Inch of Radiance

Chapter 73: New York crisis


The golden elixir was spinning slowly in the dantian, and Li Yang's mind and attention were completely focused on the golden elixir.

Streams of pure extreme yang power flowed out of the golden core, instantly flowing through the whole body, just like the sun in spring, warm, under the flow of power in the extreme sun, the damage in Li Yang's meridians naturally slowly recover.


"Haha, I have finally reached the golden core realm, Xue, just wait, one day I will go to the ghost world to find you." Li Yang didn't know whether it was excitement or surprise, and there were always mixed emotions.

If you want to go to the ghost world, you must go through the tribulation and ascend, and before ascending, reaching the golden core stage and becoming a real cultivator is a hurdle.

"Golden elixir, the golden elixir path has been achieved, and since then I have embarked on the journey of comprehension, and I am a part of the cultivators." Li Yang felt a little excited in his heart, and had been looking forward to the golden elixir realm for a long time. When the golden elixir realm was really reached, Li Yang felt It seems that the golden core realm is just like that.

"Achieving the Golden Core realm is just the beginning, what I need now is to reach the Tribulation Stage as soon as possible!" When Li Yang thought of Jiang Xue, the surprise in his heart immediately subsided, and what he thought of was the next goal.

Cultivate "Seven Luminaries Stars"!

Jindancheng, Xingjicheng. Now that the golden elixir has been completed, it is a matter of course to practice "Seven Stars".

"The most important thing in cultivating "Seven Luminary Stars" is Xingji. Now that I have reached the Golden Core Realm, I can start to really practice "Seven Luminary Stars"." Li Yang said to himself. Li Yang really felt a little bit reluctant to make the golden elixir just now, but then to break the golden elixir. After all, Jindan is very difficult to practice. But when he thought of Jiang Xue in his heart, he didn't hesitate at all.

Li Yang still closed his eyes, recalling the contents of "Seven Stars" in his mind, and every word slowly drifted through his mind.

The bottom of the Hudson.

At this time, the bottom of the Hudson River has changed drastically. The "rotating energy" is constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. The more it absorbs the "rotating energy", the stronger it will be. The stronger its energy, the more attractive the "rotating energy" will be. , absorbing more heaven and earth aura.

In this way, a cycle is formed, and the energy possessed by the "rotational energy" increases geometrically, increasing crazily!

The aura of heaven and earth completely formed a liquid and continuously fused together. Terrifying energy gathered from all over the world. All the masters in New York immediately discovered the astonishing changes at the bottom of the Hudson River.

But at this time, Li Yang was completely devoted to the process of practicing "Seven Stars", and his mind was completely devoted to Xingji. Cut off any sense of the outside world, just let Xiang Yu protect him, he didn't pay attention to everything around him.

The energy of the "rotating energy" is also increasing, and it has even exceeded tens of millions of crystals, and the energy has reached a terrifying level. At the beginning, it only absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, but now it absorbs huge rivers, stones, including nearby Li Yang. But at this time, there was a faint layer of energy on the surface of Li Yang's body, which just blocked the terrifying suction force.

This energy was used by Xiang Yu to protect Li Yang. At this time, Xiang Yu also knew that Li Yang had reached the most critical moment, so he didn't bother Li Yang.

"Li Yang, this kid, actually produced such a thing unconsciously. If he absorbs it according to the 'rotational energy', the city is probably going to be unlucky. Humph, who cares about me, now Li Yang is at a critical juncture. Even if New York is destroyed, he can't be bothered. Li Yang practiced!" Xiang Yu didn't care about this New York City.


A clearly visible rumbling sound resounded throughout the Hudson River, and suddenly, as if a tsunami had occurred, the entire Hudson River began to overwhelm the river, and a huge vortex was generated in the Hudson River, and the vortex became bigger and bigger.


The huge vortex turned the Hudson River upside down, and huge waves finally formed, slamming against the banks of the New York River next to the Hudson River.

"God, what the hell is going on here?"

Mr. Madras, who was making out with his lover on the bank of the Hudson River, looked at all this stupidly. Before he could react, the tide with a height of several meters had covered him and his lover at once, and hit them on the nearby building. .

"Ah! Help!" A woman who was watching TV in the room suddenly screamed frantically when she saw the river rushing into the sky in the room.

"Ah! God!" The man who was walking on the river bank was dumbfounded when he saw the several-meter-high tide rushing towards him.

All along the banks of the Hudson there were cries of pain, screams, screams of fear in the face of death...

The citizens of New York were shocked to find that the Hudson River, which had always been quiet, became irritable, forming a huge tide and slamming on the banks of the New York River. The Hudson River in the interior of New York has always been extremely quiet. Who would Think it will go crazy

So the river bank is not built very high.

There are even many New Yorkers and some tourists walking on the river bank, watching the night view of the Hudson River.

At this time, disaster came.

The tide with a height of several meters slapped the river bank fiercely, and the buildings beside the river bank were submerged one by one, and the pedestrians beside the river bank were submerged by the tide, and all the police and special police in New York immediately took action. The honking of police cars resounded throughout New York City.

Helicopters, Special Response Units, a whole bunch of troops came out.

New York, as the economic center of the United States, has a military power unmatched by other cities, but they are also unable to attack the huge tide generated for no reason.

What the hell is going on, why did the inland river suddenly produce such a big tide

Countless policemen and special forces appeared beside the Hudson River, urgently dispersing the crowd, and hundreds of helicopters hovered over the Hudson River, but once they approached the vortex, they were sucked down by the horrific attraction of the vortex. Such a terrifying vortex is unimaginable.

"Lieutenant General Aaron, there is no reason for this wave. According to the measurement of the latest series of ms testers, a vortex with energy reaching tens of millions of crystals has formed at the bottom of the Hudson River, and the energy vortex is constantly increasing, and the speed is increasing. Amazing, I believe that after half an hour, he can break through 100 million crystals!"

Lieutenant General Aaron was the first person in charge during this time, even though it was late at night and the cold wind was piercingly cold, he still broke out in cold sweat.

The energy of 100 million crystals!

What is that concept? This is the energy of a ninth-level master, the energy of a master who has successfully crossed the catastrophe, and the energy of a master at the Dacheng stage, which means that he is already a quasi-immortal.

What will happen if the energy of 100 million crystals explodes!

A cultivator who successfully crossed the catastrophe, and a quasi-immortal exploded

That is definitely equivalent to a small nuclear bomb, and one-third of the entire New York City will be destroyed!

But Li Yang, who created all of this, still doesn't know everything. How does he know the meaning of the chaotic airflow track in "Six Ultimate Demon Gods", which represents the most natural and primitive movement of chaotic airflow in the Dao of Heaven.

And today Li Yang is also performing at a super level. It is good to imitate at most one-tenth of the trajectory that he usually imitates. Today, Li Yang is amazingly lucky to imitate one-fifth. In this way, the formed "rotational energy" absorbs energy The speed is even faster.

Why are human beings so slow in cultivation

It is because of the limitation of the body, the energy that the body can bear is limited, so human beings dare not absorb it crazily. Once the body cannot bear it, the body will even explode!

But "rotational energy" has no such limit, it has no limit at all. It just keeps absorbing more energy and continuously improving its own energy. Once the energy loses balance and loses control, it will "boom" and explode!

"Quickly, destroy the energy under the vortex at the fastest speed. It is constantly increasing. We must destroy it at the fastest speed so that it explodes as soon as possible. The sooner it explodes, the less our losses in New York will be!" Lieutenant General Aaron responded. Amazingly fast.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster!

Lieutenant General Aaron found that the energy under this vortex was increasing, and immediately decided to destroy it immediately!

"Lieutenant General Aaron, look, there is actually a figure beside this vortex!" Major General Cather next to him suddenly exclaimed, and Lieutenant General Aaron immediately cast his gaze on the screen of the ms test instrument.

Sure enough, there was a figure beside the whirlpool.

"Stop. Don't destroy the vortex energy yet!" Seeing this figure, Lieutenant General Aaron seemed to think that things had turned around, and immediately stopped the adjutant who was calling to give orders.

"God, this guy is standing next to the vortex, and he doesn't even move. Even the huge rotation of the vortex and the force of attraction can't shake him. It's really scary!" The officers present knew that even a helicopter would be sucked into the vortex if it approached it. Imagine how terrifying the spinning energy in the vortex is.

And this figure is in the vortex, but it has no effect, which shows how terrifying this figure is.

Lieutenant General Aaron nodded and looked at a white man with brown hair and a resolute face beside him.

"Robert, who do you think this figure is? What do you think of this vortex." Lieutenant General Aaron asked.

Robert, the captain of the "Superman" organization, the number one master, has reached the sixth-level master realm, can fly, has infinite strength, and his position is equivalent to that of a lieutenant general.

"Aaron, my good brother, the energy in the vortex is too strong, and the tester can't see it clearly, but I believe he must be an oriental, or even Chinese!" Robert said with certainty.

Aaron looked puzzled.

Robert smiled and said: "Now the vortex energy has reached tens of millions of horrific crystals. In front of such a vortex, if it is a Westerner, it is estimated that only the Pope and the head of the Dark Council can barely persist, but they must rely on sacred weapons to persist." , after all, seventh-level masters are already at the peak in the West, and they can not be affected by tens of millions of crystal energy, only eighth-level masters or even more terrifying ninth-level masters!"

"Apart from the Pope and the speaker, only the East, and the cultivators in the Eastern legends have eighth-level masters and ninth-level masters!" Robert said very clearly.

Aaron became anxious: "But what should we do now? Don't let such terrifying energy continue to increase. If it continues like this and reaches hundreds of millions of crystals, the consequences are beyond our ability to bear!"

When Robert heard this, he immediately looked helpless.

"Aaron, send someone to launch a missile to destroy the energy and let it explode immediately. Now that the explosion will affect at most about one-tenth of New York City, it will be terrible if we wait for hundreds of millions of crystals!" Robert said helplessly talking.

Robert looked up at the vortex of increasing energy, filled with anxiety.

As soon as Lieutenant General Aaron heard this, he immediately called the White House.

"Mr. President, things are very bad now. The energy of the vortex at the bottom of the Hudson River is getting bigger and bigger. Now it has reached tens of millions of crystals. If it continues, it will even exceed 100 million crystals. It is estimated that one-third of New York will be destroyed by then." Destruction, please give the order, Mr. President!" Lieutenant General Aaron immediately gave the president this difficult problem.

Mr. President has just known that great changes have taken place in New York, and he has gathered cabinet members together long ago.

As soon as the call was received, the entire cabinet knew about it. The cabinet members and various ministers immediately thought about it.

Finally, the Minister of Defense stood up and said resolutely: "Mr. President, the matter has reached the most important moment. The vortex energy is about to break through 100 million crystals. Hurry up and order it to be destroyed. We must minimize the loss!"

Another cabinet member immediately stood up and said: "This can't be done like this. The energy explosion of tens of millions of crystals will cause New York to face unprecedented losses."

The Minister of Defense immediately scolded: "Hmph, don't you think you can wait until the vortex energy reaches 100 million crystals before you act? If you destroy it now, New York may lose one-tenth of it, but if you act half an hour later, we will lose will be a third!"

Immediately, the other cabinet members fell silent, as if they agreed with the Minister of Defense's words.

Mr. President looked at the ministers and his confidants, and finally made a decision.

"Lieutenant General Aaron, dispatch immediately. Be sure to destroy the vortex energy within three minutes to minimize the losses in New York. You are slow to move. The losses in New York are too great. It is estimated that our entire cabinet will resign collectively, and you will also go to the military. Court!"

When Lieutenant General Aaron heard this, he immediately said in a loud voice: "Immediately order the fighters, launch missiles immediately, and destroy the vortex energy immediately. Be sure to destroy the vortex energy within two minutes, otherwise, the command of our operation will Just wait for the court-martial!"

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Aaron shouted violently: "Stop, stop attacking the vortex energy!"

At this moment, every second represents greater losses in New York, but at this moment, Lieutenant General Aaron resolutely announced to stop the attack, because he saw on the tester, the figure moved, and the vortex energy also started moved...