Industrial Cultivation

Chapter 95: Airborne male protagonist


Zhu Changyang had heard Tan Tai Buqi give a general introduction to the power situation in the Demon Realm.

Only the Lord of all demons can be called the Lord, but now the Demon Realm is divided into two. No matter whether it is Dong Yaoyan in the Eastern Realm or Jiufang Ruo in the Western Realm, they only govern half of the Demon Realm, so they can only be called the Lord.

In fact, thousands of years ago, Demon Lord Dongyao became famous throughout the Nine Regions with his Water-Splitting Sword and was once regarded as the person most likely to ascend to the throne of Demon Lord.

But until his death, he was still just the Demon Lord of the Eastern Region, and failed to truly unify the two regions and become the Lord of All Demons.

Therefore, when people in later generations mentioned this great war between good and evil, they would sigh with lingering fear that if Demon Lord Dongyao had not suddenly gone mad and drawn his sword to kill himself, the current situation of good and evil would have been completely rewritten.

Zhu Changyang: I understand the truth, but the question is how did Jun Shu become the Demon Lord

Even if this is just an illusion, the setting should be logical, right

Jun Shu saw his confusion and was about to explain, but suddenly remembered that there was someone next to him, so he glanced at Wang Jingze indifferently.

The developer immediately let out an "owl" and pushed Wang Jingze to the side with his head.

Wang Jingze: “…!”

Feeling wronged, but dare not move.

Jun Shu nodded in satisfaction, and then he said to Zhu Changyang in a gentle voice: "This is not the illusion of Lord Dongyao, but the illusion of the Pishui Sword."

Zhu Changyang Mosquito-repellent Eyes: "I don't understand."

Jun Shu was very patient with him. He gathered his cloak for him and glanced at Dong Yaoyan: "Explain it to me."

Dong Yaoyan's face turned dark, and she was obviously very dissatisfied with Jun Shu's self-righteous attitude, but for some reason, she endured it. She just glared at Jun Shu fiercely, and then seriously told Zhu Changyang about the current situation.

It turns out that the reason why Demon Lord Dongyao was able to overwhelm the Nine Regions back then, besides his extraordinary talent, his most important power came from the Water-Bishu Sword.

This water-breaking sword was not originally owned by Demon Lord Dongyao, but belonged to a natural demon species from a long time ago, now known as the Great Wilderness Period.

Ten thousand years ago, Piaomiao Continent had not yet been divided into the current nine regions and eighteen continents, and was still a complete land plate.

Fairies, demons, monsters, humans and various other species such as spirit beasts, mermaids, and giant turtles live together on the same land.

Although they had their own settlements, the overall boundaries between continents were not as clear as they are now.

It was a wild and chaotic period, with many races living together and fighting each other. Later generations uniformly called this era the Great Wilderness Period.

Zhu Changyang: I understand. It is the primitive era of the cultivation world.

At that time, the Demon Realm had not yet split. All demons were united, lustful and bloodthirsty, and they had been plundering the resources of other races for years. Their reputation was even worse than it is now, and they were regarded as a common enemy by all races.

However, the demons were naturally strong and difficult to destroy, and the stalemate lasted for a long time.

Until a natural demon appeared in the Demon Realm.

The natural demon species was born in the evil land of ten thousand demons. It was born with the power to command all the demons. It can be said that it is a natural candidate for the Demon Lord.

At that time, all the demons believed that the natural born demon would lead the demons to conquer the Piaomiao Continent and make the entire continent prostrate under the rule of the demons.

Other races were also frightened by the birth of the demon species.

Dong Yaoyan paused at this point, her tone full of regret: "Originally, my demon clan should have ruled the nine realms."

Zhu Changyang couldn't help but complain: "So you didn't take over the Nine Regions because you didn't want to?"

Dong Yaoyan choked and glared at him sharply: "Do you want to die?"

Zhu Changyang was used to being stabbed by Jun Shu with his eyes, so he hid behind Jun Shu very skillfully and said calmly, "Go on."

Jun Shu protected Zhu Changyang with one hand and glanced at Dong Yaoyan calmly: "Don't scare him."

Dong Yaoyan snorted coldly, feeling very unhappy, but she did not refute. She just continued to narrate in a sullen tone, "The demons did not unify the continent, not because they did not want to, but because they were unlucky and encountered a flood."

Zhu Changyang: “…”

Damn, this really is the primitive period.

At the end of the Great Wilderness period, demons were born, and the demons were expected to unify the continent and become the most respected race.

But suddenly, the world changed dramatically, the earth shook and the sky collapsed, and a sudden flood completely changed history.

The flood originated in Daishan, north of Buchendi, where the weapon-refining sect Yong Zhutian was located. The devastating torrent destroyed large tracts of villages and divided the continent.

The hope of the entire demon clan, the natural born demon, was in the Undying Land at that time. With his cultivation level, he could instinctively use his sword to block the water, but he happened to encounter a heavenly calamity, and was struck by thunder and floods, and unfortunately died.

Therefore, his sword was called the Water-Bi Sword.

This flood ended the Great Wilderness Period, and the Piaomiao Continent was divided into the current Nine Regions and Eighteen Continents, ushering in a new era.

The demons lost their natural demon species, their hopes of unifying the continent were dashed, and they retreated to the area of suihui.

Later, the Suhui Realm split into two major demonic realms, east and west, which were governed by the Sujiao and Huijiao respectively.

Thousands of years passed like this, and the ambitious Demon Lord Dongyao was born in the Eastern Region. He found the water-splitting sword that the natural demons had used, and once again started the war between good and evil.

However, the Water-Bi Sword was too powerful, and Demon Lord Dongyao was not born a demon, so he was never able to fully control the sword.

Hearing this, Zhu Changyang suddenly understood: "Could it be that Demon Lord Dongyao didn't kill himself, but was killed by the sword?"

Dong Yaoyan glanced at him and said, "You are not stupid."

The Pishui Sword and the demon species experienced the heavenly tribulation together. After failing to survive the tribulation, part of its power was sealed, so Demon Lord Dongyao was still able to control the Pishui Sword when he got it.

When the battle between good and evil began, all the power of the two was applied to the sword. The power of the Water-Bi Sword was stimulated and awakened briefly, but it did not target the Demon Lord Dongyao, but ended up killing him instead.

At that time, Demon Realm was about to cross the Kudu River and victory was already decided. This sudden change was undoubtedly beyond everyone's expectations.

Therefore, everyone who saw this scene thought that Demon Lord Dongyao had gone mad suddenly and killed himself with his sword.

Little did they know that it was this Water-Bi Sword that actually determined the outcome.

People in later generations said that as long as one obtained the Pi Shui Sword, one could unify the two demonic realms and become the Demon Lord.

In fact, this sword has belonged to the Demon Lord from the very beginning.

After the death of a great man, he does not completely disappear into thin air. Some of his cultivation will remain in the world and become a secret realm.

Most of the power of Demon Lord Dongyao back then came from the Bishui Sword, so what finally remained in the secret realm was actually the Bishui Sword itself, and Demon Lord Dongyao was only a part of the secret realm.

In other words, this illusion is the memory of the Pishui Sword, not the memory of Demon Lord Dongyao.

Zhu Changyang roughly understood what he heard, but he was still a little confused: "But wasn't it the Demon Lord Dongyao who started the war between good and evil? How did he become the Demon Lord..."

Jun Shu prompted: "Do you still remember Su Ti from the Silk Fragrance Old City?"

Zhu Changyang suddenly realized.

Everything in the illusion is not entirely a real memory, but more of a reflection of the will of the owner of the illusion.

Just like in the ancient city of Sixiang, Su Ti was initially strengthened by Gu Peng's will and became the most powerful person in the illusion.

Later, Zhu Changyang, as the "Lonely Peng", took away Su Ti's cultivation with his own will.

But that is not actually Suti’s real situation.

Similarly, in the "will" of the Water-Bi Sword, the person who is qualified to initiate the great battle between good and evil should not be Demon Lord Dongyao, but its true master, the natural born demon who died in the flood ten thousand years ago, the Lord of All Demons.

Therefore, in its illusion, the ruler of the battle between good and evil is the Demon Lord, and Demon Lord Dongyao is just a subordinate of the Demon Lord.

If understood from the perspective of modern people, this illusion is like a large holographic world.

As a treasure that provides energy and stabilizes the state of mind, the Water-Repelling Sword is both a server and a planner.

It constructed this world based on its own memories and made modifications to the plot line on this basis.

To be precise, it is a magical modification.

Not only did the script change the Dongyao Demon Lord, who the author was dissatisfied with, into a secondary supporting role, but the author also forced its master, who had fallen for many years and had never participated in this war, into the script and parachuted him into being the male protagonist.

If anyone who actually participated in the great war between good and evil back then were still alive, they would probably curse this illusion and say it was outrageous.

This is not the battle between good and evil, this is the original script written by Bishuijian based on the prototype of its master!

No, it's a derivative fanfiction.


[Wow, it turns out that Pi Shui Jian is the boss of the spin-off channel! ]

[I'm dying of laughter. The Demon Lord brought money (sword) into the group, and the Dongyao Demon Lord was tragically replaced. ]

[Jun Shu may become the biggest winner!]

This is also why, although Dong Yaoyan was obviously very unhappy with Jun Shu and Zhu Changyang, she did not take action against them for a long time, and instead endured the humiliation and obeyed Jun Shu's orders.

Because the Pi Shui Sword exerts pressure on the entire area, here, Demon Lord Dong Yao is a subordinate of the Demon Lord and is driven by him.

Unless Dong Yaoyan has the ability to control the Water-Splitting Sword, she can rewrite the script of the illusion.

Otherwise, Jun Shu could give an order and the army of the Demon Realm would crush her in the name of treason.

Zhu Changyang: Got it. The NPC data of Pishuijian has been modified in the background. Dongyao Demon Lord's combat power is -999, and Demon Lord's combat power is 999.

Anyone who sees this and doesn’t say what a blind and brainless fan.

The Demon Lord was even given a cool new skin.

Zhu Changyang looked at Jun Shu's appearance, with a jade crown and black armor, which was very different from his usual appearance of a banished immortal in flowing white clothes. When he didn't speak, his whole body exuded a sharp and cold aura, like a god of war.

It really looks like it can unify the Demon Realm.

Now the question is, how did Jun Shu get the role of Demon Lord, who is the white moonlight in Bishuijian's heart and the absolute male number one in the illusion

Zhu Changyang asked the doubts in his mind.

This time Dong Yaoyan just rolled her eyes: "I don't know."

There are very few existing records about the Great Wilderness Period in Piaomiao Continent, because the flood ten thousand years ago destroyed nearly half of the continent, causing countless casualties among all races, and many eyewitnesses were annihilated in the torrent, leaving no word behind.

So Zhu Changyang had traveled through time for so long, but had never seen any information related to the Great Wilderness Period, and only now did he hear about it for the first time.

Dong Yaoyan knew the ins and outs of this illusion because she inherited the identity of Dong Yao Demon Lord and obtained part of Dong Yao Demon Lord's memory.

However, he knew very little about the demon species that died ten thousand years ago, and he didn't understand why the Pi Shui Sword allowed Jun Shu to inherit the identity of a demon species in the illusion.

Zhu Changyang looked at Jun Shu, who spread his hands and said innocently, "I don't know either."

Zhu Changyang could only give up. After all, Jun Shu was a man without memory, and this problem was indeed a bit difficult for him.

Dong Yaoyan was restricted by the dungeon and explained the matter conscientiously. His patience was completely exhausted and he rubbed his hands and said, "Have you finished talking? Stop wasting time and quickly order the army to rush over and kill all those righteous bastards."

The forces of good and evil have been at loggerheads over the years, with constant conflict. Although this is just an illusion, it would be quite nice if I could satisfy my urge to bully the righteous.

Jun Shu ignored her and just looked at Zhu Changyang and asked softly, "What do you want to do?"

Zhu Changyang was stunned for a moment: "You want me to decide?"

"Yes." Jun Shu nodded, "I will listen to you."

His eyes were still blood red, but without any murderous intent. When he looked straight at me, there was a different kind of tenderness in them.

Zhu Changyang's heart suddenly skipped a beat, an indescribable throbbing spread in his chest, and he laughed unconsciously, "Okay."

He turned his head and looked around.

The heavy snow is still continuing, the Kudu River is frozen for thousands of miles, and the army of the Demon Realm and the righteous monks are still in a standoff, waiting for the order from the Demon Lord.

It is said that tens of thousands of demon cultivators died in this great war, and the corpses of the demons filled the cliff tombs.

The same is true for the righteous path. Many people died in the Kudu River without even leaving their names.

Just thinking about this scene is very bloody, and it might even cause his live broadcast room to be blocked!

Zhu Changyang wrinkled his nose and looked at the cultivator Wang Jingze who was still in a daze.

The developer immediately understood what was going on. He arched his head and jumped in front of Zhu Changyang with a roar. His face, which was already pale to begin with, became even paler and his heart rose to his throat.

Not only him, in fact, all the righteous monks who were still guarding the west bank were now stretched to the limit.

No one expected that this ordinary little monk who came out of nowhere actually knew the big devil.

What was even more unexpected was that in the midst of the great war, the big devil would chat about old times with the young monk as if no one was around.

So arrogant!

But no one can do anything to him.

But no matter what, all the righteous people know very well in their hearts that a small cultivator can't change anything at all.

The big devil might let this little monk go, but he will not let go of all the righteous people.

Seeing that the two had finished reminiscing about the past, all the righteous people knew that what was coming had finally come, so they immediately gathered their energy and prepared themselves for battle.

Then Zhu Changyang picked up a sword from the ground and handed it to Wang Jingze: "Brother Wang, your sword."

Wang Jingze was stunned, took it subconsciously, and said, "My last name is not Wang."

Zhu Changyang readily followed suit: "Got it, Brother Wang."

Brother Wang: “…”

This fellow Taoist must have done this on purpose!

He wanted to clear his name again, but Zhu Changyang had already turned his head and smiled at Jun Shu, "I think fighting and killing is not a good idea."

"Yes." Jun suddenly understood and made an OK gesture. Then he turned to face the Demon Realm army and waved his wide sleeves, "All demons, listen to my orders—"

The Demon Realm army stood up straight, the righteous spirits were lifted, and they began to chant silently.

Then, Jun Shu continued, "No more fighting, let's go back."

Wang Jingze:

right way:

"What did you say?!" Dong Yaoyan was incredulous and immediately objected, "We have fought this far, we can't give up halfway!"

Jun glanced at her and said calmly, "Are you the Demon Lord, or am I the Demon Lord?"

Dong Yaoyan: ! !


[Fuck, even though he's the Demon Lord, Jun-ge still speaks in that familiar tone.]

[It’s very annoying, I like it. ]

The author has something to say:

Pishuijian: I am the capitalist! The screenwriter! The planner!

Dongyao Demon Lord: &…¥¥&*…%()…%()&*

(End of this chapter)