In the Dark

Chapter 95: The Maiden and the Goldfish (3)


Xie Lanshan once went to jail for the undercover Golden Triangle. His DNA information is in the DNA database of the public security organ. Sui Hong once modified and replaced Ye Shen's data, but outsiders don't know it.

There are six interrogation rooms in the Hanhai Municipal Bureau, some of which are in a humanized soft-pack style, spacious and bright, and fully protect human rights; It is generally used in criminal cases where the case is particularly serious and the suspect's methods are extremely cruel, so as to avoid the criminals from committing murder or escaping.

This is the first time Xie Lanshan has sat as a criminal suspect in such a barred interrogation room, saying that the inside and outside of the barricade are very different. He had been imprisoned for half a year for intentional injury at first, but because of the simplicity of the case and the fact that he voluntarily confessed and repented, he never experienced this ordeal.

Xiaoliang, who came to the interrogation with Tao Longyue, still called Xie Lanshan "Master". Sitting in front of Xie Lanshan, he scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks, looking very embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Brother Xie, we have to go through the procedure—"

Tao Longyue acted according to the rules and interrupted Xiaoliang sharply: "There are only suspects in the interrogation room, no Brother Xie!"

Xie Lanshan nodded and smiled with difficulty: "Understood."

Although Captain Tao had ten thousand people who didn't believe that Xie Lanshan killed him, he still had to question him according to the law: "The surveillance shows that you left Shen Liufei's apartment building at 7:10 on Sunday night, then between 7:10 and 8:00 Where were you during the time of the incident?"

Xie Lanshan replied calmly: "I met the victim not far from the apartment building. After we communicated briefly, I left."

"and then?"

"I sheltered from the rain under the eaves." There was a camera on the iron window, and the red light kept flashing. Xie Lanshan was shaken by the red light and had a headache. more and more pain.

"That means there's no time for witnesses?" Tao Longyue frowned, thinking in a bad way, he thought about it and continued to ask, "It's late autumn now, and everyone wears long sleeves in this weather, and they won't take off their clothes or roll up their sleeves unless there are special circumstances. The scratches on your arm are obviously unreasonable. So can it be inferred that when you raped and killed the victim, you were scratched by her fierce resistance?"

Words like rape and murder are very harsh, Xie Lanshan took a deep breath, understood Tao Longyue's business attitude, and tried his best to answer: "I was helping Shen Liufei move house that day, and I ran into Duan Licheng while I was working, and I had a conflict with him. When I left, I didn't even bother to get my coat—"

A dazzling white light suddenly shot into his eyes, as if a layer of bright silver was plated directly on his eyeballs. Xie Lanshan was shaken by the strong light and had a splitting headache, and a string in his head broke with a bang. His brain is now a broken old machine, humming uncontrollably and uninterrupted.

Xiao Liang used the police flashlight to shine Xie Lanshan's eyes directly, and shouted, "Be honest!"

This is a common method in interrogation. When encountering a suspect who is harassing and untruthful, the interrogator will use a strong flashlight to shake the other party's eyes to deter and combat the other party's arrogance.

Xiaoliang is still asking: "You frequently went in and out of Shen Liufei's apartment during that time, and the victim mistakenly thought you were his neighbor. You took anger at the victim you met on the road because of a conflict with others, so the victim only wrote it on his hand before he died. with your house number, isn't that so..."

This harsh, intimidating interrogation scene is far more than deja vu, it's a replay of the past. Xie Lanshan couldn't open his eyes at all, lowered his head, beat his temples with his wrists from time to time, and resisted the noise in his ears. too painful. The pain was so painful that the blood vessels on the temple swelled, and then began to spread and burst, and some cyan webs were tied up like spider silk on this handsome face.

Tao Longyue noticed something was wrong with his old friend and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Tao Longyue was talking, and Xiaoliang was also talking, but Xie Lanshan couldn't hear a single word. His eardrums were hit by the sound waves that were getting stronger and stronger. After a closer look, it turned out to be a human voice - from a strange world, countless strange people. The noise and commotion of people, he doesn't know them, but they seem to know him.

He extracted a familiar name from the sound of ten thousand gongs, which seemed to be the same interrogation scene. The interrogator sitting opposite him asked, "Ye Shen, tell me honestly, did you kill the victim Zhuo Mou..."

The noise stopped abruptly, the headache healed in an instant, and he floated up from the blocked flow of people to the edge of the sky. Xie Lanshan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were dark and hollow, and large drops of sweat fell from his cheeks.

"Xie Lanshan?" Tao Longyue felt that Xie Lanshan's expression was very strange and became more and more uneasy, and kept asking him, "Alan? Alan, what's wrong with you?"

It was as if his soul had been taken away, no matter whether he was facing a questioning of concern or a severe interrogation, Xie Lanshan didn't say a word.

Team Xiaotao was eager to clear the name for this kid, but Xie Lanshan didn't say a word when he asked, this attitude was to deliberately realize some doubts. Tao Longyue was bitter, affectionate and reasonable, but he couldn't move this piece of gold, and finally became anxious: "I'll go out and smoke a cigarette first. You are also an investigator, and you should know that it is impossible to avoid guilt by silence. , figure it out for yourself!"

Tao Long got up angrily and wanted to leave, stopped at the door of the interrogation room and turned around, shouting at Xiao Liang who was stunned: "Come out too!"

As soon as Xiaoliang stepped out of the door, Tao Longyue gave the back of his head a solid pocket, making a crisp "pop" sound.

"Little Tao team, why are you hitting me?" Xiao Liang covered the back of his head and blew his nose in grievance.

"What's wrong with your flashlight? Who made you behave like this in the interrogation room!"

Distinguishing this expression, listening to what it means, is to accuse him of not having enough attitude, and Xiao Liang is even more aggrieved: "Didn't you say that there is no Senior Brother Xie in the interrogation room, only suspects."

Back at the office of the serious crime team, Tao Longyue was in a heavy heart, leaning against the wall alone to smoke, spitting out gray-white smoke rings. Xie Lanshan's attitude made him angry and suspicious.

The major case of rape and murder also tortured corpses, and the social shock caused by it can be imagined. Deputy Director Liu Yanbo personally took command and dispatched the investigation of this case. Liu Yanbo came to the serious crime team. Seeing that all the members of the team were stunned and did not study the case, he raised his volume and coughed.

Everyone looked up and saw Liu Yanbo, and shouted one after another: "Liu Bureau!"

Hearing the sound, Tao Longyue quickly took out his cigarette, looked up at Liu Yanbo, and asked, "Why is Liu Ju here?"

His own criminal policeman was arrested as the first criminal suspect, so Liu Yanbo naturally wanted to interrogate him at any time. He stared at Tao Longyue with eagle eyes and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

Tao Longyue told the truth: "I didn't ask anything. I was willing to answer at first, but then I didn't say a word."

Liu Yanbo blew his beard and stared, his face full of anger: "What's the matter, you won't ask if there is no progress?"

Tao Longyue hesitated: "I think the murderer can't be Alan, he... he can't commit it..."

Ding Li interjected: "Xiao Tao team, it's not that I don't believe Senior Brother Xie, think about the case of the Cong family's annihilation, doesn't the victim Cong Ying's nails have the skin tissue of the murderer Li Rui?"

Before Tao Longyue could take her eyes off her, Liu Yanbo scolded: "Don't be emotional, have you forgotten how Qilian's psychological assessment report was written? It's clearly stated that he has a serious tendency to violent attacks."

Tao Longyue also wanted to defend: "The psychological test report can't be used as a direct evidence of the verdict, at most it is an auxiliary reference—"

"Then why didn't he say a word? A public security officer with rich criminal investigation experience actually used this method to confront the interrogation, do you still think it's suspicious?!" Liu Yanbo interrupted Tao Longyue sharply again, patted the table and said, "Go out to search Order, put on a polygraph, and within the scope of laws and regulations, prying should also pry his mouth open!

The dignified Deputy Bureau Liu, the wind came in a burst, and the fire went away in a burst, leaving a whole team of members of the serious crime team looking at each other in the office. In the past three years, I have learned a lot from him, but I actually don't want to believe it.

Liu Yanbo's words were not without inspiration to him, Tao Longyue sullenly, rubbed his index finger on the slanted scar on the brow bone, and began to recall. He soon discovered that Liu Yanbo did not deliberately trip Xie Lanshan, but Xie Lanshan's attitude in this case was indeed abnormal. If he digs deeper, his whole person is actually abnormal. He remembered what the security guard Xiao Zhou told him in Li Guochang's hospital bed, and Xie Lanshan's unusually cold and bloody eyes when Qin Ke died in a car accident...

Personalities, attitudes, behavior habits, details and isolated events that went unnoticed in the past are now strung together, suspicion, suspicion, conspiracy theories. Once these negative things are revealed, they will grow rampantly and uncontrollably.

Seeing Tao Long jumping stiffly, with a thoughtful look on his face, Ding Li asked cautiously, "Little Tao team, what should I do now?"

Tao Longyue closed his eyes and sighed deeply: "What else can I do, the leaders have spoken, and the lie detector will be used."

"Team Tao, can you let me talk to Xie Lanshan alone."

Tao Longyue raised his head and saw Shen Liufei walking in from outside the office. His eyes were deep and there was no smile on his face.

Shen Liufei is only a consultant. Given his relationship with Xie Lanshan, it is hard to say whether he is a relative or not. It is obviously against the rules for him to meet with Xie Lanshan alone.

"This..." Tao Longyue hesitated.

"Five minutes," Shen Liufei said, "just give me five minutes."

Captain Tao nodded and asked Xiao Liang to quietly take Shen Liufei to the interrogation room where Xie Lanshan was in order to prevent Deputy Director Liu from jumping again.

The interrogation room has iron walls, and the lights are very bright, but the light is pale and cold. After the headache that annoyed him for a long time disappeared, Xie Lanshan lost his energy. He sat down behind the iron fence, his eyes were not focused, everything in front of him was so gloomy and dull, only when Shen Liu flew into the door did he see a touch of vividness. color.

He who had been refusing to speak raised his head and smiled at Shen Liufei.

Shen Liufei sat behind the interrogation table and looked up at Xie Lanshan quietly. He could hardly bear to look at him, just a day or two in the past, this man was completely different from the past. His hair seemed to have grown a little longer, the sweat on his face was still wet, and the wet hair was sticking to his face.

Without waiting for Shen Liufei to speak, Xie Lanshan took the initiative to speak, as if to adjust the overly depressed atmosphere, he smiled again, his face was very beautiful, and his teeth were even slightly exaggerated. He didn't look like a troublesome suspect at all. . He still called him in a playful tone: "Brother Xiao Shen."

This call lightly knocked his heart, Shen Liufei's heart moved, and he made a soft "um".

"Brother Xiao Shen," Xie Lanshan called him again and asked with a smile, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Shen Liufei asked back, "What are you lying to?"

Xie Lanshan said, "The file about Zhuo Tian."

"I didn't lie to you," Shen Liufei looked into Xie Lanshan's eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said slowly and clearly, "You are a good policeman, you are Xie Lanshan."

However, when Xie Lanshan heard this, he stepped back. It was only a very subtle action, but it clearly expressed his resistance and distrust.

"Ha." He laughed so much that his eyes were red, "But I saw, I saw the corpses lying on the ground... Not only a young girl died, but also a boy of seven or eight years old. …”

Five minutes passed quickly, and Tao Longyue appeared at the door of the interrogation room, saying that he would take Xie Lanshan to the physical evidence identification center for a polygraph test.

The test was conducted by an expert in charge of polygraph detection in the bureau. Xie Lanshan's chest, abdomen, fingers, and arms were all tied with special contact wires. The expert first asked a few questions that only needed to be answered with "yes" or "no". Simple question, record Xie Lanshan's psychological data.

After everything is ready, the polygraph test officially begins. As usual, the old expert first asks the suspect's name: "Who are you?"

The test environment was quite quiet, Xie Lanshan raised his eyes, looked at the other party quietly for a moment, and replied, "Xie Lanshan."

"What, what's going on here?!" Liu Yanbo and Tao Longyue, who were watching from the glass window, exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

Just the first question, the graph peaks on the laptop screen began to vibrate violently, and the polygraph data changed.