Inch of Radiance

Chapter 11: diamond ring


"Heiyan, pass the test!" Zhang Yu and Zhang Shan looked at each other, and then announced their decision.

This is the old rule, as long as you reach the level of a fourth-level master, you will be directly recruited into the 11th group of the Security Bureau.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Tan Jin and the others said to Hei Yan with a smile. .

"You little fellows, hurry up and finish the test!" Montaigne said with a smile, and sister Tan Jinyan and the others went up to test one by one.

It was expected, but it was also a little disappointing. No one reached 1,000 crystals, and sister Yan with the highest energy was only close to 700 crystals.

"300 Jing, haha, I finally made a little progress. Li Yang, it's your turn to surprise them!" Tian Lin walked over to Li Yang with a smile on his face, and continued to talk, Li Yang's test last night was all about Tian Lin and Li Yang. Heiyan knew it, but others didn't.

Li Yang smiled slightly, and confidently walked into the range of the tester.

The test light instantly covered Li Yang's whole body, and with a "beep", the light went out.

"150 crystals!"

Li Yang was a little discouraged: "It seems that the internal energy absorbed and transformed by the aura of heaven and earth this morning has not reached even a crystal, and this cultivation will take a long time!" It is less than one crystal, and after intensive training, the general special forces can almost have a few crystals of energy in their whole body.

He was discouraged, but the others were...

"Ah, a third-level master! Li Yang, how did you train in the past ten days? The last time you got 80 crystals, how did you get 150 crystals all of a sudden? How could it be so fast?" Tan Jin exclaimed suddenly.

Sister Yan's eyes were also rounded: "Li Yang, you are a good guy, you are amazing, you are amazing, Sister Yan, I trained hard and only increased a little bit."

Tan Huo also opened his mouth wide...

Li Yang looked at everyone's 'struggling', and immediately put on a smirk.


Zhang Yu's expression was happy. He knew from Montaigne that Li Yang's whole body energy was only about 80 crystals. If he wanted Li Yang to become a supervisor, he had to talk to the head of the 11th team of the Security Bureau, but now that Li Yang's energy has reached level three, that's another matter.

"The attack power is equivalent to that of a fifth-level expert, and the recommended position is supervisor!" Zhang Yu wrote such a comment on the assessment.

"Back when Li Yang's energy was only thirty crystals, he was on par with the last four-level judge. With 80 crystals, Li Yang's attack power should reach the peak of a fourth-level master. Now that his energy is 150 crystals, it should, almost, can, Reluctantly, I have just reached the realm of a fifth-level master! There is nothing wrong with my decision like this!" Zhang Yu comforted himself in his heart.

Zhang Yu kept using 'should', 'could', 'almost' and 'barely' in his mind, just because Zhang Yu knew that when Li Yang met a fourth-level master, he would definitely be able to instantly kill him! But once you encounter a fifth-level master, there is no hope at all! Will be instantly killed by a fifth-level master!

The gap between the fifth-level master and the fourth-level master is too big. Although Li Yang can completely defeat the fourth-level master, but facing the fifth-level master, he is absolutely defeated and has no chance of winning!

Acquired master, body protection true energy can not block bullets.

However, masters at the innate level can protect the body and release zhenqi, and the essence of zhenqi has changed from acquired to innate. The defense is amazing, and it can block bullets! But facing Li Yang's flying knife full of inner strength, he couldn't stop it.

However, the most powerful ones are the masters with great congenital achievements, the masters with great congenital achievements, the innate zhenqi is endless, the body-protecting zhenqi is no longer called "body-protecting zhenqi", but "body-protecting qi"! The defensive power of the 'Body Protection Qi' is stronger than before, even Li Yang's flying knives can't penetrate it!

Li Yang's strongest is the flying knife, once the flying knife can't penetrate, he can only be slaughtered! Unless Li Yang can possess the innate qi, the flying knife that contains the innate qi can break the 'protective qi'!

"However, if Li Yang makes a sneak attack, Li Yang may still win if the innate master didn't use the 'body protection energy' at the beginning. My assessment can't be wrong!" Zhang Yu thought with a smile, but solemnly announced in his mouth : "Li Yang's energy has greatly increased compared to last time, and he has completed A-level tasks and B-level tasks, and the attack power of 'Little Li Flying Knife' is amazing, so I announce that Li Yang has passed the test!"

In fact, there is another test below, which is a practical exercise.

But Zhang Yu couldn't wait any longer, he remembered the order from the head of the team, "This Li Yang must be recruited into the 11th team of our Security Bureau, no matter whether Li Yang's energy is low or not!" '

"Dead octopus, why are you so straightforward? Isn't there still a 'combat drill' yet? You have never seen the power of Xiao Li's flying knife!" Montaigne asked suspiciously. Known for being strict, this time he just passed the energy test. After all, Li Yang is only 150 crystals. Although Xiao Li Feidao is famous, according to Zhang Yu's temper, he should at least see it with his own eyes before believing it.

"Montaigne, this Li Yang has completed the A-level task, so he should directly enter the 11th group of our security bureau. Last time, he was not recruited because his energy was too low. This time, Li Yang's energy has improved so fast, and his progress has been so great! Of course I let him pass. As for the power of Xiao Li Fei Dao, hehe, he was a little guy with 30 crystals and killed a level 4 ninja, so can't he explain the power of "Xiao Li Fei Dao"?" Zhang Yu replied with a smile.

Although Montaigne felt that something was wrong with Zhang Yu today, he didn't say anything more. After all, he knew Li Yang's strength, and it was a sure thing that he entered the 11th group of the Security Bureau.

"Okay, let's go to the actual combat drill! As for Li Yang and Hei Yan, they can rest at the same time!" Montaigne announced.

Li Yang was excited all over, he couldn't wait any longer. For more than a year, it was half an hour of phone calls every day. At this time, happiness was so close to him, and his heartbeat had already made him feel dizzy.

"Captain, judges, I have something important to do now, can I leave first?" Li Yang said anxiously, he was going to leave now to buy a diamond ring!

Zhang Yu stood up immediately, and said with a pleasant smile: "Brother Li Yang, you can go first if you have something to do. After the actual combat drill is over, I will return to Beijing immediately, and I will send someone to give you your new certificate." .”

Montaigne also smiled and said: "Li Yang, it is a great joy for our team that you have passed the test. Tonight we have to celebrate it. Remember, the old place Fuxin Restaurant!" Brothers will celebrate him that night.

However, Tian Lin said mysteriously: "Hey, Li Yang, why are you in such a hurry, are you in a hurry to find your wife?"

Everyone, including Montaigne and others, smiled ambiguously.

This is normal. Although the 9th group of the Security Bureau does not allow disclosure of identities and marriages, love cannot be stopped. There are still many people who fall in love with some girls on the phone in private. Of course, they all hide their true identities. However, Team 9 of the Security Bureau also turned a blind eye to this. After all, as long as the team members do not reveal their identities, it will be fine.

Once the team members pass the test, what each of these team members want to do most is to meet the girl they like.

"Hehe... I'm going to buy a diamond ring!" Li Yang was a little embarrassed, but said it anyway.

When Tian Lin heard this, his eyes widened immediately: "Oh boy, the speed is too fast, you already bought a diamond ring? Ah, you idiot, do you know what kind of diamond ring to buy? Do you know where there is a good diamond ring? ?”

Li Yang was stunned when he heard this, he had never bought a diamond ring before, and he knew nothing about diamond rings.

"Hey, Li Yang, you still ask me for this matter!" Tian Lin said triumphantly, not to mention that although Tian Lin, a playboy, is not good at other things, he is definitely the No. 1 in the level of proficiency in these diamond jewelry.

"Captain, you know my strength. Even if I participate in the actual combat drill, I will definitely fail, so I will abstain!" Tian Lin immediately turned and said to Montaigne.

Montaigne didn't say anything, and nodded with a smile. With Tian Lin's strength, according to Tian Lin's training intensity, it will take at least ten years before he can enter the 11th group of the Security Bureau. There is nothing wrong with abstaining!

"Let's go, brother, I'll take you to buy a diamond ring!" Tian Lin enthusiastically pulled Li Yang out, as if Tian Lin wanted to buy a diamond ring today.

In the garage.

"Li Yang, you idiot, drive your Mercedes Benz mb320, what day is it today, and you are planning to drive that state-issued Volkswagen?" Tian Lin was furious when he saw Li Yang walking towards the Volkswagen.

Li Yang was taken aback, then turned around and said to Tian Lin with a smile: "That's right, I'm going to propose to Xue today, so naturally I have to look good. By the way, Tian Lin, go to my bedroom and get the suit in the blue box at the bottom of my closet. Then I haven't worn the set of clothes since my younger brother gave it to me. According to him, the clothes seem to be pretty good." Li Yang said with a smile.

Li Yang has a younger brother named Li Shuo, and his mother is a strong woman. As for his father, he has never met him. His mother owns a big company. Later, for some reason, Li Yang and his brothers were sixteen years old. In 2009, the mother sold the company, left 100 million yuan to each of her two sons, and donated the rest of the money, but the mother went to a mountain village to live in seclusion.

Li Shuo, the younger brother, loves his country as much as Li Yang, but his approach is different from Li Yang's. Li Yang joined the army, but Li Shuo joined the underworld, and his organization is the Hong Gang, one of the five largest underworld organizations in the world!

After a while, Tian Lin came over.

"Damn, Li Yang, there is still a signature on this box. It was designed and handmade by Italian Master Clement himself! My God, this is not something that can be obtained with money. Who is Master Clement? , even the super rich people in the country don’t bother to receive them.” Tian Lin exclaimed, staring at Li Yang dumbfounded.

Li Yang smiled slightly, and didn't care. His younger brother is said to be doing very well in the Hong Gang, and he is now the closed disciple of the contemporary Hong Gang's great elder. He is fully in charge of the Hong Gang's business in Beijing. This dress must be very easy. Li Yang even suspected that this dress was given to Li Shuo by someone else, and this guy Li Shuo gave it to him.

After Li Yang changed his clothes, he said to Tian Lin first, "Tian Lin, how does this dress look? But I think it is still very comfortable to wear." Now Li Yang is a little sure about that Italian master.

Tian Lin stared dumbfounded, then swallowed his parched throat, and said, "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. This Master Clement really deserves his reputation. The master level that has made so many rich people go crazy is really unfounded. Li Yang, Now you are driving this Mercedes Benz mb320, and wearing this suit, you go to propose, who would refuse! 555~~~ With you, I Tianlin feel inferior, Li Yang, I will not go with you this time , It hurts my pride too much."

"You kid is still joking with me at this time, get in the car, come with me!" Li Yang cursed with a smile, pulled Tian Lin into the car, and the two drove away immediately.

Half an hour later, Li Yang and Tian Lin drove to the 'Jinbolai' jewelry store warmly recommended by Tian Lin.

A shopping guide lady in the jewelry store had unusual eyesight. She looked at the suit on Li Yang's body, her eyes lit up, and she walked over enthusiastically: "Sir, what do you want to buy?"

Li Yang smiled and said, "Diamond ring. What better diamond ring do you have here?"

Tian Lin knew about Li Yang's net worth, so he immediately said to the shopping guide, "Show us your most expensive diamond ring."

When the shopping guide heard this, her eyes lit up immediately. You must know that shopping guides get a commission when buying jewelry. These shopping guides just hope to meet that kind of rich man, so that their commission will be more. The shopping guide took a few steps to the counter, picked up the phone and said, "Manager, there are two customers here who are going to look at the diamond ring in the inner room." The shopping guide immediately turned her head and said with a smile: "Sir, please come with me. The store's precious diamond rings are kept in the inner room."

Led by the shopping guide lady, Li Yang came to a corridor. The shopping guide stopped. At this time, there were two security guards on both sides of the corridor. Suddenly, a young man came out of the corridor. When he saw the suit on Li Yang, the smile on his face became brighter.

"My surname is Wang, and I'm the manager of this jewelry city. Sir, you are buying diamond rings, so please follow me into this room." Manager Wang said with a smile, and the shopping guide lady left. This corridor is not a shopping guide lady. can come in.

Under the leadership of Manager Wang, Li Yang and Tian Lin entered a room.

"Here are three diamond rings, and the price of each diamond ring is over one million. You can take a closer look, sir." The manager took out three boxes from the room, opened them and placed them in front of Li Yang and Tian Lin. Tian Lin looked at the price, Immediately, his eyes widened, but he felt relieved when he thought of Li Yang's wealth.

Li Yang looked at the three diamond rings, and suddenly, his eyes were completely focused on the one in the center.

The manager's eyes lit up immediately, and the smile on his face became even brighter. The diamond ring in the center is the most precious one.

"This butterfly-shaped diamond ring is the treasure of my store. This diamond is also a rare yellow diamond on the market. There are 32 small diamonds on the butterfly wings, weighing about 15.58 carats, and the price is RMB 688. Wan, sir, if you want to buy it, our store can give you a 10% discount." Manager Wang said it very fluently, and he has practiced this sentence many times.

Li Yang fell in love with the butterfly shape as soon as he saw it. When he was hospitalized, he knew that Jiang Xue also liked butterflies. Immediately, Li Yang decided to buy this one. As for the money, Li Yang never cared about it.

"Just this one!" Li Yang simply took out his credit card.

Tian Lin looked in amazement at the butterfly-shaped diamond ring in front of him, which cost more than six million yuan, but Li Yang didn't even blink his eyes, as if he didn't care.

"Sir, please put it away!" Manager Wang handed the credit card and the diamond ring to Li Yang, "Sir, this is the VIP gold card of our shop. I hope you will come next time."

Li Yang accepted the VIP gold card casually, then ignored Manager Wang, turned around and left the jewelry city with Tian Lin.

"Tian Lin, this... I'll trouble you to take a taxi when you go back. Hehe, don't act like that. I'll definitely treat you to a drink when I get married. Don't look at this proposal!" Li Yang said with a smile.

"There is no humanity in the opposite sex!" Tian Lin muttered, watching Li Yang drive away.

Li Yang drove to Jiang Xue's residence, he had been there once in the past.

"Isn't that Jiang Xue's father?" Li Yang immediately saw Jiang Xue's father who was playing chess by the side of the road. The last time he sent Jiang Xue home, Li Yang had met Jiang Xue's father. Uh, to be precise, it was Future father-in-law. Seeing his future father-in-law, Li Yang felt a little excited.

Li Yang's eyes were slightly closed, and a wave of heaven and earth spiritual energy was sucked into his body, and the true energy circulated, and Li Yang's mood finally calmed down. A wave of confidence emerged spontaneously, Li Yang pushed open the car door and walked out!