Inch of Radiance

Chapter 33: Taibai Restaurant


In Li Yang's bedroom.

"Huh~~~, it seems that the clothes are ruined, um, let's wash them first!" Li Yang, who had returned to his room, looked at himself in the mirror, and smiled helplessly, so powerful. Under the pressure of water, it is normal for your clothes to be destroyed.

Ten minutes later, after washing, Li Yang looked refreshed and walked to the balcony in his pajamas. It was only around 6:00 in the morning, and the air was fresh. The whole of Manhattan was still relatively deserted, and there were not many people on the streets. Overlooking the 57th Street in Manhattan below, Li Yang took a deep breath, then turned and walked downstairs.

Walking downstairs, as Li Yang expected, breakfast was ready.

The lobby on the first floor of Li Yang Villa is relatively large. There are sofas in the center of the lobby. There are three sofas on three sides. The other side is a wall-mounted ultra-thin TV. Behind the sofa is a long dining table. Usually Little Jack and Lily often watch TV on the sofa.

"Oh, why did Ms. Lily get more than a dozen items today? Five or six items for breakfast are enough!" Li Yang looked at the sumptuous breakfast on the long dining table, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, while he himself sat down. He came down and picked up the chopsticks. He was still more used to using chopsticks.

"Mr. Mu Yi, the three maids arrived last night, and I arranged them in the downstairs room. This breakfast is a small test for them. These fifteen breakfasts were prepared by the three maids respectively. The maid finished it." Miss Lily was dressed in light red, looking a little high-spirited. Behind her were three Filipino maids standing respectfully.

"Mr. Mu!" The three maids bowed and said, and the maids spoke very pure American English.

Li Yang waved his hands slightly and said with a smile: "Yes, your breakfast is really good." Li Yang ate a few more mouthfuls as he spoke, and suddenly, Li Yang found Little Jack who was painting oil paintings on the side of the hall. Little Jack didn't seem to notice Li Yang , painting with all his heart.

"Hey, little Jack, do you like oil painting?" Li Yang looked very curious.

Little Jack frowned and said in a low voice: "Of course, I have been drawing almost every day during this time, but you haven't left the bedroom, Brother Mu Yi, so you don't know." Li Yang couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and then walked away curiously. When I got to Little Jack, I looked carefully at Little Jack's oil painting.

"I didn't expect that, Little Jack, your oil painting level is definitely at the master level." Li Yang looked at Little Jack's oil painting in shock. Even though Little Jack is only a teenager and only in his teens, this oil painting level is definitely very high , although Li Yang is not proficient in oil painting, he still knows a lot.

Miss Lili also smiled happily when she heard Li Yang boasting about her younger brother.

The two siblings are still in a good mood now. Although they practice regularly now, the enemy who killed their mother has been killed by Li Yang. What they want to do in their hearts is to seek revenge from the Holy See, but the Holy See is too powerful. After thinking calmly for a few days, the two siblings also understand that this matter cannot be rushed. When they reach the realm of wolf kings, they will probably be able to secretly seek revenge from the Holy See.

"Hmph, I'm a genius!" Little Jack put down his paintbrush, and said to Li Yang very proudly.

Ms. Lily said: "Jack is very fond of art, he is also very talented, he has a relatively high level in oil painting, piano, etc., and oil painting once won the first place in the national youth competition under the age of 18. Name!" Lily was clearly proud of her brother.

When Li Yang heard this, he not only stared at Little Jack with wide eyes, but said after a long time, "I really didn't see it!"

Little Jack smiled "hehe", raised his eyebrows and said, "Haha, I'm a genius~~~"

Underground boxing.

The opponent howled his legs and swept towards Li Yang with a strong wind, his face was even more hideous and terrifying.

Li Yang, on the other hand, waited until the opponent was about to hit him, and instantly kicked him from the side. The powerful force carried a whirlwind and kicked the opponent's head fiercely. The strange trajectory made the opponent unable to guard against it, and blood spattered everywhere. The opponent was about to fall down on the spot, and the opponent was already dead at this time, but Li Yang immediately kicked the opponent in the air with a flying kick, and then kicked the opponent in the air with a volley spin kick.

"Wood!" "Wood!" "Wood!" "Wood!" "Wood!" "Wood!"...

This is Li Yang's another underground boxing victory.

In a villa in Manhattan.

The beautiful maid pushed the dinner cart and delivered it to the place designated by the boss—the boss' bedroom.

"Sir, it's time... ah!" A high-pitched scream came from the maid's mouth, because the boss who was as fat as a fat pig had a hole in his forehead on the bed in the bedroom.

This is Li Yang's tenth B-level mission.

The bottom of the Hudson River.

Under the strong water pressure, ordinary people can't bear it at all, but Li Yang is naked from the upper body, standing at the bottom of the water without being affected by the underwater current. Huge water pressure.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Li Yang began to move at the bottom of the river, a split leg, a backspin leg, and a split palm... Innate true energy is contained in it. ", "Like Closed, Like Closed" and "Broken River Divides the Sea", Li Yang's movements become more erratic, and the resistance in the water is also smaller, and the innate qi contained in each scene is bombarded out. The power is also increasing.

One night passed, and another night of Li Yang's cultivation at the bottom of the river ended.

As time passed, Li Yang's life went on as usual. Li Yang now accepts the killer mission, plays a few games, and then practices at the bottom of the river. When he is bored, he can tease the cute little Jack.

Li Yang turned on the computer and entered the page of 'Billion Dollar Mission'.

"God, why hasn't the number one Lone Ranger killer 'C' made a move yet? So far there is no result. It has been almost 20 days since he received the mission. Well, no matter what, a killer must execute the mission within 30 days. , Let’s wait for a while!” How did Li Yang understand what a real killer elite should do? A real killer spends most of his time getting to know each other, and it takes only a moment to strike. If the real killer doesn't come out, it's all right, and once it comes out, it's full strength!

No way, compared with others, Li Yang's task execution process is too simple!

1. Let Overlord Xiang Yu check with Yuanshen and immediately know all about the opponent.

Second, use escapism and marbles to dispatch.

Mission successful!

"Overlord, why do I feel that my strength has not improved tenfold as I imagined?" Li Yang suddenly asked Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu reprimanded: "It's really ambitious. You who attacked in "Six Ultimate Demon Gods" have only learned "Duanchuan Fenhai". Maybe you imitate Hongjun Taoist's trajectory and do the same 'swipe' like him to shoot out the power of innate qi. It has increased by ten times, but there is no way to imitate the attack with your legs. This can only be realized by your state of mind. If you imitate the movement trajectory of Taoist Hongjun, your state of mind will be higher, and the movements you make will be closer to the principles of heaven and earth. Bigger."

Li Yang also understood that during this period of time, the power of his attacks with both legs and hands had increased a lot, almost twice the attack power.

"Hey, if I have a flying knife magic weapon, then the attack power will be greatly increased!" Li Yang sighed suddenly, ordinary iron flying knives can't have much energy at all, maybe it's barely enough to deal with innate masters, but against Jindanqi Experts will die. Li Yang has trained flying knives since he was a child, and he still has a special affection for flying knives.

"Li Yang, you don't have to be discouraged. Enter the Dao with emotion, and enter the Dao with a flying knife! Your current flying knife is just a flying knife in the mortal world. Then Li Xun Huan entered the Tao with a flying knife, which is a flying knife in the realm of cultivation. Enter the Tao with a sword and achieve the fairy world. The Sword Immortal with the most offensive power, how powerful is the power of flying knives to enter the Tao, even I can't imagine the overlord, if you are lucky enough to cultivate the real Dao of flying knives, the power will be incredible!"

Although Xiang Yu didn't know the horror of flying knives entering the Tao, he sensed a breath of energy, a knife energy, an invincible sword energy from the handwriting of the "Three Realms of the Stars" that Li Yang practiced! The level of saber qi is far beyond what Li Yang can sense. Although Li Yang often flips through the books, he can't sense the slightest bit. Xiang Yu has reached the level of a demon king, and his skill is stronger than that of Li Xun Huan. Of course, he can sense it easily. .

The aura of flying knives is extremely strong and positive, and the ultimate concentration is invincible!

Could it be that this is the saber energy of flying knives

Since Ms. Lily arranged three meals a day, Li Yang went to Taibai Restaurant less frequently, and only went to drink Erguotou.

Inside Taibai Restaurant.

Li Yang strolled into it, and at a glance, he saw Ge Pu eating small dishes and drinking two sips of old wine by himself on the table next to the window downstairs.

"Hey, Brother Ge, isn't it boring to drink alone? I'll have a drink with you!" Li Yang walked to Ge Pu's side as he said that, and he picked up the jug and poured the wine himself, regardless of Ge Pu's reaction. , very simply take a pair of chopsticks...

"Muyi, you bastard!" Seeing Li Yang being so straightforward, Ge Pu scolded with a smile, and immediately chatted and laughed with Li Yang, eating and drinking.

"Buzz..." The phone vibrated.

Ge Pu took out his mobile phone and answered the phone: "I'm Ge Pu from Taibai Restaurant, who are you? Ah, it's Xin Xin's teacher, teacher, hello... what!" Ge Pu exclaimed, and jumped from his seat Standing up, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Okay, I see, I'll be right there!" Ge Pu hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Seeing Ge Pu lose his composure, Li Yang asked, "Brother Ge, what happened? Why are you so panicked?"

Ge Pu's face was very ugly, and he said: "Xin Xin fainted in school." Then he stopped talking to Li Yang, and even shouted to the counter, "Alan, follow me to the hospital." Ge Pu Pu pulled his wife, instructed the service staff, and left quickly.

"Xinxin is Brother Ge's sweetheart. Something terrible happened to her. By the way, isn't there a school doctor in the university? Why was Xinxin sent to the hospital? Could it be that the school doctor couldn't treat her?" Li Yang was shocked. No, that would be terrible.

Li Yang returned to his villa, but he was concerned about Ge Pu's daughter Xin Xin. After all, Ge Pu had a good relationship with him, and he knew from the communication with Ge Pu how much Ge Pu loved his daughter.

"Well, I'll go to the restaurant to have a look in the evening and ask about the situation. It's useless to worry about it now." Li Yang lay on the sofa in the living room, sighed helplessly, then took out the laptop beside him in boredom, and turned it on. With the laptop on his lap, he browsed the webpage of the killer intermediary organization.

"Hey, there are really too few A-level missions. I have just been promoted to become an A-level killer, but there are no A-level missions for me. It's really disappointing!" Li Yang looked at the task list, although there were three A-level missions. A-level tasks, but these A-level tasks are in the process of being executed, and he can't take them at all.

As for the one-billion-dollar mission at the top of the mission list, it is also in the process of execution.

"Why doesn't that guy known as the number one killer of the Lone Ranger make a move? If he succeeds, he succeeds, and if he fails, he fails. But he just doesn't make a move. It's really worrying." Li Yang was a little depressed. As a killer, no matter what the task was, he could easily complete it. , but now there is no A-level mission.

"Forget it, take a B-level mission first, it's boring anyway, and you can earn millions of dollars anyway!" Li Yang accepted the mission with this mentality. In his eyes, no matter what the task is, there is no difficulty at all. If he goes out, he will definitely succeed in no time.

And the other killers are cautious every time they take on a mission. After all, the mission target has a lot of bodyguards. Every mission is between life and death. What they earn is the money in the hands of the god of death! For them, the more advanced tasks they are, the more careful they are, and the C-level tasks are the ones that receive the most people.

Suddenly, the status of an A-level task that was still in progress changed, and Li Yang immediately clicked on it.

"The poor guy who took this A-level mission failed last time. Ha, it really wasn't his luck. Okay, if you want an A-level mission, give me one right away." Li Yang looked at the bonus of 15 million. Dollar's eyes lit up immediately.

Target—Mr. Ben Jeter, Chairman of Jinhe Group, Dallas, Texas.

"Well, it's really troublesome to ask me to leave New York State, but the A-level mission is more exciting. The appearance fee of a boxing match is only hundreds of thousands of dollars, and this A-level mission is over ten million dollars. !” Li Yang smiled slightly.

For Li Yang, this task is very simple, but for other killers, the A-level task means that the death rate is even higher! If Li Yang didn't have escapism, and only relying on the level of a fifth-level master, it would be absolutely impossible to be so arrogant. This has to make people sigh, the escapism of the fairy world is really good. Of course, the Yuanshen reconnaissance of our powerful overlord Xiang Yu also played a big role. No one in the mortal world can avoid the Yuanshen reconnaissance.

As night falls, the crescent moon hangs in the night sky.

At this time, Li Yang walked towards Taibai Restaurant in a hurry, he was always thinking about Ge Pu's daughter Xin Xin.

As soon as he approached Taibai Restaurant, Li Yang was startled, because he saw a sign hanging in Taibai Restaurant—"I am in urgent need of money, and I want to sell this Taibai Restaurant. Those who are interested can come to this restaurant to discuss." '

Li Yang felt bad all of a sudden, and Ge Pu wanted to sell the restaurant, which would be a big deal.

"Mr. Ge, we can offer up to 2 million US dollars, which is already the highest price. Although this Taibai Restaurant is located in Manhattan, after all, the site is not big, and it is on 57th Street, 2 million US dollars is already the highest price!" The brown-haired man in a blue suit sat with a smile on his face, and there were two black bodyguards behind him.

"Mr. Dennis, you are joking. Don't talk about the price of the restaurant. The site alone is not at this price. Mr. Dennis, the 3 million US dollars I offered, I think you should know that this is definitely the lowest price. If not Because I am in urgent need of money, it is impossible to offer such a low price!" At this time, Ge Pu's face turned red, and he was insane in need of money, otherwise how could he sell it like this

Ge Pu's wife Lan Sao is calmer than Ge Pu.

"Mr. Dennis, if we publicize it, I believe many people will come to buy this restaurant. It is estimated that you will not be able to buy it for 3 million US dollars!" Sister Lan said calmly.

But Dennis laughed secretly in his heart. If he didn't know the details of the matter, how could he bite the two million dollars? Now the daughter of Ge Pu and his wife is in urgent need of money, otherwise the 'm-ray therapy' which is known as 'burning money' would be impossible!

"2 million dollars! I hope that Mr. Ge and his wife will think about it carefully, and I will wait for your calls at any time!" Dennis took a step back and bowed slightly to prepare to leave.

Ge Pu and his wife were in a hurry. If they had 2 million US dollars, even if their savings were added, it would not be enough to sell their house. But now his daughter couldn't wait any longer and needed to undergo an operation immediately. Ge Pu gritted his teeth and immediately wanted to compromise.

"Brother Ge, you didn't tell me about such a big thing! This is my credit card, which has 10 million US dollars in it, just use it!" Li Yang rushed into the restaurant, his face was a little annoyed, he took out the credit card in his pocket and put it In front of Ge Pu.