Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 18: Section 18 My Knight's Creed


Hearing the cry for help suddenly, Zhen Jin's pupils shrank.

"Someone got caught in a cobweb."

"He's still alive!" Zhen Jin frowned.

"I am a knight, saving the dead and helping the weak is one of my creeds as a knight."

"Calm down first." The young man immediately admonished himself.

He stopped and stepped back, observed carefully, then changed direction and carefully entered this spider's hunting ground again.

He didn't step on any cobweb traps. After changing his position, he looked up and found the cobweb that was calling for help.

The cobwebs were trembling gently, and like the surrounding cobwebs, they tightly wrapped the prey. The outline of this cobweb is clearly a person.

On this person's face, the cobwebs were sparsely wound and cracked, allowing people to barely see.

This unfortunate guy was hanged high in the sky, condescending, and had a wide field of vision, so when he saw the needle gold, he immediately opened his mouth to ask for help.

"Please, save me!"

"If you leave, I'll be completely dead!"

"You're also from the Pigsnout, aren't you? We're on the same boat. Please, be kind, don't go, don't give up on me..."

When Zhen Jin heard the words, his heart moved slightly. He learned a lot of information from Zidi, and the ship they were on was indeed the Pig's Kiss.

It seems that this trapped guy should be a member of the pigsnout.

Pinjin did not act.

If he rescued him rashly, he would probably fall into it himself. Even further, it will be in danger of Zi Di.

He stood still, staring at the hanged guy, and at the spiders hidden in the canopy.

He had to make sure it wasn't a trap!

Acupuncture's muscles are tense, and if there is a slight disturbance, he can respond immediately.

But those spiders didn't do anything.

After begging for a while, the caller found that Zhen Jin was motionless, and he gradually responded, and continued to cry in a low voice, "Don't doubt me."

"Those beasts fall into the spider web, and they will struggle desperately. The more they struggle, the more spider silk sticks to their body, the tighter the spider's web, and eventually suffocates to death."

"I do not have."

"I passed out and then I was covered in cobwebs and tied up, so I'm still alive."

"Please, save me. I don't want to die..."

Having said this, the rescuer let out a low cry.

Trapped in a cobweb motionless, watching death approaching, this kind of fear is unbearable for ordinary people, and it almost drives the caller crazy.

This kind of real revealing of human nature made Zhen Jin believe a little more.

The fear of death is an inevitable part of every life. Even though Zhen Jin is a knight, brave enough to face the monkey-tailed brown bear and fight against its hard regret, he still has the emotion of fear.

Fear of this emotion does not mean that you are weak. The real courage is to face fear all the time.

"Still no response? It seems that these spiders hunt without sound." Guessing in his heart, Zhen Jin decided to take a little risk.

He called out softly, "Hey, what's your name?"

The trapped man was immediately excited: "My name is Huang Zao, sir, I am Huang Zao, the sailor on the Pig Kiss. Kind sir, kind sir, if you rescue me, I will try my best to save my life. To repay your kindness!"

Most of the attention of Zhenjin at this time is still on the tree canopy. After he made a sound, the spiders remained motionless, which made him put down some worries and make sure that his previous guess was correct.

"So, Huangzao, how can I save you?" Zhen Jin asked again.

This question is very critical, he has to confirm Huang Zao's intentions and get more information.

So far, he has doubts.

Could it be that these spiders deliberately did not kill their prey and made the prey make noises to attract the corresponding group

Maybe these spiders just couldn't hold back, just waiting for the needle to go back and call more humans to rescue them. The more people there are, the spiders will close their webs.

In the face of needle gold's question, Huang Zao knew everything, and hurriedly reminded: "Sir, you must not take action! The spiders here will fall to the ground at night and secretly lay their webs. These spider webs are buried underground. If you are trampled, this trap will be activated. The spider web will be tucked high, causing the spider to weave, and the prey will be hanged in mid-air."

"No matter how loud I speak, there will be no spiders dispatched. But when I struggle and shake the silk above to a certain extent, it will attract the spiders to re-weave the web. So, once I was rescued from the web, It will definitely attract spiders."

"These spiders, each of which are bronze creatures, are very terrifying. There are at least a dozen spiders nearby!"

"The force of these spiders' attacks is no different from that of horses. I was just careless and was knocked flying by the spiders, hitting the tree trunk, and fainted on the spot."

"When I opened my eyes in a daze, I was already hanging in the air, and the expedition team was completely defeated, and the survivors were fleeing. But these spiders also cooperate, they don't just lay webs on the ground, two or three Together, they can also weave a larger web in mid-air. However, they fall from the sky with the spider web and directly cover the prey."

"These cobwebs are very sticky, and you must have a very sharp sword and skill to cut the cobwebs. My brother Spirulina is the captain of the exploration, and he is a good knife. I have seen it with my own eyes. After being entangled in spider silk, the speed is greatly reduced, and the spider web cannot be split at all."

"Use fire!"

"In the end, they burned the spider web and escaped. These spiders are actually quite afraid of fire. I wanted to call for help, but I was so drowsy that I couldn't call at all, and even my vision was blurry. .I listened to the screams of these people and then passed out again."

"When I woke up, there was no more fire, I was the only one left."

Zhen Jin listened intently and secretly analyzed the information contained here.

After a long while, he asked again: "Is your name Huang Zao? How many of you are in your party, why are you here? Are there any other people who survived besides you? When were you attacked?"

Huang Zao didn't hesitate and replied quickly: "The pig's kiss was killed. The waves were very strong that night. We tried to control it, but the hull was still broken in two. The first half of the hull hit the reef, and the survivors all came that night. Go to the beach on the island. Even with our group, there are about 100 people."

"The captain is missing, the first mate is in command of us."

"This island is very strange, and low-level magic and fighting spirit can't be used."

"We set up a makeshift camp on the beach. The first mate assigned my brother and I, along with a few others, to explore the island, looking for wood to make the hull, as well as food and fresh water."

"The jungle is full of dangers, and we encountered many strange beasts. Our expedition team lost a lot of people, but gained very little. We gradually couldn't support it, and we went back."

"As a result, on the way back, the landscape actually changed!"

"It's obviously a rainforest, but we didn't know what was going on, so we came to a desert."

"Many people thought it was a hallucination, but they couldn't break free. We panicked, and some people even committed suicide. The team was thrown into chaos at one point."

"Food and water were quickly consumed, and I thought the whole team was doomed. Fortunately, we had a traveler in our team, an old scholar who had served a nobleman in the desert territory. His name was Cangsu, and he used his The method found the direction in the desert, and also found an oasis, replenishing fresh water. We rested in the oasis for several days and continued to set off. Our luck changed, we arrived at the edge of the desert, and finally entered this forest. "

"When we got here, we were ambushed by a swarm of spiders. Most people fled, but five or six people died. When they were running for their lives, I heard my brother shouting to retreat. He must have missed me. Missing, that's why I didn't come to rescue me. In fact, I was captured by spiders as a food reserve, but I'm still alive!"

Yellow algae is very emotional.

Jin Jin was always silent.

Huang Zao's mood gradually calmed down again, and continued: "I don't know how many days have passed. How long I was in a coma, but no one told me. But I woke up, three days and two nights have passed. "

"For the sake of Emperor Shengming, save me. Lord, we are on a boat! Now, only you can save me! Please show mercy, and I will definitely repay you with all my strength!"

Huangzao made a pleading voice again.

"There's actually a desert here?" Zhen Jin wondered.

"My lord, I didn't lie to you, absolutely not!" Huang Zao's voice rose, "I know, I know, it sounds unbelievable, but it's true. We really went to the desert, and then came again inexplicably. here."

Zhen Jin nodded slightly and reassured: "I will try to save you and do my best. But I can't do it alone. I will go back and call more people now. Do you have any way to contact the previous one? Crowd?"

"I have a whistle, and the sound of the whistle travels far, but it's in my pocket. In addition, I can also semaphore. I stand at a high place and can use colorful flags to signal." Huang Zao hurriedly spoke.

Seeing that Zhen Jin was silent, he immediately added: "Password, yes, I still have a password! We have discussed that we will leave a password along the way. As long as you follow the password, you can find my brother and the others!"

Pinjin looked at the sky.

The sky was rapidly turning dark, and it was not long before evening.

"Wait a moment and I'll be back." Zhen Jin turned around and left.

"Sir, I'm waiting for you. You must come back, don't forget me, this poor man! You are my only hope. I will definitely repay you!!"

Zhenjin walked far away, and the shouts of Huangzao were still incessant behind him.

He could hear that he was calling with all his strength.

His voice was hoarse, full of fear and panic, but also with heavy anticipation.

After all, needle gold can be regarded as his only life.

how to say

Teenagers feel the same way.

Life is so beautiful, so needle gold is cherished very much. Not long ago, he was also on the verge of death in front of Fire Poison and Brown Bear.

In the alternation of coma and awakening, he was also full of helplessness, panic, worry, hope, and sincere repentance.

The expectation of the yellow algae falls on the shoulders of needle gold, which is a heavy weight.

How to save him

How to fight against so many spiders, at least a dozen bronze beasts

Many questions were placed in front of Zhen Jin, he shook his head slightly, his eyes firm: "Anyway, let's meet with Zidi first."

After a while, the boy and the girl reunited smoothly.

In fact, after the separation, the girl tried her best to keep chasing behind Zhen Jin. The scale-horned black panther is not fast, and the gap between the two sides is not large.

"Isn't there any danger?" Zhen Jin asked.

"Well. Don't worry, I'm not powerless to fight back." Zidi nodded first, then patted the small leather bag on her waist with a proud look on her face.

"I found some new situations here." Zhen Jin briefly and directly described the development of the matter, and asked the girl for her opinion.

After hearing this, Zidi thought for a moment and replied, "Sir, I suggest you save him."

Although Zhen Jin also has a tendency, but at this moment he is more willing to listen to Zidi's true opinion. So, he continued to ask: "Can you explain the reason in detail?"

Zidi looked solemn, and said in a sincere tone: "Sir, according to what you said, he has the breath of bronze. The bronze level is already a lower-level elite. Generally speaking, he can serve as the boatswain on the boat. Some people who can fight can also become a Captain of the charge. Just talking about this person, he has the qualifications to recruit. Once the adults rescue him, the possibility that he will serve the adults is extremely high."

"Besides, he also has a brother, his elder brother Spirulina, who is the captain of this expedition team. He has a higher position than him and proves his strength. To conquer a yellow algae, it is very likely that he will even bring his elder brother Spirulina. This is the Two bronze-level elites. They must have a group of vassals around them, and once the two of them join forces, you will subdue a group of subordinates by the way."

"We need manpower now. Even if we don't think about controlling Baisha City in the future, these manpower can increase our probability of survival on the island. Sometimes, when we encounter danger, we just need to outrun our companions."

Speaking of this, Zi Di's eyes flashed a faint light.

Needle Jin nodded: "Is there any more?"

Zidi continued: "We still need information. Therefore, even if these two don't rely on the adults, even if they just communicate with them, they can expand our map and deepen our understanding of this island."

"According to what Huang Zao said, the large army is building boats to save themselves. This is also the most reliable way for us to leave here and go to Baisha City. But even if we have a boat, no one will drive it for us."

"It takes a captain, aide-de-camp, navigators, sailors, helmsmen, carpenters, gunners, ship doctors, lookouts, etc. to keep a ship at sea for months."

"Try to save these people, it will also make our subsequent voyages safer and faster."

Needle Gold and Zidi can't control ships.

"But to save him, you have to face at least a dozen bronze spiders..." Needle Jin pondered.

"My lord, I already have a solution." Zidi said with a smile, "Trust me, if the effort is greater than the gain, I will never do this."

Zhen Jin laughed: "Ha ha ha, is it really worthy of being the contemporary president of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce?"

The young knight looked at Zidi with admiration, and his expression gradually became serious.

"You're right. But you forgot the most important point."

Zi Di hurriedly restrained her smile and bowed her head in a serious tone: "Please also ask the adults to give instructions."

"I am a Templar Knight, a knight among knights. It is my creed to help the weak and save the dying! Even in times of crisis, I will not abandon my companions." The boy's strong words echoed in the quiet forest.

For a time, Zidi looked at the boy, stunned for a moment, and smiled: "Sir, I understand."