Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 7: Section 7 Life and death line


Zhenjin's counterattack was very effective, eliminating many fire poisonous bees, but at the same time it attracted more fire poisonous bees.

Fire poison bees kept coming.

After hundreds of sword thrusts, Zhen Jin felt the soreness of his muscles.

After thousands of stabbings, this soreness turned into pain. Especially the arm wielding the sword, in the illusion of needle gold, it seems to have swelled in a circle. The sword in his hand also became heavy.


The fire-poison swarm seemed to be endless, and the swarm was enraged by the casualties, and a large swarm flew out of the bonfire. The swarm of bees rushed forward, like a tsunami, trying to drown the boy and girl in one fell swoop.


Zhen Jin cursed in his heart, and tried his best to swing the long sword in his hand.

At this time, the sharp sword was several times heavier, and Zhen Jin knew that this was a sign that his physical strength had reached the limit.

He was sweating profusely and his mind was groggy.

The arm that swung the sword was almost not his, the muscles were numb, and every stab even felt a tingling sensation from the bones, as if it was a gear that had been in disrepair and was completely rusted but had to work forcibly.

One after another, the fire poisonous bees sting the needle gold one after another. Under such an attack, the defensive effect of the chain mail is very small.

Needle Jin gritted his teeth, always keeping in mind that there was a girl Zidi behind him. In order to protect his fiancee, he has not taken a step back since the war!

Holding a sword in one hand, he groped around himself with the other, and pulled out all the Fire Poison Bees that stabbed him and were still struggling.

These fire poisonous bees all died because of this, and were thrown to the ground by the needle gold.

"My lord, my lord..." Zidi's cry came from behind.

Not a single fire poison bee attacked her, perhaps because the needle gold had completely annoyed the fire poison bee colony. A large number of fire poisonous bees even abandoned the roaring bonfire, and also came to deal with needle gold. At the same time, it may also be because of the vigorous exercise of needle gold, the heat emitted is much higher than that of Zidi at the moment.

In the feeling of needle gold, time has become long and difficult.

In the end, his vision suddenly became clear, and there was no more fire poison bee in front of him.

The ground is full of corpses of fire poisonous bees, and he has won!

Zhen Jin's heart loosened, and he couldn't hold the long sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword almost stuck in his foot.

Numbness is the biggest feeling of needle gold.

But soon, the wounds created by the fire venomous bees sent burning pain from all over his body.

The right arm that swung the sword seemed to be non-existent, almost lost its feeling.

"Sir, be careful!" Zidi exclaimed.

This exclamation stimulated Jin Jin, which made his numb mind suddenly sober up.

When the bonfire was almost extinguished, more than a dozen fire poisonous bees flew out of the bonfire and killed again.

There are still the last batch of fire poison bees left!


"I'm no longer able to fight." Zhen Jin smiled bitterly, he was very clear about his state.

He knew very well that if these fire poisonous bees were killed together just now, he might still be able to solve it. But now he was relieved, let out a breath, and couldn't even pick up the sword in his hand.

Although he doesn't feel anything now, Zhen Jin also knows that the poison of the fire poisonous bee has spread in his body.

There seems to be a voice in his heart telling him: If he continues to fight recklessly, he will most likely pay the price of his life!

This is a strong intuition derived from warrior literacy.

Zhen Jin attaches great importance to this feeling and knows that he can no longer fight recklessly.

"Run!" Zhen Jin gritted his teeth, sighed, turned around and took Zidi's hand, and hurried away.

The boy and girl fled hand in hand and plunged headlong into the dark jungle.

They had to flee.

If they stay, they will only die under the stingers of the fire poison bee swarm. But if they run away, even though it is very dangerous, there is still hope.

"Until the last moment, I will never give up!" Zhen Jin's eyes were firm, and his fighting spirit did not diminish in the slightest.

Zidi behind him was dragged by him to run, and soon his body staggered, unable to keep up with the pace of needle gold.

Even if Zhenjin's physical strength drops to the bottom at this moment, Zidi is only a magician after all.

"Sir, let me stay. I'll lead you away..." Zidi panted.

"Shut up!" Zhen Jin suddenly stopped and turned to face Zidi.

The girl exclaimed and slammed into Zhen Jin's arms following her inertia.

The next moment, the girl turned around and her vision changed drastically.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she had been held by Zhen Jin in her arms, running wildly.

In the dark jungle, because of the reckless rush of the teenagers, there were restless sounds from all directions.

Zhen Jin tried to shake off the fire poison bee swarm, but the buzzing swarm was still approaching.

Even at the moment of life and death, the boy still maintains his sanity.

Originally, the most direct way to deal with the bee colony was to jump into the water and let the bee colony retreat. But in the known rivers, there are python vines lurking, and diving is almost suicidal.

Zhen Jin had no choice but to sprint along the road he had come by during the day, trying to distance himself. This is the best choice in desperation.

However, his vision was greatly obstructed in the dark, and he could barely discern his direction, and could only rely on the vague memory in his mind to guide him.

After nearly hitting the tree trunk for the third time, Zi Di struggled to pull out a potion from the small leather bag around her waist.

This potion is stored in a glass bottle and emits a firefly-like light.

With this ray of light, Zhenjin can finally barely discern the way.

In the jungle, the branches are dense and the roots are tangled, and it is very difficult to travel in it, not to mention running wild now!

Many times, bushes and ferns form almost a wall.

Zhu Jin hugged Zi Di and slammed into the wall directly!

He felt that the whole jungle exuded a strong malice, and stretched out tens of millions of tentacles to him, blocking his way of life from all directions.

He broke every vine with all his might, letting the thorns scrape his clothes and skin in the dark.

The only thing that can make Zhen Jin happy is that this road has been trampled on, and the road has been opened during the day. Otherwise, simply walking in the jungle, the speed cannot be so fast.

Zidi took out the potions one by one and threw them at the fire poison bee. Sometimes the fire poison bee is attracted and the speed drops slightly, but more often it has no effect at all.


The running needle Jin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He found that the surroundings became more and more unfamiliar, and he knew that he had stepped into an unfamiliar area.

But there is no way, the fire poisonous bees are in hot pursuit, how can needle gold stand still and recall the right direction

He had no choice but to run away.

I don't know how far I ran, hoo!

Suddenly, a fierce beast jumped down from the bushes.

"What?!" Zhen Jin seemed to see a black panther.

A strong wind carried the bloody aura of the predators, blowing towards the face!

On the verge of a close call, he managed to dodge with great luck, without turning his head, he continued to run wildly.

The fire poisonous bee flew over from behind and entangled with the beast that was suspected of being a black panther.

Soon, the black panther lost, roared, and took the initiative to retreat.

Because of this, the needle gold and the fire poisonous bee opened a distance.

But the fire poison bee hated needle gold so much that it didn't mean to give up at all. In the following chase, they shortened the distance again, getting closer and closer to the teenagers.

Zhen Jin's physical strength was gradually pushed to the limit, and his legs were as heavy as lead.

He was helpless, and the speed began to slowly decrease.

The terrain changed, slowly rising, and with the glow of the firefly-like medicine, a cliff appeared in front of the two, bottomless.

In the process of escaping, they had lost the right direction and stepped into unfamiliar territory.

The Fire Venom was approaching from the left rear.

"There is a cave there, there is light!" Zidi suddenly said.

An orange-red light emanated from the cave, and although it was extremely weak, it seemed that there were people living there.

Zhen Jin gasped heavily, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he plunged into the cave with Zidi in his arms.

As soon as he entered the cave, a scorching hot breath rushed towards his face.

There was no sign of human activity in the cave, but a unique ore glowed. The ore is reddish, emitting a lot of heat, and a faint orange glow.

The ore at the entrance of the cave is thin and small, but the deeper you go into the cave, the more and more of this ore grows.

After a few hundred steps, Zhen Jin felt like he had entered the stove, and Zi Di was already sweating profusely.

It is no longer suitable to move forward. The air in the cave is quite hot, and there is a tendency to steam people directly.

But the fire venomous bees that were chasing them also flew into the cave, as if death were constantly approaching.

Zhen Jin put Zidi down, and the two were forced by the bee colony, so they had to grit their teeth and continue to go deep into the cave.

At this point, the life-and-death pursuit has come to an end.

There is hope in Zhen Jin's heart: although he has no way to deal with the fire poison bee colony, but relying on the special terrain here, the fire poison bee colony may lose its attack target.

As far as he knew, fire poison swarms locked their enemies on the basis of heat. The higher the heat, the more likely it will be attacked by the fire poison bee colony!

The future is dark, but there is still a ray of light struggling.

The boy and girl gritted their teeth, squeezed the limit of their physical strength, and stumbled forward step by step in the cave.

The cave began to become narrow, and the scorching ore almost covered the mountain wall, forming a red color.

Don't touch the wall at all - it's too hot!

"There are traces of beasts here." Zidi suddenly whispered.

Zhu Jin followed the direction of the girl's fingers and saw the traces of claws on the mountain wall.

A beast that can survive in such an extreme environment is definitely not simple!

Zhen Jin's heart sank, but he shook his head and smiled wryly.

What kind of beast could he care about right now? He has no other choice at all!

After the swarm of fire poisonous bees entered the cave, although they were distracted by the ore, they often lied on the ore to absorb heat, but they never gave up, and kept hanging behind them while flying.

The future is uncertain, and teenagers and girls can only move forward.

Suddenly, Jin Jin's body shook.

Immediately, a strong dizziness attacked his body and mind, almost causing him to faint on the spot.

"Oops." Zhen Jin staggered, his entire field of vision began to shake, as if it had been shaken, and he could barely stand.

Fire poison has struck!

Needle Jin had to stretch out his hand to support the mountain wall.

blah blah...

The mountain wall grilled his leather gloves, and a puff of black smoke rose rapidly.

At the same time, a stench came out from Zhi Jin's body.

The foul smell suddenly made the fire poison bee swarm violently agitated behind them. They directly gave up the ore, and swept away the swaying and careless state before, with a surging killing intent, they rushed straight to the needle gold.

Zi Di's face was pale in an instant, and there was no blood at all.

She suddenly realized: On the one hand, the fire poison bee swarm chases things with high temperature and absorbs heat, and on the other hand, it also uses the smell of fire poison to lock the enemy! When the fire poison strikes, the special stench will completely stimulate the ferocity of the fire poison bee.

There is a lot of fire poison in Zhenjin's body, which means that a large number of fire poison bees died in his hands. Such a strong enemy will naturally trigger the violent attack of the fire poison bee colony.

Zidi turned pale with fright, and hurriedly took out the potion and poured it on Zhenjin, trying to cover up the poisonous stench of fire, and immediately received good results.

The killing intent of the fire poison bee swarm suddenly disappeared, and it was attracted by the surrounding hot cave rocks.

"Quick, this potion can only last for a while." Zidi put Zhujin's arm on her shoulder and dragged her with her delicate body.

Reluctantly walk a few steps, the needle gold feels like the world is spinning, the sense of direction is completely lost, and it is really difficult to walk!

The fire poison made his whole body hot, as if a giant clock was constantly vibrating in his mind.

Relying on the only trace of clarity left in his mind, he weakly said to Zidi: "You go, go quickly."

The girl was not poisoned by the fire poison. In this cave, the target of the fire poison bee swarm was only needle gold.

Zidi is running away now, there is indeed a possibility of escape!

But the girl shook her head violently, tears flashing in her eyes, and she said with a hint of crying: "No, my lord! I will never leave you. I finally found you, we have finally come this far, why? Can give up!"

Zhu Jin sighed and suddenly pushed Zidi away.

"Come on!"

"No, my lord!"

Between the two pulling, they fell to the ground together.

Fire poison swarms have already flown over them.

Death is coming at this moment!

Zidi closed his eyes, but Zhen Jin glared at the swarm of bees, and he fell to the ground, unable to get up at all.

He watched helplessly as the Fire Poison Bee stinged down, just a finger away from his face...


Suddenly, a beast roar came from the cave.

The roar echoed in the mountain wall, and the fire poison bee swarm suddenly scattered, which was not lightly shocked.

They danced in the air as if they were drunk, and even collided with each other.

dong dong dong...

Then, a series of rapid sounds, like a war drum being beaten frantically by a Hercules.

A monster came galloping in the cave. It was caught in the strong wind, and its figure was so fast that it only left a huge black shadow in the eyes of the young girl.

The mysterious monster in the cave pounces on the fire venomous bee.

The arrogant and ferocious fire poison bee colony was driven away by the monster and began to flee in a hurry.

The monster was in hot pursuit, and the two quickly left the cave.

The cave quickly quieted down.

The boy and girl were lying on the ground, panting and looking at the top of the cave, dazed for a while.