Inch of Radiance

Chapter 8: Reborn


After Li Yang returned to his villa, he immediately entered the base through the elevator in the bathroom.

Chamber of Secrets!

Team 9 of the Security Bureau specially built ten independent secret rooms in the base. Because the cultivation of inner strength is the most taboo to be disturbed, these secret rooms are locked by everyone's iris and can only be used by one person at all.

"Iris, identity, fit!" With the electronic sound, the door of the new alloy in the secret room slowly opened. Li Yang immediately walked into it!

In the secret room, there are some food to satisfy the hunger, and mineral water, etc. These are prepared by the 9th team of the Security Bureau for the team members to practice internal energy retreat. There are many benefits of retreat, but for Li Yang, internal strength is useless, and retreat has little effect.

But he doesn't think much of it now!

Because he just found a note in the jade box. A note explaining how to take Xisui Pill and how to fully utilize the effect of Xisui Pill.

The elixir with a faint green luster that exudes a delicate fragrance in the jade box turned out to be—Xishui Pill!

Li Yang sat cross-legged on the cattail mat, and slowly opened the jade box, a fresh fragrance filled the air immediately. Li Yang took a deep breath, feeling that every pore in his body was opened, that feeling was really wonderful.

"The Xisui Pill really lives up to its reputation. It seems that only those legendary cultivators can refine it!" Li Yang carefully looked at the Xisui Pill in the jade box.

The surface of the Xisui Pill has a faint green luster, Li Yang specially turned off the light in the secret room, and immediately the Xisui Pill looked like a night pearl, so attractive.

Li Yang read the note carefully, and what the note said was nothing more than the points that need to be paid attention to when taking Xisui Pill.

1. If a person born with blocked meridians takes Xisui Pill, there must be a congenital level expert to help protect the heart, otherwise, with the powerful medicinal power of Xisui Pill, the person born with blocked meridians will definitely not be able to withstand the impact of the medicine.

2. If it is an adult who is only taking Xisui Pill for meridian stereotypes, he only needs to find an acquired internal energy master to protect his heart meridians. Of course, if an adult whose meridians are shaped has some internal strength, then there will be no problem.

Li Yang became excited when he saw it: "Isn't this just right for me? Although my internal strength is not strong now, I have been practicing for two years anyway, and I have reached the first level of internal strength. The most important thing is that my body is not strong. I have practiced very well, and I believe that no matter how strong the medicine is, my body can still bear it!" Li Yang looked at the marrow washing pill in front of him, which looked like a pearl in the night, and his heart began to get excited.

He is ready to take the marrow washing pill!

Once the problem of meridian stereotypes is solved, can Li Yang's future achievements be limited


The headquarters of Shanghai Yuming Group——Yuming Building is 98 stories high and was built just the year before last.

At this time, it was on the top floor of Yuming Building.

The 98th floor has a large area, but such a large area is just a super-large room, which is the activity room, or office of Yuming Group Chairman Chu Tianshang. Because there are many fitness equipment and a small swimming pool.

At this time, Chu Tianshang, the chairman of Yuming Group, was lying on a recliner with a smile on his lips. He was looking at the enchanting female stars in the swimming pool. These female stars may be very proud outside, but in Chu Tianshang In front of him, he tried every means to please.

Chu Tianshang has a fat body and looks a little fat, but there is a warm feeling on his body, and people who are close to him will feel a little bit of intimacy.

"Brother!" A loud shout sounded from the top floor.

Chu Tianshang frowned immediately, glanced at his younger brother Chu Tianyu who walked in, then waved his hand to let the female stars leave.

"What's the matter of yelling, how decent is it?" Chu Tianshang reprimanded lightly.

Chu Tianyu looked like a gentle man, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and his figure was a little thin. Chu Tianyu had always been good-tempered, and even smiled at his subordinates. But the good-tempered Chu Tianyu is very angry now.

"Brother, I heard that you gave a marrow washing pill to the Japanese just for a business? I hope that the elder brother can give me an explanation. I believe that the elders of the family will also hope that the elder brother will give me an explanation after knowing this matter. "Chu Tianyu held back his anger.

The Chu family has a great background, and his backer is the Yin Shamen, one of the three sects of the Demon Sect in the cultivation world!

"Isn't it just a marrow washing pill? What's all the fuss about!" Chu Tianshang glanced at his younger brother, with an unfathomable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chu Tianyu immediately said straightly: "Although my Chu family is a cultivator of the way of magic, we are completely firm in dealing with the Japanese. Have you forgotten the humiliation during the Anti-Japanese War back then? Now you actually gave the Japanese people the pill of washing marrow. Humph! If you don’t explain clearly today, big brother, I, Chu Tianyu, will really report this matter to the elders.”

Chu Tianshang looked at the stubborn Chu Tianyu, smiled slightly, pointed to the reclining chair beside him and said, "Sit down first, let's talk slowly."

But Chu Tianyu didn't give Chu Tianshang any face, and stood aside without moving.

Chu Tianshang couldn't help but smiled helplessly, and then calmly said: "Tianyu, I gave the Japanese a pill for washing marrow, but I forgot to tell you a little bit, I incorporated the pure essence of my demon sect into the pill Demonic power." Chu Tianshang said lightly, as if he was explaining an ordinary matter.

When Chu Tianyu heard this, his glasses lit up immediately, and the anger just now completely disappeared.

"Brother, you didn't say it earlier! Haha, brother, you are indeed the number one disciple of my generation in the Yin Sha Sect. This is a great trick!" Chu Tianyu became happy.

A marrow washing pill is nothing to a powerful sect like Yinshamen! The reason why Chu Tianyu was angry was because his elder brother gave the pill of washing marrow to the Japanese. Now he admires his elder brother.

"Masha power, this can only be endured by demon cultivators. Hmph, how could the Japanese bullshit ninja and the lowest-level samurai be able to withstand the magic power. No matter who it is, as long as it absorbs the magic power, the magic power will be destroyed. The strength will completely immerse his mind, and when he cultivates, he will definitely be insane!" Chu Tianyu looked at his elder brother and said, "Brother, once this person who has taken the marrow washing pill cultivates, he will become insane , ranging from paralysis to severe death on the spot! It is estimated that the Japanese would not be able to see the reason for the Xisui Pill, and they would definitely think that the person died of madness because of his weak heart during cultivation!"

Chu Tianshang stood up slowly, walked to the top of the 98th floor, and overlooked Shanghai through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Unless the guy who absorbs the marrow washing pill is a demon cultivator, only in this way, my magic power will not hurt him, but Japan is 'his' territory, and it is impossible for both demon cultivators and true practitioners In the past, and it is impossible for 'he' to lower himself to teach the Japanese how to repair demons! Therefore, the Japanese who used the pill of washing marrow is sure to die!" Chu Tianshang said firmly.

"Hmph, even if you die, you will look like a madman. Who knows that it's the problem of our marrow washing pill? Those Japanese devils don't have the strength to see the root cause." Chu Tianshang sneered, he really didn't think highly of Japan What a master of people.

"The person who used the marrow washing pill must be a high-level person in Japan. A pill of washing marrow not only killed such a high-ranking person, but also got a big business worth one billion dollars. This deal is really a bargain!" Chu Chu Tian Yu looked at his elder brother with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

In the secret room of Li Yang's agency.

At this moment, Li Yang was sitting naked on the cattail mat, his upper body was naked, and he slowly put the marrow washing pill, which was crystal clear and fragrant like a night pearl, into his mouth.

The Xisui Dan melted at the entrance, and streams of clear streams immediately began to flow into all parts of the body.

Li Yang's shaped meridians are like a dry river, and the clear stream transformed by the Xisui Pill is like a clear spring. The clear spring flows through the dry river, and Li Yang's meridians immediately began to absorb the "clear stream", and Li Yang clearly felt it. The elasticity and vitality of the meridians in the Tao begin to increase...

However, as more and more clear streams entered the body, more and more medicinal power of the Xisui Pill was accumulated. The medicinal power of the Xisui Pill was too strong. In an instant, it seemed as if a flood of water bursting down the embankment, washing the marrow Dan's powerful medicinal power broke out completely...

The clear stream changed from a stream to a rushing river in an instant, and Li Yang's meridians were only equivalent to a small dry ditch. The powerful medicinal power rushed to Li Yang's meridians like a rushing river.

The most important thing for a mortal is the heart!

With such an impact, if no one uses internal force to protect Xinmai, he will die on the spot when his heartmai is cut off!

At this time, all of Li Yang's internal energy is accumulating around the heart veins to protect the heart veins. Although his internal energy is not much, it is still enough to protect the small heart veins, and Li Yang's own internal energy recovery speed is amazing, not at all. Worried about not having enough internal strength! This is the effect of Li Yang shooting 3,000 throwing knives completely infused with internal energy in three hours.

The Lingtai is ethereal, leaving a little clarity to control the inner force to protect the heart, and leave everything else to the powerful and magical medicinal power of Xisui Pill.

Under the impact of the powerful medicine, Li Yang's meridians began to expand slowly due to the initial absorption of the medicine, but there was a limit to the expansion, and the absorption of the medicine took such a short time. ... The meridians began to break down.

Unable to bear the impact, the meridians began to crack slowly. At the same moment, the medicinal power of the Xisui Pill helped the meridians recover again, but the momentum of the Xisui Pill itself caused the meridians to crack, and the medicinal power of the Xisui Pill repaired it again...

Crack... Repair... Crack... Repair...

At the same time, every part of Li Yang's body, including muscles, tendons and bones, etc., began to absorb the medicinal power of Xisui Pill. The muscles became more energetic, their potential was greater, and the vitality of the muscles and bones also increased...

Finally, the medicinal power of the marrow-washing pill in Li Yang's body gradually eased. Much of the medicinal power has been absorbed by the muscles, tendons, and meridians in Li Yang's body.

The meridian is finalized, and the biggest obstacle for Li Yang to improve his strength has finally been solved!

However, Li Yang didn't realize that when the marrow washing pill just entered his body, a dark red energy also rushed into Li Yang's body. The level of that dark red energy far surpassed the internal force, and Li Yang's strength could not be sensed at all. nothing.

The dark red energy went upstream and directly penetrated Li Yang's mind!

Suddenly, the dark black stone that Li Yang had been wearing next to his body suddenly flashed red, and a faint light rushed into Li Yang's body in an instant, and directly rushed to Li Yang's head. At the same time, the black stone that Li Yang was wearing next to his body instantly turned into stone powder, scattered Fly to the ground.

"Haha..." The faint laughter sounded deep in Li Yang's mind, but it slowly disappeared...

Li Yang opened his eyes suddenly: "Laughter?"

"A voice sounded in my mind just now?" Li Yang was a little uncertain, after all, the voice sounded faintly and then disappeared.

"Maybe it's my delusion, but now I seem... to have been completely reborn, and I have solved the problem of setting meridians." At this moment, Li Yang suddenly realized that he had been completely reborn!

Li Yang's internal force flows through the meridians, feeling the broadness and tenacity of the meridians, Li Yang feels a little unreal, and that kind of unreality makes him feel dizzy.

"Ah, my meridian problem is finally solved!" Li Yang suddenly stood up from the mattress and shouted fiercely.

"Ah-ah-" Li Yang yelled up to the sky, yelling crazily, as if to yell out all the depression and pressure in his heart at once!

He succeeded!

His meridian problem is solved!

He has even been completely reborn, and his muscles, bones and meridians are better than those of ordinary people who practice internal strength!

Back then, the top player of the 'Dragon Tooth' ace team came to the 9th group of the Security Bureau, but he was the one with the lowest skill. After two years of depression, the meridian stereotypes have always been a huge gap in his improvement. After hours of desperate training, including physical training, the energy is only about 80 crystals. And Tian Lin, the lowest among the other team members, is usually a playboy and doesn't practice seriously. He only has the minimum required six hours a day, but because he has practiced internal strength since he was a child, he has also reached more than 200 crystals of energy!

The lowest member of the Xingluo Base team was nearly three times taller than him!

The root cause is his stereotyped meridians!

Pressure, huge pressure!

Jiang Xue entered his life, making him even more stressed. To live with Jiang Xue, he must enter the 11th group of the Security Bureau. He can enter it with his flying knife skills, but what about in the future? You must know that only the tasks that the 9th group of the Security Bureau cannot complete will let the experts of the 11th group of the Security Bureau be dispatched.

Entering the 11th group of the Security Bureau, even the lowest tasks after that are A-level tasks! With Li Yang's energy of less than 100 crystals, relying on the flying knife stunt, he may succeed once or twice, but after all, the enemy is a super expert with thousands of crystals, if he misses, he will be finished! He couldn't continue to be with Jiang Xue anymore.

Is Li Yang willing to leave Jiang Xue? Does Li Yang have the heart to let Jiang Xue live alone in sadness

"Absolutely not. Once I am with Xue, then I must not die early in the mission, leaving her alone and sad. I must improve my strength and let myself survive in previous missions! Let me be with her The days are getting longer..." Li Yang looked at the front of the secret room with firm eyes, and he also stopped the roar just now.

In the past, Li Yang's energy was weak, and in the past, Li Yang was always under tremendous pressure for his future life with Jiang Xue!

But now all of this has been resolved with the appearance of the Sui Sui Pill!

Li Yang's meridians are now tougher and wider than those of Hei Yan and others, completely reborn! In the future, the cultivation of internal strength will be rapid, and the improvement of strength will be just around the corner!

"Xue, wait for me, I will definitely improve my strength, I am ready to grow old with you forever, I will definitely complete those A-level tasks or even higher-level tasks perfectly in the future, and there will be no accidents!" Li Yang is confident. high! That is confidence in one's own future strength!

The dragon trapped in the shoal, once ascended to the sky, will overwhelm the river and overwhelm the sea, soaring nine days! Can anyone limit the future of the reborn Li Yang