Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 27: Section 27 Raiders Center


"Then, Lord Zhenjin, can you use your grudge?" Cang Xu asked.

Zhenjin shook his head, indicating that he could not.

He had discussed with Zidi to hide the secret that he could not use Dou Qi. But now that the words have come to this point, concealment becomes meaningless.

But the needle gold still covered up the fact that he lost his memory.

Cang Xu sighed: "If someone can mobilize gold or less vindictive energy, they can overturn my guess. In fact, this old man really hopes that his guess is wrong!"

Zhen Jin asked back: "So Mr. Cangsu, have you thought of any good way to allow us to overcome the strange monsters and environment here, so that we can reach our destination smoothly?"

Cang Xu smiled bitterly: "Sir, you overestimate me. I'm just an old man who is dying. I have served the Shata family for most of my life, and the reason why I say goodbye this time is to meet the orcs in person at the last stage of my life. , explore the unique ecology of the Orc Continent, and complete an academic book of mine."

"I named this book "Evolution". I believe that although nature has always maintained a good cycle and balance, the forms of life living in it are not static. Whether it is us humans, dragons, or beasts , Warcraft, are slowly evolving."

"This evolution is closely related to changes in the natural environment and changes in the way life exists."

Needle Jin nodded: "This must be a classic."

Cang Xu bowed and said sincerely: "It's my misfortune to be shipwrecked, but I'm elated to meet so many strange monsters here. Because this will strongly prove my "Evolution Theory" from another angle. ". Because of this, I took the initiative to apply and join the exploration team, the purpose is to get in touch with these monsters for the first time."

"It is an honor to meet the adults here. During this period, I will definitely serve you, dedicate myself, and use my mind!"

"I'm really ashamed of your expectations, sir, but please forgive me for my incompetence. After all... I'm just a scholar."

"I understand." Zhen Jin nodded.

He saw it. Yellow algae and blue algae were sold as slaves, but Cangsu did not really rely on his idea.

Cangxu means: During the period when the island was incapable of escape, he would do his best to assist Zhujin. When he reached the Orc Continent, he would separate from Zhujin, move freely, and complete his book "The Theory of Evolution".

"If I become the Baisha City Lord, I will definitely help you collect information on the orcs." Zhen Jin continued.

"I'm so grateful for this!" Cang Xu bowed deeply again.

Zidi suddenly said at this time: "If Mr. Cangsu's guess is true, then both this island and all kinds of monsters are transformed. Then this island must have a center. You say, if we What happens when you find this center?"

The idea is bold!

Spirulina hurriedly said: "Is this too dangerous? We can transform the entire island and create so many monsters. We simply can't fight it. This is simply asking for a dead end!"

Zidi smiled and shook her head slightly: "Not really."

"Think about it carefully, according to our previous analysis, there are probably two of them."

"The first possibility is that the owner of the island is out and not on the island. It is the best time for us to raid the center at this time."

"The second possibility is that the owner of the island has always been there, but He didn't take action. He spy on us, played with us, or didn't care about us. However, once we successfully escaped from this island, He would definitely take action to solve us for the sake of confidentiality. "

"So, instead of doing this, it's better to hit the center directly."

"Once the center is destroyed, we can stop the teleportation and restore the environment on the island to normal. We can use magic and fighting spirit, but those beasts collapse because of this. This is extremely beneficial to our escape."

Spirulina is dumb, thinking about it, it seems to be right!

Zidi looked at Zhenjin again, her eyes shining brightly: "Lord Zhenjin, we are going to the Orc Continent and strive to take charge of Baisha City. If we can obtain such magic technology, we can produce silver and gold in batches. Even if these beasts can only last for a short time, they will explode. How good do you think this will be for us?"

For a moment, Zhen Jin was heartbroken.

What a luxury it is to have a gold-level subordinate!

And the word mass manufacturing, which sounds wonderful.

What's even better is that the monsters created are not afraid of death, and they really fight with their lives. This will make the enemy extremely headache, and even frightened.

Zhen Jin looked at Zidi's eyes, and at this moment, the purple crystal eyes seemed to be shining with the luster of gold coins.

Zhen Jin's understanding of Zidi suddenly deepened.

The young knight couldn't help thinking: The girl in front of him is worthy of being the president of the Chamber of Commerce. In order to pursue the possible huge benefits, even his life can be temporarily forgotten!

But Zhen Jin didn't make a statement, but looked at Cang Xu.

"Mr. Cang Xu, what do you think?" Zhen Jin showed the importance he attached to Cang Xu.

The previous remarks greatly improved Zhen Jin's evaluation of Cang Xu. From the latter, Zhen Jin really felt the great power of knowledge.

Cang Xu's broad horizons, rich knowledge and experience, and deep cognition, like to reveal a layer of mysterious fog of this mysterious island to Zhen Jin and Zidi.

"Sir." Cang Xu said slowly, "I don't agree with Lord Zidi's suggestion."

"First, we don't know the exact location of the center. To find the center, we must have adventures all over the island. We have to face all kinds of strange beasts and the harsh natural environment."

"Second, even if we find the center. According to common sense, the Lord of the island must have set up a strong and fortified defense there. Can we pass the defense alone? Once we attack the center, will we be alerted and possibly go out? The Lord of the Island?"

"Thirdly, the existence of the master of the island, the changes in the landscape, and these ferocious monsters are all my guesses, and there is no direct evidence. Maybe my guesses are all wrong, this is a very strange island, It is the creation of heaven and earth, and we can never fathom the power and will of nature.”

"Fourth, although there is teleportation, the activation of this teleportation mechanism has a time interval. In theory, as long as we keep the direction correct and travel fast enough, we can travel through mountains and other areas and return to the beach. Even if we are teleported again halfway through, there is a high probability that the teleportation will be random. Therefore, as long as we keep repeating this course of action, it is very likely that we will reach our destination.”

Zhen Jin thought for a while, then nodded: "The analysis is very good. The center is too elusive, the risk is too great, and our strength is insufficient, so the first goal is to join the large army and make ships to escape from this island as soon as possible."

"Follow your orders, master." Spirulina immediately said.

Cangsu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Zidi opened her mouth and hesitated, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Go on, let's rest for another quarter of an hour, and then we'll set off." Zhen Jin gave the order.

"Sir." Cang Xu said again, "I have a small suggestion below."

"Mr. Cangsu, please speak."

"Sir, please allow me to report a delightful discovery to you." Cang Xu pointed to the small map of the mountain and forest area, "It's right here, at the forefront of our current exploration. There is a flock of sheep living here. It's huge, at least a thousand sheep."

"I strongly recommend that the flock be hunted down. That way, we'll have plenty of food."

Zhen Jin frowned slightly: "A huge flock of thousands of sheep?"

The young man's eyes turned to Cangshu and then to Spirulina.

Spirulina immediately said: "Master, it is indeed a huge flock. We have tried and successfully hunted two. They are timid and gentle, just want to escape, and they are not dangerous. Many members of the expedition team believe that, This is a gift from God to us!"

"However, our current food reserves are very sufficient." Zidi said.

"That's the way it is now." Cang Xu nodded, "But we have to be prepared for many accidents. For example, when the teleportation mechanism was activated, we were dropped into the desert again."

Cang Xu looked at Zhu Jin again, he knew that Zhen Jin was the one who could really make the decision: "According to our investigation, the leader of this flock only exudes a bronze aura."

"Lord Zhenjin, you don't have to worry too much. This flock of sheep is at the lower end of the natural cycle, and there must be many herds of beasts, and even the beasts of the golden series feed on sheep. The white-boned feathered deer may be one of them. One. So, we hunt sheep, and the biggest risk is not the sheep themselves, but other predators.”

"This is easy to prevent, after all, we are not directly confronting these predators."

Needle Jin was silent.

Cang Xu said again: "Lord Zhijin, the reason why our expedition team set off is mainly to gather enough food for the entire shipbuilding crew. Although we have been lost in the island for many days, if we bring Bringing back enough food will definitely inspire people and bring them great help. At the same time, it will also help you, my lord."

Zhen Jin nodded: "This is a good suggestion, then we will slightly modify the itinerary. Hunt the sheep first, and then set off."

According to his previous energy, Zhen Jin knew that there were not many opportunities for such easy hunting on such a crisis-ridden island.

Maybe even give up now, and there will never be such a good opportunity in the future.

According to the plan in the future, he does not intend to go deep into the hinterland of the island as he is now.

So, he is good at it.