Inch of Radiance

Chapter 76: Psychic


A mysterious vortex of energy appeared at the mouth of the Hudson River, and it exploded at high altitude, causing heavy losses in Manhattan. The symbol of the United States and the symbol of freedom—the Statue of Liberty also collapsed in this disaster.

When this incident happened, the approval rating of the poor Mr. President of the United States immediately dropped to the lowest point in history. People don’t know that the president cannot be blamed. Street, as well as condolences to those who were seriously injured, and continued efforts to regain the support of the public for him.

Fortunately, if the vortex energy explodes at the bottom of the river, it is estimated that the entire Manhattan will be finished. If such a thing happens, it is estimated that Mr. President and the entire cabinet will resign collectively. What is happening now is within the tolerance of the president.

This catastrophic event happened very suddenly, and even experts could not find out why it happened suddenly.

The news of the collapse of the Statue of Liberty spread throughout the world almost within a day.

The Associated Press, Associated Press, Xinhua News Agency and other major media, and even the major super portals on the Internet reported this incident in the most prominent position. For a time, people all over the world focused their attention on New York. focused on this matter.

People all over the world are speculating about the reasons for this incident.

After all, that part of the river is in New York, which is an inland river. How could such a powerful vortex suddenly occur

Regardless of what people in reality think, the underground world is completely shocked.

Green Gang.

The old guys of the Green Gang, the elders who have retired early, gathered in a secret villa.

"It's really terrifying. It has controlled the energy of tens of millions of crystals. The vortex energy is chaotic. It is simply the gathering of countless heaven and earth aura energy. It is not stable at all, just like a bomb that will explode at any time. Who is that figure? Who? To be able to control such chaotic 'vortex energy', I think he is at least an eighth-level master!" An old man seemed very sure.

All the old guys around nodded in agreement.

An eighth-level master can have tens of millions of energy crystals. He can control his own energy, but this does not mean that he can control the chaotic "vortex energy", because the energy of the eighth-level master is stable, and the eighth-level master is familiar with his own energy, so it is easy to control.

If you want to control the chaotic "vortex energy" that can explode at any time, you must hang on to the eighth-level master.

These old guys just said "at least eighth-level master"!

An eighth-level master is equivalent to a master of the tribulation period. If that figure is a master of the tribulation period, it would be amazing. The tallest of these old guys has just entered the late stage of the Nascent Soul. If it is a ninth-level master. A master at the maturity stage, it is estimated that all these old guys look up to this super master.

Holy See.

"Your Majesty, do you feel that strong energy? I believe that figure is at least an eighth-level master. Who is it? Could it be the speaker of the Dark Council? In the underground world, apart from the Pope, only that guy can reach such a level." A cardinal archbishop respectfully said to the Pope.

The Pope sat on the throne and shook his head: "This is definitely not the speaker of the Dark Council. Because...he doesn't have this strength. Even I don't have this strength either!"

The red-clothed archbishop below was shocked.

The pope smiled and said: "On this earth, there are inexplicable restrictions. It is reasonable that no one can reach the eighth level of skill. The speaker of the dark council and I can only temporarily become the eighth level master by relying on the sacred weapon. Once the sacred weapon is lost, Still only a seventh-level master!"

The Pope knew very well that every time he wanted to break through to the seventh-level expert realm, there were always inexplicable restrictions hindering him. Only by relying on the holy weapon could he break through for a short time. Without the holy weapon, he was still only the peak of the seventh level.

"Probably, there are only Eastern cultivators. Those cultivators are very miraculous. My Holy See has recorded that some masters have reached the eighth or even ninth level. The East... is a place where the light of our Holy See can never shine!" The Pope sighed. road.

The archbishop in red immediately understood, no wonder the Holy See is so powerful, but he dared not go to the east, it seems that it was really because of the reputation of the cultivators.

"Your Majesty, didn't you say that you can't break through to the seventh level? Why can the Eastern practitioners break through?" The archbishop in red was confused.

The Pope shook his head and said, "I don't know about that either. The Eastern World also has restrictions, because there have been masters among the popes in the past who have been to the East and wanted to break through there, but the Eastern World still has restrictions."

The archbishop in red suddenly felt that the practitioners were too mysterious.

In fact, the Pope himself does not know that the Eastern cultivators are divided into two parts, one part is the cultivators in the Kunlun Wonderland, there are no restrictions in the Kunlun Wonderland, and the cultivators can directly reach the stage of crossing the catastrophe, and then cross the catastrophe, and even practice Become a fairy.

The other part is the oriental native family cultivators, who live on the eastern land. They are also restricted and cannot enter the realm of transcending robbery. When they reach the peak of the late Yuanying period and are restricted, they will receive a message from the cultivators in Kunlun Wonderland to take them into Kunlun Wonderland.

But this also makes eighth-level masters seem extremely rare in the secular world. Apart from the Pope and the speaker of the Dark Council, there are only masters in Kunlun Wonderland.

"Your Majesty, it seems that this person is a high-powered cultivator from the East. Will such a master come to the West and affect the struggle between our Holy See and the Dark Council?" The archbishop in red was worried. Said.

The super powerful is the super expert. Once this super expert with at least eight levels of skills suddenly appears to help one party, the other party will definitely suffer heavy losses.

The Pope nodded and said, "Indeed, that's why I hope you send someone to investigate this person immediately. Remember, don't offend him. Find out his identity, and I'll go find him in person!"

"Yes, follow His Majesty's orders!" The High Priest in Red said respectfully.

Hong Gang.

A group of old guys also gathered. Of course, they have a station in New York, and they know everything about that mysterious figure.

Dark Council.

In an old castle in the countryside of London.

The speaker of the Dark Parliament, the members of the blood clan, the members of the dark mage, and the members of the werewolf clan are all discussing the mysterious figure coming to the west.

The whole underground world was shaken by this incident.

Everyone was in awe of this mysterious figure.

As the core of this incident - Li Yang is not conscious at all.

He was still drinking spirits in the rooftop while carving wood.

On the roof.

"New York, New York! As expected of the economic center, even if the two streets are destroyed, there are still people everywhere, and there is no aura of disaster at all." Li Yang sighed and took a sip of spirits.

Suddenly Li Yang recalled the matter of "vortex energy".

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to collect so many crystals formed by the aura of heaven and earth. It is really a waste. Alas, it is estimated that the crystals formed by the aura of heaven and earth must have exploded with the rotation energy..." Li Yang still remembered How thick is the crystal energy formed by the spiritual energy of that day. At the beginning, he only took dozens of pills, but his physical energy reached 300,000 crystals!

"Oh, what a waste!" Li Yang still regretted it after thinking about it, and sighed...

Xiang Yu's proud voice sounded: "Li Yang, you silly boy, you are stupid, don't you think that the overlord is as stupid as you?"

Li Yang was stunned for a while, and then became pleasantly surprised: "Ah, Overlord, what do you collected the crystals that gathered the spiritual energy from that day?"

Xiang Yu said proudly: "Of course, I just collected a few randomly, and it's not too many, only one hundred and thirty."

The "vortex energy" didn't take long to form. Although the aura of heaven and earth was astonishingly strong, it only formed nearly two hundred crystals, and Li Yang himself had absorbed dozens of them.

One hundred and thirty crystals, but Xiang Yu almost scraped off the remaining crystals.

"Haha... Overlord, you are so wise. By the way, where are those crystals? Li Yang suddenly looked forward to it."

Xiang Yu smiled and said, "Those crystals are placed in your bedroom."

Li Yang secretly sighed in his heart. Xiang Yu was really powerful, and the control crystal was placed in the bedroom, but Li Yang himself didn't notice it at all.

"Li Yang, don't talk about crystals in the future. In all walks of life, there is a special name for this kind of crystals-'Lingshi'!"

When Li Yang heard it, he immediately understood: "Oh, it seems that those crystals with the aura of heaven and earth are spirit stones."

Xiang Yu immediately said: "No, no, the one hundred and thirty crystal stones collected by the overlord are not spirit stones. To be precise, they should be-'spirit crystals'!" At this point, Xiang Yu immediately explained carefully: "Spirit crystals Stones are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades. The lower-grade spirit stones contain the least aura, and the upper-grade spirit stones contain a lot of heaven and earth aura, but it still does not reach 100%. The ground crystal is completely formed by the heaven and earth aura. The ground crystal is 100% heaven and earth. Reiki, without the slightest impurity."

"It seems that this spirit crystal is very precious!" Li Yang laughed.

Xiang Yu immediately said: "Of course, hum, when you go to Kunlun Wonderland in the future, you will understand the preciousness of spirit crystals."

Li Yang smiled when he heard this, then raised his head and took a sip of the strong wine, his eyes turned to the distant place in the sky, but he muttered in his mouth: "Well, it's time to talk to the uncle!"


Li Yang took Jerry and Jesse to Wang Tong's residence in the extended Citroen 2010 sedan.

Just got in the car.

"Oh! You two are good, not bad!" Li Yang looked at Jerry and Jesse, but his eyes glowed with admiration.

What did Li Yang discover

He unexpectedly discovered that Jerry and Jesse had broken through the realm of earls and entered the realm of blood marquises.

"It's really good to reach the Marquis Realm in such a short period of time. It seems that the "Blood God Phantom Art" is quite useful to you. He has an ancestor's blood oath with him, and the two boys are also his founder disciples. Li Yang still cares about these two disciples.

Jesse immediately said: "The "Blood God Phantom Jue" bestowed by the master is really amazing. Our blood race has always absorbed dark energy naturally and gradually improved. Although our brothers have already reached the peak of Earl with the master. , but it is estimated that it is impossible to break through within five or six years. After our brother practiced this "Blood God Phantom Art", the skill has improved rapidly, and finally reached the Marquis realm yesterday."

Li Yang smiled and nodded.

"Well, yes, continue to practice hard. By the way, you two boys must not pass the "Blood God Phantom Art" to other blood clans, otherwise... the blood clan will be in chaos." Li Yang instructed lightly.

Of course, Jerry and Jesse understand that the blood clan relies on years of energy absorption and accumulation. There has never been a so-called practice formula. If this cultivation formula appears in the sight of the blood clan, I believe all the blood clan will go crazy .

The two immediately nodded and replied: "Master, don't worry, it is Master's kindness for our brothers to learn this "Blood God Phantom Art", how can we pass it on to others? What's more, our brothers didn't have any status at the beginning. We were begging for mercy like dogs, but no one helped us. Fortunately, Master Steven sent us to the master, and our brothers had new hope. How could we pass this formula on to others?" Jerry and Jesse My heart is full of anger.

The blood family values the family more than life. A blood family without a family has no status. Jerry and Jesse are blood families without a family. "

"If you follow me, no one will dare to bully you or look down on you, even if...he is the blood prince!" Li Yang said flatly. However, Jerry and Jesse are very clear about the character of their master, saying that one is one, and the promises made must be kept.

The two brothers felt a little moved in their hearts.

The car drove to the corner of the street, and the speed slowly slowed down.

Li Yang suddenly saw the scene outside the hotel not far away through the car window, and immediately frowned: "Isn't that Ge Xin? What's going on?" Li Yang immediately said to the driver, "Chaoyang, stop at the hotel in front first! "

The driver responded immediately and drove to the hotel.