In the Dark

Chapter 67: Mean Girl (5)


There were six young girls on board, all of them high school students. As a teacher, Xiao Gu was full of vigilance against Xie Lanshan's sudden arrival.

Xie Lanshan didn't explain that he was a policeman. The little girl regarded him as a public relations officer, so he was happy to leave his identity temporarily, spa pool, massage room, viewing bar, and keep fit, while enjoying the golden autumn sky and the sea. Splendid.

At the same table in the evening, plus Teacher Xiao Gu, there were exactly eight people sitting at one table. In order to facilitate Xie Lanshan's better understanding, the six girls took turns to introduce themselves. In the face of the beautiful opposite sex, everyone was very positive. Needless to mention Peng Yixuan, the famous Xinghui daughter, who is not seen on weekdays and heard of her; Zou Ruoqi also needless to mention, she was a transfer student in the second year of high school, and has joined this group for the shortest time, but it seems that Peng Yixuan trusts her the most. like. If you don't know each other, Xie Lanshan can see that Zou Ruoqi is very flattering to Peng Yixuan, or in other words, very afraid.

Although these girls are so inseparable that they have become a small group, they are not in the same class. They laughed enthusiastically and made a lot of noise, but Xie Lanshan could still see that they were all afraid of Peng Yixuan.

Xie Lanshan turned his attention to Zou Ruoqi, took her as a fulcrum, moved his gaze clockwise, and looked at a short-haired girl with reddish hair on the right side of Zou Ruoqi: "What's your name?"

Peng Yixuan answered for her: "She is called Qiu Fei, because she is ugly, we call her ugly concubine."

Xie Lanshan was surprised, the girl in front of her was not only not ugly, but on the contrary, she was tall and slender, and her appearance was very foreign.

"Don't believe me? She's thinner now and has money to dress up. She used to be no different from a sow." Peng Yixuan said very rudely, she was rude to anyone. She said to Qiao Fei, "Come on, push a pig's nose and I'll take a look."

Qiu Fei really pushed a pig's nose in public, twisted her facial features to look ugly, and the girls were made to giggle.

"Yeah, I used to be as fat as a pig." With her fingers off her nose, Qiu Fei was very carefree, she didn't seem to be angry at the nickname at all, she picked up a tuft of her hair and said, "Look at me This hair is not dyed, it is born with this color, the doctor said that I am zinc deficient, I think I am actually lacking in heart."

After speaking, she laughed and said to Xie Lanshan, "You can also call me ugly concubine."

Looking clockwise, a pair of cousins, the elder sister's name is Yu Qin, and the younger sister's name is Yu Yangzi. The facial features are actually quite similar, and it can be seen that they are sisters, but the difference is a thousand miles away. The elder sister is very beautiful, with long hair and long face. The younger sister looks a lot rounder, but she has a sweet smile and a youthful and energetic person.

My sister is actually one year older than the girls here. She and Peng Yixuan met in a dance club in junior high school. They had very similar temperaments and soon joined this small group. It is said that she should have been a freshman at this time, but unfortunately she made a serious mistake in the college entrance examination this year and could only repeat it.

The younger sister is the youngest among all the girls, only she and the remaining girl are currently in the second year of high school, one class, but they have been suspended for a year because of severe type 1 diabetes.

The last girl was named Lu Weiwei, her smile was always faint, and the person looked faint, with a kind of ill temperament, she was pale and thin, but a little swollen on closer inspection. She is the least noisy of the six girls. I heard that she used to be in the dance club and won an award. If she hadn't suddenly fallen ill, she would have a bright future.

The table is all set up by Mr. Xiao Gu, a pot of red braised beef brisket as a topping, enough rice, and a stir-fried asparagus and bitter gourd, and dinner is complete.

Teacher Xiao Gu said while setting the bowls and chopsticks, "The ingredients on this ship are limited, everyone, let's eat some."

Chang Ming came to the living room from the captain's room to eat with the girls. When he saw a male creature in the cabin, he immediately became happy: "Open a bottle of the bar and have a drink with this little brother."

Peng Yixuan also laughed wildly, and then echoed: "The wine is hospitable, and I am so happy today, it's time to get a bottle of wine that my brother is hiding!"

"You alcoholic, don't say a word. You have to drink for a while and drink it yourself. There are little girls here. How can you get two drunks?" Facing Chang Ming, Teacher Xiao Gu sank, and in the end he was still scruples. Seeing a stranger like Xie Lanshan, I was afraid that he would go mad with drunkenness and conspiracy.

Xie Lanshan knew what the other party was worried about, and smiled and said, "I don't usually drink much."

The rice was served by himself, and the toppings were added by himself. Chang Ming devoured it and emptied the plate in front of him in an instant. He got up and went back to the captain's room. There was no one to drink with him, and it was boring to stay here.

Peng Yixuan didn't seem to have a big appetite, so she stopped eating after taking two bites. She thought the asparagus was too astringent and the bitter melon was too bitter, and her mouth was full of strange taste. She proposed to play the game, a group of four, just divided into two groups.

This is a common table game. Everyone stretches out their hands and says one thing they have done before. The key point is that they have done it but think that others have not done it, and fewer people have not done it. With one finger, what has been done remains unchanged, and whoever withdraws all the fingers will be judged the loser. Those who lose will be punished, usually truth or dare, the old-fashioned is a bit old-fashioned, but it can liven up the atmosphere at the dinner table.

Teacher Xiao Gu was the first game that couldn't handle this kind of young man's game. He had never played disco, clubbing, chicken eating, or cheating, and soon all ten fingers were withdrawn.

The winning group wanted to punish the losers and asked Mr. Xiao Gu, "Mr. Xiao, do you choose the truth or the big risk?"

Teacher Xiao Gu said, "I've never played this before, so let's choose the truth." She was afraid that these little girls didn't care about the importance, and they would be mad if they had to choose a big adventure.

The red-haired Qiu Fei and her younger sister Yu Yangzi shouted first: "Who wants to listen to your sincerity!" The implication was that they were not uncommon to mix with old women.

Teacher Xiao Gu followed what everyone said: "Then take a big risk."

Peng Yixuan suddenly sneered: "Okay, take off your clothes and go to stand on the deck."

Such a beautiful and delicate girl showed such a stench and resentment in her eyes, and Teacher Xiao Gu was completely stunned for a while.

Several girls laughed shrilly at the same time, very harsh. Teacher Xiao Gu glanced right and left, holy and helpless, like a nun who strayed into Pansi Cave, and didn't know whether to use her own body to give.

The sick beauty Lu Weiwei couldn't stand it anymore, and she was the only girl who couldn't stand it any longer: "Yixuan, you should be careful when you play, you're done."

"Have you forgotten the allusion we learned in our Chinese textbook, the one that Hua Xin and Wang Lang took refuge in a boat?" Peng Yixuan sneered and explained, "There were two people who were sitting in the same boat when they suddenly encountered a drowning man. Man, a generous man wanted to rescue the drowning man into the boat, but another strongly opposed it, believing that the boat was close to being loaded, and there was a danger of it being overwhelmed with another person. The generous man accused the other of being unkind and left the drowning The drowning man rescued the boat. However, when the boat encountered wind and waves in the middle and was in danger, the generous man pushed the drowning man off the boat without hesitation in order to protect himself."

After a moment of silence, Peng Yixuan looked at Lu Weiwei, and seemed to say something else, "You are more disgusting than me who didn't let anyone on board in the first place."

The person didn't persuade him but gave himself a slap in the face, Lu Weiwei clenched her fists and trembled all over.

The cups and cups on the table are rich, but the dark tide is surging. Hearing for a long time that the friendship between girls is a plastic flower, Xie Lanshan frowned slightly. He could see that there was some personal resentment between the two, and it seemed that it was not all for an unreasonable and unsightly punishment.

Zou Ruoqi came out to smooth things out: "Going to sea is for fun, why are you still arguing and playing games?"

Seeing that the two girls were fighting with each other, Xie Lanshan held up a drop of non-alcoholic drink and took a slow sip. Following Zou Ruoqi's words, he raised his eyebrows, moved his hands out of seven fingers, and pretended to sigh, "Why do women make it difficult for women? Besides, you also have what Teacher Xiao has, what else is there to look at? I have a few more here. As for the fingers, if I lose, I will take it off for you to see, it's guaranteed to be exciting."

Teacher Xiao Gu couldn't stand such slander and abuse, so he hid his face and left. "I just don't like her, she's always sneaking around in my house, either to steal or to seduce my dad!" Peng Yixuan scolded angrily, raising her voice deliberately so that Xiao Gu, who had just left, could hear , "Bitch!"

The girls all like Xiao Gu, although they are not as daring to shout at Peng Yixuan as Lu Weiwei, they all show unpleasant expressions, and carefully advise Peng Yixuan to stop.

Only Yu Qin, from the beginning to the end, has an indifferent attitude that has nothing to do with himself.

Xie Lanshan was curious about the girl's indifference, and asked her intentionally, "Don't you want to say something or do something?"

Yu Qin said disdainfully, "What's the matter with me?"

Xie Lanshan said: "How do you say she also takes care of your clothing, food and daily life, and you call her teacher—"

"So what?" The girl was obviously self-sufficient, and really didn't care about anyone. "Even if she dies, it's none of my business."

Xie Lanshan smiled slightly, no longer bothered about this topic, but read a poem lightly in English:

They came first for the socialists

and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.

(They came to arrest the Communist Party first, and I didn't say anything because I'm not a Communist Party.)

Then they came for the trade unionists

and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

(They then came to arrest the Jews, and I didn't speak because I'm not a Jew.)


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak for me.

(They finally came for me, and no one spoke for me by then.)

His voice was low and soft, and he read poems very nicely. Other girls were either limited in English and could not understand them; Only Yu Qin, Xie Lanshan understood the first sentence when she read the first sentence. The other party used the confession poem of the Nazi massacre of Jews to condemn her indifference.

She was very unhappy, and was about to make fun when Zou Ruoqi shouted at the right time: "Okay, let's continue playing the game!"

Xie Lanshan's lucky draw was very good, so the girls concentrated their firepower and fired at Xie Lanshan in turn. When it was his sister Yu Yangzi's turn to play the game, he only had the last finger left.

As a result, the other party said something that had already been said, and he lost a finger, but instead let Xie Lanshan escape.

Peng Yixuan was very angry, and she scolded Yu Yangzi at the head: "Are your fucking minds full of mucus? Didn't your sister just say that she has been to auntie?"

Yu Yangzi was so scolded that she didn't dare to speak back, except for Lu Weiwei, everyone let Miss Peng.

"Don't be angry with this little fool, it's your turn." It was Zou Ruoqi who made the rounds again, and she said to Peng Yixuan, "Speak up, let Alan take off his clothes, won't you?"

I basically said everything that could be said, Peng Yixuan lowered her head and fell into thinking. A big wave came over, the hull swayed slightly, and the light overhead was dim and soft, casting it down, creating small shadows on the young and beautiful faces.

Suddenly, Peng Yixuan seemed to have a flash of light, and said faintly: "I have killed people."

As soon as these words came out, it was like drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, and the lively and chattering place completely quieted down. Peng Yixuan was complacent, while everyone else's expressions were weird. Xie Lanshan restrained his smile, and the police's keen intuition told him that this girl was not just grandstanding.