Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 236: end


Yingli's army couldn't hold on to losing a large number of high-level players in each battle. They really couldn't figure out why Lou Yanjun, who was already showing signs of decline, played aggressively and became more and more smooth as the battle progressed, which in turn suppressed Yingli. Military fight

The Yingli Empire, which suffered successive setbacks, could only back down and seek peace. The two sides ceased fighting for the first time in three years and entered a long period of negotiation. In the end, the Louyan Empire occupied two-thirds of the resource star's development rights, and the Yingli Empire occupied one-third. As a result, the two sides reluctantly reached an agreement on the development rights of an area, ending the long three-year war.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who made outstanding contributions to this result, were engraved on the monument of meritorious service of the Louyan Empire and will be handed down forever.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who didn't know that they had even entered the textbook of the Louyan Empire, returned to the world of cultivating immortals. Together with other cultivators, they witnessed another hollow vortex spinning faster, shrinking, and finally disappearing.

Then everyone turned their attention to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

At that time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian hadn't immediately recovered from the intense and tense battlefield atmosphere, they looked back inexplicably and stared at everyone.

Song Feng Yuxian noticed the red blood in the eyes of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, and thought of Murong Ruide, who had returned earlier, saying that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were fighting around in the world, and knew that these little guys should be exhausted, so he took the lead road:

"Okay, okay, you guys are all exhausted, go back and have a rest, let's talk about tomorrow if you have anything to do."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands to urge Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian and Murong Ruide to go back and rest first.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian glanced at each other, saluted and hurried back to their Pocket Pavilion, because they had already received the notification that the main task was completed:

[Main task: Complete two back-to-back experiences

Task Status: Done

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission rewards: reward 4,000 survival points; reward 4 free attribute points (perfect mission evaluation additional reward)

Special Reminder: Congratulations on being successfully promoted to the Golden Book Zone. Will leave the mission world after five seconds. five four three two one…]

At the same time, there is also a completion prompt for the hidden extended task:

[Hidden extended mission: Completely solve the two backstory.

Task Status: Done

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission rewards: reward 16,000 survival points; two coordinate anchor points (one reward for each complete settlement of a legacy); one rule; reward all attributes +16 (extra reward for perfect mission evaluation)]

The [Coordinate Anchor Point] that hides the extended task rewards belongs to the Immortal Cultivation World, and each coordinate anchor can stay in the Immortal Cultivation World for half a year.

More importantly, during the one-year period that the two [coordinate anchor points] can stay in the world of cultivating immortals together, if they can completely solve other backlogs, they will be able to obtain the coordinate anchor point again. The method of "fighting and raising war" has gained a lot of time to stay in the world of cultivating immortals.

After analyzing the harvested rewards, the figures of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian disappeared in the world of cultivating immortals and returned to the endless world.

The difference from previous times is that this time the two people who appeared in the exclusive space sat on the ground with their eyes closed and did not open them for a long time, because they were instilled with a lot of secret content by the main god as soon as they returned to their minds.

After a while, Xia Ruize opened his eyes first, and looked around the more spacious and huge exclusive space, with extremely complicated eyes. Cheng Huaiqian followed closely behind, his face full of thought.

After successfully ascending to the golden book area, the two of them obtained the secret information related to the endless world, the main god, etc., and finally understood what they had been doing all this time...

The endless world is divided into five areas: jade scroll, golden book, silver page, bamboo silk, and white paper. Among them, only one exists in the jade scroll area, and that is the main god.

There are a little more in the Golden Book area, and with the newly promoted Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, there are a total of 8 "Guardians". Among them, there are three from Huaguo, two from New Melia, and one each from Europa, Nanyin and Beixiong.

The reason why they are called "Guardians" is because their duty is to assist the Lord God to protect the safety of the real world.

The crisis facing the real world is the same as that of the world of cultivating immortals, that is, there are countless different worlds forcibly posted to plunder resources.

Countless planets and civilizations have been born in countless universes and spaces. Some of these planets have clear will, perfect rules, and great development potential in their natural worlds, which are called "origin worlds".

The number of original worlds is relatively small, in stark contrast to the "marginal worlds" that occupy the vast majority.

The will of the world in the fringe world is inherently ignorant, with incomplete rules, and the development of civilization is extremely slow or the direction of development is extremely biased, and there are major flaws.

Out of the instinct of self-help and growth, the fringe world will stretch out tentacles to try to find the original world, and when they find it, they will forcefully connect to the original world.

Once successfully connected, the fringe world will try its best to invade the original world, trying to steal the perfect rules of the original world to fill its own loopholes.

The real world where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were born, and the world of cultivating immortals they just experienced are the two original worlds.

And the task world issued by the main god and the endless backstory in the world of cultivating immortals are the many marginal worlds that forcibly paste the two original worlds.

The beauty of the perfect rules in the original world exudes temptation all the time, tempting the endless fringe worlds to come closer and try to plunder.

Of course, the original world with perfect rules also has advantages and means of self-defense.

For example, there is aura in the world of cultivating immortals, so cultivators are cultivated, and the will of the world will hand over the troublesome marginal world to cultivators to solve.

Immortal cultivators will help the will of the world to expel most of the unpopular fringe worlds, and only a few fringe worlds that are liked by the will of the world and can be used by the original world to learn rules will be left behind.

Of course, the development of civilization in some marginal worlds is even much higher than that of the original world that it is targeting. In this case, the world will of the original world can only forcibly suppress the connection channel between the two worlds, stretch the front, and wait for the world Civilizations within that grow up can tackle each other one day.

This is the way the world will of the world of cultivating immortals solves the marginal world.

The real world where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian lived was the original world of technological testing, and it was also a newborn original world, facing more marginal worlds with a higher level of development than themselves.

The world will of the real world is suffering from the many fringe worlds sucking blood on it. If it is not for the perfect natural rules, it will be impossible to protect the civilization that is still in its infancy in the world to develop and grow smoothly.

Finally, the civilization in the world has developed intelligent human beings. The will of the world hastily threw the souls of some dead humans into the marginal world. relax.

In this way, after thousands of years of development, the current endless world model has gradually formed.

As the main god, the will of the world selects the souls that have just died, and can put them into the fringe world connected to the real world at the lowest cost, and then issue tasks to them.

Most of the souls cast out never return, but there are always people who can complete the main task of disrupting or helping the marginal world, and are successfully taken back to the real world by the main god. In return, the main god bestows life and power on them.

This was the case for Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. After their accidental deaths, their souls were first thrown into a less developed fringe world. As a result, the two performed exceptionally well, making the main gods pay more attention to them.

Afterwards, many mission worlds were specially arranged for them by the main god. As a result, they were able to complete the challenge perfectly every time, and often brought unexpected surprises to the main god, so what they got was extremely generous rewards.

After various tests, the two had grown to a certain level, and the Lord God arranged for them a cooperative world of cultivating immortals as a task world in the ascending zone, giving them benefits and at the same time testing their ability to deal with the past.

The result of the test satisfied the main god, so the two were successfully promoted to the Golden Book area, and successfully promoted from the tester to the guardian.

Next, they will assist the main god to guard the development of civilization in the real world together.

There are only 8 people in the Golden Book area, except for their own exclusive space, there is no public space at all, and there is no need for the main temple, because they can communicate directly with the main god.

After sorting out their thoughts, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian met the original guardian of Huaguo, Han Yuan, who was born more than 400 years ago but still looked like a middle-aged man.

Han Yuan was very happy to see Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, and said cheerfully:

"With your participation, we are the party with the most people and the most power, hahaha.

Don't worry, the guardian's task is actually not heavy. It is enough to participate in the exploration of the newly discovered marginal world once a year. For the rest, when you want to complete the task and communicate with the main god, you can also choose the task world you want to go to.

As a guardian, the most important duty is to block and hide the nearby area as soon as possible when a new fringe world is connected to our world, so as not to affect the lives of ordinary humans.

Oh, by the way, you young people have a common language with those in power now, and the task of communicating with those in power in the future will be entrusted to you. I am old, and it is time to enjoy leisure, hahaha... "

After Han Yuan introduced the duty of guardian to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, he left happily.

He has a marginal world that is "exclusive" to him. During the process of doing tasks, he has obtained the rules presented by the will of that world several times, so he can travel back and forth between the real world and his exclusive world at will, and he can stay in the exclusive world for a long time .

Compared with the real world that doesn't fit his living habits, Han Yuan now stays in his own exclusive world all year round, and even built a kingdom exclusive to him in it, which is very beautiful.

Han Yuan happily ran away, and Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were given the task of contacting those in power.

As a guardian, it is inevitable that the person in charge of the area in charge needs to cooperate. For example, if a connection hole of a new edge world is opened directly in the downtown area, the person in power needs to be responsible for the work of transferring ordinary people.

Therefore, the rulers of various countries in the real world vaguely know some secrets about the endless world and the existence of the main god.

Because of this, those imprisoned testers, including Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who were sent to prison by themselves before, will be concentrated in a special place for unified management, giving them the opportunity to continue to enter the mission world, and it is also very important for them in the real world. behavior is strictly monitored.

After Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian left the endless world and returned to the real world, they quickly contacted the top-secret department of Huaguo according to the method provided by Han Yuan. They are not going to show up directly yet, but they just remotely informed several surrounding countries including Huaguo The news of the guardian's replacement is convenient for future cooperation.

Soon, those in power in other countries in the world also learned of the news that Huaguo had newly promoted two guardians, and they were very envious.

Many natural disasters are actually caused by the movement of the new fringe world forcibly connecting to the original world. There are more guardians in the territory, which means that various disasters will be resolved in the fastest time, and ordinary humans can live and work in peace and contentment. , who can not envy it

This time the news came out that the newly promoted guardian was clearly from the country of Hua, and the surrounding countries immediately showed favor to the country of Hua, hoping to use this to please the newly promoted guardian, so that the other party could quickly help when their country had an emergency.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who were missed by countless people, were having dinner with their parents at this time. If they were promoted to the Golden Book District, their biggest feeling was that as their strength became stronger, they could control their own destiny and feel at ease. , don’t have to worry about this hard-won little life suddenly disappearing one day.

The Lord God promised that even if their bodies were accidentally destroyed while exploring the new world, He would try his best to retrieve their souls and recreate their bodies.

Or maybe they will have mastered the ability to reshape their bodies by then. In short, they are already the healthiest and safest human beings in the world.

Therefore, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian formally invited their parents to meet to discuss their marriage.

Soon, on a private island with beautiful scenery, under the witness of relatives and friends, the two officially became husband and wife.

Cheng Huaiqian made their wedding ring by himself. It is a concentric ring that can sense each other's state and position no matter how far apart they are.

Holding hands tightly together wearing wedding rings, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqin embraced and kissed amidst the laughter of relatives and friends.

Good times ahead, they spend together!

The difficulties and challenges blocking the way, they face together!

Let them enjoy the glory and brilliance they won together!

The author has something to say:

Scattering flowers~End of the text~

My heart is full of emotion. The creation process of this book was not very smooth. There are a few worlds in the middle that are relatively dull. I am not very satisfied. I don’t know how many times Kawen got stuck...

Haha, it’s all over, it’s over today~ It’s the most beautiful cub in my writing~

Send it a flower ~ also send yourself a flower ~

The next book is expected to be "I live in a mansion in a desperate situation", a novel about construction in the last days~

Please, little cuties, help me to collect some columns and new books~ Meme~

It is expected to rest for about a month to open a new book, and welcome the little cuties to take a look~

At worst, if you are not interested, cancel the collection, hehe~

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