Industrial Cultivation

Chapter 89: sound


When Zhu Changyang was dealing with the thief in Tu Chaofeng's house, he discovered that monks could withstand electric shocks much better than ordinary people.

This is not surprising. After all, the main thing a cultivator needs to do when he or she is undergoing tribulation is to be struck by lightning, so the defensive attribute must first be resistance to lightning and electricity.

So Zhu Changyang just now set up the power grid while urgently making a transformer.

The principle of the transformer is simple, which is to use electromagnetic induction to change the voltage. The main components are the primary coil, the secondary coil and the iron core.

The cultivation levels of these people from the Yuxu Sect were very impressive, but the energy of high voltage electricity was even more impressive. In addition, they did not take the few thin metal wires seriously, and those who actively touched the wires did not even use the Qi Condensation to resist.

When the power was turned on, several people realized something was wrong, but it was too late to control the energy.

Tens of thousands of volts of high voltage electricity fell on several people, which was truly like sparks and lightning.

A disciple of the Yuxu Sect was fighting with a developer on the edge of the field. Fortunately, he was not touched by the electric wires. He saw that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was going on. He subconsciously tried to divert his attention to save other people.

The developer took advantage of the situation and attacked the man, forcing him to retreat several steps. His back hit an electric wire. The man screamed, and was added to the high-voltage power grid.

Tan Tai Buqi's eyes widened, he knew that those electric wires were very destructive, but he didn't know they were this powerful. While he was stunned, he saw out of the corner of his eye that two of the more cautious people had been concentrating their energy and managed to withstand this wave of high voltage electricity. Their fingers were slowly curling up, preparing to make a gesture.

Tan Tai Buqi quickly sent out a few talismans, taking advantage of the gap before the other party cast a spell to give them a helping hand.

"Boom" and "Boom" sounded continuously. This time the thunder did not split the legs, but hit every disciple of the Yuxu Sect present on the head.

The two of them had managed to withstand the high voltage electricity with great difficulty, and with another layer of lightning damage, their precarious health bars instantly dropped to the bottom.

A group of people fell to the ground, their clothes had all turned to ashes and charcoal, their bodies were dying, and they could no longer perform hand gestures.

Zhu Changyang was terrified: "Your cultivation is really strong. You didn't even get electrocuted to death."

If a mortal touches high voltage electricity, he will be carbonized immediately.

Tan Tai Buqi was still lying on the ground, looking at him pitifully: "Please turn off the power, I'm scared."

"It's okay, it's just a little electricity." Zhu Changyang turned off the power switch and comforted him, "When you achieve success one day, you will also have to suffer a shock like this."

Lightning itself is a kind of high voltage electricity. Franklin discovered electricity when he was flying a kite in lightning.

Tan Tai Bu Qi: "..."

Thank you, I don’t want to cultivate immortality anymore.

When the developer saw the current was turned off, he immediately went forward and bit the Yuxu Sect disciple that he had just been fighting with. He dragged him to Zhu Changyang's side with a grunt and raised his chin to ask for credit: "Meow meow meow~"

"You're such a capable little cat." Zhu Changyang scratched the black tiger's chin, "I'll make you some freeze-dried cat food when this is over."

The developer dug a hole on the spot: "Meow~"

Tan Tai Bu Qi: "..."

When you say these words, can you please let the one-ton demon tiger change its form first


[Changyang won again! Yay!!]

[Although, I feel very complicated at the moment. Does this count as a battle of cultivation? ]

[Why doesn't it count? Faraday is also a law, shocking sound! ]

After successfully dealing with the disciples of the Yuxu Sect, Zhu Changyang and Tan Tai Buqi were just about to breathe a sigh of relief when they heard a loud "boom" in the distance and the ground shook violently.

They both looked up and took a breath.

Jun Shu had been distracted by Zhu Changyang's situation, and had been fighting with Zi Jiuwen, with the result that it was difficult to tell who was better.

Seeing Zhu Changyang successfully escaped, he felt relieved. He shook the rusty sword and the sword light slashed forward like lightning.

Zi Jiuwen's blood was boiling and he swallowed three pills in a hurry. These three pills were slightly different from the golden pills he had taken before, and they were bright blood-colored.

As the pill entered his stomach, Zi Jiuwen's eyes instantly glowed red, and his whole body was filled with demonic energy. He shouted sternly, "The demons of heaven and earth are all at my disposal."

The moonlight was bright, coating the black mountaintops with a thin layer of silver light.

Zi Jiuwen's cultivation was obviously several levels higher than the other Yuxu Sect disciples. He didn't need to form a formation. With his own strength, he drove the evil spirit towards Jun Shu, broke through the numerous sword techniques, and invaded his spiritual platform.

Jun Shu did not dodge or evade, allowing the evil energy to enter his sea of consciousness, and even slightly retracted his sword power.

Zi Jiuwen was still worried that he had a way to resist, but when he saw that the evil spirit was completely swallowed up, he immediately laughed wildly and said, "I'll let you see what the real art of ghosts and gods is."

He waved his long sleeves and made a gesture like lifting a puppet, using his spiritual consciousness to urge the evil energy into Jun Shu's body.

However, when he was halfway through performing the spell, he suddenly froze.

He was unable to drive out any evil energy from Jun Shu's body

How is this possible? He had just driven so much demonic energy into Jun Shu's spiritual platform!

Zi Jiuwen couldn't believe it and tried to concentrate again to cast the spell, but the evil spirit disappeared without a trace like a drop of water falling into the sea.

In other words, being absorbed by the sea.

Zi Jiuwen's heart skipped a beat and he looked up suddenly, only to see a cold sword light in front of him, brighter than the moonlight.

In the cold light, a person stood in mid-air, wearing fluttering snow-white clothes, with sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes. He was as poetic and picturesque as the snow on the mountain top and the bright moon on the sea.

However, the eyes of this otherworldly and otherworldly immortal were as bright as blood.

Zi Jiuwen's eyes were red with anger, and he said in a lost voice: "You are a demon—"

The banished immortal's eyelashes trembled slightly, hiding the bloodshot in his eyes. He looked impatient, and before he could finish, his long sword flew forward, "None of your business."

The sword energy surged and whistled, shaking the black mountain behind Zi Jiuwen so much that it was about to be chopped into pieces.

Zi Jiuwen was horrified, but the magic of ghosts and gods was useless against Jun Shu. In panic, he could only concentrate all his skills to protect himself.

After trying his best, he managed to find a gap in the overwhelming sword force, escaped in a panic, and rolled back to the hollow in the valley.

Behind him, the black mountain that pierced the clouds diagonally was cut in half by the vast sword energy, leaving a deep sword mark.

Sand and gravel poured down, dust and smoke were everywhere, half of the mountain was shaking, the peak was shaking and almost collapsed.

Tan Tai Bu Qi's eyes widened, and he asked hesitantly, "What is your cultivation level, brother Jun?"

Judging from his momentum, he seems to be catching up with his head brother.

Zhu Changyang was more curious than Tan Tai Buqi, and even suspected that Jun Shu was secretly taking extra lessons behind his back.


[Ah, this sword is so cool, the effect is explosive! This is the real fighting method! ]

[Big scenes still depend on Jun Shu [doge]]

Zi Jiuwen felt a fishy taste in his throat and vomited a mouthful of black blood.

But this was not the end yet. The vibration had not yet stopped, and Jun Shu had already turned the rusty sword around and stabbed at him again.

Zi Jiuwen was terrified, but he was already at the end of his strength and had no power to escape. In panic, he touched the mustard seed bag on his waist, and saw that the puppet with painted facial features was not far away. Without hesitation, he took out the Xuannv Ding in one breath, crushed a golden pill, and forced it into the mouth of Xia Jue's soul.

Zhu Changyang noticed his movements and shouted, "What are you doing!"

However, his magic was really poor and his speed was far slower than Zi Jiuwen. In a blink of an eye, Xia Jue had swallowed the golden elixir. The mist from the Xuannv Cauldron turned into a strong wind, carrying Xia Jue's soul and flying towards the puppet.

Xia Jue was unconscious, his soul had sunk into the puppet, and the bloody facial features on the wood began to move as if they were alive.

At the same time, the earth shook more violently. Zhu Changyang felt something was wrong. The vibration did not seem to be the aftereffect of Jun Shu's sword that had just slashed the mountain. Instead, it seemed to be coming from underground.

Just as he was wondering, the developer suddenly gave him a nudge on the forehead. Tan Tai Buqi reacted at the same time, grabbed him and ran away, "Oh no, there's a big formation here!"

A strong evil spirit sprayed onto Tan Tai Buqi's butt. Tan Tai Buqi's tiger body shook as if he had stepped on the accelerator. With a "wow" he suddenly leaped forward a long distance, and sparks almost flew from his feet.

There was a sharp sword light behind him, and Jun Shu's powerful sword energy fell and slashed towards Zi Jiuwen.

At the same time, the runes on the coffin placed in the middle of the depression glowed red, and the coffin lid flew up, blocking Zi Jiuwen in a flash.

The sword energy collided with the coffin lid, and the astonishing power spread in all directions like a tide sweeping in.

Zhu Changyang and Tan Tai Buqi were unable to dodge and were knocked to the ground. Fortunately, it was just the aftermath and they were not really injured.

When they looked back, they saw a figure flying out of the coffin, facing Jun Shu who was standing at the other end of the Black Mountain.

The moonlight was dim, but one could see that this man had white hair and beard, and wore a wide robe with wide sleeves. His face was as thin as a dying old man, but his eyes were bright, and he stood in the air without any flying magic weapon, with the demeanor of a powerful person.

Zi Jiuwen saved his life and shouted happily, "Master!"

Tan Tai Bu Qi was shocked when he heard this: "Is this Master Hu?"

Zi Jiuwen is the eldest senior brother of the new generation of Yuxu Sect. His master is the current leader of Yuxu Sect, Hu Daogui.

Tan Tai Buqi was surprised that the person in the coffin was not Hu Daogui, but that all these people were disciples of the Yuxu Sect, and the mastermind behind them must be a high-ranking figure in the sect.

What surprised him was Hu Daogui's appearance.

As the leader of the alchemy sects in Piaomiao Continent, the Yuxu Sect's leader is naturally very powerful. Hu Daogui's cultivation is among the best in the Nine Regions, and he has been at the peak of the fusion stage since twenty years ago.

Although he has not made any progress in these years, he attained enlightenment at an early age, so his appearance should have been well maintained. In any case, he should not be so old.

Zhu Changyang looked at Hu Daogui's old appearance and couldn't help but think of the rapid decay of Huan Ruocan after his body exploded in Yaoyin Pavilion that day. He seemed to understand something in a trance.

Hu Daogui glanced at Zi Jiuwen, and glanced at the group of disciples on the ground whose robes were torn apart by the electric shock. His face darkened and he scolded, "A bunch of trash, you almost ruined my plan."

"Master, please forgive me." Zi Jiuwen bowed quickly and pointed at Jun Shu, "This man is the culprit."

Hu Daogui looked at Jun Shu coldly and asked, "Who are you that can break my refined magic of ghosts and gods?"

Jun Shu was too lazy to respond to him. The rusty sword flew out and the surging sword energy whistled towards him.

Hu Daogui narrowed his eyes slightly, spread out his five fingers, and transformed his profound cultivation into an invisible magic shield, which blocked Jun Shu's attack.

With a wave of the other hand, the demonic energy suddenly surged and swept towards Jun Shu.

The demonic energy was more than a hundred or a thousand times more powerful than what Zi Jiuwen had just released. Even the moonlight was blocked. The valley suddenly became dark and even things that were right in front of one's eyes could hardly be seen clearly.


[Fuck, this is so strong! ]

[Nonsense, this is a Boss, he is not even on the same level as those monsters above! ]

[Ahh, I can’t see anything. How are you, Jun Shu? Can you hold on? ? ? ? ]

Zhu Changyang's heart was in his throat, his eyes fixed on the dark void, looking for Jun Shu's shadow.

Hu Daogui is a great master of the time, and his cultivation is far from the same level as Zi Jiuwen. How will Jun Shu respond

But a flash of cold light cut through the darkness, and the sword energy shattered the demonic energy. However, the demonic energy was vast and still surged in front of Jun Shu and penetrated into his spiritual platform.

Jun Shu's eyes flashed red, and he was about to concentrate to resist, but at this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his mind and a familiar voice exploded.

"What's wrong with the demons? Demons are not necessarily bad people."

"A gentleman is like jade, gentle and moist. Why don't you just take the surname Jun and strive to become a restrained and upright gentleman."

There were other chaotic voices whose identities were unclear.

"Those so-called righteous people are always using sweet words and flattery, so don't trust them."

"Are we, the demon race, born to live in this desolate land?"

A chaotic sound and severe pain came at the same time. Jun Shu's mind was scattered. The invading evil spirits had already jumped from his spirit to his limbs and bones. He couldn't help but cry out, "Ah—"

The fingers lowered and the sword energy dissipated like the receding tide.

"Nothing more than that." Hu Daogui chuckled and waved his wide sleeves.

Jun Shu's neck suddenly twisted forward, as if he was being pinched by an invisible hand and dragged forward.

Beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. Jun Shu raised his right hand tentatively, wanting to make a hand gesture, but more voices immediately rang out.

"I know I can't force you to be a good person, so... try to do less bad things."

"Don't just grab something you like. You have to spend money to buy it. Even if you don't have money, you still have to be reasonable."

"Under the star Canopus is Yongze..."

The scene in front of him was in chaos, with sounds from the past and present intertwined. His eyes were as red as blood, but he was too weak to muster his breath.

Seeing that he was about to get close to Hu Daogui, Hu Daogui stroked his beard leisurely and smiled smugly.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and the rusty sword unexpectedly burst out with an astonishing sword intent, which forcibly broke a hole in Hu Daogui's evil spirit.

Hu Daogui was stunned. The rusty sword was already carrying Jun Shu and flying towards Zhu Changyang. Just as it got close to him, Jun Shu's legs went weak and he fell down.

"Jun Shu!" Zhu Changyang was shocked and quickly caught Jun Shu. When he got closer, he saw that Jun Shu was covered in cold sweat, completely unlike his usual innocent appearance.

Hu Daogui quickly came back to his senses, turned around in mid-air, and looked down at the few people with contempt: "Then let's die together."

Zhu Changyang was extremely anxious, but there was nothing he could do for the moment. The high-voltage power grid was still there, but it was estimated that it could not shock the Boss. Moreover, the Boss looked much smarter and would not let those wires get close to him at all.


[It’s over, it’s over, it’s really over now! ]

[It turns out that high-level dungeon bosses are really hard to beat. If this plane dies, can't it be resurrected and reopened? ? ]

[No, Changyang, just stay here! ]

Zhu Changyang held Jun Shu in one hand and scratched his head frantically with the other, but time was running out and there was no room for maneuver.

Jun Shu glanced at him in confusion, supported himself on the ground with one hand, and slowly raised the other hand, "I'll do it..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a scream of "Ah" from the side, and Tan Tai Buqi rushed out.

Zhu Changyang turned around and saw that it was the developer who took advantage of Tan Tai Buqi.

Noticing Zhu Changyang's gaze, the developer turned around and looked back. His pair of big, round, green eyes looked very innocent: "Meow~"

Zhu Changyang: “…”

The developer really cares about this family. At this critical moment of life and death, he actually thought of pushing others out to take the lead.

So uncultured.

It should be Sui Junshu.

The author has something to say:

Developer: Meow Meow Meow (Bite the Ass)

(End of this chapter)