Inch of Radiance

Chapter 20: The sea is wide and the fish leaps


Li Yang looked at the excited old man with white beard, and asked stupidly, "Who am I? Who are you?"

Seeing Li Yang's blank expression, Bai Yang nodded in satisfaction, knowing that he had completely erased Li Yang's memory, Bai Yang immediately said: "You are an orphan, a child raised by the state!" Bai Yang suddenly took out the phone from his pocket and said: " Ayu, come here quickly, there is a new mission!"

After a while, the laboratory door opened, and a middle-aged lady walked in, looking very elegant.

"Another child who has lost his memory." Wang Yu smiled wryly at the dazed Li Yang in front of her, but she knew this very well. These experimenters were all death row prisoners, and it was already very good to be able to regain their lives.

"Don't worry, Mr. Bai, every day from twelve to three, a brand new Li Yang will appear in front of you in a month." Wang Yu said confidently.

Bai Yang nodded, he was very relieved, after all, Wang Yu was in charge of instilling new memories of the condemned prisoners whose memories he erased in the past.

Bai Yang turned his head to look at Li Yang, as if admiring a perfect work of his own, and sighed after a long time: "Finally succeeded, 15800 crystals, although it has just stepped into the threshold of a fifth-level master, it is also very good. "

15800 crystals seems to sound good, but it is nothing compared to the 11th group of the Security Bureau. Any five-level expert in the Security Bureau has tens of thousands of crystals of innate qi. Li Yang's original captain Montaigne, the energy is More than 50,000 crystals, more than three times that of Li Yang.

"Ayu, take him out. Remember to send him to the training room afterwards. I don't believe that 15800 crystals is his limit." After speaking, he looked at Li Yang happily.

Li Yang still pretended to have lost his memory. From Wang Yu, he knew his name 'Li Yang'!

In the training room.

"Hmph, they really didn't care about it at all, and even told me my real name." Li Yang danced a huge boulder casually. Although he adjusted the gravity to '10', even ten times the gravity is not enough for today's It was nothing to Li Yang.

Beyond Wanjing's physical strength, what is the concept

In short, there is no such terrifying person in the underground world. Except for those who take the b1 gene potion, it turns out that the most physically powerful person is the "devil king" in the underground boxing circle. The "devil king" here represents the number one figure in the underground boxing circle. His physical energy is only more than a thousand crystals, but the heaviest he can lift is about a thousand catties. Li Yang was ten times stronger than him, and he was assisted by true energy. Even under ten times the gravity, the boulder was only two to three thousand catties, and his body was only about two thousand catties. It's really for him to play.

(Tomato introduces the strength of underground fighters in detail: when underground fighters do not take a1, their energy is normally about 200 crystals. Of course, the highest is the legendary 500 crystals, and the lowest is only 100 crystals. The energy of 200 crystals is their hard work. After training, middle-level players can squat about 500 kg and bench press about 150 kg. After they take a1 successfully, their energy is normally about 900 crystals, squat reaches 900 kg, and bench press can reach 900 kg. There is also 300 kg. After all, after reaching 500 kg for squatting, the energy required doubles for every additional weight. After taking a1, although the energy has increased by nearly four times, it is normal for the squat performance to almost double. The gravity of the boulder is similar to that of the bench press. The Demon King is the top boxer. Before taking a1, the energy was close to 500 crystals. After taking a1, it was more than a thousand crystals. The energy far exceeded that of ordinary fighters. Of course, he His bench press far exceeds that of ordinary boxers, almost reaching 500 kg, so he can lift 1000 kg.)

"Bawang, do you think it's time for me to leave now? I've already taken the b1 gene potion and achieved my goal. What are you doing here?" Li Yang said to Xiang Yu.

As soon as Xiang Yu heard it, he immediately said: "Okay, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, so you can use the escapism you learned and leave, haha, I wonder what the old man will look like when he suddenly finds out that you have disappeared?"

Li Yang thought about it, and immediately laughed cheerfully: "That old guy with a white beard wants to erase my memory, heh heh, you can't blame me now that I'm gone!"


Li Yang formed the seal with his hands, and the innate qi in his body was agitated, and the metal that melted into the training room disappeared immediately.

Li Yang's speed is not fast, he carefully felt the comfort brought by the escape technique.

Li Yang passed through the base and continued to move forward. There was endless mud in front of him, and there were some stones in the mud, but Li Yang passed through it all at once.

"Overlord, this evasion technique is really amazing, haha, everything can escape!" Li Yang seemed a little excited.

But Xiang Yu said: "Hmph, Li Yang, you have learned the escapism of the fairy world, of course it is comfortable. Do you know the escapism of the Five Elements School in Kunlun Fairyland? It must pay attention to the five elements, in the soil, you need to escape, and in the metal It is very troublesome to use the golden escape. During the escape process, don’t dare to go too fast. For example, if a stone suddenly appears in the soil, you have to avoid it, or use the golden escape instead. If there is a water flow, you have to change the water escape... "

When Li Yang heard it, his head was as big as a cow. If the evasion technique is so troublesome, it is really terrible.

Xiang Yu said arrogantly: "Hey, do you know how happy you are? This overlord didn't give you all this? Escape from the fairy world? How many people in the mortal world can learn it? By the way, Li Yang boy, hurry up and choose a place Come out, your escape technique won't last long, alas, your strength is too weak!"

Li Yang also felt that his innate qi was consumed too quickly, as if a hole had been punctured in a car tire, leaking crazily. Fortunately, Li Yang replenished his innate qi at an abnormal speed, so he was able to persist for more than ten minutes.

"Okay, just up there, this is a small alley, there are no people there!" Xiang Yu immediately reminded.

Li Yang's mind immediately moved, and his body directly passed through the land and came to the surface.

"Haha, Overlord, I finally came out. This escapism is really good! But I have a very important thing right now." Li Yang looked at his naked upper body, and smiled wryly in his heart. In the training room, he didn't care about his upper body being naked. Yes, it can't be like this now that he is out, buying clothes is what he must do now, but he doesn't have any money on him now? what can we do about it

How to buy clothes without money? I can't rush into the shopping mall shirtless. Li Yang looked around in distress, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Li Yang looked straight above his head.

There are residential buildings on both sides of this small alley. Since it is a residential building, there must be a lot of clothes hanging on the balcony. Li Yang is now looking at the clothes above his head.

"Hey, it's this place!" Li Yang looked at the clothes on the balcony on the second floor and smiled, a stream of pure innate zhenqi rushed out of his hands, and easily took off a piece of clothing and a pair of trousers. It's really overkill to use zhenqi to do such trivial things as fetching clothes.

Li Yang looked at his military trousers. When he was training wildly in the training room, military trousers were the most comfortable. However, if he wore them on the street, they were a bit different. Li Yang immediately changed into this set of 'borrowed' clothes.

"My eyesight is not bad, it just fits me well!" Li Yang smiled, and then walked outside calmly.

"Hey, brother, you haven't paid this month's protection fee yet!" A tall and brave man with bare arms stood at the door of a small restaurant and shouted loudly.

Immediately, a fat-headed man in his 140s or 50s with a small stomach walked out of this restaurant. When the fat-headed man saw the big man, he immediately yelled: "Ah, isn't this Brother Yang? Come here, what do you want to eat?" , don’t worry about the protection fee, let Brother Yang take it after eating, and make sure that Brother Yang will be comfortable.”

When Brother Yang heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he walked towards the restaurant under the leadership of the fat boss.

"Hey, Brother Yang, wait a minute!"

Suddenly a friendly shout sounded, and when Brother Yang heard the other party shout so familiarly, he immediately turned his head to see who it was, and if it was the brother he had handed over at some time.

"You are?" Brother Yang looked at the man in front of him in a little confusion. He walked this way and made many brothers all day long, many of whom he really couldn't remember at once. But looking carefully at the person in front of him, it seemed that he had actually seen him before, but he couldn't remember who it was.

The person in front of him was Li Yang, and Li Yang patted Brother Yang on the shoulder familiarly with a smile and said, "We used to drink together, don't you remember?"

People like Brother Yang drink alcohol almost every day, and the brother he recognizes is of course drinking. When Li Yang said this, Brother Yang became even more confused...

"Can't you remember? Sigh, I still remember Brother Yang and you, Brother Yang can't even remember me!" Li Yang looked into Brother Yang's eyes and seemed very disappointed. Of course it was because of the fat boss. It seems the situation.

But in the eyes of Brother Yang, Li Yang's eyes seemed like a bottomless pit, and waves of dizziness flooded into his mind.

Li Yang looked at the eyes of the big man in front of him, and smiled slightly. It is easier for Li Yang, who is more powerful now, to perform hypnotism.

"Brother Yang, let me borrow my cell phone for a while!" Li Yang smiled kindly. Brother Yang, who had been hypnotized, took out his mobile phone in a trance and handed it to Li Yang.

Li Yang immediately dialed his younger brother Li Shuo's cell phone number: "Hey, A Shuo, it's me! I'm right here, send someone over quickly!" The satellite positioning system of the phone will easily let Li Shuo know that Li Yang is now s position.

"Hey, Brother Yang, you can go in and eat first, buddy, I have to wait for someone!" Li Yang returned the phone to Brother Yang who had recovered from hypnosis, but at this time, Brother Yang was still in a daze, but just now Li Yang The hypnosis still had an effect on him, he listened to Li Yang's words and entered the restaurant.

Li Yang walked to the entrance of the alley, waiting for Li Shuo's arrival, now he can only rely on his brother.

Five minutes, just five minutes later!

A black car stopped in front of Li Yang, and a familiar figure rushed out immediately.

"elder brother!"

Li Shuo was overwhelmed with surprise. For a whole year, he searched for information about Li Yang through various means. Later, he got the news through the people in the military department that Li Yang had been tried in secret and sentenced to death.

This news drove Li Shuo almost insane in pain. He and Li Yang had been dependent on each other since they were young. Although they had a mother, their mother was a workaholic who buried herself in work every day and did not communicate much with her children. The two brothers have lived in such an environment for sixteen years, and the brotherhood is very deep. They are equally patriotic and want to contribute to the country, but Li Shuo went into the underworld and Li Yang went into the army.

"Ashuo!" Li Yang hugged his brother fiercely.

Suddenly Li Shuo's expression changed, he looked around, and then said to Li Yang: "Brother, let's talk when we go back." Then he pulled Li Yang into the car and drove away...

Around eight o'clock in the evening.

In the No. 2 base of the Life Research Institute.

"Li Yang, this is your meal tonight... Li Yang, Li Yang!" A researcher in white looked at the empty training room and his eyes widened.

"What! Li Yang is gone?" Bai Yang looked at the researcher in front of him and shouted loudly.

Even though Bai Yang is nearly a hundred years old, his aura is not generally scary when he stares and roars.

"Yes, I've searched all of them. I've searched the second floor of the base, but I can't find it. Should we also search the first and third floors of the base?" The researcher also seemed very anxious. Researchers who study the work of gene medicine, who doesn't know the importance of Li Yang? This is the first master they made that surpassed Wanjing.

"Idiot, this base is completely measured by the iris. How could Li Yang enter the first and third floors!" Bai Yang reprimanded loudly.

The researchers immediately fell silent.

"But if he can't leave the second floor of the base, how can he not find others on the second floor?" The researcher said boldly after a long time.

When Bai Yang heard this, he was stunned. That's right, if he couldn't leave the second floor, why couldn't there be anyone on the second floor? Bai Yang immediately ordered: "Immediately search the first and third floors of the base, and order all the researchers to search for it. Look carefully for me. I must find him!"

Seeing the researchers leave in fear, Bai Yang became even more impatient. Suddenly, the old man Bai Yang slapped his head suddenly: "Ah, I'm so confused, can't I check it with my spiritual sense?" Of course, this old man used his spiritual sense to check The result is obvious.

But from now on, all the researchers in the No. 2 base of the Institute of Life have been wondering, to the death, how did Li Yang leave the base

"Brother, this is from Montaigne, saying that you sacrificed for the country, so he handed over all your assets to me." Li Shuo handed a gold card to Li Yang.

Li Yang took it, and then smiled and said, "Ashuo, are you ready for the ID card for your ticket to New York?"

New York, the center of the world economy, is also the headquarters of the underground boxing arena, and it is also the place where the international underground forces are most concentrated. It is New York where Li Yang's revenge plan started.

As soon as Li Shuo heard this, he immediately took out an air ticket and a new ID card from his pocket and prepared to hand them to Li Yang, but when Li Yang was about to pick them up, Li Shuo took them back and persuaded him again: "Brother, do you really want to buy a ticket?" Go to New York? Give up, how is it possible if you want to destroy the Shenglin Group alone? You still join my Hong Gang, and our brothers join forces, and with the super power of the Hong Gang, one of the five largest gangs in the world, it is still possible to destroy the Shenglin Group Take it, you are alone, how difficult it is!"

Li Yang smiled slightly: "Ashuo, it's interesting to have challenges, not to mention that it would be too cheap to destroy the Shenglin Group at once. Lin Tianyu, I will torture him slowly and let him go to perdition step by step. He is desperate, let him live a life worse than death, so that I can vent the hatred in my heart." The coldness in Li Yang's eyes is as real as it is, which makes people tremble.

"Tomorrow morning I will leave by plane, now we brothers should have a good drink and have fun, oops, don't look like that, okay, okay, I promise you, when brother and I fail, Ashuo, you will use you The forces of the Hong Gang will help me, so it will be fine!" Li Yang said with a smile.

When Li Shuo heard this, he was satisfied.

"Come on, drink!" The two brothers Li Yang and Li Shuo happily drank, completely forgetting that they will be separated tomorrow.

The sea is as wide as a fish leaps, the sky is as high as a bird can fly, what kind of bloody storm will Li Yang cause without any restraint in New York, where the international underground forces are most concentrated