Inch of Radiance

Chapter 86: gradually develop


Today's weather is very good, silky white clouds float above the blue sky, and the breeze blows, but it makes people feel refreshed physically and mentally.

But on the rooftop, Li Yang, who was sitting on a chair, frowned. Obviously, he had thoughts. At this time, Li Yang was thinking about the Jileg Gym, what he was thinking about were the conditions for the Jileg Gym to open all over the world.

Of course, it is impossible for the Extreme Leg Gym to rely on only twenty-one people.

According to Li Yang's plan, the coaches of Jileg gymnasium are divided into stars. The fourth-level master is four-star, the third-level master is three-star, the second-level master is two-star, and the most basic ordinary coach is one-star. .

In the plan, Tian Gang will become the chief instructor of the Jileg Gym, while Li Yang will be the chief curator and founder of the Jileg Gym. Both are five-star.

Twenty-one top boxers are twenty-one four-star coaches.

The goal of Jiqidao is of course to cover the whole world, and each of these four-star coaches is responsible for a large area.

A three-star coach sits within the scope of a province, and a two-star coach sits within a large city. Responsible.

Jiji gymnasiums are open all over the world, but they are only relatively large cities, small counties and small towns with tens of thousands of people are fine, and such places should wait for more than ten years of development of Jileg gymnastics.

But now there are nearly a hundred three-star coaches, and a thousand two-star coaches! The number of ordinary one-star coaches is also the largest. One ordinary coach in a pole leg gym is not enough, at least two, and the number of him is estimated to reach 10,000.

Thinking of this, Li Yang suddenly became as big as a bull.

"God, where do the 10,000 ordinary coaches come from?" Li Yangcai nodded.

This is not a small number, this is a total of ten thousand people.

And these ten thousand people are not ordinary people, they have reached the first level, and they have at least one crystal of physical body.

Li Yang let out a long breath, "Maybe I shouldn't worry about these people, I should worry about the three-star and two-star coaches most, these masters are not so easy to train!"

Two-star and three-star coaches generally do not come out to teach people. They are used in a region. For example, when some major events occur, these experts need to deal with them.

It is the task of ordinary coaches to teach ordinary people how to learn gymnastics.

Therefore, two-star and three-star coaches can be temporarily absent, but one-star coaches, the most common coaches, are the most important and indispensable.

"Forget it, these three-star and two-star coaches are also used in one area, so there is a shortage for now!"

Li Yang decided that he would not be looking for three-star and two-star coaches for the time being, and now needs 10,000 to 20,000 ordinary one-star coaches.

After collecting land, Li Yang got up from the chair.

"Damn, you can't be too greedy, and you can't want to expand to the whole world at once, just use the United States as the base for the time being, and cover the whole of the United States first." Li Yang feels that covering the whole world is a bit powerless.

Thinking of this, Li Yang called Tian Lei.

"Hey, Tianlei, I'm Muyi, I have something very important to talk to you about, um, okay, you can come to my villa, let's talk carefully." Li Yang said with a smile.

An hour later, Tian Lei entered Li Yang's villa in a car.

In the living room.

Li Yang and Tian Lei sat on the sofa and began to talk.

"Brother Tianlei, I have something to trouble you this time!" Li Yang said with a smile.

Tian Lei took the tea from the maid, and before he could drink it, he said immediately: "Junior Brother Mu Yi, you don't have to say that, you are also a member of the Green Gang, so you can't see outsiders like this in the future."

Li Yang immediately smiled and said, "Of course, let me talk about the matter first!"

"Please tell me!" Tian Lei smiled and began to drink tea slowly.

"I'm going to open the pole leg gym, which is similar in nature to Taekwondo. My goal is to cover the whole world!" Li Yang said calmly.

When Tianlei heard this, he stared at Li Yang with wide eyes. After staring for a long time, he let out a long sigh, put down his teacup slowly, and exclaimed, "Junior brother is really amazing, really amazing. Even if you have such an idea, it's amazing." , This is a great thing that is both famous and profitable. But where did you get this physical skill?" Tianlei understands very well that according to the power of the three major gangsters, it is only a matter of time before they want to spread all over the world, and the most important thing now is Instead, it was a matter of physical skills taught.

Li Yang took out the CD with a smile and put it into the CD socket of the wall-mounted TV.

"Brother Tianlei, please look, these are the three sets of kicks I use in extreme kicks. The first set is going to be taught to everyone. Anyone who has advanced in the extreme kicks can learn it. The second and third sets require special training. member." Li Yang explained to Tianlei.

But Tian Lei was already engrossed in watching the video content on the TV.

After reading it, Tianlei turned his gaze to Li Yang, which was already full of admiration.

"Junior Brother Mu Yi, did you create this? Or, in the future, will it be in your name?" Tian Lei stared at Li Yang and asked.

Li Yang nodded slightly

Tianlei sighed fiercely, and exclaimed: "Junior Brother Mu Yi, you will be famous forever, the founder of the extreme leg art. I dare to predict that this extreme leg art will far surpass taekwondo in the future and become the world's number one One martial arts."

What is Tianlei's vision

The three sets of Jiqidao's kicks are clean and neat, extremely handsome, and they look good. After all, many ordinary people learn by looking at the appearance of physical skills.

He believed that with Li Yang's strength, the true efficacy of these three sets of kicks would definitely not be low.

This set of physical skills, both externally and internally excellent, coupled with the power of the three super gangsters, covering the whole world, will not be a dream.

"However - in a gym, the most important thing is the most basic coaches. They are the direct people who teach ordinary people, but the number of these coaches is also the largest. I estimate that this pole leg gym will be opened all over the world , There are at least 10,000 ordinary coaches. Where do these 10,000 people come from? Even our Youth Gang cannot gather 10,000 people who can be coaches for a while." Tian Lei said the key point at once.

Li Yang nodded and said: "I know, so I decided, first of all, my goal will be in the United States, and I will cover the major cities in the United States first."

Only now did Tianlei relax and said, "Oh, it's easier than Ruan. By the way, are you going to cover all the counties? Or some larger cities?" When it comes to counties, there are 3,042 counties in the top ten districts of the United States. If it covers the counties that are educated, the number of coaches needed is surprisingly large.

Li Yang smiled wryly: "Of course not, a small county with tens of thousands of people is fine. My goal is a city with a population of hundreds of thousands. Some relatively large counties are worth it. As for those small places, just wait!" Li Yang originally planned to cover the whole world, but he only calculated some relatively large cities with a population of hundreds of thousands. He didn't calculate those small places with tens of thousands of people at all, otherwise 10,000 people would not be enough.

Tianlei nodded and said: "Well, in this case, the range is much smaller, probably only a few hundred."

"More than 300, I've checked them just now!" Li Yang said.

"More than 300, even a gymnasium with an ordinary coach needs more than 300 people, more than 300 people, this is not too many, our youth gang can still find them!" Tian Lei seemed very relaxed.

But Li Yang said: "No. No, I haven't told you yet. In my plan, the coaches of the Jileg Gym will be divided into star levels, just like hotel schools. These twenty-one top boxers are twenty-one four-star fighters. A level coach, a level three master is a three-star coach, for a reason, this ordinary coach is also a one-star coach."

As soon as Li Yang's words came out, Tian Lei immediately had a bitter face.

"One star? Junior brother Mu Yi, this is the strength of special forces, how is it so easy? If the Green Gang can find hundreds of special forces by all means, but the elders will not agree so easily." Tian Lei was a little distressed .

Li Yang said indifferently: "Don't worry, you just need to find me some people with better physical fitness and stronger body. I will train them well, isn't it just a one-star star? Just training the body is enough.

The physical energy trained by the boxers in the training camp is generally tens of crystals or even hundreds of crystals. Li Yang is not demanding, only a few crystals are needed, and he only needs to soften the methods of the training camp.

"Okay, it will be easier this way. Don't worry about this matter, I will finish it soon!" Tian Lei heard that Li Yang didn't need an expert of the level of special forces, so it was easy to handle. Now there are countless hooligans and thugs, and there are also countless smugglers from black families. Of course, it is easy for the Qing Gang to find some strong people. Maybe some of them are physically strong, reaching a few crystals!

a month later.

A total of four hundred strong men appeared at the training camp base of twenty-one fighters.

"A total of 400, our Green Gang got them all over the United States. These are the best among them, and their physical fitness is very good. Among them, there are fifty-six of them whose physical energy has reached a few crystals! "Tian Lei said with a smile.

It was too easy for the Green Gang.

There are also some regional gangs in the United States now, such as the Gunmen Organization. These forces still have some influence on the youth gang's control of the entire American underground world. For some thorns, the Green Gang launched iron and blood methods this month.

Countless masters wiped out more than a dozen forces, large and small, and captured more than a thousand prisoners.

Moreover, they arrested some illegal illegal immigrants with good physical fitness, etc., and they arrested thousands of people. These four hundred people are among the better ones.

Li Yang looked at the 400 big men. They were all thugs from various forces. They were all very strong and had good muscles. These guys probably had a lot of physical energy. I believe that after a period of training, it would be easy to reach Yijing. of.

"Senior Brother Tianlei, you helped me this time. I will remember your kindness, and I will definitely repay you in the future!" Li Yang thanked Tianlei.

As soon as Tianlei heard Li Yang's words, his face brightened with a smile: "We brothers and sisters, why should we divide each other? In the future, if you have anything to do, you can come to me. I will definitely not let you down. Okay, brother, I have something to do." , let’s go first, you are busy!”

Li Yang nodded, and personally sent Tian Lei to the car to leave.

Li Yang turned around and looked at the four hundred men.

All the big men were terrified. They were arrested by the Green Gang. Who knows how the Green Gang will deal with them

"Luo Cheng, Bocras, you twenty-one should train the muscles and bones for these four hundred little guys first." Li Yang said lightly, "As for the four hundred of you, of course you can also resist, as long as one of you beats them two One of the eleven people, I will let that person go!"

Upon hearing this.

The four hundred big men suddenly opened their eyes wide. Of course they hoped that they would have freedom. There were four hundred of them, and they were all strong big men. The other party was only twenty-one. one.

All the burly men were panting heavily, ready to make a move.

Twenty-one top boxers, four masters! They looked at each other with a teasing smile on their faces.

Raising land, Luo Cheng and others strolled towards the four hundred big men one by one.

Seeing the twenty-one masters approaching step by step, the muscles of these four hundred big men began to bulge slowly. It was obvious that they were fully prepared to use all their muscle strength.

"Come on, little ones!" Mishoff leaped and jumped nearly ten meters into the crowd.

As soon as he saw Mishoff rushing in, dozens of big guys around him rushed towards Mishoff, howling. All the big guys were shirtless, and their well-developed muscles showed that these big guys were all good.

"Haha, it's heavier, does it itch?" Mishoff didn't fight back at all, allowing these big men to attack. These big guys with the most crystals of physical energy, their attacks did not hurt Mihenghof at all.


With a low shout, Mishoff swung his right arm, and immediately threw away the dozen or so people who were crowded on the right, and several others fell to the ground.

The muscles of Mishoff's whole body trembled, and there was a bear roar in his head: "Roar~~~~~~"

Dozens of big men around were knocked down by him at once, and those who were close to him were even sent flying by him.

Luo Luocheng laughed and said: "Brothers, we should also make a move, otherwise we will be defeated by Mishoff alone!" Immediately, the twenty fourth-level masters were like tigers in the herd, and the shadows passed by, one by one. The big man flew up.

No big guy can hurt them, level 4 master, this is a master who can resist bullets with his body, how can these guys who are slightly stronger than ordinary people can compare.

The entire training base was turned upside down, one by one the big guys fell, and one by one the big guys were thrown away.

But Li Yang had a slight smile on his face: "Treat these guys, it's easy to manage!"