In the Dark

Chapter 64: Mean Girl (2)


"Operation Hunting Nets" strengthened the police's cross-provincial cooperation. Xiao Qian just told Xie Lanshan that the girl in the painting had not been found out. Unexpectedly, only two days later, things turned around. A small city has indeed lost such a girl.

Xiao Qian went to Xie Lanshan and was told that he was not there, so he followed Captain Tao to the field. The reports of drug-related crimes have suddenly increased in the past two days.

Xiao Qian was hesitating whether to put the documents on the table, when he looked up, he saw Shen Liufei passing by the window.

Xiao Qian hurriedly greeted people: "Mr. Shen, I'll just touch you."

Shen Liufei approached the other party and asked the other party's intention with his eyes.

Xiao Qian said: "I actually let me find out the little girl's situation in the missing persons file. Xie Lanshan is not here. I'll leave this information to you."

Shen Liufei asked, "What information?"

Xiao Qian said, "Xie Lanshan said that the two of you were responsible for this case together, and even made a mock portrait for the girl?"

Shen Liufei remembered what happened and nodded.

Xiao Qian said, "Mr. Shen, I'm also rushing out of the field. You can hand this file to Xie Lanshan for me."

Shen Liufei took the portfolio from the other party's hand, took out the contents, and glanced at it.

A young girl named Zhuo Tian disappeared six years ago. Before the disappearance, the girl herself called the police and said that she was being violated illegally. However, after the police arrived at the scene, the search was fruitless, as if a living person had disappeared out of thin air.

Shen Liufei's face was gloomy because he was facing the light, and Xiao Qian discovered that this teacher Shen, who had always made people feel like a spring breeze, suddenly became heavy and cold, and his eyes were even more foggy, making people wonder what he was thinking.

Shen Liufei hastily turned over two pages of Zhuo Tian's files, and stopped looking at the content behind, raised his face and said to Xiao Qian, "I see."

His eyes met, and Xiao Qian froze for no reason. Because of his panic, he quickly turned his eyes away, for fear of being mixed up by the thick fog in Shen Liufei's eyes.

After Xiao Qian left, Shen Liufei asked Ding Li when Xie Lanshan would come back.

Ding Li said she didn't know either, it was too late, and she might not come back after investigation and evidence collection. She said there were reports of girls skating at the bar who looked like high school students. What were these little girls thinking? Drugs, once in a while, are lifelong addictions. Ding Li sighed deeply.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, after Xie Lanshan got his certificate in the reported bar, he said goodbye to Tao Longyue and went home.

In the dark corner where a dining car used to be parked, Tan Bo was no longer there. Tao Longyue said that he had been sent back to the scene of the crime, and that he was awaiting a trial 20 years overdue. A bright street light took the place of Tan Bo, because Ye Guiren who were not aware of the situation complained to the street. Without Tan Bo, they would never dare to take this night road again.

Sounds very ironic. Xie Lanshan stopped in this old place for a long time, facing the lonely street lamp, and there are old trees on the side of the road. When the autumn night wind blows, the shadow cast on the ground begins to shake and settle, and the pale white moonlight quilt The slices are cut like an avalanche.

For a moment, he felt that the old man was lonely, and he was lonely too.

Xie Lanshan took a bath when he got home. Song Qilian's words had been lingering in his mind that day, and he always smelled a rust-like smell on his body. Sprinkling cold water on his head, Xie Lanshan went to the mirror barefoot after drenching himself.

Standing in front of the mirror, he leaned closer, lifted his wet hair inch by inch, and checked the scars - he has always been rough in life, and he is not a person who takes his own heart, so if Song Qilian hadn't reminded him, he might never have been. Found this scar.

A very thin strip, it has recovered so well that it is almost invisible, and the hair has basically grown out. This scar is like a sad relic hidden in the dark.

Xie Lanshan suddenly stood in front of the mirror, trying very hard to retrieve some memories in this ruins, but what happened during the undercover period, he remembers the strong Anni, the arrogant Jinya, and even the compatriots who died in the streets. , but he was still very vague about how he suffered this serious injury.

It seems that on the eve of the three-nation joint operation, in order to pass information to Sui Hong, he found a reason to take a leave of absence and temporarily left Mu Kun. On the way back, he saw an injustice and was led into a dark alley by a hooligan who tried to rape the girl, and he was ambushed.

These people should be sent by Jinya. Jinya has always been suspicious and jealous of him, jealous of his close relationship with Mu Kun, which hindered his development.

He knocked down one, and another, but there were too many people. Before he finally lost consciousness, he remembered that he had his hands cut off by a gangster, and the other gangster took an iron rod and slammed him down on the head—

The memory came to an abrupt end here, and the scar on the head of the craniotomy should have been left from that time. There was a bright lamp in the bathroom, but he could feel that the filthy blackness at night was filling up one by one, engulfing the place where he stood.

In the darkness, the handsome face in the mirror was slightly deformed. Xie Lanshan faced him and asked softly: Who are you.

The doorbell rang suddenly.

A visitor came to visit at night, Xie Lanshan wrapped a bath towel on his lower body and left the bathroom to open the door. As soon as the door opened, he could clearly see who was coming. The haze of the past few days finally had a reason to be dispelled. He immediately smiled: "Cousin Shen, a rare visitor."

The corners of his mouth were clearly grinning to the roots of his ears, but Xie Lanshan still remembered his unilateral blind bet and refused to admit that he was a turtle, so he could only stop Shen Liufei from entering the door: "It's good to say, are you coming to see me or come to see me? Your cat fuck son?"

Shen Liufei pushed the person directly into the room: "Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference," Xie Lanshan took out a bag of cat food with a mouth tied from the cabinet, gave Shen Liufei a wink, and deliberately said in a choked voice, "Having a son, forgetting your wife, you are stinky."

Xu Shi's rations are good. The five milk cats are growing very fast, and they can run around. They are very strange. I still remember Shen Liufei, when they heard his voice, they rushed to his feet.

Xie Lanshan squatted on the ground and patiently shared food for the five milk cats. The cat bowl he prepared was in the shape of a flower, with five petals and five cats, just right. The cat food is evenly distributed, ensuring that both males and females are evenly covered, soft and hard, and everyone can eat it.

Shen Liufei stared at the big pink flower-shaped cat bowl, raised his eyebrows slightly, the implication was obvious, are you quite a girl

Xie Lanshan understood and waved his hand quickly: "The little girl in the community didn't stuff it for me, and said it was convenient to feed these five little things."

The five milk cats all had rations, but Xie Lanshan still didn't stand up, watching these wild things eat seriously. The milk-colored kitten kept rubbing against his legs, and he reached out and touched its forehead lightly, with a gentle and serious demeanor.

Xie Lanshan looked at the cat without blinking, and Shen Liufei by the side looked at him without blinking.

The squatting posture is not very elegant, and the key is inconvenient. Xie Lanshan's towel tied around his waist loosened and slipped below the waist, revealing his plump and tight buttocks and a looming gluteal groove, and almost revealing a more crucial part. Xie Lanshan put his hand around the towel in time, got up and fastened it again, and turned back to wink at Shen Liufei: "Let me explain, I didn't mean to tempt you. Of course, if you really can't control it, you can tell me directly."

It seems like a joke, but a pair of eyes have more content than usual, and they are paid, as if the other party can give him any reaction and he can burn.

Shen Liufei deliberately turned a blind eye to Xie Lanshan's eyes, and said lightly, "Two things."

Xie Lanshan leaned on the sofa, still not serious: "Listen to my cousin's teaching."

Shen Liufei said, "Tang Xiaomo will leave Hanhai tomorrow, saying that she is going to find relatives in other provinces and cities, so she wants to say goodbye to you."

The grandfather, who was finally found, went to prison again, and the image of the stalwart of the past was greatly reduced. Xie Lanshan sighed lightly: "Whether she is a high-speed train or a plane, I will send her off."

"One more thing," Shen Liufei handed Xie Lanshan the portfolio he got from Xiao Qian, "this is the girl you're looking for."

"She really... really exists?" Xie Lanshan heard Shen Liufei's definite answer, and his heart suddenly beat wildly.

Dumb thoughts, fantasies, delusions, he thought 10,000 times that this girl really exists, but he never thought that facing this reality would be so difficult.

A not-so-heavy file bag, but like a heavy tripod, Xie Lanshan held it and his hands shook more than once. He was flustered, especially after he found out that he had undergone a craniotomy. Now there is a possibility that is infinitely magnified. He once suffered a brain injury, and he lost part of his memory, and in this memory there is a secret about the life and death of this girl in white.

Xie Lanshan threw the overwhelmed portfolio back on the coffee table, lit a cigarette, took two puffs with shaking hands, and slammed the cigarette out.

Shen Liufei brought the things, and got up without expression to leave.

"Cousin, don't go." Xie Lanshan looked helpless, reached out and grabbed Shen Liufei's wrist, trying to keep the man who made him feel warm from the beginning.

Shen Liufei was stunned, and the coldness on his face melted. He admitted that he had been drawn by his seductive eyes, confused by his sweet smile, scratched and provoked by his words and deeds.

"Shen Liufei, stay tonight, okay?" Xie Lanshan grabbed Shen Liufei's wrist, put his hand on his cheek, rubbed it lightly, and sucked a kiss, he almost begged, "with me... with me Let's face it together, okay?"

Shen Liufei was almost moved, but when his eyes fell on the kraft paper file bag lying still, the warmth and heat in his body quickly went out.

He pulled out the hand firmly held by Xie Lanshan and left without saying a word.