Industrial Cultivation

Chapter 52: Lotte Tour


When a person dies, everything becomes empty.

Huan Ruochan exploded and died, and all the mistakes he had made came to an abrupt end. The secrets he had not yet revealed also became an unsolved mystery.

Although Zou Fuyue conspired with Huan Ruochan, it was purely for the purpose of making money, and their actions were limited to Raoliang College. As for the inside story of the theft of the tomb in Fuli Mountain, they knew nothing about it.

Yaoyin Pavilion certainly didn't want such a thing to happen at the Leyou Banquet, and the guests were not in a position to say anything more.

The banquet ended hastily, and Linliu Du sent his disciples to take the guests on a boat across the deep ravine and down the mountain, or to let them rest in the sect.

The news spread quickly to all the major sects in the cultivation world, and the one that was mentioned repeatedly was the "phonograph" that Zhu Changyang used to expose Huan Ruochan's conspiracy. The "phonograph" that had originally only caused a stir in a small area became famous and spread throughout the nine regions and eighteen continents.

“Master Zhu Changyang” has added another achievement to his record.

Zhu Changyang received ten orders that night. In fact, there were even more people who placed orders, but there were not enough raw materials, so he had to reluctantly reject the subsequent orders.

Of course, some people think that although the phonograph is unique, it is not a magic weapon after all, and it is of no benefit to spiritual practice, so the price is not worth it. This is a matter of opinion.

The news of Jiang Hui's private dealings with the Demon Cult's guardian Yin Kanwei was also widely spread, but the reactions of the various factions were not as intense as expected.

As a famous figure in the righteous path, Jiang Hui has been strict in conduct since his debut and has never done anything against justice. Many masters from various sects have been friends with him and are unwilling to make things difficult for him.

Yin Kanwei seldom stepped into the continent of the righteous sects, and there were not many sects that had direct conflicts with him. Moreover, Zhu Changyang and Wan Lizheng had proved that Yin Kanwei had saved people of the righteous sect. It was really difficult to sum up all the right and wrongs.

Many of the guests who witnessed Yin Kanwei's solo entry into Yaoyin Pavilion even admired him. They felt that although he was a demon, he was loyal to his friends and was willing to sacrifice his life to save Jiang Hui. This kind of spirit was more upright than some people in the righteous way. No wonder Jiang Hui would associate with him.

Some people in the righteous path, especially those from the Yuxu Sect, who served as Yin Kanwei's control group, were once again criticized in this public opinion, and their grievances with Zhu Changyang became even more difficult to resolve.

On the second day, a disciple from Yaoyin Pavilion came hurriedly to report that they were negligent in guarding Yin Kanwei last night and accidentally let him escape.

Lin Liudu was shocked and ordered his disciples to search everywhere in the mountain immediately, but nothing was found. Lin Liudu had no choice but to express his deep regret to the guests and said that he would improve the management of the sect in time and would never let the demon cultivator escape next time he caught him.

Zhu Changyang, who learned about this: "…"

I have to say that the script of Yaoyin Pavilion was a little crude. But at least it did what it should do. Even if other sects wanted to continue to make trouble, they couldn't find any evidence.

Afterwards, Yaoyin Pavilion sent a message to all the sects, saying that the sect had already investigated the relationship between Jiang Hui and Yin Kanwei, and confirmed that there was no exchange of interests related to the righteous path. However, there was always something wrong with Jiang Hui's trip, so the sect decided to order Jiang Hui to stay in the back mountain for a long time after the tour and reflect on his mistakes, and not to step out of the mountain gate again within a hundred years.

In this way, the outside world has nothing to say and the matter comes to an end.

Then, Yaoyin Pavilion conducted a thorough investigation of Raoliang Academy and indeed found a large number of frauds. The headmaster Zou Fuyue and other relevant personnel in the academy had all their bribes confiscated and were expelled from the academy after being punished.

Peng Gu, Yu Xicheng and others were directly removed from the results of this exam and will no longer be recorded in Yaoyin Pavilion in this life.

The remaining students reorganized the exam, which was supervised by Lin Liudu and other elders.

As for the disciples who were admitted illegally in previous years by bribing, they will need to undergo a three-year assessment. If they fail to meet the standards of the sect in one of the assessments, they will be returned to Raoliang Academy to study again until they pass the exam again.

Lin Liudu felt even more responsible for his negligence and decided to suspend his retreat until the interior of Yaoyin Pavilion was cleaned up.

Of course, these are all matters within the Yaoyin Pavilion and are not to be told to outsiders.


On that day, Gongyu City was decorated with lanterns and colorful lights everywhere, and all the teahouses and taverns were decorated with fluttering silk ribbons. Both sides of the street were crowded with men, women, old and young, all with beaming faces and eagerly waiting.

The child is short and doesn't know what to do in the crowd, so some parents simply carry him on their backs and put him on their necks so that they can see the situation on the road clearly.

Some vendors carried baskets filled with snacks, fruits and small toys such as rattles, and squeezed through the crowd, taking the opportunity to sell their goods.

While waiting, the crowd talked about the major events in the city in recent days.

"Hey, that Peng's bank is really abominable. I cashed out all the money I had there yesterday. Such a despicable and immoral person will close down sooner or later."

"That's right. As for that gold and stone shop, I will never patronize them again. It's a pity that they have made so much ill-gotten gains."

"Hehe, don't worry. I heard that Yaoyin Pavilion was very angry this time. It will be difficult for Peng's Bank or Jinshi Bank to continue to gain a foothold in our city in the future. The city lord doesn't dare to protect them. Let's wait and see."

"Speaking of which, I also heard that Elder Jiang Hui seemed to have some dealings with the Demon Cult. Is this true or false?"

"I have a friend who works as a handyman in Yaoyin Pavilion who told me about this. It's all exaggeration. He said that Elder Jiang and the demon cult member had only met a few times, and that the demon cult member had saved people. It's not a big deal at all. Yaoyin Pavilion has also punished Elder Jiang."

"Oh, you don't know yet, these are all rumors spread by that Peng and Jin Shixing. Because Elder Jiang exposed their scandals, they hold a grudge and deliberately slander Elder Jiang. They also designed to lure the demon cult over."

"I see. Fortunately, Elder Jiang was able to turn danger into safety."

As he was speaking, two gunshots, "bang" and "bang", shook the entire city, followed by the sound of drums and music.

When top-level musicians play music, the sound can be heard thousands of miles away. Therefore, even though the figure of the Immortal Master of Yaoyin Pavilion has not been seen yet, the melodious music can be clearly heard in all parts of the city.

The crowd immediately stopped discussing and burst into joy.

"The Rakuten Tour has begun!"

"The Immortal Master is here, the Immortal Jade Qin is here—"

"How long will it take for the immortal masters to get here? I'm so anxious."

"Don't worry, no matter where you are, you can hear the wonderful music of the Immortal Master..."

"How can that be the same? I mainly want to see Elder Jiang!"

"Hehe, I have already paid a deposit to the East City Art Gallery. After they see the appearance of Yuqin Xianlang today, they will draw a picture of him..."

The streets were bustling with people, some listening attentively to the immortal music, while others anxiously inquired about the parade of the immortal masters of Yaoyin Pavilion, for fear of missing the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the immortal masters, especially Jiang Hui.

However, there were so many people that some people were squeezed in the back and could only see a little through the gaps between people, which caused quarrels and conflicts to break out from time to time. This is also what happens every year at Lotte Tour. Everyone is used to it and doesn't really get angry.

Zhu Changyang had already prepared to join the crowd, but unexpectedly, he would meet someone helpful at the last minute and receive an invitation from Nan Rongbo.

Nan Rongbo and Lu Xianning had already booked a private room at the best teahouse in the city. The room was on the second floor, and the window faced the street where the Lotte Parade was passing. The view was comparable to that of a VIP in the front row of a concert.

So at this moment, Zhu Changyang, Jun Shu and the developer were sitting in the box together, looking leisurely at the crowded street outside.

The black cat squatted directly on the window frame, tilting its head to look out curiously, a rare moment of quietness.

This is nothing, but the two pink silk flowers the size of a child's fist tied on the cat's head are really eye-catching, and the cat also smells like perfumed powder.

Hehuan Palace, as the most cosmetically obsessed sect in the entire cultivation world, was shocked by the appearance of this cat.

Lu Xianning looked at it for a while and felt a little pain in her eyes. She couldn't help but ask Zhu Changyang: "Master Zhu, how did you come up with the idea of dressing the cat like this?"

"It likes it." Zhu Changyang spread his hands innocently, "The flowers were also sent by Xizhi."

As he spoke, he hugged the black cat's front legs and turned the cat's head so that the cat's face was facing Lu Xianning, "Look, how cute it is."

The black cat flicked its tail: "Meow~"

Lu Xianning: “…”

What a black cat face, what a pink silk flower, what an eye-catching combination.

Jun Shu snorted when he heard this, and said with a look of disapproval, "I don't think this outfit is good."

Lu Xianning was touched. At least one of them was normal.

Jun Shu continued, "You should tie the flowers at the tail, so you can tie a row and use the remaining flowers."

Lu Xianning: “… …???”

I misjudged you. You are not as good as the masters!

As expected, outside of the Hehuan Palace, men's aesthetic taste in this regard is terrible.


[I really laugh every time I see the developer's design. Can Zhu Changyang's aesthetic be more straight-forward?! ]

[I thought Jun Shu would be better, but he turned out to be even scarier than Chang Yang! Can these two focus on themselves and stop harming innocent cats! ]

[I can only say that they are a well-matched family of three. Blessings. ]

The developer started kicking after being held by Zhu Changyang for a while, so Zhu Changyang had to put it back on the windowsill and said, "I know. It won't affect your watching Xizhi's performance."

Black cat licking its paw: "Meow~"

Nan Rongbo curiously asked, "Is Xizhi the female cultivator who was deliberately suppressed by Sect Leader Zou?"

"It's her. She is a good friend of the developer." Zhu Changyang said with a smile.

Xie Xizhi's skills were indeed impressive, and she won first place in the reorganized exam. Although time was tight due to various reasons, Lin Liudu still ordered her to participate in this Lotte Tour.

Xie Xizhi was overjoyed, and so were Xie Li and their mother. Zhu Changyang had originally wanted to have Xie Li watch the parade in the box, but Xie Li wanted to take his mother to watch it nearby, so Zhu Changyang gave up.

I think at this moment, Jie Li and his mother should be on another street in the city, waiting for the immortal masters from Yaoyin Pavilion to show up.

While she was lost in thought, Lu Xianning suddenly said "Huh", pointed across the street and said, "Look at that man in black, does he look familiar?"

Zhu Changyang looked carefully and saw a tall figure in the crowd opposite him. He was dressed in black and wore a black gauze hat. His identity was self-evident.

"How can you look familiar?" Zhu Changyang said innocently, "I feel so strange, I don't recognize you at all."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in black seemed to notice them. He suddenly raised his head and looked in their direction, then raised his hand and waved at them.

Zhu Changyang also waved back at him, and said calmly, "The people of Gongyu City are really friendly. They will say hello even if they don't know you."

Lu Xianning: “…”

"Indeed, the people here are very interesting." Nan Rongbo laughed and waved to the man in black.

The man in black had already looked to the other end of the street. It turned out that the immortal master from Yaoyin Pavilion had arrived.

On the long street, a breeze blew towards us, and gold powder and flower petals fluttered down, followed by the singing of goldfinches and the dancing of magical butterflies.

Amid the fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds, a few small boats slowly came. The boats were shaped like willow leaves, thin and long, with golden and red auspicious cloud patterns painted on their bodies. With a puff of thin smoke, they floated in the air above the street. They were clearly without support, but they felt like they were sailing on water.

Sitting on the small boat in the front was a man in green clothes with gold thread. His face was bright and dazzling. It was Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui did not use a piano table. He placed the Jiaoweitong piano on his knees and lowered his head to play the piano. The clear and melodious sounds of the piano were not affected by the noise in the city at all. Every sound was clearly heard by everyone.

The streets were filled with joy, and many girls threw the flowers they had prepared onto the boat.

Jiang Hui was unmoved and continued to pluck the strings. When he got closer, he suddenly turned his head slightly and glanced at a crowd of people as if inadvertently.

There stood a black figure, the black gauze covering his bamboo hat fluttering gently to the sound of the piano, revealing a smiling corner of his lips.

Then they passed each other.

After Jiang Hui, everyone followed their own way in playing the harp, the sheng and the pipe.

Xie Xizhi was sitting on the last boat, holding a pipa. Her clothes were fluttering, with a little cinnabar between her brows. When she was concentrating on plucking the strings, she looked just like the flying fairies that Zhu Changyang had seen on the murals before.

As soon as the developer saw Jie Xizhi, he immediately stood up and meowed twice.

The boat passed slowly, accompanied by gold powder and flower petals. The music was gentle and moving, like the spring breeze blowing on the face, the drizzle of rain, and the first cry of an oriole flying into the forest; the music gradually became louder, like the sudden transition to summer, the sun shining brightly, the mood became high, but the sound of the spring splashed, and the summer heat was not felt; suddenly the autumn wind was bleak, the waves surged, and the northern geese flew south, and the lofty sentiments suddenly arose; finally, the snow fell, and the vast land returned to tranquility.

After listening for a while, Zhu Changyang felt refreshed, as if all the fatigue from days of running around was washed away.

In fact, this is one of the most important functions of the sound cultivation method, to eliminate filth and plague, and to concentrate the mind and calm the heart.

If Zhu Changyang's cultivation was higher, he would be able to see that the wisps of foul air spread throughout the city were gradually dissipating amid the stirring music.

Those who had clashed because of the crowd gradually calmed down.

Many of the young disciples from various sects who came to participate in this event were also immersed in the music. Some of those with shallow cultivation even had a sense of enlightenment and immediately sat down on the spot to meditate.

When the boat appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room decreased instantly, and after a long time, the barrage became dense again.

[Oh my god, this sounds so good! ]

[Really, just for a moment, I felt a sense of transcendence! ]

[No wonder people in La La Land value Yao Yin Pavilion so much. Music can really bring them peace and happiness.]

[Jiang Hui played the piano so well, no wonder his legend is still alive in the world after a hundred years, 55555, I almost cry when I think that I may not be able to hear his performance in the future.]

[What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and record it. We are not some backward place in the cultivation world.]

[Oh, that's right, we can record it. ]

[Ahhh, this is the program that should appear on the Spring Festival Gala! @Spring Festival Gala Director, come in and learn! ]

The boat sailed away, but the lingering sound of the music lingered. Whether on the walls or on the beams, the melodious music still seemed to remain. If you listened attentively, you could still hear the music, which was so mesmerizing.

The two people from Hehuan Palace originally came here for Jiang Hui's fame, but now they truly felt admiration for him.

Nan Rongbo waved his folding fan and said with emotion: "It's a pity that after today, Elder Jiang will be in seclusion for a hundred years. I'm afraid it will be difficult to hear his wonderful skills and divine music again in the future."

Zhu Changyang glanced at him and smiled slightly: "I dare not say that the wonderful skills are there, but as long as you want, you can still hear the divine sound often in the future."

Nan Rongbo was puzzled: "How did you hear it?"

"To be honest, I have already asked Elder Jiang to record a record for me." Zhu Changyang took out a thin square glass box from his pocket, inside which was a vinyl record. "Once the Lotte Tour is over, I will reveal this great news to everyone. At that time, all friends who have ordered a phonograph can buy Elder Jiang's original soundtrack from me as long as they spend a little more money."

Selling record players is just the beginning; the subsequent records are the constant source of income.

Zhu Changyang helped Jiang Hui and Yin Kan a lot at the banquet, so Jiang Hui would not refuse such a small request.

And Zhu Changyang didn't get it for free. He agreed with Jiang Hui that he would share the revenue after the record was sold.

Jiang Hui himself was not pedantic. Although he did not want to make a profit at the beginning, he readily accepted the sales model after Zhu Changyang mentioned it.

Jiang Hui's IP is so valuable, Zhu Changyang suspects that it can be sold for dozens or even hundreds of years just by recording it once.

And he recorded it more than once.

"Hehe, I asked Elder Jiang to put my recorder next to him during the parade. When the parade is over, he can get another live album of Lotte Tour." Zhu Changyang patted Nan Rongbo's shoulder and said righteously, "Brother Nan Rong, you don't have to spend money to buy it. I'll give you two."

Nan Rongbo was one of the people who ordered a phonograph on the night of the Leyou Banquet.

Nan Rongbo was silent for a moment, then said sincerely, "Thank you and your family."

Zhu Changyang: “…”

Brother, don’t learn this kind of words casually!


[When did Chang Yang ask Jiang Hui to record the conversation?]

[It should be written in the Jade Book. I can only say, you are worthy of being called Cai Mi Yang.]

[I am dying of laughter. Will Elder Jiang's music be heard in every household and become a superstar? ]

[Ah, I also want to buy Jiang Hui's high-definition soundtrack!!! Zhu Changyang, please go to the link! ]

The author has something to say:

Jiang Hui: Get rich slowly.

(End of this chapter)