Industrial Cultivation

Chapter 33: The ancient city of silk fragrance


Yin Kanwei bowed to Zhu Changyang and said with a smile: "Congratulations, brothers, for obtaining the supreme sword intent of Master Gu Peng."

“Are you sure this is a treasure?” Zhu Changyang wrinkled his nose, with a hint of disdain in his tone, “Master is too simple, can’t you turn the sword into the shape of gold or jade? … Silver will do too!”

Yin Kanwei: “…”

Good question. Before his death, Master Gu Peng would never have imagined that the first thing someone would notice after getting his sword intent would be that the sword did not look high-end enough.

I couldn't help but remind him, "If it was made of gold or jade, someone would have found it and taken it away long ago."

"That's right." Zhu Changyang nodded and handed the sword to Jun Shu, "Xiao Ci, do you want it?"

Jun Shu was startled: "You don't want it?"

Zhu Changyang said succinctly: "I don't know how to use a sword."

If this was a real iron sword, or a sword made of any other material, he could recycle it. However, this was a sword of form that was the result of his cultivation and thoughts, and it was of no use to him.

Jun Shu does use a sword, and the sword he has been using is very old. Maybe he can use this sword.

Speaking of which, the appearance of this Yi sword is just as shabby as Jun Shu's, and they are almost the same.

Jun Shu smiled and said, "I don't want it either. I have a sword."

Yin Kanwei seemed to want to say something but stopped himself.

Gu Peng's sword power is the most precious treasure that many monks have been searching for all their lives, but these two people actually pushed it away from each other and did not take it seriously at all.

Especially Zhu Changyang, whose eyes were shining as he looked at a pile of scrap metal just now.

I have to say that the values of this weapon refiner who has become very popular recently are really confusing.

Yin Kanwei said: "If you don't need this sword, you can take it to an auction house for sale. There will definitely be many sword cultivators vying for it."

“Okay.” Zhu Changyang smiled. He naturally knew that this was a good thing, but he gave it to Jun Shu first because he thought that Jun Shu could use it.

He turned the sword over and over again, but it looked ordinary no matter how he looked at it. He couldn't help but wonder, "Can the auction house determine the value of this sword?"

Even the guardian of the Demon Cult mistook it for an ordinary iron sword at first glance. It would be even more difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the true identity of this sword.

Yin Kanwei said: "The auction house has its own sword-testing stone."

Zhu Changyang understood, and thinking of the sword-testing stone next to them, he said, "Then I will try to see what is so great about this sword."

He grasped the old hilt with both hands and chopped the stained iron sword down on the sword-testing stone.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the bright silver light shone on the sword, making the dull sword emit a faint cold glow.

With a "clang" sound, the sword tip hit the green sword-testing stone, and the sword body trembled slightly.

The three people and the cat all looked at the sword-testing stone. If it was really a rare sword, the sword-testing stone would shine brightly.

However, the surface of the sword-testing stone remained normal, without any light.

Zhu Changyang was puzzled: "Why is there no response? Maybe it's a fake..."

Just then, the ground beneath my feet suddenly shook.

The developer's cat's eyes were so frightened that it froze into a line. It meowed and pounced on Zhu Changyang and hugged his calf.

Zhu Changyang quickly took Jun Shu's arm.

Yin Kanwei looked around and realized that he was not familiar with anyone, so he could only steady himself.

The next second, the sword-testing stone that was as tall as a person slowly split into two halves from the top and fell to both sides.

Zhu Changyang was stunned and said, "No way? Is the quality of the sword-testing stone of the boss so poor?"

"No." Jun Shu looked at the collapsed sword-testing stone, thinking, "This place where the sword is hidden should be a magic array. The sword-testing stone is the center of the array, and Gu Peng's sword is the 'key' to break the center of the array."

Zhu Changyang: "So what is the situation now?"

Jun Shu held him tightly: "The formation of the hidden sword place has been solved."

Yin Kanwei also understood at this time, with a look of enlightenment on his face, and said: "Perhaps, we are about to see the real treasure left by Master Gu Peng."

Zhu Changyang was really shocked and exclaimed: "Master Gu Peng is a master of nesting dolls, right? He created a secret realm with layers within layers."

The earth trembled, the sky was torn apart, the stars and the moon were all shattered and turned into dust and mist and disappeared.

The black mountains in the distance collapsed, smoke rose up, and there was a deafening noise.

All the scenes in the human world became blurred until they could no longer be seen clearly.

Zhu Changyang felt that they seemed to be sinking continuously. Yin Kanwei released his cultivation and tried to explore the surrounding environment, but all he touched was nothingness.

After an unknown amount of time, the sinking speed gradually slowed down, and finally stopped completely. The land under my feet returned to calm, and the scene in front of me became clear again.

The sky suddenly brightened, but it was already evening. The golden crow was halfway down, burning half of the sky into a golden red color.

Zhu Changyang said, "Huh?" "Are we back to where we were?"

All I saw before me was a lush bamboo forest, swaying gently in the sunset, stretching out into a green and red sea wave.

Jun Shu looked at the bamboos that seemed to have remained unchanged for eternity and shook his head: "No, this is another bamboo forest."

Zhu Changyang also noticed something wrong. There were many cultivators in the bamboo forest when they first entered the Gupeng Secret Realm, but there was not a single figure in this bamboo forest. However, he could clearly hear human voices.

The three of them seemed to sense something and turned around, all of them were stunned.

What comes into view is a magnificent city with towering walls and heavy city gates, facing the bamboo forest in the distance.

There were vendors and pedestrians coming in and out of the city gate, and the voices they heard came from there.

Zhu Changyang was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Where is this?"

Jun Shu shook his head: "I don't know."

Zhu Changyang had long discovered that Jun Shu was just a nerd and his knowledge of the world of cultivation was not much more than his. He was not surprised at all to hear this and just looked at Yin Kanwei silently.

Fortunately, the guardian of the Demon Cult is well-informed.

Yin Kanwei looked at it for a while and made a judgment. He said, "Look at the words on the city gate."

Zhu Changyang had seen it a long time ago, but the world of cultivation used traditional Chinese characters, which he could only barely recognize. City gate plaques and the like mostly used ancient characters from thousands of years ago, which made it even more difficult for him to distinguish.

Jun Shu recognized it and said, "Silk Fragrance City... It sounds familiar."

Zhu Changyang suddenly remembered: "Isn't that the hometown of Master Gu Peng?"

"Yes, this should be the place where Master Gu Peng grew up before he went to Kunlun. It is what we now call the Old City of Sixiang." Yin Kanwei looked deeply at the city wall that looked like it was splashed with blood under the setting sun, and continued slowly, "... It looked like before the city was massacred."

"Ah?" Zhu Changyang was shocked. "The Sixiang Ancient City was massacred?"

Outside the Solitary Peng Secret Realm, he saw a collapsed, dilapidated, and overgrown deserted city. He was puzzled as to how could the city, which looked quite large and was the hometown of a real person, be completely deserted

But it was just that times had changed and for some reason the people in the city had to move away, leaving the city empty.

I never thought that this Sixiang City was emptied out.

Yin Kanwei nodded, "This matter is also related to a girl who was Gu Peng's childhood sweetheart."

Zhu Changyang pricked up his ears: "Please tell me the story."

Yin Kanwei sighed softly, "It is said that Master Gu Peng was a man of extraordinary talent and had a smooth life, but this was the only regret of his life."

It is said that when Gu Peng was young, he had a neighbor who was very beautiful and was a famous beauty in Sixiang City.

The two were childhood sweethearts and had a deep affection for each other, and should have been a match made in heaven.

When Gu Peng was sixteen years old, he realized the meaning of sword in the bamboo forest. After that, he decided to leave his hometown and go to Kunlun to seek the truth.

Unexpectedly, several years after he left Sixiang City, the great demon Leopard escaped from the demon realm, caused chaos in Sixiang City, and demanded that the citizens give the most beautiful girl in the city to him as his wife.

That beautiful girl was Gu Peng’s childhood sweetheart.

However, it was too late. The girl had been abducted by the Leopard Sniper. Not only that, the Leopard Sniper also slaughtered all the people in Sixiang City.

Gu Peng finally found the monster and killed it with his own hands, but he failed to save his beloved woman.

Sixiang City was thus abandoned and desolate, and became the Old City of Sixiang.

Gu Peng returned to Kunlun, and in just a few hundred years he became a Mahayana master respected by the world. Unfortunately, he ultimately failed to transcend the tribulation, which became a regret for Kunlun.

"There have always been rumors in the outside world that the reason why Master Gu Peng failed to transcend the tribulation was probably because he failed to save his beloved woman that year, which left a knot in his heart." Yin Kanwei said.

Zhu Changyang was speechless for a long time when he heard this heavy story for the first time. After a while, he asked, "So what we are seeing now is the memories of Master Gu Peng?"

Yin Kanwei's expression was slightly tense. "It should be said that we are trapped in his memories."

Jun Shu took off the electromagnet hanging on the rusty sword and returned it to Zhu Changyang. Then he made a hand gesture and the rusty sword flew into the air, like a long rainbow piercing the sky, and then disappeared.

A moment later, the rusty sword appeared on the other side of the sky and flew back into Jun Shu's hand.

Jun Shu nodded to confirm: "I can't get out."

Zhu Changyang didn't understand why.

Yin Kanwei explained that this place was the deep memory of Gu Peng Zhenren, an independent illusion, completely unconnected to the outside world, and naturally there was no entrance or exit to the secret realm.

In other words, unless they can unravel the mystery of this realm, they will be trapped here forever.

Zhu Changyang couldn't believe it: "No, isn't Gu Peng too stingy? I just took his sword power, is it necessary to trap me here?"

Yin Kanwei sweated for a moment and explained, "That's not the case. This is Gu Peng's unresolved psychological barrier. The one who is really trapped is not the person holding the sword, but himself."

The so-called mental obstacles are the mental obstacles on the path of cultivation, which need to be removed before great success can be achieved.

If one cannot break through it, at best his cultivation will stagnate and he will find it difficult to make progress. At worst, he will develop inner demons, fall into the evil path, or even suffer damage to his soul, and die.

Back then, Gu Peng reached the Mahayana realm in a short period of time and was the fastest progressing powerful being at that time. No one could have imagined that he had some unresolved issues in his heart.

It was not until he failed in his ascension and died that the outside world began to speculate, but there were many theories and no conclusion was reached.

The story of the ancient city of Sixiang is the most mentioned one.

After all, love has always been difficult to overcome, and it is very common to see cultivators trapped in love in the world of cultivation.

Yin Kanwei has always been dismissive of this speculation. He thinks that after Gu Peng comprehended the sword intent that year, he left his hometown without hesitation and went to Kunlun. It is really hard to see how deep and unshakable his attachment to this woman is. How could he not let go of her death for hundreds of years and even fail to overcome the tribulation.

It was not until this moment, when he stood in the illusion of the ancient city of Sixiang, that Yin Kanwei was finally certain that the mystery that had been trapping Gu Peng's heart was indeed his childhood sweetheart.

The Mahayana Immortal Master could not escape the word "love" after all.

After listening to his explanation, Zhu Changyang also fell silent. It was not because he was surprised, but because it was too unsurprising.

The plot of Gu Peng is very familiar.


[It appears, our classic character of Pujiang Xiuzhen—a pure and innocent immortal master who harbors secrets and dies for love! ! ]

[As expected, all the immortal masters who appeared in the Pujiang cultivation world could not escape this disaster. The more powerful they are, the more affection they have.]

[I can do this question. If I want to break the illusion, I have to eliminate Gu Peng's obsession! ]

Zhu Changyang thought for a moment and said, "If I want to leave here, do I have to resolve Gu Peng's mental block?"

"That's right." Yin Kanwei looked at Sixiang City, "The obstacle in Gu Peng's heart must be that childhood sweetheart."

Zhu Changyang clapped his hands and said, "Then let's go find that beautiful lady now."

Yin Kanwei hesitated and said, "But we don't know the woman's name."

Since Gu Peng's death, his life story has been widely circulated, with the story of Sizhu Ancient City being the most talked about, but no one has ever known the name of the woman in the story.

Because Gu Peng never mentioned it, and all the old friends in the city were slaughtered, there was no place to find them.

"What's so difficult about this?" Zhu Changyang said, and took the lead and walked towards the city gate of Sixiang City.

The other two people and the cat quickly followed.

When we got outside the city gate, we saw more and more people walking by. But when we looked closer, we found that they all had a hint of panic on their faces.

Zhu Changyang did not enter the city immediately. Instead, he walked up to a middle-aged vendor who was resting his load on the side of the road and asked, "Big brother, excuse me, what is the name of the most beautiful woman in Sixiang City?"

Jun Shu and Yin Kanwei followed: "..."

This method of inquiring is too simple and crude!

If Zhu Changyang looked a little bit ugly, the problem would be distorted.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be the simplest and most effective way.

The middle-aged merchant's expression suddenly changed. He stared at Zhu Changyang warily and said, "Where are you from? Why are you asking this? The most beautiful woman in our Sixiang City is not someone you can set your sights on."

Zhu Changyang exchanged glances with the other two and realized that something was wrong.

Most peddlers are talkative, but even if they don't want to tell, they will find some excuses to evade the question.

The vendor's attitude was obviously too nervous, especially the last sentence, which was full of warnings.

Considering the nervous expressions of the people along the way, they immediately guessed that the time they were at was the time when the great demon Huzhu was causing chaos, and Huzhu had already asked Sixiang City to give up their most beautiful women.

That's why the residents of Sixiang City are so sensitive when they hear words related to beauty.

Yin Kanwei glanced at Zhu Changyang and Jun Shu, and said with a light cough: "I have some interrogation methods..."

Anyway, these are just Gu Peng’s memories, not real living people, so it doesn’t matter if you use some tricks on them.

"No, no, no, we are civilized people, we should solve the problem in a civilized way." Zhu Changyang tried to dissuade them. They were still broadcasting live, and if the cult used their methods, what if the live broadcast room was closed

Yin Kan was silent for a moment, "What do you mean by civilized way?"

"Of course we should appeal to her emotions and reason with her." Zhu Changyang looked at the merchant and said, "Brother, to be honest, we are sent by the King of the Leopard Sniper to escort the bride. Please tell us quickly, what is the name of that beautiful lady, where does she live, and don't delay our business."

When the merchant heard the name of the sniper, his face changed instantly, and he looked at the three people in front of him with doubt and uncertainty: "You, you are just talking nonsense, how can I believe you?"

Brother has a strong awareness of fraud prevention!

Fortunately, Zhu Changyang had anticipated this and said, "How could I deceive you? Anyway, the Lord of the Tigers had anticipated that you were blind, so he specially sent his Black Tiger Guardian to come with us..."

As he spoke, he kicked the developer and said in a suggestive tone, "This is it."

The developer was very smart and understood the meaning immediately. He raised his head and his body suddenly grew larger until it was about ten feet long. It was his true form as a black tiger.

Then he walked forward, put his huge black head in front of the vendor, and stared at him with his big copper bell eyes, "Awoo—"

Not only the vendor, but the pedestrians around were all frightened. They were immediately in chaos and ran away screaming.

“Hu, Hu, Hu…” The vendor’s face turned pale, and he almost fell over on the spot. He covered his chest and gasped for a long time before he stammered, “It’s Su Ti, she lives in the bamboo house in the east of the city… My king, we dare not play tricks on her, Su Ti will get on the bridal sedan tonight…”

Zhu Changyang nodded: "Got it."

He then made an OK gesture to Jun Shu and Yin Kanwei, "Done."

Jun Shu and Yin Kanwei: “… ”


[… …]

[What a good way to move people with emotion and enlighten them with reason.]

[Fuck! As expected of a developer, they are really good at scaring people! ]

[Big Brother: Don’t dare to move!]

The author has something to say:

Hè jū (hè jū), taken from the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Changyang: Be civilized and polite and set a new trend.

Developer: Ouch~

(End of this chapter)