Inch of Radiance

Chapter 25: billion dollars


Li Yang looked carefully at this new mission of 'billion dollars' that was unprecedented in history. The target of the mission was a president of the Combi Group, and the mission was accompanied by a photo of the president.

This is a man with blond hair and blue eyes, full of aristocratic atmosphere from top to bottom. His figure is very good, with an inverted triangle upper body. Although the muscles are not protruding, Li Yang can feel it just from the proportion of the man's body in the picture. This man is definitely a master of body cultivation, and his body energy may even be stronger than his Li Yang.

Yes, Li Yang came to this conclusion just from a single photo and observing his body proportions.

"During this period of time, my body has been restricted by gravity. Under the pressure of five thousand catties for a long time, my muscle strength has also increased a lot, almost 20,000 crystals, but the president of the Combi Group seems to be more I am strong, but is he really that strong?" Li Yang began to doubt his judgment just now, after all, he has 20,000 crystals of physical energy, and in the underground world, even those who take the b1 gene potion are only a few thousand crystals That's all.

"Li Yang, wait a minute, let me search the whole of New York carefully with my overlord's spiritual sense, and find out the real strength of this person!" The overlord Xiang Yu's words surprised Li Yang.

Although Overlord Xiang Yu was worried about being discovered by the people of the fairy world, he did not dare to absorb too much power, and now he has at most the energy close to that of a master in the ascension period. But although his energy is weaker than in the past, his spiritual consciousness is only possessed by masters in the two worlds of immortals and demons. It is still a higher level of existence than spiritual consciousness. Explore.

When Li Yang heard this, he couldn't help smiling and waiting for the result of Xiang Yu's investigation.

After about a minute, Xiang Yu finally spoke: "Good guy! Li Yang, there are quite a lot of masters in New York. There are people who are at the same level as Yuan Yingqi, and there are more than one of them. They are absolutely unmatched, they can easily destroy you with one move!"

Is not this nonsensical? Xiantian Dacheng is a fifth-level master, Jindan stage is a sixth-level master, and Yuanying stage is a seventh-level master!

Seventh level, that is the energy of millions of crystals, a hundred times that of Li Yang. Of course, it is not comparable to Li Yang. It is easy to kill ten Li Yang with one move.

But Li Yang was in a hurry: "Overlord, have you found out the strength of the guy who was offered a reward?" This is what Li Yang wants to know the most. He doesn't care how many masters there are in New York. After all, New York is the base camp of underground forces, and there are many masters. normal.

Overlord Xiang Yu immediately said proudly: "Of course it was found out. If it wasn't for carefully checking other top experts, just checking this guy, one breath would be enough!"

Not only did Li Yang eagerly want to know the answer, but Xiang Yu actually stopped and rested for a while, which whetted Li Yang's appetite. Seeing that Li Yang was about to lose his temper, Xiang Yu said slowly, "This guy is what you call a werewolf. And it is the highest level among werewolves—Wolf King, a level 7 powerhouse. According to the overlord's careful inspection, this guy should have reached the peak of level 7, with an energy of about 9 million crystals. Looking at the whole of New York, there are not many people It's his opponent!"

When Li Yang heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded!

Werewolves are divided into five levels: low-level werewolves, middle-level werewolves, high-level werewolves, wolf generals, and wolf kings. Corresponding to level 3 master to level 7 master respectively.

Similarly, the blood clan is divided into five levels of 'Baron level, Viscount level, Earl level, Marquis level, and Duke level', which correspond to three-level masters to seven-level masters respectively. The most powerful vampire prince, the master of the prince level is the peak of the seventh level, and still has not surpassed the seventh level.

Generally, level 6 masters and level 7 masters are not to be provoked by ordinary underground forces. Among underground forces, such as Japan's Shuanghua, the most powerful killer is a level 5 master, and the strongest killer in Russia is also a level 5 master . The eight strongest super bodyguards of the first bodyguard company Black Devil are also fifth-level masters.

Level 6 masters are invincible masters in the underground world, and level 7 masters are legendary masters.

What about the eighth-level master? The legendary supreme among werewolves—the wolf king, and the legendary supreme—the emperor-level blood race among the werewolves, they are all eighth-level masters, but the wolf king and the emperor-level blood race have never appeared in the past thousands of years, they only exist every day. A werewolf, in the memory of every blood race.

Of course, there are living eighth-level masters, that is, the cultivators of Dongfang Huaxia, the cultivators of the transcending tribulation level, but these cultivators are rarely born.

"Oh my god, a seventh-level expert, this, this, this is invincible at all, a billion dollars is attractive, but a seventh-level expert is even more terrifying, I guess everyone in the Security Bureau can't touch him, seven Level!" Li Yang's eyes widened.

Immediately, Li Yang seemed to think of something, and asked suddenly: "Bawang, what did you just say? How many seventh-level masters do you think there are in New York?" At this time, Li Yang noticed the important information contained in Xiang Yu's words just now.

Overlord Xiang Yu said: "Well, there are quite a few of them, including your so-called Vampire Duke, and a person from the Holy See. The energy in his body is what you call the Holy Power. By the way, the people from the Holy See are probably more difficult to deal with. He seems to have a set of battle armor in his body, just like the body armor of a cultivator, ah, I didn’t tell you last time, that Lin Tianyu also has a set of battle armor in his body, the blue armor, Lin Tianyu is not strong, It's almost level six, but this soldier of the Holy See is a level seven master, and he has a golden battle armor in his body!"

Li Yang frowned when he heard this information: "Could it be that Lin Tianyu is a holy warrior of the Holy See? No, according to the information in the Security Bureau, a bronze-level saint seems to be equivalent to a fifth-level master. How can he reach a sixth-level master?" Where is the realm?" At the same time, Li Yang also knew the reason why Lin Tianyu was so strong at such a young age, it was because of the bronze armor.

The Holy See’s armed force organization—the Inquisition, the strongest force of the Inquisition is the Saint Seiya, but the Saint Seiya mainly relies on the power of the armor, and each set of armor is very precious. Lin Tianyu is also because the Holy Forest Group is under the command of the Holy See The group, that's why they got a set of bronze armor.

Li Yang smiled wryly and shook his head. It's better to be down-to-earth, and to accumulate strength first, but to accumulate strength, money is very important! But now he saw a billion dollars in front of him, but he didn't have any strength to get it. I believe that the person who sent the mission never thought that someone could kill a seventh-level expert. After all, this wolf king is the pinnacle of the seventh-level masters, equivalent to the vampire prince!

"Li Yang, if you really want this one billion dollars, there is no way, as long as I help you, isn't it a seventh-level master?" Overlord Xiang Yu's voice was full of contempt for seventh-level masters , also showed his arrogance!

"You mean you are willing to help me kill the target of this mission, a wolf king who has reached level seven?" Li Yang seemed a little suspicious of Xiang Yu's words. After all, Xiang Yu once said that everything will be handled by Li Yang himself in the future, don't rely on him Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu said that at the beginning because he was worried that Li Yang's continuous dependence on him would be bad for his mental state cultivation, and if he relied too much on others, his own strength would be slow to improve, so he told Li Yang that he would let Li Yang face everything in the future.

Only by facing difficulties and challenges by yourself, constantly tapping your potential and breaking through your limits, can you achieve greater achievements.

So Xiang Yu's decision in the past should be said to be wise, but now the overlord Xiang Yu says to help him, isn't it a contradiction

"Li Yang, don't worry. Although the overlord once said that you will deal with the matter yourself in the future, there are special things. For example, even if you are asked to deal with a werewolf who has reached the level of a wolf king, you can handle it alone. Can you deal with him? If you deal with him, it is impossible to win, and it is of no benefit to you. Choose opponents, only those opponents who are slightly stronger than you, they are the most suitable for you to deal with, and fight against them , you can unearth greater potential! Fighting against masters who are far superior to you is not training, but courting death!" Overlord Xiang Yu reprimanded.

When Li Yang heard this, he also thought it made sense. How strong is a werewolf who has reached the level of a wolf king? I believe it is impossible for Li Yang's throwing knife to hurt him. Even his strongest throwing knife can't hurt him, isn't Li Yang looking for death

"What the Overlord said is also reasonable, but I believe that only under pressure can it be easier to break through the shackles of oneself and reach a new level! So I decided to rely on my own true strength when dealing with this werewolf who has reached the level of a wolf king. , Fully tap my potential, constantly squeeze my own strength to fight with the opponent, if I fail, I will let Bawang take action at that time, Bawang, do you think this is good?" Li Yang will never give up any opportunity to improve his strength.

"Well, that's fine too, it's also good for your breakthrough!" Overlord Xiang Yu agreed.

Li Yang suddenly said strangely: "This... Overlord, when I completely fail, if the Overlord is slow to attack, what should I do if I am killed by a werewolf of the wolf king level? Of course, it's not that I don't believe in Overlord, but you also know , the speed of a master who cultivates the body is very fast. The werewolf has completely cultivated the body, the body of the seventh-level energy, how terrifying that is, and his speed must reach a level that I can't imagine. , it may only be a blink of an eye for him to kill me, Bawang, you must be careful."

Overlord Xiang Yu was stunned for a while, and then an angry roar sounded in Li Yang's head: "You bastard, what kind of character was this Overlord in the Demon Realm back then? I can kill tens of thousands of cultivators in the ascension stage with one move!" Well, now that the overlord has fallen to Pingyang, Yuanshen doesn't dare to absorb too much power, and can only absorb the power close to the ascension stage. You are actually worried that this overlord will not be able to protect you? Isn't it a little guy at the seventh level? Even if His speed is as fast as lightning, but under the consciousness of this Overlord, he can climb like a snail, so you just have to worry about it!" The overlord Xiang Yu's angry tone was very obvious.

"Stop talking, prepare to accept the task!" Li Yang didn't dare to talk back to the angry Overlord Xiang Yu, and immediately looked at the computer screen, moved the mouse and clicked 'accept the task'!

Suddenly a prompt appeared on the computer!

"Your level is not high enough to accept the mission!"

Dazed, Li Yang's face was dazed, he was stunned.

"What's going on? Why can't I accept the mission? The level is not enough? What do you mean?" Li Yang immediately clicked on the website's instructions on the assassin's acceptance of the mission.

Killer missions are divided into four levels, C-level missions—tasks ranging from US$100,000 to US$990,000, level B tasks-tasks ranging from US$1 million to US$9.99 million, level A tasks-tasks ranging from US$10 million to US$99.99 million, s Level missions—tasks worth more than 100 million U.S. dollars (including those worth 100 million U.S. dollars).

Killers are also divided into c, b, a, and s ranks.

C-level killers can only accept C-level tasks, B-level killers can accept tasks below B-level (including B-level tasks), A-level killers can accept tasks below A-level (including A-level tasks), and S-level killers can accept s tasks below level (including s level tasks).

The level of the killer has nothing to do with the strength of the killer itself, but has to do with the tasks the killer has completed.

Complete ten c-level tasks, and the killer level will be raised from c-level to b-level.

Complete ten b-level missions, and the killer level will be raised from b-level to a-level.

Complete ten A-level tasks, and the killer level will be raised from A-level to S-level.

"Fuck!" Li Yang looked at it for a long time, and then cursed angrily.

Depressed, a feeling of being teased filled his heart, seeing that he was about to get a billion dollars (in Li Yang's mind, with Xiang Yu's help, the wolf king-level werewolf would definitely be finished.), but now he said that the level is not enough.

Li Yang also understood what the meaning of 'Killer Bullet—C-Class' on the account was!

In fact, there is no way to do this. After all, there are very few S-level missions. If there is one, many people want to take it. So who will they get it for? Moreover, with the difficulty of s-level missions, it is impossible for ordinary assassins to succeed. If all assassins can take it, one killer with poor strength will die one after another, and the person who sent the mission will also be dissatisfied.

For the sake of efficiency and to strengthen the competition among killers, there are classifications.

"Now I have to complete ten C-level, B-level, and A-level tasks, so that I can be eligible to accept this S-level task, but the tasks are not always available, especially some high-level tasks. It seems that the current task list There are only six A-level tasks in total, and they are all being carried out." Li Yang became even more depressed.

Suddenly, Li Yang sighed, and then Li Yang smiled: "Forget it, I don't believe it anymore, a werewolf at the level of a wolf king, other killers can complete the task, and he will die!" Li Yang couldn't answer it himself, and maliciously Think of others this way.

"Buzz buzz..." The phone vibrated, and Li Yang immediately picked it up.

"Dear Muyi, I'm Old Jack. Your first underground boxing match has been set. At 8 o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, boxing arena No. 3 of the underground boxing general base. Oh, yes, I will report your squat In the bench press, your score was "slightly" lowered, and others must think you are an average player. At the same time, the gambling house in the underground boxing world will also open. Shall we take a little gamble? Old Jack I Knowing Muyi, you will definitely win, and I have decided that your opponent is the number one player in the advanced competition, your odds are definitely not low, can't we take the opportunity to make a profit?" Old Jack's voice was very serious. treacherous.