In the Dark

Chapter 51: The girl without a pearl earring (4)


After Xie Lanshan fell to the ground, Yi Mengmeng returned to the Golden Triangle. The Golden Triangle was picturesque, and the Golden Triangle was treacherous.

In the sauna cabin, Mu Kun seemed to have a tendency to abuse himself. He kept pouring water onto the volcanic rocks in the sauna stove. The steam filled the cabin and the temperature continued to rise.

The original leisure and entertainment has become a torment. Except for Xie Lanshan and Mu Kun, everyone was shouting the heat, and those who couldn't stand it left the cabin one after another. Within half an hour, the last Jinya who stayed in the cabin couldn't stand the heat and said hello to Mu Kun. , as if to escape.

When there were only two people left in the wooden house, Mu Kun lit a cigarette, took two puffs by himself, stretched out his hand again, and handed the cigarette to Xie Lanshan's mouth.

Xie Lanshan lowered his head, bit the wet cigarette holder, and took a sip.

"Why did you choose here?" His voice was almost hoarse, and Xie Lanshan was sweating like rain.

"I don't usually have the chance to look at you like this. It's good for us to be honest with each other." They both wrapped their lower bodies with only a bath towel. Mu Kun's eyes passed through the vast steam between the two of them. The oily, naked muscles were reddened by the heat and stretched out strong lines, which seemed very sexy to him.

Xie Lanshan didn't answer these words, raised his head, closed his eyes, and tried his best to remain calm.

"The last layer of the eight hot hells, the endless hell, you and the fire burn into one, your body is scorched, you can't die, and you can't escape. In all the pain, the endless hell is the most unbearable." It was indeed too hot, too hot Like being tortured in a burning iron house, Mu Kun asked Xie Lanshan, "Did you ever feel like you were in hell?"

Xie Lanshan opened his eyes, did not speak, only answered in his heart.

all the time.

Mu Kun has come to Xie Lanshan, reached out and raised his chin: "But if there are only the two of us in this hell, it will be more like the world of bliss."

Xie Lanshan said perfunctorily, "Maybe."

"Why are you talking so little? It's like a dumbass." Mu Kun felt bored, got up and scooped a spoonful of water on the high-temperature stone, and a handful of hot air spread out like a fire.

"Actually, there is something I want to tell you today," Mu Kun said suddenly and viciously, "Go and set fire to the poppy garden of those four old things for me."

The power of drug lords in the Golden Triangle is intricate and complicated, and Mu Kun is firmly in the top spot, and he is inseparable from the four major families who have been supporting and following his father. It's just that the old man is self-confident and the young man is not allowed to interfere with his hands and feet, and the contradiction between the two parties is getting worse.

Xie Lanshan usually doesn't take the initiative to ask Mu Kun why he asked him to do something, but his eyes are asking.

"The drug situation is changing too fast, heroin is already a sunset industry, but those four old antiques just won't listen to me and won't follow me to develop new drugs. Don't you Chinese have a saying called 'breaking the boat and sinking the boat'?" Mu Kun is irrational At that time, I even thought about killing those four old people on the street as an example.

Xie Lanshan thought about it and said: "Among the four major families, the Gang is the most stubborn, and Ba Song is the most uncontested. You can't persuade the stubborn, and you don't need to persuade the undisputed. The remaining two, Wu Suoda and Wu Khenpo have always been inseparable. Mu, there has been an infighting for some business recently. It's a good opportunity. If you burn one of them's poppy garden, they will be even more bitter. When they are almost at the end of the fight, you can mediate between them and let the other one take your own poppy. 30% of the income of the park compensates the other party, or develops new drugs to compensate. No one will cede the existing interests, the answer is almost the only one. But when both of them taste the sweetness of the new drugs, it is three to two, and a few obey most."

"I really didn't see you wrong." Mu Kun smiled and asked after a while, "Do you know Hong Bing?"

Xie Lanshan nodded: "Ice meth extract."

Mu Kun took a cigarette and said: "The popular science of heroin is overwhelming, and most people dare not try it, but that thing is different, very mysterious, very hidden, it is like amethyst, it is very beautiful, once it is smoked, it is immediately addictive, and it is also very hidden. Can 'help sex', it's easy to hook girls."

Xie Lanshan looked at Mu Kun.

"I plan to give you all of Hongbing's mainland China market in the future." Mu Kun hugged Xie Lanshan and rubbed his skin in the high temperature, "Drugs and sex cannot be separated, just like money and women are to men. Your country No red ice has been seized yet, which means that no one has noticed this market. Think about it, there are more than 20 million high school girls in China, just like more than 20 million treasures waiting to be excavated... "

Xie Lanshan's fist clenched tightly.

"What are you thinking?" Mu Kun approached Xie Lanshan, his eyes were poisonous, and even a little emotional change could not escape his eyes.

"I'm thinking about the 'disciple' you mentioned, the one who shot my dad in the back." Xie Lanshan said this in order to reasonably cover up his emotions just now.

"I'll find out soon, but you have to be mentally prepared. He is likely to be your father's closest comrade-in-arms." Mu Kun looked at Xie Lanshan, his eyes fell on his slightly opened lips, and in the mist, he Bewitched by them.

He wanted to get closer to them, but Xie Lanshan was indifferent, turned his head away, and stared at his crotch coldly—

Mu Kun felt embarrassed and sat back angrily: "Damn, I'm getting hot!"

Xie Lanshan woke up in a dream here.

Song Qilian was sitting beside his bed. She was dressed in sunshine and showed a faint sad face, like a holy angel who led the way and brought him back from hell to the world.

Xie Lanshan apologized when he opened his eyes. He knew that he was too rude last night, that he was too rude to Yang Lin, who was not involved, and that he was rough with Song Qi.

"It's nothing, this case has put too much pressure on you, you should relax." Song Qilian unconsciously stroked the root of his right ring finger and took the initiative to invite, "Changchang has always wanted to go to the carnival, and when the dust of this case is settled, Can you take a weekend and come with us?"

"Okay," Xie Lanshan readily agreed, "I like that kid very much."

"Really?" The concerns of a single mother disappeared at the moment, Song Qilian showed a look of surprise on his face, but he was afraid to show it clearly, so he carefully hid it back, "He also likes you very much... very much like the toy pistol you gave him."

The two of them planned the carnival activities without a single word. He was talking and she was listening. Xie Lanshan was in high spirits, Song Qilian couldn't help smiling at him, this man really changed, he became cheerful and chatty.

Captain Tao's phone call never came at the right time. As soon as Xie Lanshan answered the call, a roar came from the other end of the phone: "Is your kid dead?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't." Xie Lanshan didn't have time to talk to his old friend, "What about the case? Liu... What did that kid say?" He couldn't care less about Song Qilian who was still beside him.

"Of course that kid refused to admit it. He only admitted to sleeping with his wife, but not to murder. He said that he did think about blacking out the art museum and stealing the paintings, but he could only think about it. After all, this job is too technical. Too high, ordinary people can’t do it—are you a modern-day Ximen Qing, an obscene beast who kills a man’s wife and kills you!”

Xie Lanshan snorted coldly and said nothing.

Tao Longyue continued: "I'll report back soon if I don't die. The good news is that Man Sheng has disguised as a buyer and has successfully connected with him. We're going to the club tonight to officially meet, and we have to make arrangements in advance."

"So soon? I'll be right back." The news was good, Xie Lanshan was so happy that he forgot Song Qilian next to him. He changed his clothes while on the phone.

Song Qilian blushed slightly, and quickly turned his back, but there was always that sturdy body in front of him, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Xie Lanshan dressed neatly and simply arranged his appearance before stepping out of the ward.

Song Qilian suddenly remembered something and shouted from behind him, "The doctor's test results haven't come out yet."

He was a good man again when his head didn't hurt. Xie Lanshan was there with every passing word. Nothing excited him more than the progress of the case. He turned back and waved to Song Qilian: "Just watch it for me."

So, facing Xie Lanshan's attending doctor, Song Qilian raised his concerns: "His head really hurts very badly. Is it the sequelae of the last car accident?"

The doctor said: "The examination results show that his injury is recovering well, and the congestion on his head has been completely absorbed, but it cannot be ruled out that the local cerebral insufficiency caused by the healing of the cerebral contusion and laceration can cause headaches."

"But he wasn't in ordinary pain, it was so painful that he passed out!" The doctor's understatement hardly made Song Qilian relieved, "I'm sorry, I'm not a medical professional, so I shouldn't question you like this, but I'm really worried, the injury was so serious last time. , he didn't even do a craniotomy."

"If it is necessary, we will definitely operate on him." The doctor saw many family members of such patients and smiled disapprovingly, "Besides, Officer Xie has already performed a craniotomy, and the brain is always operated on, and it doesn't matter. All right."

"Have you had a craniotomy?" Song Qilian was very surprised, she had never heard Xie Lanshan mention it.

"Before the car accident, he had a craniotomy. Of course, the wound has recovered very well, and it is usually invisible." The doctor nodded, his face serious, "His head should have suffered a heavy blow, a car accident or What else, it's not surprising given his police career."