Inch of Radiance

Chapter 60: Fishermen benefit


Entering the private room, the four sat down one by one.

"Everyone gathered together today to discuss the issue of dealing with the American Mafia. Of course, in a big way, our three major gangs have already reached an agreement." Steven smiled brightly and looked high-spirited.

The American Mafia was split from the Italian Mafia, which is why the Italian Mafia has been dealing with the American Mafia. Now that it is going to destroy the other side, Steven feels elated. In the future, he will be the only powerful Mafia in the world. , The world's five largest gangsters will also become the world's four largest gangsters.

"Well, the Italian Mafia will send out masters to directly destroy the masters of the five major families of the American Mafia, and then the three of us will swallow up the top ten consortia through financial attacks and massive money acquisitions." Li Shuo nodded.

Elder Tianlei, the representative of the Green Gang, said with a sinister smile: "Of course, the acquisition of the top ten consortiums is not just through money. Our masters dispatched, threatened, killed, or forced, etc., and used all means to minimize our loss and consumption. the most."

Upon hearing this, Li Yang smiled and said, "This is not a financial attack, it's obviously banditry, threats, murder, coercion, and 'wait'..."

Tian Lei was not at all unhappy after hearing this, and still said: "Power, this is power. If they have the support of American mafia masters behind them, of course we will not be so blatant, but the masters of American mafia are as powerful as Steven and the others." With a shot, Steven's masters can completely suppress them and even eliminate them. Although the top ten consortiums have some strength, they are not enough to look at in front of us. Are we idiots if we don't grab such an opportunity?"

Steven also said: "Hmph, this is normal. Although we have a lot of dollars, they add up to more than four trillion dollars, and the top ten consortiums add up to more than this amount. So we have to use various dark means to completely Acquisition. Get them all!"

Suddenly, Steven stood up!

"Everyone, now let's discuss the issue of dividends after getting the top ten financial groups."

As soon as Steven said this, Li Shuo and Tian Lei were not as casual as before, they knew it. The highlight of this meeting has arrived. "

"If the top ten consortiums really want to buy it, they will need more than 8 trillion US dollars. After all, the top ten consortiums are all super large consortia in the United States, and their wealth is amazing! But through our various means, we can still get it completely with 4 trillion US dollars. Yes. Of course we got it 100%, after all, we buy things. Of course the price is the lowest, and then everyone can sell it again! Make a lot of money." Steven smiled.

If a consortium is worth one trillion US dollars, use the means of three super gangsters. It may be possible to spend 300 billion to fully control it, and then either operate it, or resell it, or sell part of the shares, etc.

"Haha, maybe we can make a lot of money by selling the shares in the future. After all, for our three big gangs, these big consortiums don't need to be completely controlled. We just need to let them attach to us and let them hand over part of the profits every year. "Tian Lei said with a smile.

"In this way, after ten consortiums gobble up the acquisitions, four will belong to our Italian Mafia, four will belong to the Youth Gang, and two will belong to the Hong Gang. How about this?" Steven said.

Obviously, the Italian mafia suffered a lot from such a distribution. After all, they spent two trillion US dollars, but this operation was launched by the Italian mafia, so it's nothing for them to suffer a little.

Tianlei frowned slightly: "Steven. The United States was controlled by our Youth Gang and the American Mafia in the past. Now that the American Mafia is finished, do you want your Italian Mafia to intervene?" No wonder Tianlei thought so, if the Italian Mafia The party controls the four big consortiums, and then masters settle in. Isn't the Youth Gang leading wolves into the house

Steven immediately knew that the matter had reached the most important moment, and hurriedly said: "No, no, our masters of the Italian mafia will not come, we are just controlling the surroundings, of course, if you are willing to buy, we can also sell For you guys!"

Tian Lei secretly calculated in his heart that the four consortiums must need a very large amount of money. This time, the use of 1.5 trillion funds is already the limit of the Qing Gang's liquidity. There may be enough money to buy four syndicates under the command of the Italian Mafia.

"Hmph, I hope you Italian Mafia will keep their word, otherwise our Green Gang and Hong Gang won't promise you!" Tian Lei said harshly.

Steven could only smile and express that there was absolutely no way something like that could happen.

Li Shuo suddenly laughed and said, "Wait a minute, the assets of these ten consortiums are not equal. How can they be distributed like this? The ten largest consortiums, the four largest of which add up to more than half of the total assets of the ten consortiums, Such a distribution is absolutely impossible.”

Steven froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.

Originally, he was uneasy and kind, and wanted to divide into a larger consortium, but now Li Shuo has exposed him, what can he do? To do business in the United States, of course he has to rely on the Youth Gang. If the Youth Gang does not help him, the Italian Mafia will be a dragon in the river, but the American Mafia is a local tiger! If the Italian Mafia wants to deal with the American Mafia, it must rely on the Youth Gang, otherwise, the Youth Gang will help the American Mafia in turn, and their Italian Mafia will be miserable!

Therefore, he can only suffer!

"The top ten consortiums have the highest assets of 2 trillion U.S. dollars, and the lowest are only 200 billion U.S. dollars! Generally, they are around 800 billion U.S. dollars." Li Shuo sneered, how can such a large gap be allocated by the number of consortiums

The total assets of the three gangs are 4.3 trillion US dollars, the Italian Mafia is 2 trillion, the Green Gang is 1.5 trillion, and the Hong Gang is 800 billion. It's kind of hard to assign.

The top ten consortiums are worth: 2 trillion, 1.3 trillion, 110 billion, 1 trillion, 800 billion, 700 billion, 600 billion, 500 billion, 400 billion, 200 billion 100 million! A total of 8.6 trillion. Logically, the Italian Mafia should get 4 trillion, and the Youth Gang should get 3 trillion. The Hong Gang is 1.6 trillion.

But the Green Gang and the Hong Gang were invited, and the Italian Mafia needed others, so of course the Italian Mafia would suffer, and the Hong Gang and the Green Gang would of course benefit more.

"Forget it, you should write down the funds you think you got on a piece of paper, and then put it with me. We will coordinate at the end!" Li Yang said to the three of them with a smile.

"Brother Tianlei, do you have any objections?" Li Yang looked at Tianlei and said, Tianlei was older than him. He should call Tianlei his senior brother.

Tian Lei immediately said: "Junior Brother Mu Yi, you are the Keqing Elder of my Green Gang, of course I will give you face, I agree with this. Everyone write down their goals first, and then coordinate."

"Steven, what about you?" Li Yang looked at Steven.

Steven has also been troubled by this assignment. In fact, for the Italian Mafia, the most important thing is to destroy the American Mafia. Hearing what Li Yang said, he immediately said: "Mu Yi, my brother, you are my savior, and your proposal is very good, I also agree."

Li Yang nodded in satisfaction.

"A Shuo, you won't give brother this face!" Li Yang looked at Li Shuo.

Li Shuo immediately smiled and said: "Brother, you are my big brother, haha. How can I not give you face, well, just do as you say."

Steven was taken aback, and stared blankly at Li Yang: "Mu Yi, are you the elder brother of this Hong gang elder?"

Li Yang seemed to be very strange to fight back and asked: "Is it not possible?"

Steven's heart moved: "This Muyi is not only the elder Keqing of the Qing Gang, but also has a relationship with the Hong Gang. It seems to be the elder brother of the first elder of the Hong Gang. Well, no wonder the two look so alike."

Steven stood up suddenly and said, "Sorry, I'll make a phone call first, please wait a moment!"

Li Shuo and the others smiled and gestured, but didn't say anything.

Steven walked to another room and called his father.

"Father, didn't I tell you yesterday that I found out that my savior, Mr. Mu Yi, is the elder Ke Qing of the Green Gang?"

Steven's father, who is also the leader of the Italian Mafia, said: "Well, this Muyi seems to be very mysterious. Last time he saved your life, it is also right that you plan to give him 1% of the profit, but he can become The elder Keqing of the Green Gang must have something special, we have to recruit such talents, it seems that the 1% profit is a little less."

Steven hurriedly said: "Ah, father, I found another problem. This Muyi is actually the elder brother of an elder from the Hong Gang. The two look alike. I believe they should be brothers."

When Steven's father heard it, he was immediately surprised: "Brother?" The meaning of brother is more important, which shows that the elder has a very good relationship with Mu Yi, and Mu Yi has influence on the Hong Gang.

Steven murmured: "Father, I still have some doubts. I found that Mu Yi's skills are at least at the level of a duke, and he saved me that day..."

"Make it clear!" Stephen's father reprimanded.

Steven immediately expressed his doubts in his heart: "Father, I have always suspected that this Muyi saved me by such a coincidence? Later, I found out that that day was the day when the second lady of the British Shenglin Group was killed. The killer It is the killer 'bullet' who is now famous in the underground world, combined with his ability to save me that day and his at least the Duke, I suspect that Mu Yi is the killer 'bullet'!"

The news rang in Steven's father's ears like a bomb.

Wolf King Carter, the peak of the seventh-level master, the strongest master of the entire blood clan is only the peak of the seventh-level master! No blood clan dared to say that they could kill the wolf king Carter. At the beginning, the killer 'bullet' was included in the list of 'only be polite, not hostile'. For such a master, he, of course, the Italian mafia can spend a lot of money.

It's just that no one knows the identity of the killer bullet, and no one can find it.

"You said that Muyi might be the killer bullet?" Steven's father was a little shaken.

Steven nodded affirmatively and said: "I believe my guess is true. The two elders are also seventh-level masters, and their skills are much stronger than mine, but even the two elders can't see through Mu Yi. Mu Yi's strength definitely exceeds Two elders!

Now he is the elder Ke Qing of the Green Gang, and the Green Gang recently gave Mu Yi this position. Father, please note that the time when the Green Gang granted the status of Elder Mu Yi Keqing was right after the killer 'Bullet' killed the wolf king Carter. Another point is that the Green Gang is the backer of the killer intermediary organization, and they can find out the identity of the killer bullet of! "

Steven's father seems to be convinced, yes, it's not good for the Green Gang to give Li Yang the position of elder, just after Li Yang killed the wolf king Carter, he gave Li Yang this position, which made Steven's father also believe this point.

"Okay, Steven, my son! Now you and Muyi are in a good relationship, you must win him over well, well, 1% profit is too little, and for our blood race, money is not the most important thing, we It’s too much to spend, give Mu Yi 5% of the profit! In fact, his dual relationship with Qing Gang and Hong Gang alone is worth our heavy bet. When Mu Yi’s identity and his killer bullet’s identity are completely confirmed, we will formally invite He became the guest elder of our Fischi family!"

As the leader of the Italian Mafia, Steven's father had a bigger shot than Steven, and it was 5% of the profit. Even when Li Yang's identity was confirmed, Li Yang was invited to become the elder of the family.

"Yes, Father, I will finish it beautifully!"

In the private room, Steven, Tian Lei, and Li Shuo all wrote notes.

"Okay, everyone has finished writing! I will count now!"

Li Yang smiled and held three notes.

The Italian Mafia asked for 3.5 trillion yuan, the Green Gang asked for 3.3 trillion yuan in assets, and the Hong Gang asked for 1.7 trillion yuan in assets.

All three are rational. The Italian Mafia asked for 500 billion less, the Youth Gang asked for 300 billion more, and the Hong Gang asked for 100 billion more.

"Haha... things seem to be a little difficult?" Li Yang looked at the three of them with a big smile.

The faces of Steven, Tianlei, and Li Shuo all changed. They all thought they were more sincere. If any one had too much appetite, it would be bad.

"No, it's not what everyone imagined. The sum of the funds requested by everyone is 8.5 trillion, and there are still 100 billion US dollars in assets that no one wants?" Li Yang said with a smile.

The expressions on the faces of the three of Steven were relaxed, and there was no one who wanted 100 billion, so the matter would be easy to handle.