In the Dark

Chapter 72: Hand in hand, back to back (3)


Chang Ming died, and his death was too bizarre.

The girls speculated: "Could it be Xie Lanshan who did it? He is an outsider here, so he can kill Uncle Chang with one knife?"

"If he did it, you should thank me. The most dangerous murderer has already been locked up by me." Peng Yixuan took out the key to the handcuffs from her pocket, raised her hand, and threw it into the sea. She said, "Wait. Once ashore, we'll hand him over to the police."

Yu Yangzi touched his chin and asked, "But, how do we go ashore?"

Rather than worrying about who killed Chang Ming, a more pressing question immediately knocked everyone down—no one can drive a yacht here, and the satellite communication equipment has malfunctioned again. In the vast sea with no signal, what should they do? How to get out of danger.

"If my dad can't get in touch with me, he will definitely call the police. The police will dispatch a helicopter to rescue at sea. We just need to wait patiently." Peng Yixuan is not worried at all. Contrary to everyone's panic, she even seemed very Happy, "Everything on the boat is much better than your home. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Time is a very strange thing. For those who are open-minded, a day will pass by opening and closing their eyes, but if there is something in their hearts, they will live like a year, and every minute will be a torment. There are seven women in a boat, six girls and one teacher. There is basically a consensus that it is safer for everyone to gather together at the moment, so except when they go to the toilet, they will leave for a short time, and they basically stay in the main cabin.

We stayed together for a while, but we were separated from each other. As time ticked away, a strange and uneasy atmosphere spread quietly. Some were thinking about Monday's class, and some were thinking about Chang Ming's death. Anyway, the girls Everyone has their own thoughts, and they are not happy to do anything.

The dinner was made by Mr. Xiao Gu. There were no fresh ingredients on board. Xiao Grain made the best use of it and made a few plates of tomato pasta. Lu Weiwei has serious diabetes, so she went back to her bedroom before meals and injected herself with an insulin pen.

However, after a meal, the girls lost their appetite after taking a few bites, put down their forks and stopped eating. Several people looked at each other, the air pressure in the cabin was inexplicably low, Peng Yixuan felt bored, and smiled and made a suggestion: "Let's play board games, how about Werewolf?"

She instructed Zou Ruoqi to fetch the board games in the room, but everyone said that after all, a person had just died, and they were really not interested at the moment.

"Why are you guys so boring, you all said that there will be nothing wrong." At the dinner table, Peng Yixuan finally lost her temper, got up angrily, and prepared to go back to her master bedroom.

Qiu Fei called her: "Yixuan, let's stay together—"

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the living room suddenly went out. The blind girls were frightened by the sudden darkness and screamed.

"Don't panic, everyone, stay where you are! I'm going to take a look, it may be a trip!" Teacher Xiao Gu used his mobile phone to illuminate, got up and walked out of the living room.

Teacher Xiao Gu went out on the front foot, and along with the screams of the girls, a childish voice sang:

"Who hides sin in the sun / Who has blood on his hands in the dark / Behold / The man facing you behind has raised a sharp knife / You are slaughtered like an ignorant bird..."

The singing is very sweet and crisp, but it's clearly coming from something like a tape recorder, and it's been voice-transformed.

Suddenly, the singing came to an abrupt end, and the out-of-tune, childlike voice began to speak:

"Sisters, let's play a game, tell each of the six of you the sinister secrets that are unknown to each other, pay attention, the more sinister and vicious this secret is, the safer you will be, and it can't be repeated, otherwise the person who will die after Changming is you."

The darkness gave birth to fear, which spread like a gangrene one by one, and soon spread in the small confined space. After a short death-like silence, Zou Ruoqi, the least timid one, shouted, "The person who anonymously reported Yu Qin and her math teacher is Yu Yangzi!"

Because of this report letter, Yu Qin lost her recommended quota, and the math teacher she liked was also removed from the school. Since then, Yu Yu has disappeared. Then she failed the college entrance examination and re-read, and she had to endure the fingers of her classmates every day. with white eyes. The smooth life trajectory was completely reversed because of this report letter, and Yu Qin gritted his teeth with hatred every time he thought about it.

"It turned out to be you! I'm your sister, but you report me behind your back?" She even forgot the weird situation she was in at the moment, and with the memory of her sister's position before the lights went out, she jumped up and restrained her. neck.

Yu Yangzi's neck was restrained by her sister Yu Qin. She took it for granted that she would die like the childish prophecy, so she also struggled and shouted: "I know that Qiu Fei sells a kind of 'beautiful medicine' among the students, which is actually drug trafficking. !"

Qiu Fei's nerves were already highly tense. When she heard her name, as if she was called by the god of death, she immediately shouted: "Peng Yixuan killed a girl named Yao Dai, she is our junior high school classmate!"

This is a crazy scene of dog bites dog. In order to protect themselves, everyone is willing to uncover other people's gorgeous furs, revealing ugly lice and bloody wounds. Peng Yixuan was no more afraid of talking nonsense than other girls, and even faintly found it interesting. Even though she was called, she took it slow: "I only hurt him intentionally. Yao Dai was not dead at the time, and Lu Weiwei was the first person who proposed to kill people and destroy corpses."

In the chaos, Lu Weiwei, who had not said a word, suddenly fell down.

The call is coming. It may be that Mr. Xiao Gu outside has activated the closing switch, and the power supply has been restored to the whole ship. The girls found that Lu Weiwei, who was lying on the ground, was pale and sweating.

After a brief power outage, Xie Lanshan, who was locked in the storage room, also noticed something was wrong. He heard screams, and the decibels from these girls' unison could not be underestimated, even if they were far apart.

Xie Lanshan was locked up for a whole day, his mouth was thirsty, his eyes were starving, and no one came to deliver a meal or water. It seemed that the group of girls had completely forgotten them in this cramped and crowded corner. . However, at this moment, he was worried that something was going on outside, so he forgot his unhappiness. Although those girls were chattering and wicked, they were all underage. He could not objectively and subjectively I don't want to compare with these girls.

He wanted to find something like iron wire to pry open his handcuffs, but after a lot of searching, he found several large packets of strange particles hidden in a secret place.

The shape is like large grains of sea salt, and the color is purple.

Years of undercover drug investigation made Xie Lanshan very familiar with this thing. He broke out in cold sweat, and the goose bumps all over his body stood up vigilantly.

No wonder that Chang Ming, who he met that night, was in a panic and sneaky, just to hide this thing? Xie Lanshan pondered for a while, and Chang Ming must have started a drug business by taking advantage of the convenience of watching the boat for the young master of the Peng family. After all, yachts sell drugs, and they are highly concealed. Who would have thought that yachts worth hundreds of millions of dollars are actually places to hide drugs. Of course, this is the best cover.

"Anyone? Come and open the door, let me out!"

The situation became more complicated and dangerous, and Xie Lanshan began to smash the door. His hands were handcuffed, making it difficult to move, but he had to get out anyway.

After smashing and shouting for seven or eight minutes, he finally attracted someone.

Zou Ruoqi obeyed Peng Yixuan's arrangement and put Xie Lanshan into the storage room. She felt guilty at first, but now that there was a dead person on board, she became more and more uneasy.

She tremblingly groped to the storage room at the rear of the yacht's bilge, and asked cautiously, "Are you really a policeman?"

"I'm really a policeman." Seeing the other party's coy appearance, Xie Lanshan immediately realized that something had happened. He asked through the small window on the door, "Did something happen on the boat?"

Zou Ruoqi was still afraid and did not dare to approach, but stood in the distance and said, "Uncle Chang who sailed the boat is dead."

Xie Lanshan was stunned for a moment: "Chang Ming is dead? How did he die?" After discovering Hong Bing, he was worried that Chang Ming, a drug dealer, would be bad for these girls, but he didn't expect the most dangerous person to die first .

There was a bit of crying in Zou Ruoqi's voice: "He was stabbed in the chest and died on the helm. The girls were all terrified."

Xie Lanshan was surprised: "Death with one knife?"

Zou Ruoqi nodded: "It is true that there is only a stab wound to the heart."

Xie Lanshan was puzzled. Chang Ming had been a soldier. With his size and skill alone, all the women on the ship couldn't beat him. How could he even stab him in the chest? What's more, he slept in the living room near the cockpit last night, and he didn't hear the sound of a fight. Even Xie Lanshan, it was not easy to ambush Chang Ming silently.

After thinking about it, Xie Lanshan asked again: "No one is sailing now, can you contact the outside world?"

Zou Ruoqi shook his head: "I can't get in touch, and I don't know why, the communication equipment is faulty."

Xie Lanshan continued to ask: "What about the girls, are they all right?"

Zou Ruoqi shook his head and hesitated: "We're all fine, just..."

Xie Lanshan was anxious: "What is it?"

"When the power went out, a voice suddenly came out. It sounded like a tape recorder that was hidden somewhere. This voice made us tell each other a dirty secret. Who doesn't say that she will be the next one to die. Lu Weiwei what? She didn't say anything, and then she fell down..." Speaking of which, Zou Ruoqi shuddered. Obviously, the sudden death of an adult male and the darkness of the confined space destroyed her sanity, and she really believed it. "Weiwei had injected insulin before meals, so Yu Qin said that she was in a coma because she had taken too much insulin. Because it happened once in school before, that is, she had taken too much insulin, which caused a coma due to low blood sugar. Now they put her in a coma. He helped her to the bed in the bedroom, let her lie down to rest, and prepared to make sugar water to feed her... "

Xie Lanshan couldn't help frowning, pondering again. Faced with such a sudden situation, these girls' reactions were logical. However, Chang Ming was killed in a strange way, and then there were mysterious nursery rhymes.

He asked Zou Ruoqi seriously: "Have you touched Lu Weiwei after she fell to the ground? Is her breathing deep and fast, and does her mouth smell of rotten apples?"

Zou Ruoqi recalled and shouted: "Yes! It smells very strong, you can smell it when you are close!"

really! Xie Lanshan said in surprise: "Hurry up and stop your friends, you can't feed Lu Weiwei sugar water!"

Zou Ruoqi was also taken aback and hurriedly asked, "Why?"

"A diabetic who breathes deeply and smells like a rotten apple in his mouth is in a hyperglycemic coma, not a hypoglycemic coma. I suspect that someone has given away Lu Weiwei's insulin pen. At this time, feeding the sugar water will make it worse, Lu Weiwei will surely die!" Xie Lanshan looked serious, his brows tightened, and now saving lives is like putting out a fire. He instructed Zou Ruoqi with a very fast speech rate, "Look if there is any tea on the boat, make a cup of tea with salt, and feed Lu Weiwei to drink it. Remember to let her drink it. Lying on your side, you cannot lie flat, because diabetic ketoacidosis will cause vomiting, and lying flat will cause vomit to be sucked into the airway, which is very likely to suffocate and die on the spot. vomit and ready to give her CPR."

"Okay, okay, I remembered it." Zou Ruoqi listened ignorantly, but quickly turned his brain and memorized Xie Lanshan's words. She turned her head and ran upstairs, but before she took two steps, Xie Lanshan called her after her again.

Zou Ruoqi turned his head and looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

Xie Lanshan smiled at him: "You are a brave girl, there is a murderer among you now, you must pay attention to your own safety."

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have helped Peng Yixuan to frame you..." It's rare for someone to come here, but this man didn't mention his situation at all. He didn't ask her to let him out of the storage room. on others. There were tears in Zou Ruoqi's eyes, and he held back his tears and smiled at Xie Lanshan, "I believe you are a policeman now!"