voice was like her name, like a big pearl falling on a jade plate, crisp and sweet. But what was coming out of her throat now was the noise of metal rubbing and cutting.

Gao Zhuyin was so mad that shouting was not enough, she struggled to get out of the wheelchair and rushed to scuffle her own son. Xie Lanshan lowered his head, his forehead covered his eyes, and knelt there motionless. Amid the exclamations of the crowd, he allowed his mother to slap his shoulders frantically and slap him in the face. He doesn't care. As a son of man, it was nothing to be disciplined by his mother a few times, but his expression was sad and heavy, and he looked as if he had been bruised.

Under Shen Liufei's instruction, the doctor stepped forward to stop him. He pointed to Shen Liufei and said to the woman, "This person can help you find your son."

Although Gao Zhuyin didn't remember her son, she still remembered the doctor in charge. She seemed to believe the other party's words, so she took Shen Liufei's hand and cried to him, "Where's my son? My son is gone..."

"Don't worry," Shen Liufei squatted in front of the old lady's wheelchair and comforted, "I can help you find him."

Standing dry for a while, Xie Lanshan decided to hand over the position in front of his mother to Shen Liufei, and retreated silently to a place farther away from her. A few people stood sparsely around him, and they all looked at him with great sympathy. Indeed, there is no more heartbreaking picture than a mother who does not know her biological son.

Seeing the obvious fingerprints on Xie Lanshan's face, the medical staff were very nervous, and explained to him that she took good care of her. The old lady was fine a few days ago, but somehow when she saw her own son, she fell ill.

In fact, Xie Lanshan didn't mean to blame, he just felt tired.

Shen Liufei motioned to the nurse, asked her to find paper and pencil, and said to Gao Zhuyin, "I'll draw it for you to find what your son looks like."

Gao Zhuyin stretched out her hand, and because she was too thin, her hand was jagged and jagged. She gestured on the shoulders of Shen Liufei who was squatting, and said with her lips trembling: "My son is probably this tall... He went to school and never came back... "

The memory of this woman seems to stay forever in her son's childhood, when her husband hadn't sacrificed, and they were a happy family of three.

"What are his eyes like? Are they with big double eyelids, like him?" Shen Liufei turned his head and directed Gao Zhuyin to look at Xie Lanshan, who had already stood far away.

Seeing his mother's eyes on him, Xie Lanshan was at a loss.

"It's a bit similar, but not very similar." After a brief scrutiny, Gao Zhuyin turned her face coldly, "My son is more handsome than him, and all the female classmates in his class like him..."

For a crazy old lady, Shen Liufei showed enough tenderness, compassion and patience, sometimes lowering his head to draw a few strokes on the paper, and sometimes looking into each other's eyes seriously. Gao Zhuyin kept holding Shen Liufei's hand and chatted about Xie Lanshan's childhood. She finally found a listener who could accompany her to recall the past. She said that he didn't like to read, and that he had to copy the papers from his female classmate during the exam. He is very athletic, and he can take the first place in any project registered at the school sports meeting...

When Gao Zhuyin was speaking, Shen Liufei finished the first sketch, which was a piece of cake for an expert in analog portraits. Xie Lanshan glanced at him from a distance. On the paper, he was twelve years old, a boy in a school uniform and a red scarf. He was calm and silent, old-fashioned, and he didn't look like he should be at that age.

Shen Liufei drew several pictures in succession, all of them were Xie Lanshan from his student days. Gao Zhuyin held these pictures, crying and laughing: "It's my son, it's my Lanshan..."

Later, the nurse came and coaxed Gao Zhuyin to take medicine, and Gao Zhuyin completely forgot about finding her son.

There is a piano in the patient rest area, and nurses who sometimes play the piano show their hands, even if they give patients extra treatment. Shen Liufei took one from Xie Lanshan, a student he painted, and said that he would use the portrait to find a son for the woman, and then gave the rest of the painting to the other party. He walked to the piano, took his seat generously, lifted the lid, set up the frame, and started playing.

A particularly soothing and sad piano song, just listening to it for a moment makes people want to cry.

Xie Lanshan looked at his mother from the side. At this moment, his mother stared at Shen Liufei in a daze, shaking her head with the music, and clapping her hands indiscriminately when she was happy. She had been hugging the portrait of her son in his youth, her silver hair was shining in the sun, and her face was flushed by the slanting sun.

This is a picture that can only be seen in a movie or a dream, and in this scene and this dream, she is as happy as a little girl.

While playing, Shen Liufei occasionally raised his head and found Xie Lanshan in the crowd. He saw him cry, tears streaming from those emotional eyes.

Xie Lanshan cried quietly and happily. He hadn't cried like this for a long time, as if years of hardships and suffering had all been vented and comforted.

Shen Liufei looked at Xie Lanshan, Xie Lanshan noticed his gaze and looked back at him. The two stared at each other for a while in the glowing sunset light, and then both laughed again.

In a blink of an eye, the sky turned cloudy, and a strong typhoon suddenly appeared. In fact, it just brushed past the island, but it couldn't bear the strength, and there were strong winds and waves immediately. The boat couldn't open for a while, and the two were blocked on the island, sitting side by side in the garden porch of the mental hospital. At this time, all the patients went back, and there were only old trees quivering in the wind and rain in the garden. They sat silently for a long time, watching the curtain of water being pulled from the sky to the ground, as if someone was pouring down one basin after another.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark, and it takes a lot of effort to look into the past to see the red light of the sky behind the layers of black clouds.

Shen Liufei didn't smoke himself, but he actually kept a box on him, a kind of small foreign cigarette, the cigarette box was a light peacock blue, and it could smell a very strong mint smell through it.

He wasn't so addicted to smoking recently, Tao Longyue only had those rough-tasting cigarettes in his pocket, which made him almost quit. Xie Lanshan slowly took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, put it under his nose and sniffed, his eyes suddenly greedily lit up: "Not bad."

This man has figured out his hobbies of alcohol and tobacco.

He felt his pocket, it was empty. Just now, the soldiers were in a panic, and the lighter had been dropped. Unexpectedly, Shen Liufei even had a lighter on hand. He took it out, set it on fire, and reached out to light a cigarette for him.

Xie Lanshan smoked to his satisfaction, and did not forget to care for the people around him: "Don't you want one?"

Shen Liufei shook his head: "No."

Xie Lanshan didn't believe it: "You have smoke and fire, and you race and fight, yet you don't smoke?"

Shen Liufei said calmly, "Smoked, quit."

Xie Lanshan thought about it, it's quite normal to put it on others, and it's normal to change it to Shen Liufei. This person was a modest gentleman one second before, and then wild and wild, like a fine point.

Smoking a cigarette, he took a look at the portrait left by Shen Liufei. A little boy with Zhou Zheng's appearance is not very good-looking, but Zhou Zheng, Zhou Zheng has to teach people to be boring. Xie Lanshan was refreshed: "Look at how stupid it was back then."

Shen Liufei also took the painting, looked at it carefully, picked it up again, placed it next to Xie Lanshan's face for comparison, and said lightly, "It's still more stupid now."

"It's rare to be stupid," Xie Lanshan turned his head to look at Shen Liufei and raised his eyebrows, "If you didn't really have a crush on me, how could you even know what I looked like when I was a child." Zhuyin has become so demonic, and she speaks upside down before and after, and it can't be drawn so well.

"It was investigated in the internal system of the public security," Shen Liufei did not deny it, "I always want to know what kind of person this cousin, who has been close to me since he came up, is."

Xie Lanshan asked curiously, "What kind of person?"

Shen Liufei pondered for a moment, then answered seriously: "Good man."

Xie Lanshan chuckled. Another heavy rain fell from the sky, splashing their trousers.

Shen Liufei asked, "How could your mother's condition... be so serious?"

Xie Lanshan took a while to speak up. He lowered his eyes and said in a very soft voice, "In the two years when her condition deteriorated rapidly, I was not by her side."

This may sound like an understatement, but Shen Liufei knew that Xie Lanshan was not in the country for the past two years.

"Actually, when I went, her condition was almost under control. I only found out after I came back that she had deteriorated so badly that she didn't recognize me at all. According to the doctor, it was estimated that her husband died on the front line of anti-drugs, and her son had If you want to follow in the footsteps, my mother didn't think about it, she went crazy all at once." Xie Lanshan laughed at himself, bit the cigarette into his mouth again, and took two strong breaths.

For his mother, he always felt guilty.

"The time for the last boat has passed. It seems that we have to spend the night here tonight." Shen Liufei looked at the time, "Do Team Tao still have tasks for you?"

"There is no way if you have a mission, God is not good, let's take a boat back tomorrow morning." Xie Lanshan stood up, turned his head and lowered his eyes, looking deeply at Shen Liufei, "Anyway, I have to thank you, after my mother was confused, I haven't done this yet. Happy."

He suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the heavy rain: "Don't you like roses? I'll pick the flowers from the eaves and give them to you."

After speaking, Xie Lanshan went crazy, took off his shoes and rushed into the garden barefoot. He quickly climbed up to the two-story Chinese-style low bungalow, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he picked up a red nameless flower and put it in his mouth.

The shape of the flower looks like a begonia or a peach blossom, but it is more delicate than a begonia, and more crystal clear than a peach blossom. It may be that the seeds brought by the wind have dropped roots here. Withered, it has been growing savagely.

Xie Lanshan fell back to the ground with the flowers in his mouth. He didn't rush back to take shelter from the rain. Instead, he raised his head in the pouring rain, opened his hands, and showered him with a hearty pleasure.

It is said that people who study painting have a heart of admiration for beauty. Shen Liufei has been looking at Xie Lanshan in the rain, and gradually he can't tell whether flowers are good-looking or people are good-looking.

The purpose of bringing Gao Zhuyin to this place is to keep it clean, so there are few hotel rooms on the island. Xie Lanshan took the initiative to ask someone for a big bed room, and shared the bed with a big gentleman, and he was not uncomfortable at all.

After taking a shower, the two of them couldn't hide their drowsiness from a long day's journey, and went to bed together. It was back-to-back at first, but when Shen Liu quickly fell asleep, Xie Lanshan suddenly turned over and hugged him from behind. The strong and warm body pressed against his back as if to absorb more warmth.

Shen Liufei felt amused, not sure if the other party did it on purpose. This police officer Xie has a madness that doesn't look like a policeman at all. It is said that he has all the merits and demerits. His face is thick like an old city wall. fortified side.

However, I have to say that the little red flower just now moved him. It's in the glass now, on the windowsill.

Thinking like this, Shen Liufei also turned around and turned this one-sided contact into a hug between two people. They rubbed their skin against each other in the dark, pressed their lips together, and fell asleep with peace of mind.