Industrial Cultivation

Chapter 61: Langzhu City


The Ji Jin Sect had a tight schedule, so early the next morning, Qi Tongchen and a group of fellow disciples set off for Yu Se Sea.

Zhu Changyang and Jun Shu brought the developers to mingle in the team. They greeted the students skillfully and discussed their homework. There was absolutely no sense of disobedience.

Because Jie Li's cultivation was not enough, it was inconvenient for him to go with them, so he continued to stay in the Ji Jin Sect.

Nan Rongbo reluctantly said goodbye to his only friend in Jijin Sect: "Brothers, Brother Jun, once you leave, I won't even have anyone to talk to here, please be sure to leave early and come back early."

Zhu Changyang said: "You can go with us."

Nan Rongbo quickly refused: "No, no, I've been too busy lately and haven't had a good rest yet."

Qi Tongchen warned, "Don't bother my master."

"Don't worry, am I the kind of person who doesn't know what to do?" Nan Rongbo said with a smile, "At most I'll stay in your room for a few days."

Qi Tongchen: “…!”

He hates!


The Yuse Sea is located in the east of Piaomiao Continent. It is vast and rich in various rare materials. Every year, disciples from major weapon refining sects come here to train.

The city closest to the Yushe Sea is called Langzhu City. Due to its special geographical location, it is not under the jurisdiction of any sect and is a completely mortal city.

Zhu Changyang and his party first went to Langzhu City via the teleportation array. As soon as they came out of the teleportation array, they felt that it was dark all around. Although it was still daytime, the store that operated the teleportation array had already lit candles.

Looking out the door, I saw thick leaden clouds hanging heavily over the city, the cold wind was howling, and the rain was pouring down.

There were few pedestrians on the road, and the drainage system was not very good at this time of year. The accumulated water was almost up to the knees, and the store was about to be flooded.

"Oh, bad luck, it rained heavily." Qi Tongchen said.

Langzhu City is a coastal city with a humid climate, and it is naturally windy and rainy. He had been here many times before, and it often rained, but such heavy rain was rare.

Judging from the depth of the water, it must have been raining for some time.

There were even a few small boats and bamboo rafts parked outside the store, and a few boatmen wearing straw raincoats were soliciting customers: "Sir, would you like to take a boat? The city is flooded everywhere now, and it's very troublesome to walk. It's much faster to take a boat."

Zhu Changyang: “…”

Wow, this has become the Venice of cultivation

Qi Tongchen assessed the road conditions and felt that the boatman's words made sense, so he rented two small boats for his fellow disciples and rented a bamboo raft for himself. He said, "You go to the inn first. I'm going to find a guide."

"Jun Shu and I will go with you." Zhu Changyang said.

The heavy rain gave him a vague bad feeling. It was not a good sign for a coastal city to have such heavy rain. Could it be a typhoon

Qi Tongchen didn't care, thinking that Zhu Changyang was just curious, so he waved and asked them to get on the bamboo raft together.

The guide he mentioned was a local material merchant named Mo, also known as Mr. Mo. He was a fisherman in his early years and was very familiar with Yushe Sea and its surrounding areas. Later, he found that there were often equipment refiners coming here to look for materials, so he simply became a merchant.

Every time the Ji Jin Sect went to Yu Se Sea in the past, they would ask Mr. Mo to drive the boat and lead the way, and the two sides were already very familiar with each other.

But this time, as soon as Qi Tongchen started talking, Mr. Mo immediately shook his head and refused: "Master Qi, I'm really sorry, I can't take you to Yuse Sea this time."

Qi Tongchen was confused: "Why is this?"

Mr. Mo pointed outside the door and said, "Do you see the rain?"

Qi Tongchen said: "Mr. Mo is worried that the rain is too heavy? We can wait for two days..."

"Not really. When I was sailing on the sea, I had seen many storms and waves. How could I be afraid of just a little bit of wind and rain?" Mr. Mo shook his head. "It's just that the Immortal Master came at an unlucky time. I'm afraid the rain won't stop for ten days or half a month."

Qi Tongchen frowned: "It takes so long?"

Zhu Changyang seemed to be thinking about something, and said, "It seems that this rain is... There is something strange about it."

He was not saying this casually. They had just been traveling on a bamboo raft and everyone on the passerby had a worried look on their face. There was a depressing atmosphere everywhere.

As expected, Mr. Mo looked solemn, and after a while he sighed heavily: "Master, you don't know, this heavy rain was caused by the mermaids in the Yuse Sea, and it has been raining for half a month."

Qi Tongchen was stunned: "Is it a mermaid?" There are a large number of mermaids living in the Yuse Sea. They have human bodies and fish tails. They can live in water and on land at the same time. They are very ferocious creatures.

The Yuse Sea is rich in resources, but it is not governed by any sect. The main reason is these mermaids. It is said that the mermaids have lived in this sea area since ancient times ten thousand years ago and are the real rulers of the Yuse Sea.

Every time the Ji Jin Sect came here, they would ask Mr. Mo to lead the way. In addition to the fact that he was familiar with the local situation, there was a more important reason, which was that he could communicate with the mermaids.

Mermaids are born good at singing and can make confusing sounds, which are completely different from humans. Therefore, although they have human faces and bodies, they have always found it difficult to communicate smoothly with humans for thousands of years, and humans have also found it difficult to learn their language.

Mr. Mo is one of the few people who can speak the language of mermaids. He was born with vocal cords different from ordinary people and can imitate the sounds of fish. When he was fishing at sea in his early years, he would learn a few words from the mermaids from time to time.

This is why he was able to transform from a fisherman to a material dealer, because many of the spiritual materials that the monks wanted were in the hands of the mermaids. With his talent for language, he could always get more supplies from the mermaids.

Over the years, the relationship between the mermaids and the human race along the coast has always been good, and the two sides often have trade exchanges. The mermaids also supply a large number of pearls to the people here. These pearls are sold all over the mortal realm, and Langzhu City got its name from this.

Qi Tongchen had met mermaids several times in Yuse Sea before, and they had always been at peace. Some mermaids even showed them the way. So when Mr. Mo said that the rain that seemed to flood Langzhu City was caused by mermaids, he was a little surprised.

Asked: "Why would the mermaid do this?"

"Why else? Of course it's for money." Mr. Mo sighed.

It turned out that more than a month ago, the mermaids supplied a batch of pearls to Langzhu City, which were transported to other places by the city lord's only son for sale.

Unexpectedly, after the city lord's only son returned, the mermaids suddenly launched an attack, stopped supplying pearls and other seafood to Langzhu City, and blocked the coast, forbidding the fishermen of Langzhu City to go to Yuse Sea to fish.

This move came without any warning, and the citizens were completely caught off guard. Later, after difficult negotiations with some fishermen, they learned that the mermaids were dissatisfied with the payment for the pearl sales of the city lord's only son, saying that what the city lord gave them was not enough.

The fishermen went to ask the city lord, but the city lord said that the money had been paid in full. It was the mermaids who saw the booming pearl trade in recent years and wanted to raise the price and blackmail Langzhu City. He also produced evidence of the payment at that time.

The fishermen saw that the evidence was irrefutable and that the problem was indeed with the mermaids, so they had nothing to say. However, Langzhu City relied on pearls and fishing for its livelihood, and it was not a solution to continue to stalemate with the mermaids.

Under pressure from everyone, the city lord agreed to negotiate with the mermaids, and then sent his only son to meet with the mermaids' envoy.

Unexpectedly, something happened during the meeting and the two sides started fighting. During the fight, the city lord's son accidentally killed the mermaid's envoy.

As a result, the two sides had a blood feud. The city lord was furious and recalled the resigned deputy city lord Yan Yao, mobilized the city defense soldiers, and officially declared war on the mermaids.

At this point, Mr. Mo showed some dissatisfaction, "If it were you, the city lord shouldn't have let his son go and talk to the mermaid. It was originally just a matter of money, but now it has become like this..."

Zhu Changyang was speechless after hearing this. It sounded like this was just an ordinary business dispute. Wasn't it common for suppliers to raise prices? They could talk it out, but if they couldn't, they could find another way. How did it get to the point where they were killing each other

This world of cultivation is too barbaric!

Mr. Mo became angrier and angrier as he spoke. He continued to complain, "The city lord's son is not capable of accomplishing anything. Since he took over the pearl business, he has had several conflicts with the mermaids. If it's the mermaids' fault, there has never been such a thing when he was the deputy city manager. But the city lord is getting more and more confused as he gets older. In order to pave the way for his son, he even forced the deputy city lord to leave last year. As a result, he has declared war on the mermaids and has thought of the deputy city lord... Oh, what is this all about?"

He murmured to himself again, "In the past two years, the city has been in chaos. No one has had a peaceful life. I don't know when it will end."

Zhu Changyang and the others looked at each other. It sounded like the situation inside Langzhu City was very complicated.

Qi Tongchen frowned and said, "Your soldiers guarding the city are all mortals. How can they fight against the mermaids?"

The mermaids were notoriously ferocious. Not only did they have thick skin and flesh, but they were also born with magical powers. In addition to their bewitching songs, some of those with advanced skills could even control the wind and rain.

Apart from anything else, if it rains continuously for a year or two, the people in Langzhu City will not be able to survive.

"The deputy city lord has his own plans." Mr. Mo subconsciously looked outside the house, showing some caution, and then lowered his voice and said, "There is news that the deputy city lord has sent people to Kunlun to ask the immortal master to come and help. He will arrive in the next two days."

"So that's how it is." Qi Tongchen's expression relaxed a little.

As human beings, they really shouldn't stand idly by when Langzhu City is in danger. But he had other important tasks to attend to, and he couldn't delay any longer.

So when Mr. Mo was talking just now, he was frowning and felt quite dilemma. It was not until he heard that Langzhu City had invited another cultivator, who was from Kunlun, the most powerful warrior in the world, that he felt relieved.

With Kunlun here, they don’t have to worry.

However, Qi Tongchen sighed: "But if this happens, Langzhu City and the mermaids will really be at war to the death."

"That's right." Mr. Mo frowned. "But now that things have come to this, what can we do? After the deputy city lord came back, he originally advocated continuing the peace talks with the mermaids, but the city lord was determined to avenge his son, so how could he listen to this? This is one aspect. I heard that the mermaids' attitude is even tougher than the city lord. You should have heard of the mermaids' temper. Alas..."

Qi Tongchen was speechless for a moment.

Things in the world are sometimes like this. At first, it seems to be just a small matter, but if something goes wrong in the middle, then one step after another goes wrong, and finally it develops to an uncontrollable level.

In this matter, it is really difficult to say which side is at fault.

Mr. Mo smiled bitterly and said, "That's why I said I can't go with you. The mermaids are very hostile to the people of Langzhu City. No matter who they are, they will be captured as soon as they see them."

He glanced at them and said, "It doesn't matter to you. They only target people from this city. You are outsiders, so they won't do anything to you."

Qi Tongchen did not feel relieved after hearing this, and asked, "But how do they know whether we are from outside or local?"

Mr. Mo said: "You are all immortal masters. They can tell at a glance that you are not from this place..."

"This is even more dangerous." Zhu Changyang complained, "It sounds like it's no secret that your deputy city lord is looking for external help. What if the mermaids think we are the ones invited by your deputy city lord?"

Mr. Mo: “…”

He had never thought about this, but let's be honest, it's really possible.

Mr. Mo thought about it for a while and sincerely suggested, "Why don't you wait for some time until things are over before going to Yuse Sea."

"No." Qi Tongchen shook his head firmly. Fairy Xia Jue's life was at stake and there could be no delay at all, but this matter was also really troublesome.

He thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you teach us a few words of the mermaid language so that if we encounter it, we can explain it to them."

Although he is not afraid of mermaids, in this situation, he would like to avoid any trouble outside of the mission if possible.

Mr. Mo shook his head: "How can you learn the mermaid language in a short time..."

Zhu Changyang agreed: "I also think it is not feasible to learn the mermaid language now. It would be even more troublesome if I say it wrong."

As he spoke, he took out a trumpet-shaped object from his pocket and said, "Come on, Mr. Mo, translate our words into the mermaid language into this."

Mr. Mo was stunned: "What is this?"

"Oh, this is a recording speaker." Zhu Changyang said. In order to let them understand more intuitively, he demonstrated it again and said to the speaker, "Ant poison, cockroach poison, rat poison—"

After that I pressed the play button and heard his voice coming from the speakers.

"Ant poison, cockroach poison, rat poison—"

"Ant poison, cockroach poison, rat poison—"

"Ant poison, cockroach poison, rat poison—"

Clear, loud, and straight to the heart!

Mr. Mo:

Qi Tongchen:


[??? It turns out this broken speaker has a recording function? ]

[Zhu Changyang, can't you say something with some style? ! ! ]

[Don’t mention it, this is really the best solution! ]

[Am I the only one who is worried that he will use this speaker to collect junk in the future? ]

The author has something to say:

Chang Yang: Come, record a segment of "The Memorial to the Emperor on Leaving the Capital" in the mermaid language.

(End of this chapter)