Inch of Radiance

Chapter 9: Advance by leaps and bounds


kindness? Where is my piece of jade? "Li Yang was surprised to find that the jade he had been wearing around his neck had disappeared. Li Yang was always full of surprises about this jade. This jade looks like an ordinary stone, but this jade has a very special place. !

Even with a laser, there is no way to split this stone!

Lasers can't divide it. Could it be an ordinary stone? Even though it looks like an ordinary stone, but because of the extraordinary nature of this stone, Li Yang still calls this extraordinary 'stone' a 'jade'!

I don't know why, but Li Yang likes this jade very much, so he wears it next to his body all the time, and never takes it off. Since he got this jade, his physical recovery speed has greatly increased, and it seems that it is easier to practice internal strength , he, an adult whose meridians are shaped, actually reached the first level within two years. Li Yang has always suspected that this jade must have played a role.

Suddenly, Li Yang saw the stone powder on the ground beside him. He knew that it was impossible for stone powder to appear in this secret room. He looked at the chest without the jade, and then looked at the stone powder. Li Yang was convinced that the stone powder looked like the broken jade. Formed.

"How could this jade, which can't be divided by lasers, suddenly turn into stone powder?" Li Yang was a little puzzled, but then he smiled and shook his head. He is in a good mood now, and reborn is more important to him than a special stone. !

Everything can't be perfect, just reborn, now the jade is broken, Li Yang can see it! Compared to being able to reborn himself, the loss of a special stone is nothing.

At this time, Li Yang's naked upper body was covered with sweat, black impurities and horrible traces of blood. However, between the black dirt, impurities and blood, one can still see Li Yang's skin after being reborn, and now Li Yang's skin is as crystal clear as a baby's.

"A rebirth has changed me so much. But I'll wash it first!" Li Yang felt really uncomfortable with the sweat and dirt all over his body. Li Yang walked to the corner of the secret room, pulled up the curtain, and pressed a button on the wall at will. Immediately, the flushing faucet on the secret room spouted water.

This secret room is used for members of the Security Bureau to practice internal strength or retreat. Some team members retreat for several months. Ten squares is still enough.

What do you do after being reborn

Of course, seize the time to practice internal strength!

Now Li Yang has made the fastest progress in cultivating internal strength, and the effect of practicing internal strength for a day is much stronger than cultivating the body. Originally, cultivating internal strength is the way to go. In the past, Li Yang spent most of his time practicing physical combat because of meridian problems. Now that he has been reborn, of course he must practice internal strength. After all, the most important thing about Xiao Li's flying knife is genuine qi. The effect of instilling acquired or innate zhenqi into the flying knife is very different!

After rinsing, Li Yang sat cross-legged again, closed his eyes quietly, and began to practice his inner strength in the spirit altar.

The "Happy Spirit Realm" has greatly improved Li Yang's mind. He can change the direction of the flying knife instantly. The improvement of mind and mind makes it easier for Li Yang's mind to communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and it is easier to absorb it quickly.

Although Li Yang only has the internal strength of the first level of "Six Extremes of Pure Yang Art", his internal strength recovery speed is dozens of times faster than that of ordinary warriors who have reached the first level. Why is this

This is the reason why Li Yang's spiritual cultivation is high, otherwise, even if Li Yang trains his flying knives hard and squeezes his internal energy, the recovery speed of internal energy will not be able to reach such a point.

Strains of internal force swam from Li Yang's dantian to his whole body!

Suddenly, Li Yang was overwhelmed with surprise. He discovered a very wonderful thing: "Ah, although my internal energy recovered quickly in the past, my meridians didn't have much capacity to withstand them, and there was only a little internal force in the meridians. Now that the meridians have expanded, I Isn't the internal force that can be operated greatly increased? With the recovery speed of my internal force, it can definitely increase the internal force in my meridians by ten times!"

The internal force in the expanded meridians increased one by one, and Li Yang continued to operate, continuously inputting the new internal force in the dantian into the meridians.

Time passed by, and Li Yang sat cross-legged quietly, with a faint radiance on his face, and the internal force in his body was surging...


Deep in Li Yang's mind.

"Damn it, this "Three Realms of the Stars" is completely a treasure book for cultivating the way of magic. Who is this Li Xunhuan? Why hasn't I heard of this overlord? Entering the Tao with emotion and flying knives, it's amazing, amazing! Entering the Dao with a sword, the attack power is definitely stronger than that of a sword fairy! This Li Xunhuan is definitely a genius, hmph, those idiots in the fairy world are talking about cutting off the seven emotions and six desires. When I was in the stone, I just helped this kid a little bit, let him absorb the aura of heaven and earth faster, but his recovery speed is actually dozens of times faster than ordinary people, and the help of this overlord is not so good Great effect, this "Happy Spirit Realm" makes him more integrated with nature, it seems that the "Happy Spirit Realm" has worked, not bad, it seems that this overlord is going to return to the Demon Realm, and he needs the help of this kid. He has fully comprehended the three major realms, and he has almost entered the Tao. At that time, his cultivation must be rapid, and with the help of this overlord, he will definitely be able to survive the catastrophe within a hundred years! There is hope for this overlord to return to the demon world! En , this kid is so slow in practicing Acquired True Qi, please help!"


Li Yang is a little anxious now, the internal force circulating in his meridians is ten times that of the past, logically he can definitely reach the second level of "Six Extremes of Pure Yang Art", but for some reason, he is always so close Feet, there is only a layer of paper between me and success, but such a little gap makes it impossible for me to break through!

Suddenly Li Yang felt a powerful aura of heaven and earth rushing into his meridians, quickly transformed into internal force, and directly joined the army...


That barrier was broken instantly, and the internal force in Li Yang's meridians was like a surging river tide, completely flowing from the heart!

He succeeded, and he finally reached the second level of "Six Extremes of Pure Yang Gong".

Li Yang stood up with a smile, feeling the surge of zhenqi in his body. The energy in his body has definitely surpassed that of Baijing, reaching three digits. Now he is already a third-level master!

Suddenly, there was a trace of confusion on Li Yang's face: "How did the last powerful aura of heaven and earth come from? The speed at which I absorb the aura of heaven and earth is not even one-tenth of it. What's going on?"

Although Li Yang was confused, he didn't think about things that he couldn't understand. Today is October 9th, and there are only eleven days left before the assessment. In these short eleven days, Li Yang must of course work hard to cultivate his inner strength. He decided that during this period of time every day, except for the half hour of talking on the phone with Jiang Xue, the rest of the time would be to practice internal strength completely!

The most important thing in practicing internal strength is to expand the meridians. If the meridians are expanded enough, more internal energy can be accumulated in the body. Li Yang was reborn because of the Xisui Pill, and the expansion of the meridians reached the standard early. Now he only needs to accumulate internal energy, but this accumulation of internal energy is not a simple accumulation, but to let these zhenqi continue to fuse and circulate until they completely control Youxin.

Li Yang used these ten days to try his best to consolidate his current state.

October nineteenth!

Li Yang walked out of the secret room with a smile!

He is very satisfied with the results of these ten days of cultivation, and now he is fully sure of entering the 11th group of the Security Bureau.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Yang to enter the third floor within ten days.

Entering the second level of "Six Extremes of Pure Yang Art" does not mean that you can rush to the third level immediately. After all, there are gaps between the same level. On the third level of Pure Yang Gong, Hei Yan has reached more than 800 crystals, Tan Jin has more than 500 crystals, and Tian Lin has only more than 200 crystals! It can be seen from this point that the gap between the same layer is also very large!

"This Xisui Dan is indeed a treasure that can only be refined by those legendary and magical cultivators. My meridian expansion is probably not as good as that of Heiyan. Now I just need to keep accumulating true energy, absorbing it, It's enough to integrate and operate to consolidate my current state step by step." Li Yang is really satisfied with the effect of this marrow washing pill.

"Well, in ten days, I have completely consolidated the second level of realm, and my internal energy is already full. As long as I work hard for a while, I may even reach the third level!" Li Yang thought with a smile.

Suddenly, Li Yang frowned: "But things are strange. Although I am reborn, I don't need to expand my meridians, I just need to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, but according to the speed at which I absorb the aura of heaven and earth, I can completely consolidate the second level of the realm at least two times." Three months, but during the ten days I practiced, why did the gathering speed of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth increase nearly ten times faster than in the past? My second-level realm was completely consolidated in just ten days." Li Yang couldn't think I understand, since he entered the secret room and was reborn, how could the gathering speed of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly increase ten times faster

Li Yang stood at the door of the secret room, his expression seemed a little puzzled, and a person suddenly came from a distance.

"Haha, Li Yang, you boy, I finally saw your real body! I, Tian Lin, haven't been able to see you for a while. If the captain hadn't told you that you were in the secret room, I would have thought you eloped with some beautiful woman What about the Security Bureau?" Tian Lin immediately spotted Li Yang who had just come out of the secret room.

As soon as Li Yang saw Tian Lin, he put aside his doubts just now, walked forward with a slight smile, and said, "Elope? Elope for a beautiful woman? Although the 9th team of the Security Bureau does not allow marriage, but the 11th team allows it. What do you mean?" I, Li Yang, are so strong that I can enter the 11th group just around the corner. Do I still have to elope? Haha, it’s you Tian Lin. It is said that there are many lovers out there, right? If you can’t enter the 11th group, what should you do with those friends? Captain Montaigne seems to have criticized it You!" Li Yang took the opportunity to fight back.

When Tian Lin heard it, he immediately said with a bitter face: "Don't hit me, the 11th group of the Security Bureau, I don't know when I can get in, I don't practice seriously like this, I guess I can't get in until I'm in my thirties, oh well , just feel sorry for my confidante!" Tian Lin looked in pain.

Tian Lin's expression suddenly changed, and he became very excited, and immediately said to Li Yang: "Li Yang, I want to tell you a happy event, that big guy Heiyan broke through the third floor of "Six Extremes of Pure Yang Gong" and entered the fourth floor Realm, became a congenital master, haha, in this assessment, among the 9 teams of the Security Bureau stationed in major cities, our team Heiyan will definitely pass the test, Li Yang, you will definitely be able to pass with your flying knife skills, haha, our team A small team with two people in it at once will definitely make the big teams look at each other with admiration. When I meet my peers in the future, I, Tian Lin, can proudly say, 'Hey, buddy, let me tell you, Li Yang and Hei Yan in the 11th group are My brother Tianlin!'"

Hearing this, Li Yang became happy immediately, and said: "That guy Heiyan really succeeded, and his hard work paid off. He trained crazily under four times the gravity and finally broke through. It's really a happy thing. By the way, Tian Lin, I'm going to the testing area to test my energy and see the results of my cultivation, so I'll leave now, you kid, go back to your own business!"

When Tian Lin heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "Li Yang, let's go, I'll accompany you to the test area. Anyway, today is the 19th, and the test will be done tomorrow, and today's training has no effect! Let's go!"

Immediately, Li Yang and Tian Lin walked into the testing area.


At this time, there was only Heiyan in the testing area. Heiyan was sitting on a chair beside him, watching the '1350 crystal' displayed on the screen in front of him with a smile on his face, and he was giggling cheerfully.

After more than ten years of painstaking practice, now he finally broke through the third layer of "Six Extremes of Pure Yang Art", entered the fourth layer, and became a master of the innate level. Heiyan looked at the number displayed by the energy of the test, and felt it again. Seeing the bead-like innate qi in his body, he smirked even more cheerfully...

"Hey! Heiyan!" Tian Lin shouted fiercely.

The smirking Hei Yan suddenly stood up in shock, and after seeing Tian Lin, he smiled and said: "Tian Lin, you actually scared me, but you really scared me."

Tian Lin said with a hippie smile: "Hey, that's because you were smirking dumbly. Just now you smirked when I left the test area, and now you're still smirking when I come back, uh... Haha, by the way, Li Yang, I'll help you pass the exam." Turn on the tester." Tian Lin looked at Heiyan, who was "cracking" and moving his muscles, and immediately ran to the side to turn on the tester.

Li Yang walked towards Heiyan with a smile.

Hei Yan looked at Li Yang, and also smiled: "Li Yang, I can go to the 11th group of the Security Bureau with you!"

"In the future, our brothers will join hands and we will not allow any enemy to invade our motherland." Li Yang firmly extended his hand to Heiyan!

"En!" Hei Yan grasped Li Yang's hand, and the two held hands tightly!

This is a man's oath!

"Hey, why are you two big men like this, Glass!" Tian Lin walked over with a strange voice.

"Li Yang, the tester has been turned on, let's go and test it!" Tian Lin looked at the 'horrifying' eyes of Li Yang and Li Yang, and then thought about the power of Li Yang and Hei Yan, and immediately changed the topic.

Li Yang smiled slightly and walked to the center of the tester.

The test light instantly enveloped Li Yang completely, and with a crisp beep, the test light went out.

"150 crystals!" The electronic voice sounded.

Immediately, Hei Yan and Tian Lin were dumbfounded. Li Yang only had about 80 crystals ten days ago, but now the energy in his body has almost doubled! Such a fast speed is really terrifying, and Li Yang's throwing knife is "Xiao Li's flying knife". They are very clear about the abnormality of the flying knife. Now that Li Yang's strength has increased greatly, what will the power of Li Yang's flying knife be? What about the realm