Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 11: Section 11 Addicted to life and death



In the deep darkness, the youth's sanity gradually recovered.


"What is this place?"

"Where am I?"

No one answered him, and the darkness filled with silence.

"who I am?"

"Why am I... trapped here?"

"What am I going to do?"

The boy became restless, and he felt as if he had forgotten something extremely important.

He tried his best to remember, but got nothing.

He began to struggle, trying to break free from this dark cage.

Then, an illusory light appeared in front of his eyes.

Tiny lights are especially noticeable in the dark.

As the light and shadow flickered, the young man's memory suddenly recovered.

He seemed to be back in the tavern, where, as one of the Templars, he rejoiced after his victory. Listening to the teachings of the old leader.

The light in the dark is like the dim candlelight in a tavern.

The young man felt warm, and was about to fall asleep completely in a groggy state.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a beast roar.

In the roar of the beast, the light and shadow suddenly became detailed, and the young man was disappointed to find that he did not return to the tavern, but was in a hot mine.

The endless pain, like waves, kept coming.

Zhenjin felt like a small sampan, which could be broken by the wind and waves at any time.

In addition to the pain, there was unbearable heat and intense dizziness.

These needles are not unfamiliar.

"The fire poison has attacked again!" he thought.

He still had the sharp claws of the brown bear stuck between his waist and abdomen, making it difficult to get up. With all his strength, the young man lifted his head slightly.

Then, he saw the bear corpse, and the familiar figure leaning over beside the bear corpse.

It was Zidi, and she was collecting bear blood from a bear corpse.

She wiped the corners of her eyes from time to time with a worried look on her face.

Zhen Jin suddenly felt relieved, he heard a beast roar in the dark, and thought it was a new beast attack. Seeing that Zidi was safe and sound, his energy loosened, and he could no longer raise his head, and the back of his head hit the ground with a thud.

Zidi was startled by this sound, and when she saw that Zhen Jin had woken up again, she exclaimed in surprise: "Lord?! Lord Zhen Jin, you are awake!"

She immediately rushed to Zhen Jin's side.

As the distance got closer, Zhen Jin noticed the girl's red and swollen eyes and the obvious tear marks on her cheeks.

Zhu Jin wanted to speak, but couldn't.

His throat and tongue were also swollen, making it difficult for him to pronounce, and he could only smile wryly.

At this moment, the teenager realized that if another beast attacked, he would not have the strength to protect his fiancee in his current state.

Zidi said: "My lord, the fire poison has re-emerged, and the previous potions are no longer effective. I am preparing a new potion, and I will be able to succeed! Trust me, my lord, you must not give up!"

"I can definitely save you!"

Zidi comforted Jin Jin, more like deceiving herself and increasing her self-confidence.

Zhen Jin nodded, but it was this extremely slight movement that made him fall into a coma again.

After an unknown time in the darkness, he heard a beast roar again and was able to wake up.

Not finding any beast attack, Zhen Jin understood in his heart: "Is it just a hallucination? So how long have I been in a coma this time?"

He looked around and found that Zidi was beside him.

But this time, the girl was not collecting the blood of the bear, but cut open the arm of the needle gold, and was drawing out the blood of the boy.

The glass bottle was already half full of blood.

The boy's blood at the moment was dark red and extremely hot.

Seeing the young man wake up again, Zidi immediately said: "Sir, I'm treating you! I'll extract your poisonous blood and dilute the fire poison from your body."

The young man was silent.

Strangely, this time, he didn't feel any pain.

This is definitely not a good thing.

Feeling pain is the normal perception of the human body. It is a perfect warning mechanism to remind the human body to protect itself in time.

Needle Jin knew that his current situation was extremely bad. Not only did the fire poison re-emerge, but he also fought with the brown bear and was seriously injured. There is no pain, which means that all the nerves in his body have been destroyed!

Only in the mind, there is a strong sense of dizziness.

The young man did not dare to move easily.

Because he has long experience, once the movement is a little bigger, he will be knocked down by this stun and fall back into a coma.

Needle Jin had to look at the top of the cave.

Whether it was the wound or the blood being drawn, he didn't feel anything, and he lost his hearing.

The young man felt a strange peace and quiet at this moment.

Then, the tranquility faded in his heart, replaced by a fog of fear.

Yes, fear.

He is afraid!

He knew that death was coming, and the fear was the fear of death.

In fact, when facing the brown bear, he also faced death. But at that time, he never had the leisure to savor it.

The feeling of death coming slowly is not bad at all!

The teenager felt that his life was passing, quietly, without a trace of sound.

From the deepest part of his heart, the young man wanted to save the passing life. But life is like water held in both hands, no matter how hard you try, the water will flow down your fingers, and eventually it will flow completely.

He found himself a lamb to be slaughtered, waiting quietly for the scythe of death that would take his life.

Zhen Jin originally thought he was brave enough, but at this moment, he felt his own fear and his own weakness.

This kind of fear is so real and so strong that Zhen Jin fully realizes that no matter how much suffering and training he is subjected to, he cannot face it completely and calmly.

Because he clearly realized one thing - this kind of fear is the most essential fear of any life, and it is the instinct of any life's survival instinct.

Fear was like a fog, which enveloped his entire heart.

At the same time, there are emotions such as helplessness, despair, panic, anger, etc., which are also derived from fear.

Pin Jin began to pray.

"O great god, the supreme emperor..."

He is a Templar Knight, and the god he believes in is the contemporary Shengming Emperor of the human race.

The **** of the human race, Emperor Shengming is the leader of the human race. He has a cultivation base that surpasses the legendary level, and is a god who walks the world!

Zhen Jin then repented to Emperor Shengming.

He tried to confess his past mistakes, but was embarrassed to find that because he lost his memory, he didn't remember any mistakes at all.

Therefore, he had to pray to Emperor Shengming, begging him to have mercy, and begging him to protect Zidi from this extremely dangerous island after his death.

However, the boy's prayers to the gods he served all his life were not answered in the slightest.

Not even a little response.

"Every Templar has been watched by Emperor Shengming. Is it possible to isolate believers from God on this island?"

With such doubts, Zhen Jin fell into darkness again.

Like the previous experience, with a beast roar that shook the world, Zhen Jin woke up again.

Just woke up this time, Zhen Jin frowned tightly.

He felt the intense pain again!

Unlike the previous painful feelings, this time, he felt like he had been stabbed with needles all over his body. Every inch of skin, every inch of muscle, every inch of bone, the inside and outside of the body, seems to have been tortured countless times and become riddled with holes.

Not only that, the scalding feeling when the fire poison attacked was even more intense.

The teenager felt like he was placed in a bonfire and was burning!

"It works, it works!" Zidi's shout came from her ear, and the girl seemed extremely excited at this moment.

Zhen Jin shifted his gaze and was shocked when he saw her move.

The girl was not collecting the bear's blood, nor was he drawing his blood again, she was actually pouring blood on the wound of the needle gold.

This must be bear blood, yes!

Needle Gold was originally scarred, especially the wound on the waist and abdomen was terrifying.

But now, the claws of the brown bear that penetrated Zhenjin's abdomen have disappeared and disappeared.

Zidi seemed to have spilled a lot of medicine on the wound, so that it was mixed into a ball, like the colorful mixed color paint prepared by an inferior painter.

A steady stream of bear blood poured into these thick "pigments" and was quickly absorbed.

Zhen Jin's body at the moment is like soil that is extremely dry. No matter how much bear blood Zidi pours, it can be absorbed completely and very quickly.

"What kind of treatment is this? Is it really possible?" Seeing himself like this, Zhen Jin couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

He absorbed more and more bear blood, and the pain became more and more intense.

But at the same time, his heart felt stronger.

Bang bang bang, the heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

The teenagers have an illusion: if the heart beats faster, I am afraid it will jump out of his broken body!

It didn't take long for this worry, and Zhen Jin fell into a coma again.

Because the pain has increased several times again, it is really unbearable, far beyond the limit of normal human body.