In the Dark

Chapter 66: Mean Girl (4)


Just the day before Xie Lanshan was about to go to sea with a few little girls, in a private high school, a girl named Tao Jing was in physical education class. In the beginning, she suddenly rushed towards a girl who was running in front of her like a madman, and made a few strange non-human screams in her mouth, and bit her into the ear with one mouth.

The bitten girl screamed in agony, and blood flowed down her ears and neck on the spot. The little girls around also screamed, some stood by and some wanted to go up and pull people away, but Tao Jing's thin body burst out with amazing strength, and with a flick of her hand, she pushed a girl who came up to pull people away.

The physical education teacher has been teaching in this high school for many years. She has seen girls bickering and fighting, but she has never seen such a terrifying picture, so she rushed to stop it. The physical education teacher is a retired athlete, and he weighs 180 pounds. It took a lot of effort to pull Tao Jing off the bitten girl.

After Tao Jing was pulled away, the physical education teacher went to comfort the bitten girl and inspected her wound. Tao Jing was pulled to one side by multiple hands, howling and twitching. A few seconds later, she fell headfirst to the ground, motionless. .

The physical education teacher quickly turned the person around, took a breath, and found that the other person was no longer breathing. After hitting 120, the physical education teacher pinched Tao Jing's heart and pressed her chest. However, a series of first aid actions within her capacity were all successful. By the time the ambulance from the hospital arrived, the person was already dead.

The cause of death was sudden cerebral hemorrhage and acute renal failure. The hospital suspected that Tao Jing had a history of epilepsy and asked her family members carefully. The family members cried so hard that they were almost out of breath, saying that Tao Jing had always been healthy and had no history of such diseases. The hospital felt suspicious and called the police together with the family.

After an in-depth autopsy, Tao Jing's cause of death was finally determined to be an overdose of methamphetamine.

Tao Jingwen is quiet and elegant, with an ordinary family background and high grades. She can be admitted to a university with a single stroke, so she has been studying very hard on weekdays. Teachers and classmates all responded that Tao Jing was serious and down-to-earth.

Drugs entered the campus, and it was undoubtedly a thunderstorm that shook the entire society in an instant. The Provincial Public Security Department and the Anti-Narcotics Office worked quickly, and two elite members of the provincial anti-drug team were assigned to solve the case together with the serious crime team of the Hanhai Municipal Bureau.

People came at the first time. Liu Yanbo showed his importance to the case and personally led a team to welcome it. Tao Jun and Tao Longyue also followed.

"From the province?" Ding Li asked Tao Longyue curiously, "Is that the team that Senior Brother Xie was in?"

"Well, their captain's name is Sui Hong, who is like a fairy. I, Tao Longyue, have never served anyone in my life. Sui Hong is definitely one of them." Tao Longyue nodded and looked seriously at the two people who entered the lobby of the major crime team's office. personal.

One is Chi Jin and the other is Ling Yun. Both police officers are wearing crisp navy blue uniforms. They are tall and tall with long legs, broad shoulders and thin waist. They are handsome and sassy. They are all Sui Hong's capable subordinates, and they look very young. , but it is said that they have experienced hundreds of battles and have detected major transnational drug trafficking cases.

Aside from the scar on his face, Tao Longyue is also full of heroic spirit and has a dignified appearance, but this heroic and courageous body is still suitable for throwing into ordinary people. Standing with these two, he immediately felt uncomfortable. Tao Longyue quietly straightened his jacket, and looked at the two provincial elites by the way. Chi Jin's facial features were sharp and frosty, and he meant Shen Liufei quite a bit. Lingyun was very sunny, and he didn't smile. There is an affinity, he thought, this is the anti-drug team, it is clearly a male model team.

Chi Jin glanced at Tao Longyue and his team members, and said coldly, "Are all the people in your serious crime team so rambunctious?"

This is because they don't dress properly. It's no wonder that the serious crime team usually conducts more plainclothes investigations, so they don't need to wear uniforms, and they don't pay much attention to things like grooming. Tao Longyue followed the sound and looked back at his team members, Xiao Liang who was active in his work, Xiao Zhang who was down-to-earth, Xiao Jiao who dared to do things, and the piles of debris on their tables, as well as half-eaten hamburgers and cokes. , I found that these stinky boys are really not very decent, it is not the problem of police uniforms, at least the spirit is not right, one by one dressed in sloppy clothes, sitting or standing, standing with the elites from the province. In contrast, it's just like a gangster on the street.

Tao Longyue glared at Xiaoliang angrily, reminded him to wipe off the salad dressing dripping from his neckline with murderous eyes, then turned his head to say hello: "I'm sorry, Team Chi, the brothers are casual on weekdays, but they should give their lives. When the time comes, they will never be ambiguous." The elites in the province can be called "captain" in the city, and Captain Tao naturally doesn't care about this kind of snail's reputation, but the brothers who are born and die should always protect it.

Chi Jin still had a cold face, looked at Tao Longyue's team members again, and asked, "Where's Xie Lanshan? I heard that he started a criminal investigation with you after he left the anti-drug team. Why didn't you see him?"

It was only at this time that Tao Longyue realized that this man should have known Xie Lanshan, but he was still an old comrade in arms. He said, "I don't know what's going on, I haven't been in touch for a day, so I'll call him again. "After speaking, he turned around and instructed Ding Li to continue calling Xie Lanshan.

"No need to contact me," Chi Jin said coldly and rudely, "I don't want to deal with the black sheep in the police force either."

This is one of the police types with the highest casualty rate in China. They want to fight against those drug lords with real swords and guns, so everyone has unique skills, and their vision is high. Captain Tao can ignore it. But he couldn't hear the other party arranging his good brother like this, so he couldn't help pulling his face down and protested: "Team Chi, it's inappropriate to talk like this."

Even Ling Yun on the side reminded in a low voice, "Chi Jin, speak well."

When Lingyun came, Xie Lanshan had just been transferred away. He didn't know Xie Lanshan, but it didn't prevent Chi Jin from getting to know him. More than knowing, Chi Jin was the first person to follow Xie Lanshan to the edge of the cliff during the encirclement and suppression of Mu Kun that day. He saw with his own eyes that due to Xie Lanshan's moment of hesitation, the sniper gun arranged by Mu Kun killed his comrade-in-arms, and because of this, he got a chance to breathe and escaped in a helicopter. After the task was completed, he repeatedly reported to his head, believing that Xie Lanshan had deliberately let go of Mu Kun.