Industrial Cultivation

Chapter 112: Various hot searches


The flying boat crossed the Kudu River with the wind, and the market town on the riverside was in chaos.

The continuous battles on the cliff tomb for several days not only alarmed the Demon Realm, but the noise was also heard on the other side of the river.

The saying "When gods fight, mortals suffer" is not just an adjective in the world of cultivation, but a real daily reality.

As early as when the Black Mountain of Yazhong was razed to the ground and collapsed, many merchants and travelers carried their belongings and fled overnight, fearing that they would become cannon fodder in the battle between the powerful.

Therefore, when Zhu Changyang and his companions returned, most of the town was empty. Those who remained either had nowhere to go, or were proud of their good cultivation. There were also some special ones who were diagnosed with Junguan disease and were receiving treatment in Changchun Tower. Among them was Tu Chaofeng who had lost his soul.

The one who led the Changchun Tower disciples to Kudu River to diagnose and treat the epidemic was Hua Guangbai's first disciple Wen Yuzhu.

The last time Zhu Changyang and Wen Yuzhu met was in Shihu Village, and it has been a year since then.

A year is but a blink of an eye in the world of cultivation and is not worth mentioning. However, there were many disturbances in the Nine Realms during this year, including the Jun Coffin Epidemic, which caused great trouble to Changchun Tower.

Therefore, when they met again at this time, both of them felt a little emotional.

However, there was no time to reminisce. As soon as they left the cliff tomb, Xia Jue's soul trapped in the wooden man finally woke up.

Si Kou Luo heaved a sigh of relief, but his breath had not yet recovered, so he could only ask the people in Changchun Tower to treat the dying with living medicine and temporarily protect Xia Jue's soul.

Xia Jue then exhaled a breath from his sea of consciousness, which was exactly the lost soul of Tu Chaofeng.

It turned out that on that day, Tu Chaofeng returned from shopping outside the town and got lost while walking in the woods outside the town at night. He ran into the corpses of the Yuxu Sect heading towards the cliff tomb.

Tu Chaofeng was frightened and lost his soul. He should have died, but Xia Jue's soul happened to be detained by the Yuxu Sect. At the critical moment, he secretly stored Tu Chaofeng's soul into his sea of consciousness and injected a breath into Tu Chaofeng's body, thus saving Tu Chaofeng's life.

At this time, more than a month had passed since Tu Chaofeng lost his soul. Mrs. Tu had already become disheartened and hopeless. She never expected that Tu Chaofeng could still survive. She was overjoyed and thanked all the immortal masters repeatedly.

Not long after, the developer suddenly jumped a few times, grabbed the corner of Zhu Changyang's clothes, pulled him out of the house, and dug his claws towards the sky.

Zhu Changyang looked up and saw a cold light in the distance, which was like a shooting star, and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The man on the sword was dressed in white, spotless, and looked like a righteous immortal master, which was very deceptive.

It is very different from the image of the Demon Lord in black armor in the illusion.

Thinking back to Jun Shu's mumblings when he was in a state of confusion, Zhu Changyang came to the conclusion: Xiaoci was seriously pretending to be a good person.

Jun suddenly jumped down from his sword: "I'm back."

Zhu Changyang raised his eyebrows: "Your sword's new skin is very cool."

"Oh, you want to be more low-key, right?" Jun Shu understood, put his two fingers together and stroked the sword, and the cold light on the sword disappeared immediately, making it look much more plain. He added, "Don't worry, you can still use it as usual."

As soon as these words were spoken, the sword suddenly became a little dimmer, and it felt like it would start to rust in the next second.

Zhu Changyang: “…”

That’s not what I meant.

He wiped his face, changed the subject to the point, and deliberately teased: "You talked a lot with Sister Yan."

Jun Shu was a little nervous at first, then showed a hint of smugness, and asked uncertainly: "Are you jealous?"

Zhu Changyang: “…?”

What kind of talent is Brother Ci in hitting someone, that he can even hit someone from this angle

The topic ended here. Zhu Changyang took a deep breath and said expressionlessly, "No, I just talk too much."

"Oh." Jun Shu was a little disappointed, but he encouraged her unwillingly, "It's okay if you want to be jealous. I understand."

Zhu Changyang: I don’t understand.jpg

Jun Shu wanted to expand on the issue of jealousy, but seeing that Zhu Changyang had no interest, he had to give up. He then changed the subject angrily and brought up the development of down jackets and instant noodles in Demon Realm.

Zhu Changyang agreed without much hesitation. Firstly, as a pure-blooded Chinese, he could not resist the temptation of construction. Secondly, he naturally took into consideration the relationship between Jun Shu and the Demon Realm. Of course, he did not say this explicitly.

However, Zhu Changyang had other things to do and had no time to go to the Demon Realm. So he discussed with Jun Shu and decided to have the Demon Realm send a team over to study.


All matters were resolved without any danger. Si Kou Luo was anxious to return Xia Jue's soul to its place and did not dare to stay any longer. The group boarded the Red Peng Chariot and hurried back to Shili Mountain where the Ji Jin Sect was located.

On their way back, what happened on the cliff tomb had been recorded in the Jade Book and became a hot topic on the Piaomiao Continent.

As the leader of the Dan Sect and a prestigious and large sect, the Yuxu Sect actually stole corpses and raised them secretly, causing the Junguan epidemic that plagued the Nine Regions, and even summoned the corpse of the Dongyao Demon Lord to refine it into an undead demon corpse... One by one, all of these incidents shocked the world of cultivation.

For a moment, all nine regions were in uproar.

Tianjizi's writing speed was so fast that he updated the "Daily News" ten times a day and reported on the incident in a series of articles.

In addition, Xiaoxun also published interviews with relevant people such as the people of Jijin Sect, Yaoyin Pavilion, Mishan Sect, Kuduhe Town, including an unnamed demon cultivator who is said to be a subordinate of Li Ying, the guardian of the Hui Sect, restoring the views of various parties on the matter from multiple angles.

All forces expressed strong condemnation of the Yuxu Sect.

Even Wen Chuxue, the head of Kunlun Sect, who rarely commented on his sect's actions, stood up and spoke out, calling the incident "a shame that has not happened to the righteous path in ten thousand years" and "something that the Kunlun Sword Sect cannot agree with."

On behalf of the entire Kunlun Sect, we will sever our ties with the hypocritical and sinister Yuxu Sect, which is a "despicable and filthy sect" and will no longer have any contact with each other. If the Yuxu Sect ever again harms the righteous path, the entire Kunlun Sect will regard it as an evil demon and punish it.

As the leader of the righteous sect, Kunlun’s words carry a lot of weight.

One stone stirs up a thousand ripples. Following Kunlun, hundreds of sects, large and small, issued statements one after another, expressing their intention to sever ties with the Yuxu Sect.

Some small sects that had never had any friendship with the Yuxu Sect before also took the opportunity to step on it and increase their sense of presence, feeling very happy about it.

The most angry among them was the entire Cangbo City under the jurisdiction of Changchun Tower. When the Junguan epidemic broke out in Shihu Village, the Yuxu Sect took advantage of the situation to rob and loot, causing panic among the people and causing Cangbo City to suffer many unjust injustices.

I didn't expect that this Junguan epidemic was actually caused by the Yuxu Sect. Now that the truth is out, the people of Cangbo City really curse the Yuxu Sect before they go to the toilet.

The Nine Regions were in an uproar.

The Yuxu Sect was no longer able to refute, nor did they have the time to refute.

Its leader Hu Daogui and all his elite disciples including Zi Jiuwen were killed. Those disciples with a conscience could not withstand the condemnation from the outside world and either defected overnight or retired. The strength of the Yuxu Sect was greatly weakened.

In this situation, the elders in the sect did not think of working together and regrouping, but instead took the opportunity to fight for the position of the leader and divide up the power in the sect.

As a result, before the outside world could do anything to them, their internal fighting had consumed most of their remaining strength.

What’s even more fatal is that the Xuannv Ding, which was originally in Hu Daogui’s hands, disappeared and its whereabouts are unknown.

A large part of the reason why the Yuxu Sect has been able to stay ahead of other alchemy sects for many years was due to the miraculous power of the Xuannv Ding. Now that a large number of the sect's elite have been killed or injured, and the treasure has been lost, it is extremely difficult for the sect to make a comeback.

Ever since Xuannv ascended to heaven, the Yuxu Sect, the leading alchemy sect that had dominated the Piaomiao Continent for a thousand years, has fallen into decline and become a third-rate sect.

This is a story for later, so I won’t go into details.

This hot search caused a sensation in the Nine Regions. In addition to the Yuxu Sect which occupied the front page headlines, there were several other things that attracted the attention of various sects.

One was the news that the amazing divine weapon, the Pi Shui Sword, had appeared in the world, which attracted the attention of countless sword practitioners, who all tried to inquire about the whereabouts of the famous sword. The results were shocking.

It is said that the one who got the Pi Shui sword was actually the handsome male cultivator who had aroused Zi Jiuwen's bestiality at the wedding banquet at Changchun Tower.

Moreover, this male cultivator showed no mercy to Zi Jiuwen and slashed him with a sword, causing Zi Jiuwen's undead corpse to explode on the spot.

While marveling at the unparalleled power of the Water-Bi Sword, one cannot help but sigh that the relationship between these two people was truly a fateful one.

Of course, there are also people who care about practical issues. As the only certified close friend of the "handsome male cultivator", the industrial pioneer Master Zhu received countless greeting messages on the day of the hot search.

The fastest one was Hua Boyuan, the owner of Huayan Auction House. Boss Hua remained true to his businessman nature and first praised the product vigorously and then explained his purpose.

Hua Boyuan: [I wonder if Master Zhu and Brother Jun have considered selling the Pishui Sword. If you can let our bank handle it, I guarantee that the Pishui Sword will be auctioned at the highest price in ten thousand years. And let your reputation spread throughout the nine regions.]

Zhu Changyang: “…”

Boss Hua is still so ambitious.

Zhu Changyang: [No, the Water-Repelling Sword is our important companion. We rely on it when we travel or at home.]

Hua Boyuan didn't reply for a long time.

The next one came up was Zhu Changyang's top brother Shen Zha. Shen Zha was very excited and came up to greet Sanlian first.

Shen Zha: [Brothers, brothers, brothers, brothers. May I ask if Zi Jiuwen was really killed by your own hands? This is too exciting.]

Zhu Changyang: [You can ask Brother Jun himself. ]

Shen Zha: [I don’t dare. I’m afraid that the next person he will kill is me.]

Zhu Changyang: [Hey, you know him quite well. ]

Shen Zha didn't reply for a long time.

Afterwards, Chang Fengchi, Jie Li, Nan Rongbo, Hua Qingdai, Ming Rusu and others all sent messages, most of which were concerned about the safety of him and Jun Shu. Zhu Changyang was very grateful and replied one by one.

In addition to the Water-Resisting Sword, there was also a piece of marginal news that attracted considerable attention among the righteous.

According to an interview published in the Daily News, on that day on the cliff tomb, Li Ying, the guardian of the Hui sect, took advantage of the fact that the Zhengdao sect was exhausted and led his men to surround them, and almost captured them all.

Unexpectedly, Dong Yaoyan appeared afterwards, but because of her friendship with the masters and others in the secret realm, she let all the righteous people go.

When this interview was first published, many people thought it was a typo by Tianjizi.

Dong Yaoyan let all the righteous people go only because she had friendship with several other righteous friends in the secret realm.

Is this kind of news really reasonable

Everyone in the Nine Realms knows what Dong Yaoyan's attitude towards the righteous path is. The possibility of asking her to let go of the righteous people is lower than asking her to seal her heart and love and never toy with men again.

Even Yin Kanwei sent a message to Zhu Changyang.

Yin Kanwei: [Brothers, Dong Yaoyan is really so polite to you. Is she trying to attack you? Please be careful.]

Zhu Changyang was sweating profusely: [You can tell Brother Jun himself. ]

Yin Kanwei: [That’s not good. That would embarrass you, brother.]

Zhu Changyang: “…”

I thought that Tianji Zishou made a mistake and misreported Dong Yaoyan's behavior, but after checking with multiple parties involved, I found out that this incident was actually true!

While the righteous were greatly surprised, the relationship between good and evil was once again sparked in discussion.

However, unlike the previous one-sided attitude of attacking the Demonic Path and being irreconcilable with it, this time many people have some new thoughts.

Especially the younger generation who went to Gongyu Castle to watch Lotte Tour a few months ago, they had many feelings.

At the Yaoyin Pavilion's banquet that day, they witnessed with their own eyes the deep friendship between Yin Kanwei, the guardian of the Sujiao, and Jiang Hui, the elder of the Yaoyin Pavilion.

Although Yin Kanwei is a demon cultivator, he is loyal and righteous. In order to save his friend, he did not hesitate to go deep into the tiger's den alone and exchange his life for his friend.

On the other hand, the Yuxu Sect, although a famous and righteous sect, is actually corrupt and despicable behind the scenes.

Dong Yaoyan is usually a bad person, but this time, for the sake of her friends, she is also willing to put aside her prejudice against the righteous path. Her actions are much more righteous than those of the Yuxu Sect.

What the masters said about Yin Kanwei and Jiang Hui at the Leyou Banquet that day was confirmed again.

Of course, if Dong Yaoyan herself knew that Zhengdao had such an evaluation on this matter, she would surely be so angry that she would spit out a bucket of blood.

The evil reputation she had worked so hard to build up over the years was destroyed in an instant by that unreliable natural-born demon!

This is really a disgrace to the demon king! .

Pujiang Forum

Title: Revenge! Two episodes of "The Legend of Revenge" are updated in a row, double the happiness!

Content: As the title suggests, Changyang's trip was rich, and Shanfeng Yidaozhan was also very impressive. Two episodes were edited in one go. The video link is as follows:

Previous episode: "The Legend of Enmity and Revenge: I Rely on Developing Light Industry to Maintain Peace in the Cultivation World" [link]

Next episode: "The Demon King Must Have a Fight with Me" [link]

1L: And she has to be the only sister, this title is right.

2L: Damn, the lyrics of the next episode are so clever and caught my attention immediately. What’s the original lyrics

3L: Oh, Shanfeng Yidazhan has been revised to "The Legend of Grudges: The Demon Lord Insists on Involving Pornography with Me".

7L: Wait, will this title for the next episode pass review

20L: I am a passer-by and have never watched live broadcasts, but I often see posts about this anchor on the homepage. I remember that I always praised him as a pure career anchor who does not deliberately sell homosexuality or do anything borderline. How come he suddenly made a big deal after not seeing him for a few days? Directly involved in pornography? Is the competition in live broadcasting so fierce now

22L: Brother 20, look carefully, it was the Demon Lord who insisted on being involved in pornography with Chang Yang, not Chang Yang who wanted to be involved in pornography. The key point is that there was no real involvement in pornography at all. Damn it, I'm so pissed off!

33L: I clicked on the next episode excitedly when I saw the title, but exited after watching it in boredom. I couldn’t tell whether I was more disappointed with Pu Jiang or Jun Shu.

44L: It’s worthy of being Pujiang’s live broadcast. This episode really made me, a porn lover, become impotent.

77L: Don’t just think about the pornographic content, the plot is actually quite interesting!

78L: Haha, the title of the next episode is too sensational, making everyone ignore the fact that the content of the previous episode is also very crude.

88L: Ah, am I the only one who cares about Jun Shu's true identity? Can anyone tell me whether Jun Shu is a natural born demon or not? !

100L: Wow, the drama is trending again!

101L: Report, a marketing account broke the news that a video website has taken a fancy to the IP of Piaomiao Continent and wants to buy the only series edited by my sister, and is already negotiating the copyright with Pujiang!

102L: Wow, Changyang has made great progress! Dream is strongly recommended on the homepage!

The author has something to say:

Huayan Auction House is the one that auctioned the phonograph earlier.

(End of this chapter)