Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 28: I am very strong


The sheep were bleating, swarming down, panicking.

There are hundreds of goats in this group, and the wool is basically blue-gray, and the horns of the white-boned sheep are like two pale swords with a slightly curved arc.

This goat herd was leisurely gnawing at the grass, but suddenly two members of the expedition team appeared and drove them away.

The two held a machete, but did not use it. They easily drove the panicked herd of goats just by shouting loudly.

Zhen Jin, Zidi, Cang Xu and others stood on a hill not far away, watching this scene condescendingly.

The goat herd tried to divert on the way, but there were people in ambush, and suddenly appeared at the critical moment, blocking the way of the goat herd. This flock of goats was repeatedly corrected, and finally poured into a depression.

The exploration team began to close the net, and more members came out from all directions.

There were people in either direction, and the goats found themselves with no way to escape and couldn't help but swerve in place.

The expedition team members raised their swords high and swung them down again and again, and began to harvest the lives of goats.

As Tong Cangxu said, the goats were extremely cowardly and did not resist at all in the face of the butcher knife. They let out a scream of horror, and then crowded desperately, trying to squeeze to the very center.

But there are always unlucky sheep that fall to the periphery and are easily slaughtered by the human race.

Cang Xu looked at this scene and said lightly: "In the middle of the empire, many nobles began to farm sheep on a large scale. They raised sheep."

"I have been fortunate enough to visit several famous sheep farms in the empire. The scale is shocking."

"In my opinion, sheep as a species do not have the ability to make a living on their own, and their survival depends entirely on the care and rescue of others."

"Sheep have no ability to protect themselves. Rams are more shy and timid than ewes, and even the slightest peculiar noise is enough to make them timid, so they live in groups only to dispel their fears."

"They are not only cowardly, but also stupid. They don't know what danger is, they don't feel it coming. It seems that no matter what happens, they stubbornly stay where they are. Even if it's windy or rainy, if you want them to migrate, there must be a sheep. Lead the way. In fact, the head sheep is standing still, unless driven by a shepherd or a dog."

"Sheep are very fragile. They can't walk for long periods of time, which can easily collapse them. When they run, their hearts beat so fast that they can easily become breathless. Heat or cold can kill batches of Sheep. They're very susceptible, and sometimes just being obese can kill them."

"Goats are more active, stronger and more courageous than sheep. But in general, it's about the same."

"The habits of these two kinds of sheep are not very different."

"Goats are attached to human beings and like to be manipulated by people. It is easy for people to live in harmony with goats. They are also easy to raise, and all kinds of forages can become goats' delicacies."

"However, sheep are still more popular. Because of their dense wool, they can be used to make textile materials such as wool. Especially in recent years, there seems to be a huge technological innovation in the textile machinery of the Empire."

"The Shata family is also very interested in the sheep business and sent me to the middle of the empire to investigate. Unfortunately, the great nobles of the empire deliberately monopolized the latest textile machinery. At the same time, the land in the desert is scarce, the environment is harsh, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. , it cannot be used to raise sheep on a large scale.”

While speaking, most of the sheep had been slaughtered.

Among the hands-on team members, Huangzao was the most eye-catching.

He was holding a spear, and every time the spear attacked, it could penetrate three or four goats.

He has bronze-level strength, and although he can't mobilize Dou Qi, his physical quality far beyond ordinary people is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Zhu Jin entrusted him with the task of encircling and suppressing the goat herd for the first time. With the purpose of committing crimes and making meritorious deeds, and knowing that his every move is being watched by the master, Huang Zao has performed particularly hard.

But the next moment, his invincible spear was blocked for the first time.

It turned out that the head of the group of goats was finally forced to resist and began to resist.

The physique of the head sheep is twice as large as the surrounding goats, almost the size of a pony, and it is full of bronze-level aura.

The head sheep opened its four hooves, aimed in the direction of the yellow algae, lowered its head, showed its sword-like white bone horns, and began to sprint.

Da Da Da Da!

The sheep's hoof stepped on the rocky mountain, making a series of rapid and crisp sounds.

If it doesn't move, it's already, it's amazing, the always slow leader, at this moment, actually broke out at a speed that is disgusting!

Huang Zao gritted his teeth, held his spear across his chest, and stood motionless.

Blue Zao, who was serving behind Zhenjin, saw his younger brother's intentions, and immediately shouted angrily: "Idiot, run away, you can't use your grudge!"

Huang Zao's ears moved slightly, and he heard his brother's warning for the first time, but he gritted his teeth and didn't move.

"If I run away again, what image will I leave behind on the master? Brother, you are an idiot!"

"This time, I'm going to wash away the shame!"

Shouting in his heart, Huang Zao widened his eyes and stabbed the spear in his hand.

The point of the spear and the horn of the bone collided.

Then, under the violent discoloration of the yellow algae, the spear tip cracked open, and the entire spear body was swayed to one side.

The head sheep rushed to the side of Huang Zao, and at the critical moment of the collision, Huang Zao barely straddled the gun body in his chest.


With a muffled sound, the yellow algae was knocked out on the spot.

His whole person crossed an arc in mid-air, and then fell on the grassy rocky ground, his eyes darkened, and he almost fainted on the spot.

"This guy..." Seeing that his younger brother didn't listen to his advice, and was almost pierced by a sheep's horn, Spirulina clenched his fists and pleaded for battle, "Master, please let me help you to clean up this sheep! "

However, Zhen Jin only looked at the field with an indifferent expression: "I ordered to go down, let the yellow algae restrain a little bit, and I want to catch this sheep alive."

Spirulina's complexion suddenly changed, and she wanted to say something, but was blocked by Cang Xu's hand.

Cang Xu smiled and said, "With such trust from Lord Zhenjin, Huang Zao finally has the chance to be ashamed. He clearly knew that his strength was no match for the leader, but he still chose to do it. Dangerous duel. Now that he was shot and fell, he should know that he should adjust his mentality."

When Lan Zao heard this, he was instantly jolted and half kneeled on the ground: "The master is kind and generous, he has long seen that Huang Zao's mentality is out of balance, and he has repeatedly given him opportunities to adjust his mentality and make him take the blame! The villain is confused, please master guilty."

Then Zhen Jin smiled and glanced at Lan Zao: "You brothers are deeply in love, what's the crime? You go and watch, after all, Huang Zao is still weak. If he fails to catch him alive, you can take action for him. "

Spirulina was instantly grateful, knelt on his knees, hit his forehead on the ground, made a dull sound, and hurriedly ran down the hill.

In the depression, Huang Zao has picked up a brand new spear and is preparing to shoot again.

When he saw Lan Zao coming over, he immediately became anxious: "Brother, why are you here? Is the master asking you to take action for me?"

Lan Zao snorted coldly and said, "The master told you to restrain this point and capture this goat alive. He gave you the opportunity to continue to perform, and only when you fail will I take action."

Huang Zao was overjoyed: "This is good!"

When Spirulina heard this, she was so angry that she almost slapped Huang Zao on the head on the spot. But there is no way, he can only stand aside and swept the array.

Ordinary goats were quickly slaughtered, leaving only the duel between Huangzao and the head sheep.

Under the constant sprinting of the head sheep, the yellow algae was in a state of embarrassment.

Originally wanting to get rid of this sheep, Huang Zao still has a certain degree of confidence with the spear in his hand. However, Zhenjin ordered to capture the sheep alive, which put the yellow algae at a loss.

Both the yellow algae and the head sheep are bronze-level beings, but the yellow algae can't stimulate the grudge, and the spear is also cautious, and the head sheep naturally has the upper hand.

But Huangzao was bent on performance and showed no sign of flinching.

After a stalemate for a while, both people and sheep were covered in blood.

The head sheep's body is full of wounds caused by the cutting of the spear point. The yellow algae had burns and was bandaged, and most of the blood on his body was oozing out due to strenuous exercise.

Spirulina was secretly anxious and wanted to take action again and again, but he couldn't see his brother fail completely, so he could only resist the urge.

The head sheep sprinted over, and the stamina of the yellow algae was seriously declining. Although this time it was barely avoided, it was unable to pursue.

The head sheep did not turn around this time and continued to fight with the yellow algae, but rushed out of the encirclement.

The surrounding expedition team members were all ordinary combat power, exclaimed one after another, and gave in one after another, not daring to use their flesh and blood to stop the deadly fleeing leader.

Spirulina was about to make a move, when suddenly he heard the voice of Jin Jin: "Enough is enough, step back and let me come."

"Master, I... can still fight." Huang Zao whispered, his face full of unwillingness.

"You idiot, don't hurry down! Don't disturb the master's interest." Lan Zao scolded.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhen Jin's body.

Since Zhen Jin became the leader of this expedition team, most people have speculated in private about what level of Master Zhen Jin's strength is.

Is it silver or gold

This island strictly forbids low-level magic and vindictiveness, so can Master Zhenjin be able to elicit his vindictiveness? (Cang Xu's conjecture was too terrifying, it was limited to the top of the expedition team, and not everyone knew about it.)

The goat sprinted over, and Zhen Jin's face was calm and calm.

Seeing that the sheep's horns were about to be stabbed with needle gold, the young man suddenly stretched out his hand, and caught the two sheep's horns precisely at the moment when he couldn't let go.

Afterwards, Zhen Jin pressed hard.

The head sheep's momentum came to an abrupt end, and the entire head was pressed to the ground by needle gold. The strong and powerful leg of lamb kicked wildly, kicking the turf and soil flying, but from the beginning to the end, Zhen Jin's hands were as steady as mountains, and the whole body seemed to be cast iron, and was not shaken in the slightest.

It gives the impression that the head sheep is suddenly weak like a chicken in front of Zhen Jin!

The exclamations came from the mouths of everyone, and immediately turned into shouts and cheers.

Huang Zao's eyes widened involuntarily.

Zhen Jin did not motivate his vindictive qi, and only suppressed the leader with his own strength.

This kind of strength makes the yellow algae convinced.

Cang Xu was also quietly moved by this scene.

He is well aware that human and animal body structures are not the same. When a person does not motivate his vindictiveness, it is actually difficult to compare with a being of the same level based on his own quality.

Humans are not born to run as fast as horses, to climb nimbly among the trees like a monkey, to fly in the sky like a bird, or to breathe and dive underwater like a fish.

Compared with many beasts, man's most prominent advantage lies in his intelligence quotient. Man's own strength, speed, endurance, etc., are not enough to see among beasts.

Therefore, a strong man with silver fighting qi, if he does not use his fighting qi, is very likely to lose to a bronze beast based on his own strength.

"Such fitness..."

The scene in front of him made Cang Xu's heart involuntarily raise a guess: "Could it be that Lord Zhenjin really has the cultivation of gold?"