In the Dark

Chapter 47: National Treasure (6)


A strong typhoon landed in a nearby city, Xie Lanshan's ferry could not come back, and the urban area of Hanhai also suffered.

It was such a bad weather Friday night, at 8:30, with a bang, the Crane Art Museum went out of power.

Fortunately, the power outage did not last for a long time. As the curator Zhang Wenli said, the backup power supply in the museum started automatically in about five minutes, and the monitoring room belonged to another set of uninterrupted power supply system, which was not affected at all.

The West Pavilion and the cultural relics warehouse where famous paintings are displayed are currently restricted areas. Infrared cameras were installed early in the morning. From the monitor, there was no abnormality. The East Building is a public activity area. Most of the installations are ordinary surveillance cameras. During the power outage, there was a lack of lighting in the area. Several surveillance images were dark for about five minutes and then lit up again. Everything is as usual.

According to the analysis of the electrician in charge of the maintenance, the trip may be caused by the line problem of the typhoon. But Qi, the elder of the security department, was not at ease. It was going to start the next day, and the power outage at this time was somewhat strange. In order to ensure the safety of "Luoshen Futu" and other cultural relics in the collection, he immediately called the police.

According to the requirements in the power outage plan of the art museum, before the police came, he put on lamps and brought newcomers to inspect the exhibition halls.

A group of two people, divided into several groups, one group of people went to inspect the west hall, and a group of people went to inspect the east hall. The Crane Art Museum is a private art museum, and there are not many security personnel at ordinary times. The security department has dispatched additional personnel as early as half a month ago. At present, there are twenty people in the security room, nearly half of which are newly recruited. The security guard Xiao Zhou was one of them. He used a flashlight and followed the captain Lao Qi to the side hall of the East Building for inspection.

The light in the exhibition area of the museum is enough to see things, but it is not brightly lit. There are only sculptures and wax statues in the East Hall, not a restricted area. The pressure of inspection is not large, and two security guards are more than enough.

The security guard Xiao Zhou was a little unhappy about this extra work, and complained: "Don't you see all the surveillance, no problem."

"There is a request from above, you must check in case of emergencies, especially when it will be launched tomorrow, tens of thousands of eyes are still waiting to see the national treasure." Captain Lao Qi is a veteran, simple and reliable, over 40 years old He is also full of tendon and meat, and his face is quite Kongwu.

"Old Qi, I heard that people in our art museum have died, right?"

"Don't listen to people's nonsense," Captain Lao Qi focused on the inspection, and did not take this rumor seriously at all, "This is not the scene of the crime, someone chopped off the hands of a woman's corpse and threw it here. in the toilet."

"Throw it... Where to throw it?" Security Xiao Zhou stammered.

"Well," the captain, Lao Qi, deliberately joked with him, obviously Cong Ying's hands were thrown in the toilet on the second floor, but he deliberately tricked the security guard Xiao Zhou, "It's the toilet behind you!"

The security guard Xiao Zhou screamed in fright, his eyes blurred.

"Look at how brave you are, don't you look like a man?" Captain Lao Qi turned his head and glanced at the security guard, Xiao Yi Zhou, a young man of 27 or 8 years old, with a medium build of 1.76 meters, small eyes, thin nose bridge, and a thin face. Looking at the pits and pits, it is full of traces of youth. It is neither ugly nor beautiful. It belongs to the ordinary appearance that is immediately invisible when thrown into a pile of people.

Captain Lao Qi took the lead and walked into the toilet. The places that had been checked before closing in the daytime had to be checked again after the power outage to be safe. The lights in the toilet were not too bright, so he turned on the flashlight, and illuminated each pit to look at it again.

A pit door was pushed open, but no one was there. Captain Lao Qi took a step forward and opened another door, but there was still no one.

"I cut off my hands..." The security guard Xiao Zhou swallowed nervously, "This is a violent death. The violent death is very violent, and he wants to go to the world to seek revenge."

The captain, Lao Qi, doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, so he can't listen to this, and scolded: "The murderer is the boyfriend of the deceased. He has been caught, and he will be sentenced and shot to death. Even if we want to seek revenge, we will not be able to find you and me. Let's be security guards. Yes, just do your job well!"

It was still raining heavily outside, and a gust of wind broke a tree branch and blew it against the window pane of the toilet. The wind did not stop, and the tree branches stuck in front of the window slapped and scratched, making a creaking sound.

In the gloom, it seemed as if a human hand tapped on the window lightly, the knuckles of that hand were bizarrely raised, and the nails were thin and long.

After confirming that there was no one in the toilet, the captain Lao Qi took the security guard Xiao Zhou to the Luoshen wax statue Chen exhibition area. It only took two or three minutes to walk there, but the sound of wind and rain could make this kid scream and say " Amitabha" does not stop.

No wonder he watched too many ghost movies. When the security guard Xiao Zhou thought of the hands that were chopped off and charred, he seemed to smell a burning smell, and a pale and sad picture kept appearing in his mind. woman face coming.

Looking at the wax figures in front of them, with buns on their heads, skirts on their bodies, charming eyebrows, or resentful expressions, they are really lifelike and alive.

"What is the state of alert in our art museum now? Do you still need to be afraid of ghosts? The police will come in a while." Captain Lao Qi didn't believe in evil originally, but he was upset by the talk of security guard Xiao Zhou, and he couldn't help but quicken his steps. A person walks ahead.

As soon as he looked up, he happened to meet a pair of black and white eyes, and the captain Lao Qi couldn't help but sigh, these wax figures are so realistic! Although it is a stunningly beautiful face, it is really frightening to see it suddenly on such a stormy night, and then set off by the dim lighting of the Crane Art Museum.

This area is windowless, but still ghostly. Bao Bao Xiaozhou looked at the scattered wax figures, and his hair was so nervous that his hair stood on end, and the blood all over his body was stagnant. Suddenly, a white shadow swayed past his eyes, and he didn't know if it was blinded by the light. The security guard Xiao Zhou felt that the eyes of one of the wax figures rolled, and he looked again, but it didn't move.

He was so scared that he almost wet his pants, and quickly pulled the arm of the cheerleader Lao Qi: "Qi, there is no one here, let's go quickly."

Captain Lao Qi is an experienced person after all. His attention was not on the wax figures, but on the sets made for those wax figures, such as the cloud car that Roselle rides, the water splash that Roselle stands on, and the less noticeable the corners, the more careful you have to check, because the bottom of these scenes or There may be someone hiding behind it.

There was no omission in every corner. Just after confirming that there was no one else in this place, Tao Longyue's call came.

In order to protect the national treasure, Captain Tao was on standby all night, but Xie Lanshan, who took care of him in every possible way, still did not come back.

This bastard son of a bastard! Tao Longyue scolded the unreliable Xie Lanshan eight hundred times in his heart, and then led him and Xiaoliang, the captain who contacted him, to check the wax figure area and continue to walk around the museum.

When I came to the West Hall, the majestic bronze swords, the mottled warrior figurines, the brush and ink left by the ancestors, and the dragons and phoenixes danced. The empty art gallery was like a big coffin, filled with ancient silence and millenniums. Lonely. Xiao Liang also found this kind of atmosphere intimidating, and said to Tao Longyue beside him: "Team Tao, they all say 'the ancients have spirits', don't you think this place is gloomy..."

Captain Tao criticized the other party righteously: "You are a party member, you believe in materialism, don't think about these messes."

"Tao... Team Tao, you joined the party earlier than me, can you set an example, don't hold me... "

Xiao Liang looked down at Tao Longyue's hand holding his arm firmly.

"Cough cough..." Tao Longyue dropped his hand and pretended to straighten his collar, "I'm not afraid that you are afraid..."

At this time, several security guards who were patrolling in the West District also gathered, confirming that the exhibition hall had been thoroughly cleaned and no one was hiding in the corners.

Tao Longyue hadn't walked to the exhibition area of "Luoshen Futu" and asked, "What about "Luoshen Futu"?"

A security guard replied to him: ""Luo Shen Fu Tu" is lying in the explosion-proof showcase. Only two people have the key to the explosion-proof showcase. One is the curator Zhang Wenli, and the other is the collector Li Guochang."

The security work of the Crane Art Museum is doing a good job. Tao Longyue thought about it. If he stayed, the guards could not feel at ease, so he decided to drive out for patrol.

At about ten o'clock, two people came to the Crane Art Museum one after another.

The first to come was a blond, blue-eyed Caucasian woman who was very tall in life, with broad shoulders, long legs and big breasts. Her skin was red and white, and she spoke so loudly that everyone could not understand.

The security guard Xiao Zhou knew some simple English conversations, and the captain Lao Qi asked him to help as an interpreter. Only then did I know that this foreign girl's name is Evelyn, who is Li Guochang's foreign wife. She said that Li Guochang didn't want to donate the painting at all, but she received an inexplicable phone call and changed her mind. Now that the other person is gone, she doesn't answer the phone. She didn't listen to the persuasion, so she went to the Crane Art Museum to find it.

Just let an outsider into the museum. Captain Lao Qi can't be the master. Besides, he has not seen Li Guochang appear in the museum today, so no matter if it's Evelyn or Destroyer, it is to protect the safety of the national treasure. , all drove away. The security guard Xiao Zhou was responsible for persuading people to go back in broken English.

Evelyn was reluctant to leave at first, but she couldn't stand the sight of all the Chinese men with developed limbs and ignorance. In the end, she left behind a foreign scolding and left in annoyance. Captain Lao Qi didn't understand what she was scolding, but looking at the distorted facial features on the woman's face, he knew that it was not a good word.

The security guard Xiao Zhou asked the captain Lao Qi: "Why is this woman so angry?"

When the security guard was used to being put on a stinky face, the captain Lao Qi didn't mind and said with a smile, "Why? For the fat duck worth billions, I'm going to fly."

The tall Caucasian woman didn't leave for a long time, and the surveillance outside the wall of the art gallery captured another sneaky figure. Because the Crane Art Museum pays attention to the integration of the exhibition hall and nature, the surrounding ancient trees are uneven and green, and the whole art museum is hidden in it. Therefore, the security department keeps a few tall bulldogs, and they are led by people around the museum at night. In the jargon, this is called "dog defense".

The bulldog also discovered this conspiracy, and rushed over at the right moment. After some tearing and attacking, it seemed that the scream could be heard across the monitoring screen.

Captain Lao Qi was afraid of biting someone, even a thief had human rights, so he quickly passed the walkie-talkie and asked someone to hold the bulldog and bring the sneaky guy over.

The security guards saw that the sneaky person who was bitten by the dog was actually Liu Mingfang. The pants on his knees had been torn. He took out a handkerchief and covered his leg. The handkerchief was covered in blood.

"This dog has always been kept by me, and usually it won't bite people." A security guard stepped forward to remove Liu Mingfang's veil to see the injury, but he scolded him and scolded him several meters away.

Liu Mingfang told the captain, Lao Qi, that he was just passing by, but was bitten by a dog who rushed out and had to find a place to sit.

"This... is not very good." Captain Lao Qi looked embarrassed, "Although this dog has been injected, it is better to go to the hospital to be safe." He wanted to send someone to send Liu Ming to the hospital.

Liu Mingfang covered his injured leg and scolded, humming and chirping: "I'll sit for a while and leave, your dog bit me, you have to spit on me anyway, do you want to force me to sue you?!"

This is harsh words.

The captain, Lao Qi, recognized Mr. Liu from the auction company. He knew that he was the son of Deputy Director Liu of the Municipal Bureau. moth.

The installation work did not end until 5 or 6 o'clock this afternoon. Although the security guards took turns, the next day was the "Impression of China" painting and calligraphy exhibition that attracted national attention. Everyone was under a lot of pressure. The captain, Lao Qi, is very humane, and he can't let people stare at the monitoring screen 24 hours a day without blinking. After all, there are more than 40 monitoring screens, and staring at them for five minutes may give rise to gold stars, so the security guards can take turns to chat. Chat, swipe the news on your phone.

Liu Mingfang was lying on the wooden chair in the duty room, clutching his injured leg, moaning from time to time. Seeing that I neither want to go to the hospital nor leave, I don't know what the plan is.

The captain glanced at him, and said in his heart, where is the Luoshen map, it is clearly a mirror of the demon, all night, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have come. He has been a security guard for nearly ten years, and his professional sensitivity tells him that this is not destined to be a peaceful night.

"Brothers, what are the white dots on this screen?" A security guard suddenly pointed to a surveillance screen in the west district and shouted, "Tonight is really evil, hey, the power went out just now, and the screen is now Ghosts appear again!"

"It's the woman with her hands chopped off, it's fucking scary!" Another security guard came over to take a look and shouted.

"Maybe it's a ghost, maybe the lens is aging."

"This is a newly installed high-definition infrared camera, look at this white shadow, does it look like a human hand?!"

Monitoring the outdoor gust and screaming, the white dot-like floating objects on the monitoring screen are shining brightly, suddenly gathering up and down, really like a soft and boneless human hand, which may stick out from the screen at any time and strangle your throat.

The atmosphere was rendered in place, and everyone felt terrified for a while, and shouted in unison.

Liu Mingfang couldn't listen anymore, leaned forward and glanced at the monitor screen where the white shadow was floating: "This is large particles of dust, the infrared radiation increases the temperature, and the dust particles close to the lens are driven by the thermal air to float, forming a It's white."

Yangchun Baixue disliked each other, Liu Mingfang thought the security guards were rude, and the security guards thought he was too hard. The security guard who spoke first gave him a blank look, and continued: "It would be better if you were a flamboyant ghost. If you strip your clothes and show your tits, the brothers can still pass the eye addiction."

The terrifying and eerie atmosphere just now passed. The security guards were chatting and talking about some nasty jokes. Liu Mingfang couldn't listen anymore and got up to leave.

"Mr. Liu, have you had enough rest?" a security guard asked him.

"Go to the toilet before leaving." Liu Mingfang limped to the outside of the surveillance room with a limping leg.

"Xiao Zhou, you support President Liu and accompany him to the toilet!" Captain Lao Qi shouted. He had more eyes on Liu Mingfang's inability to move, but in the end, he couldn't let an outsider casually stay in the museum. move around.

As soon as Liu Mingfang went to the toilet, Li Guochang came. It was very unfortunate that the two of them walked one after another and didn't meet.

Li Guochang was trembling and panicking, as if he was running, and without even breathing, he grabbed the arm of the captain, Lao Qi, and said, "Captain Qi, let me go in and see you, Director Zhang, Something really matters!"

Captain Lao Qi also listened to the news that Li Guochang wanted to withdraw from the exhibition. After all, this painting belongs to someone else, and it is worth billions of dollars. It is a high consciousness to be willing to donate to the country, but if you regret it, you can't say anything.

"I haven't seen anyone for a day today, and I don't know if Director Zhang is here." Zhang Wenli often used the museum as his home, and the captain, Lao Qi, was the old security guard of the Crane Art Museum. He knew this habit.

"He's here! He's here!" Li Guochang spoke very eagerly, his face flushed red, and even the layers of folds on his face rose smoothly, "I have to meet your curator quickly."

"Okay, I'll find someone to accompany you up."

"No, no..." Li Guochang didn't want anyone to accompany him, he was still walking fast at his age, it was as if he was being pushed away by something terrible.

The rain continued to fall, the wind continued to blow, and the storm caused by the typhoon rumbled and was about to uproot those towering ancient trees. Captain Lao Qi glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was eleven o'clock, and he was a little tired, but he still stared at the computer monitoring screen in front of him, and stared at Li Guochang's every move - strangely, Li Guochang was under surveillance. Instead of going to the director's office where Zhang Wenli was, he went straight to the East Hall of the Crane Art Museum.

He stopped in the wax figure area, and he was still chanting words, as if he was talking to someone - talking to the void.

The wax figure area is empty, what is he doing there? Did you make an appointment with Liu Mingfang? But there was no figure of Liu Mingfang on the surveillance screen.

Captain Lao Qi used the walkie-talkie to talk to the security guard Xiao Zhou who accompanied Liu Mingfang to the toilet, but no one answered.

The captain, Lao Qi, felt a little uneasy, and he was looking forward to the dawn of the sky, and he would be safe overnight.

However, before the thought was over, the lights of the entire art gallery went out collectively, and certain screens on the monitors became pitch black again.

The Crane Art Museum has lost power again.

It is not uncommon for the power to be cut off once in such a big wind and rain, but it is a little strange to cut off the power for the second time in a row.

"No! Brothers, come with me!" Captain Lao Qi secretly shouted and led the security guards to the wax figure area where Li Guochang was located at the fastest speed.

Before the five-minute backup battery was activated, security guards, armed with steel forks and batons, used flashlights to find the man dead.

Li Guochang fell to the ground with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, looking extremely shocked and extremely painful.

"Hurry up and guard all the entrances and exits!" The call has not yet come, which proves that it has been less than five minutes since the incident happened, and the murderer is probably still in the museum. The captain, Lao Qi, shouted to the security guards, and ordered everyone to block the door and arrest them. Fierce, while pulling out the phone to call the police.

"Hey, Team Tao—"

Before he finished speaking, a figure in the dark attacked him. The captain, Lao Qi, was engrossed in the phone at hand, and he didn't notice anyone behind him. A sap hit him on the head, and he immediately lost consciousness.