Industrial Cultivation

Chapter 49: The strongest evidence


Zhu Changyang had never been to the Demon Realm, so he had no idea what the demon cultivators other than Yin Kanwei were like.

From his perspective as a person who has received modern education, the so-called right path is actually just like that.

To be precise, the moral level of the entire cultivation world is still at a relatively ancient stage, that is, an era where the strong are respected.

A sect like the Yuxu Sect, which relied on its strength to bully the weak and took advantage of others' misfortunes, would be hanged on the street lamps in modern times. But here, it was only lightly condemned, which was not a big deal at all.

But when it comes to demon cultivators, everyone suddenly becomes righteous and stern, and even the Yuxu Sect can stand on the moral high ground shamelessly without even looking at what they have done.

This practice of distinguishing superiority and inferiority, good and evil based on the difference in Taoism and sects is common in the cultivation world and has even become a default rule. In Zhu Changyang's eyes, it is very ridiculous.

Seeing Huan Ruochan talking so eloquently and accusing Jiang Hui of being a criminal just for making friends with him, Zhu Changyang could no longer hold back.

Isn't it just about values? Everyone knows that. There are all kinds of opinions on the Internet. How can modern universal values be better than these often self-contradictory and conflicting values of cultivation

Sure enough, after he finished his speech, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became subtle.

The dispute between the righteous and evil ways is actually the continuation of thousands of years of hatred. Today, it is difficult to tell the right and wrong. However, in the dispute between the two ways, the righteous way has always regarded itself as the immortal master, firmly occupying the side of justice, and using this as a criterion for killing the evil way.

Especially at this time, Huan Ruochan had just finished his speech on justice, but Zhu Changyang turned around and laid out the dirty deeds done by the Yuxu Sect, which had a very ironic effect.

It was obviously impossible to attack the Yuxu Sect immediately. But to pretend nothing had happened and cover it up was contrary to his previous righteous attitude.

Huan Ruochan felt uncomfortable at this moment, extremely uncomfortable.

He deliberately provoked Lin Liudu to take action at this time. Firstly, time was pressing and he could not wait any longer. Secondly, he wanted to use the pressure from so many guests to let Lin Liudu capture Jiang Hui as soon as possible to avoid giving Jiang Hui a chance to defend himself.

He never expected that these uninvited guests would disrupt his plans.

This was actually somewhat due to luck. Due to the nature of the Leyou Banquet, the attendees were all young people whose personalities were still in the stage of being creative and whose prejudices against the magic were not that deep, so they were more easily persuaded by simple facts and reasoning.

If it was a grand banquet attended mainly by elders and seniors, that group of people would not be so easily persuaded.

The faces of several people from the Yuxu Sect were blue and red.

Huan Ruochan's expression was not much better. After a while, he said stiffly, "The matter of the Yuxu Sect is our internal affairs. How can it be compared with the external evil? You are speaking to the evil sect like this. Could it be that you have made friends with the demons?"

Zhu Changyang did not respond to his words. He laughed a few times and said, "So Elder Huan only judges right and wrong by faction and not by behavior. Then you should have said it directly at the beginning. Why are you talking so much about morality? You wasted so much time talking about so many great principles. I really thought Elder Huan was so upright."

His tone was not very intense, but the more he downplayed it, the more sarcastic it seemed.

Huan Ruochan felt a mouthful of blood rushing up his throat: "You!"

"Okay, let's stop here for now." Lin Liudu spoke out to stop him. He turned his gaze from Zhu Changyang back to Jiang Hui and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

From a personal perspective, he was reluctant to make things difficult for Jiang Hui, but today things happened suddenly and he had to make a decision.

I thought it would be difficult to defend Jiang Hui in front of so many guests, but I didn't expect that the speeches of these young people would ease everyone's impression of Jiang Hui.

Judging from the guests’ reactions, many people seemed to feel that although Jiang Hui’s behavior was controversial, it was not a crime that warranted such punishment.

But he had to arrest Jiang Hui at this time. Lin Liudu's mind raced, and he quickly made a decision, saying, "What the young masters said makes sense, so Elder Jiang will not be detained for the time being. But Elder Jiang cannot move around freely for the time being. Please stay in the meeting room first and wait for the interrogation. After finding out the truth, we will make a decision."

Huan Ruochan was anxious and said, "Pavilion Master, you can't..."

"No problem." Lin Liudu raised his hand to stop him from finishing his words, "I know my limits."

Huan Ruochan's expression changed several times, and he finally swallowed his words in dismay.

Jiang Hui heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing this, and bowed to Zhu Changyang: "Thank you brothers for your righteous words."

Zhu Changyang glanced at him and said meaningfully, "Why didn't Elder Jiang just give Elder Huan away?"

Jiang Hui was slightly surprised, then smiled helplessly: "It seems that the brothers have already guessed it."

"Isn't this a very obvious thing?" Zhu Changyang said.

Jiang Hui had been interacting with Yin Kanwei for decades without anyone paying attention to him. But just as he went to investigate the cheating case at Raoliang College, Huan Ruochan discovered his secret.

It's hard not to think too much about this kind of coincidence.

Moreover, Huan Ruochan was so anxious to act because he probably knew that Jiang Huiyan would go to the Pavilion Master to report after the event, so he took the initiative.

"That's all my sect's private affairs, and it's really inconvenient to talk about it in public." Jiang Hui sighed, "Besides, I don't have any evidence in my hands, so words are not enough."

Zhu Changyang frowned and said, "This is indeed troublesome... I'm afraid that Elder Huan won't give you a chance to find evidence."

"We can only think of a way to get through this first." Jiang Hui's face was solemn. After thinking for a while, he said, "Please don't tell Kanwei about this, so that he won't worry."

Zhu Changyang nodded: "Okay."

It is indeed not appropriate to bring it up with Yin Kanwei now. If it causes more trouble, it might even confirm Jiang Hui's guilt.

Jiang Hui left with the law enforcement disciples, and the grand opening event ended abruptly, and the banquet continued.

However, everyone at the banquet was in a state of anxiety and had no mood to feast. Some of them had already secretly hidden themselves and informed their relatives and friends of the matter through the imperial edict.

Some people were still immersed in Zhu Changyang's words just now, and couldn't help but wonder what should be the distinction between good and evil.

Zhu Changyang watched Huan Ruochan leave with a gloomy face, and he was also full of thoughts. After pondering for a while, he leaned close to Jun Shu's ear and whispered a few words.


In previous years, the Leyou Banquet would last for a whole day, during which disciples from the Yaoyin Pavilion would perform and interact with the guests.

There was still a talent show at today's banquet, but it was not held in the main hall. Halfway through the banquet, a disciple from the pavilion came and led the guests to another side hall.

"Our sect is honored that you have come here from afar. I would like to invite a few of my fellow brothers and sisters to perform music here to express our gratitude." After the man said this, he left the side hall.

Then several other people came in, each holding a musical instrument such as a zither, a harp, a sheng, and a flute. They bowed to everyone and then began to play.

The guests did not think much about it. Every year, each sect sends disciples to watch the ceremony in order to experience the strengths of music cultivation and increase their knowledge. So they sat down one after another and began to listen attentively.

After a while, someone couldn't help but whispered, "Hey, I came here once last year, and I felt that the music here was not as good as before."

"So you think so too. I thought I didn't understand music and couldn't hear the mystery."

"The realms of these people don't seem to be very high... There seems to be something wrong with the arrangement of Yaoyin Pavilion this year."

In fact, many people have already noticed that the cultivation levels of the disciples who performed today are shallow, but they are too embarrassed to say it out loud, but they can't help feeling a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

They came all the way to Gongyu City in order to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Many of them also brought generous gifts, so it was not like they were getting it for free.

This arrangement made by Yaoyin Pavilion is indeed a bit negligent.

Nan Rongbo was bored and complained, "I can accept that their cultivation is not high, but can Yaoyin Pavilion send a few good-looking ones over?"

Although these performers were not ugly, they were not good-looking enough to cheer him up.

"Brother, don't just look at the fellow Taoist who is performing." Lu Xianning's eyes rolled around, "We should have a broader vision and look at other sects... For example, I think the Wanli Zheng of Kunlun Sect is very good."

Nan Rongbo sat up straight instantly: "You are right, I am narrow-minded."

Zhu Changyang: “…”

If Hehuan Palace were placed in modern times, it might become a leader in talent shows.

Then he came over and asked, "Who else? Let me see too."

Nan Rongbo admired him more and more: "It turns out that you brothers are also people of the same path."

"Everyone has a love for beauty." Zhu Changyang said with a straight face. It was really difficult to explain to them that, in fact, the vast audience in the live broadcast room were their fellow lovers.

I am just fulfilling my responsibilities as a host and seeking benefits for the audience.

Nan Rongbo agreed deeply and glanced at Jun Shu, "No wonder the brothers and Jun have such a good relationship."

Jun Shu: “…”

As they were speaking, suddenly there was a loud sound of music outside the hall, with zithers and harps playing together, the tones were rapid and murderous, like a sudden violent storm, which made people's blood boil and their pulses disordered.

Everyone was shocked and quickly concentrated their energy and calmed their minds.

One person shouted, "It's the killing sound formation. What happened outside?"

Many people stood up and walked quickly out of the hall. Unexpectedly, as soon as they reached the door, four Yaoyin Pavilion disciples appeared from both sides and stopped them.

"Everyone, there are evil demons outside. My sect has set up a magic circle and will be able to deal with it soon. Please rest in the temple for a while to avoid getting hurt."

When everyone heard that it was an invasion by evil spirits, they were shocked again. Someone immediately realized that it was no wonder that the disciples sent to perform today were all low-level disciples. Those with higher cultivation were probably transferred to set up the formation.

Thinking of this, I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Since there are evil demons, how can we just sit there and watch? We should lend a helping hand to your sect."

"That's right. With demons in front of us, how can we retreat?"

The first few people were about to rush out, but unexpectedly, the sound of a piano was heard from the gate, and an invisible barrier blocked them back.

It turned out that Yaoyin Pavilion had already set up a formation here in advance. A Yaoyin Pavilion member said, "Everyone, this is a private matter of our sect. I dare not trouble you. Please wait for the Pavilion Master's instructions..."

Before he could finish his words, a surging sword intent came down fiercely.

The four disciples who were blocking the door were startled and subconsciously stepped back. The sword intent and the magic circle collided, and the atmosphere in the hall was shaken.

The next moment, the magic circle collapsed.

The magic circle was set up in a hurry, and there were no disciples with profound cultivation to bless it, so it was not very strong. However, these guests were young people with low realms, so it should be no problem to stop them for a while.

Who would have thought that among these people, there was one whose swordsmanship was so amazing that he could shatter the magic circle with one strike.

Everyone was startled by the whistling sword intent and turned around to look, only to see that the one who drew the sword was Wanli Zheng from the Kunlun Sect who had spoken at the banquet.

Someone immediately thought of the rumors heard at the banquet, saying that this person had just entered Kunlun and was highly appreciated by the sect leader. When they saw him at this moment, they finally understood.

"It seems that Kunlun has gained another sword genius."

Wanli Zheng ignored the gazes of others, put away his sword, and walked out of the side hall alone. The others followed him.

The formation had been broken, and there was no way the four disciples could stop so many people.

Nan Rongbo said: "Let's go and take a look too."

Zhu Changyang had a vague suspicion, his heart was pounding, he pulled Jun Shu to stand up and said, "Go."

The music outside the hall was clearer and every sound was pleasant to the ear.

The guests followed the sound and rushed to the square in front of the hall.

Before they could get close, the demonic energy suddenly surged in front of them, and icy cold needles shot out in all directions. Everyone was shocked and retreated reflexively.

At this moment, there was a loud clanging sound, and a high-pitched seven-stringed zither sound, carrying an extremely surging cultivation power, cut through the sky and reached dozens of miles away.

The group of people felt their minds go blank. Those with lesser cultivation level vomited blood and had to stop.

Nan Rongbo raised his hand and a piece of flowery paper flew out, blocking Zhu Changyang. Fortunately, he was not shocked by the sound of the piano.

A deafening roar was heard in the square, and the fine needles formed by the demonic energy dissipated.

After a long time, the evil spirit gradually faded, and the music in the square slowly quieted down.

A man in black was half-kneeling on the ground, his black gauze hat fell to the side, his pupils turned red, and he let out a "wow" and spat out several mouthfuls of blood.

It was Yin Kanwei.

Yin Kanwei was weak, and the demonic energy around him was dissipating. He was obviously at the end of his strength. With his cultivation level, he shouldn't have been defeated so quickly, but Yaoyin Pavilion had already prepared for it, setting up a large formation, and Lin Liudu even went out in person. Yin Kanwei broke in alone, how could he be a match for the enemy.

On the steps of the main hall, Lin Liudu, Huan Ruochan and other elders stood proudly, looking at Yin Kanwei with serious expressions.

Huan Ruochan took a step forward and shouted, "Yin Kanwei, why don't you surrender quickly?"

Yin Kanwei swallowed a mouthful of blood while enduring the severe pain, and shot his red eyes at Huan Ruochan: "Where is Jiang Hui? What did you do to him?"

"You are indeed in collusion with Jiang Hui." Huan Ruochan sneered, "Don't worry, we will deal with both of you together."

He raised his hand and said, "Someone, bring Jiang Hui up."

Soon, two disciples led Jiang Hui out from behind.

Jiang Hui was a little confused at first, but when he saw Yin Kanwei, he was shocked: "Why are you here? How did you get so badly injured?"

He wanted to go forward immediately but was stopped by Huan Ruochan. Jiang Hui had been restrained according to the rules when he was just tried. At this moment, he had no way to break free from Huan Ruochan's shackles and could only give up.

Huan Ruochan looked at Lin Liudu and said, "Pavilion Master, Jiang Hui secretly colluded with the guardian of the Demon Sect and brought Yin Kanwei into our sect with evil intentions. Now there are witnesses, please make your decision."

Lin Liudu looked at Jiang Hui and sighed: "Elder Jiang, do you have anything else to say?"

Jiang Hui was very puzzled: "Master, what do you mean by this?"

The edge of the square was filled with guests, and someone could not help but ask loudly: "Master, what happened?"

Lin Liudu looked at the increasing number of onlookers, his brows furrowed more and more.

He originally set up a formation in the side hall in order to trip up these guests from various sects so that he could deal with the matter as quickly as possible and cover it up.

Unexpectedly, the formation was broken so quickly. Now with so many people watching, if I don't explain things clearly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to my colleagues.

After a moment's silence, he finally waved his hand and said, "Elder Huan, please explain it to everyone."

Huan Ruochan cupped his hands and said "yes", then turned to the guests and said loudly: "Everyone, this matter is a shame for our sect. I didn't want to alarm others, but it has come to this. I can only make you laugh."

He looked around the crowd and finally found Zhu Changyang and the two people from Hehuan Palace. He couldn't help but smile slightly, his eyes flashing, and continued, "Zhu Shaojun just made an impassioned speech for Jiang Hui at the banquet, which seemed to make some sense. It's a pity that Jiang Hui is insidious and vicious. He had already colluded with the evildoers of the Demon Cult and set up a magic array. He wanted to take advantage of the Leyou Banquet to harm all the fellows who attended the banquet. Fortunately, I saw through it and captured Jiang Hui in time, so there were no casualties among you."

Everyone around was shocked when they heard this.

"What? Elder Jiang really did such a thing?"

"How ridiculous! I was speaking up for him earlier!"

Jiang Hui was stunned: "Elder Huan, where do you get this from?"

"Jiang Hui, stop pretending." Huan Ruochan's eyes were like lightning, and he said coldly, "I have already reported all the things you have done to the Pavilion Master. Not only what happened today, but also the robbery of the graves of our predecessors, they were all committed by you and the evildoers of the Demon Cult."

As soon as these words were spoken, the guests were in an uproar again.

It turns out that it is no coincidence that Jiang Hui has been in seclusion for a hundred years and is participating in Lotte Tour again this year.

A few months ago, a strange thing happened in Yaoyin Pavilion, and the disciples who were on duty to guard the tombs came to report that several tombs in Fuli Mountain had been robbed.

Those tombs were the tombs of the deceased predecessors of Yaoyin Pavilion, and they were of great importance. Lin Liudu immediately sent people to investigate, and finally found a faint demonic aura around the tombs.

But apart from this, there were no other clues. Later, the Junguan epidemic reappeared in the Cangbo City area. Various reasons revealed a vague sense of foreboding.

After much deliberation, Lin Liudu decided to let Jiang Hui come out again and perform in person on the Le Tian You.

The sound of Jiang Hui's pipa can reach a thousand miles away, lingering in the air for three days without stopping, and can cleanse the foul air in the entire Gongyu City.

Unexpectedly, before today's banquet, Huan Ruochan suddenly came to report that he had discovered that Jiang Hui was secretly communicating with people from the Demon Cult and conspiring with them.

Lin Liudu didn't believe it at first, but Huan Ruochan quickly produced evidence, which was the Jiaowei Paulownia zither that Yin Kanwei gave to Jiang Hui.

There was a faint demonic aura attached to the Tongqin, which was from the same source as the demonic aura found around the robbed graves in Fuli Mountain.

In other words, the tomb was most likely stolen by Jiang Hui in collaboration with the evil cultivators, with internal and external support. It is no wonder that it was difficult for the sect to find any clues.

Lin Liudu naturally couldn't believe it, and wanted to deal with the matter privately after the banquet. But Huan Ruochan immediately told him that Jiang Hui and Yin Kanwei were working together to set up a magic array around the hall, so as to catch all the righteous guests during the banquet.

Lin Liudu made some inquiries and indeed found the demonic energy around the hall. As the matter was urgent, he dared not wait any longer and had to capture Jiang Hui at the banquet.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Changyang stood up to defend Jiang Hui and almost persuaded Linliudu. Linliudu did not punish Jiang Hui as Huan Ruochan suggested at the beginning, but took him to the meeting hall for questioning.

During this interrogation, Lin Liudu obtained some unexpected information, but before he could ask in detail, the situation suddenly changed.

Yin Kanwei attacked suddenly just as Huan Ruochan had said, and broke through the sect's protective formation, going straight to the front of the main hall.

Fortunately, Yaoyin Pavilion was well prepared and formed a formation in time, and Lin Liudu personally took action and finally subdued Yin Kanwei.

In this way, everything Huan Ruochan said was confirmed.

Lin Liudu couldn't help but suspect that what Jiang Hui said to him during the interrogation was just a frame-up to exonerate himself.

After hearing the whole story, all the guests on the sidelines showed indignation on their faces. Especially the one who had spoken for Jiang Hui earlier was extremely angry.

They thought Jiang Hui was just a careless friend, but they didn't expect him to have such a vicious intention. If Huan Ruochan hadn't discovered the conspiracy in time, they would have been in great trouble today.


[Damn, Elder Jiang must have been framed! Brother Demon is not a bad guy at all, I'm so pissed! ]

[It's over. That guy surnamed Huan has collected so much evidence. His words are useless this time.]

[Who said before that Jiang Hui and Devil Brother are like Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang in Smiling Proud Wanderer... 5555, they must not have the same ending as Liu and Qu! ]

"How could this happen?" Nan Rongbo frowned slightly and turned to look at Zhu Changyang, "Brother Zhu, Brother Jun, what do you think... Hey, where is Brother Jun?"

I had been concentrating on watching the game, and suddenly realized that Jun Shu had disappeared without a trace.

"He has something to do." Zhu Changyang said vaguely.

Nan Rongbo was shocked: "What could possibly happen to Brother Jun?"

This was at the Yaoyin Pavilion's territory, Jun Shu had just arrived and such a big thing was happening right in front of him, how could Jun Shu have anything else to do

Does Yaoyinge know about this

Just as I was wondering, a figure suddenly appeared and it turned out to be Jun Shu who came back.

Jun Shu came up to Zhu Changyang, handed him a mustard seed bag, and said, "It's all in there."

Nan Rongbo asked curiously: "What is it?"

Zhu Changyang did not answer, but walked to the side and lowered his head to check the contents of the mustard bag.

Huan Ruochan had been exposed by Zhu Changyang at the banquet before, which not only made him lose face, but also almost ruined the whole thing. Therefore, when he was explaining Jiang Hui's crimes, he kept a close eye on Zhu Changyang, guarding against him from making any more outrageous remarks.

But this time Zhu Changyang was finally unable to argue any more. He just walked aside silently and lowered his head. It seemed that he finally had nothing to say.

Huan Ruochan was very proud in his heart, but his face remained calm. He said loudly: "The above are all the evil deeds that Jiang Hui committed. Fortunately, he failed to succeed. Please rest assured that our sect will punish him severely and give everyone an explanation."

Jiang Hui was stunned and said angrily: "I didn't do these things, this is a false accusation!"

Yin Kanwei spoke with a weak breath: "I just came to save Jiang Hui..."

"That's enough." Huan Ruochan shouted, staring at Jiang Hui. "You colluded with the evil spirits. There are witnesses and evidence. It is an irrefutable fact. If you want to say that you didn't commit these crimes, you have to show evidence. Where is your evidence?"

Jiang Hui smiled bitterly: "How can there be evidence for something I never did?"

Huan Ruochan sneered: "Then it's just words without any evidence..."

Before he finished speaking, that familiar voice rang out again in the crowd: "I have evidence!"

At this moment, everyone in the audience was concentrating on watching Huan Ruochan interrogate Jiang Hui. There was complete silence. This loud shout immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Huan Ruochan paused, his face slightly changed, and he shouted, "You want to excuse Jiang Hui again? I advise you to think twice before you act. Jiang Hui's crime is a serious one of betraying the righteous path."

"Elder Huan, please calm down for now." Lin Liudu waved his hand to stop Huan Ruochan, turned to Zhu Changyang, and asked, "Master Zhu, what evidence do you have?"

"This." Zhu Changyang said as he took out a black round thin piece from a mustard bag.

Everyone was looking at him expectantly:

What is this

Lin Liudu couldn't help but look puzzled.

Huan Ruochan was a little worried at first, but when he saw the thin sheet, he was relieved and sneered, "Forgive my poor eyesight, but I really can't tell what kind of evidence this is."

"Of course you don't understand." Zhu Changyang walked up to Jiang Hui calmly and said, "Elder Jiang, do you have your phonograph with you?"

"Yes." Jiang Hui didn't understand. He recognized that the black disc was a vinyl record, but what was the use of playing music at this time

Despite this, he still took the phonograph out of the mustard bag.

It was the first time for everyone in the venue to see a phonograph and vinyl records, and there was confusion in their eyes.

Huan Ruochan found it more and more ridiculous. He didn't even need to use his skills to investigate it as he could tell that this strange-looking thing was just an ordinary weapon.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Excuse me, how can I prove this for Jiang Hui?"

"Haha, this is how it proves it." Zhu Changyang pressed the switch of the phonograph, and the black film slowly turned.

After a rustling sound, an anxious voice was heard.

"Elder Huan, what should we do now? The Pavilion Master did not immediately punish Elder Jiang, but personally interrogated him. What if Elder Jiang tells others about Raoliang Academy? What should we do then?"

Then came Huan Ruochan's voice, "Why are you so anxious? Even if he tells me, I have ways to make the Pavilion Master not believe him... Did you tell Yin Kanwei about Jiang Hui?"

The first person said, "Don't worry, elder. I have specially found my confidant to go there. Yin Kanwei is already on the way and will be able to reach Fuli Mountain soon."

Huan Ruochan said, "That's good. Once Yin Kanwei comes, Jiang Hui won't be able to clear his name even if he has a hundred mouths."

The first person said, "But there is no guarantee that the Pavilion Master will not suspect us..."

Huan Ruochan said, "As long as we act quickly enough, even if the Pavilion Master suspects something, he won't be able to find any evidence. Don't worry, I will go and close one of the sect protection formations later so that Yin Kanwei can come in quickly. I will also let the Pavilion Master deal with it earlier, and Jiang Hui will naturally not have the opportunity to say too much."

The first person said, "The elder is wise."

Huan Ruochan smiled sinisterly, "Have you dealt with all those account books and stuff?"

The first person said, "The account book has been processed, and the spiritual stones collected are now stored in the bank of Mr. Peng. I have already let his son take the first place in this year's exam, so he dare not say anything..."

The two asked and answered each other, and what they talked about was actually a very confidential matter.

And now, these conversations were reproduced through that strange machine and heard by everyone.

The whole audience was in an uproar.


[! ! ! ! !]

The author has something to say:

The world of cultivation has ushered in the era of recorded evidence...

(End of this chapter)