In the Dark

Chapter 75: Hand in hand, back to back (6)


This was their third day on the ship. Before the singing sounded, Lu Weiwei, who had not yet escaped danger, was still asleep in her cabin, and the rest of the girls fell into a terrible silence.

Say what? What else can I say? People are girlfriends in front of people, and devils are behind them. What is more vicious and dangerous than this old-fashioned island model and Blizzard Mountain Villa has always been the people's hearts. At this moment, they don't trust anyone.

The singing suddenly started, and everyone was caught off guard. Last time, they followed the sound, searched carefully, and finally found the voice recorder, but they didn't expect there was another.

"Sisters, the game is about to start again."

After the singing, the sweet and vicious virgin voice sounded again, and every girl was obviously startled, then her expression became nervous and her hands trembled. First, Chang Ming died tragically, and then Lu Weiwei fell into a coma. Every girl was also very scared, and she was the next one.

"In the last game, you confessed to each other's secrets. You collectively killed your classmate Yao Dai and wiped her from the world like a speck of dust. So, each of you must be responsible for Yao Dai's death. Suffered punishment, now your captain is dead, and your classmate Lu Weiwei is also dead, so who will be next?"

Everyone held their breath completely, as if turned into a stone, a big wave hit just at this moment, and the boat shook violently.

"Let's play a game to decide. Next, I will count down dozens of numbers. When the countdown is over, you call out the name of one person at the same time, and the person with the most votes will be the next victim of this game. Of course, you can also Like last time, if you choose to be silent after a collective crime, then all of you will be safe. But, sisters, please think about it, this may be your only chance to take revenge on those who hurt you, and you give up This opportunity, others may not let you go."

Yu Qin, the smartest among the girls, reacted almost immediately. This is another form of "prisoner's dilemma". Two conspirators face three choices before they go to jail: they don't expose each other, and they each go to jail for a year; or one exposes and the other remains silent, the whistleblower is released, and the silencer is jailed for ten years; or they expose each other, and both parties go to jail eight years. Because trust between people is at stake in a desperate situation, the rule maker is never defeated, and the prisoners will eventually choose to expose each other rather than keep silent.

"Okay, sisters, I'm going to start the countdown, ten—"

The child's voice is reverberating, the child's voice is clear, and the child's voice is endless, but such a sweet and tender voice is a signal of death. Yu Qin was betrayed by her sister once, and intuitively believed that the other party would still call her name this time, she hurriedly cast a glance at Yu Yangzi, and at the same time, Yu Yangzi was also looking at her with a complicated expression.

The eyes of the two people collided in the air, and there seemed to be sparks splashing. Yu Qin immediately realized that, by coincidence, her sister also thought so.

"Nine—" The countdown in the recorder was very slow, as if it had deliberately left enough time for them to quarrel, so that the conflict could continue to ferment.

The countdown continued, Yu Qin felt the danger approaching, and shouted excitedly: "The person who killed Uncle Chang and framed Weiwei must be among us, everyone, don't be instigated by this, we don't speak up now, let's see when that person will be It will show itself!" However, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw that Zou Ruoqi and her sister Yu Yangzi were standing very close to each other. Own.


Yu Qin was anxious and angry, and was accustomed to saying indiscriminately: "Why are you all looking at me like this, you all want to say my name, right? Zou Ruoqi, what were you talking to my sister just now? You know what? Don't know how to choose which is best for everyone? I don't think you know, you've always been the most unstable factor among us, idiot, auntie, dumb wood!"


Hearing this, Qiu Fei suddenly sneered and said, "I think you are the most unsettled factor. Do you like to give people nicknames?" Qiu Fei always remembered that the first person to call out "Ugly Concubine" It was Yu Qin, this incomparably shameful nickname ran through her entire adolescence, and when she thought about it, it was like a blunt knife slicing the flesh on her heart, and the pain was dripping with blood.

Yu Yangzi held Zou Ruoqi tightly and used the strong strength of each other's arms to confirm the firmness of the covenant, while Zou Ruoqi's eyes were smoothly matched with Qiu Fei's. One of the special skills of these girls is that they can quickly determine who is who. Enemies, who are allies, and quickly unite the front.

In the current situation, the votes are already three to one.


On the one hand, Yu Qin tried to explain to everyone what the "prisoner's dilemma" is, and the best option for everyone is to keep quiet. However, on the other hand, she also clearly knew that it was difficult to rationally consider choosing to remain silent in this special situation, not to mention that this group of girls had already fallen apart and did not trust each other.


The countdown suddenly accelerated, like the horn of death getting closer and closer, Yu Qin's last sense of reason completely collapsed, he picked up the recorder on the table angrily, and threw it out the window.

"Why did you choose me? Why did you choose me?" She rushed up, grabbed Zou Ruoqi's clothes and questioned her, "Why did you choose me? If you didn't propose to go to sea, why would we be stuck here?"

Zou Ruoqi felt aggrieved, and broke away from the other party's defense: "I just mentioned it casually, but you all responded. Besides, Yoko and I didn't participate in what you did four years ago, and we are the innocent ones who were implicated. people!"

Yu Yangzi nodded and pushed her sister forward: "That's right! It's obviously you who have done something good yourself, and you have troubled me!"

The physical touch quickly ignited a new round of conflict, Yu Qin turned to look at Yu Yangzi, and gave her a push, her voice was high, her eyes full of sadness: "I haven't told you yet, during the winter and summer vacations, I Sacrificing my own time to help you with your homework, I will copy my composition for you, and reveal to you in advance the topics your teacher will give you, so you treat me like this?"

"Bah!" Yu Yangzi interrupted her sister and pushed her again, this time with too much energy, Yu Qin didn't stand firm and fell directly.

"I don't like your condescending appearance on weekdays!" Yu Yangzi looked at her condescendingly, venting the resentment he had accumulated over the years, "And your parents and your mother, too, when the family gathers during the New Years and festivals, My parents' heads can never be lifted! I will always remember one time during the New Year's Eve dinner, your dad pointed at my dad's nose and scolded him for being stupid, saying, "Yoko's poor grades are inherited from your IQ. Saved.' Everyone laughed at my dad, and my mom cried. Okay, you have good grades, you're beautiful, you can dance, you're good at everything, so why are you hooking up with your math teacher ahead of time? What about the answer to the exam? What about the 'Ship of Theseus' and the 'Prisoner's Dilemma', aren't you tired of talking like this, and will you die if you don't show off like that?"

Falling into such a field where people are betrayed and blamed by everyone, the taste is decidedly uncomfortable. At that moment, Yu Qin thought of Yao Dai, who was besieged by the girls that night, and heard her heartbreaking cry, and felt the same way. She looked up dumbfounded, and turned to her last friend for a little comfort. But Peng Yixuan's indifference, disgust, and indifference, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Yu Qin collapsed completely, and suddenly took out a knife from behind, and she rushed towards several girls, with the attitude of perishing together.

She had been hiding the knife in her clothes. On the night of Lu Weiwei's accident, someone quietly stuffed it under her door.

The girls ran away screaming.

While chasing and hacking, Yu Qin shouted at Peng Yixuan: "Obviously someone is taking revenge on us for Yao Dai, and you have been bullying Yao Dai. After Lu Weiwei left that day, Yao Dai woke up, she didn't die at all, she still has help. You were afraid that her father would entangle your family and that it would affect the reputation of your Xinghui Group, so you had to kill someone. I took out my phone and called the police at that time—"

"The question is, did you call the police? You didn't!" Peng Yixuan suddenly stood still and stopped running. She turned around and stared at Yu Qin with a sneer, "Qiu Fei and I were looking at you like that at the time, no one stopped you, But you haven't!"

Yu Qin also stopped and did not speak. Indeed, she had already pressed two alarm numbers that night, but when she pressed the last button, she accidentally put down the phone.

"Because you were the one who bullied Yao Dai. I wasn't even fourteen years old at that time, but you were already there. Murder and arson are criminally responsible. You are so smart and know so much, how could you not know? What?" Seeing Yu Qin froze, Peng Yixuan chased after the victory and continued, "Besides, you were already in the third year of junior high school at that time, and your grades were so good, you were still waiting to be sent to high school, you didn't want to save Yao Dai at that time, don't come out and cry now. Rat fake mercy, my hands are stained with blood, and you are just as dirty!"

Teacher Xiao Gu walked into the living room where everyone gathered at this time, and when he saw Yu Qin holding a knife in his hand, he immediately rushed up.

Teacher Xiao Gu tried to stop Yu Qin from slashing and swinging his knife, but she was scratched, blood splashed on the spot, and the girls screamed.

"You all go back to your room, lock the door, and don't come out!"

With Teacher Xiao Gu standing in front of the sharp knife, the girls screamed and fled back to their room.

Everyone was gone, and his energy was relieved. Yu Qin collapsed, kneeling down and crying. She looked at Xiao Gu who was walking towards her with tears in her eyes, and kept saying, "I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it... Everyone usually listens to Peng Yixuan, and I obeyed her and pushed Yao Dai a few times, no I know why it went too far that night... When I left, Yao Dai was still alive, Peng Yixuan and Qiu Fei were still there, I heard her tell Qiu Fei that she wanted to find her brother to deal with this matter... "

She has always been the smartest one of the girls, but unfortunately, she is too smart. Compared with Lu Weiwei who tried to stop Peng Yixuan's atrocities every time with righteous indignation, she was more inclined to habitually obey the crowd or simply hang up on her own. However, it was not until the moment when everyone was betrayed and separated that she remembered that night when she was besieged by girls. Yao Dai, she saw her desperate face, heard her tearing cry, and finally felt the same way.

Silence about the crime is an accomplice, and until now, no one has spoken for her.