Infinitely, I Have a Lady in Red

Chapter 10: The second game (3)


Ding Yirong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's probably because the novice book is relatively simple, so there are probably people who have passed the level. Don't you have one?" While talking, he took out a miniature mahogany sword from his pocket, which was only the size of a palm. . "Although this one is a bit small, it shouldn't be bad at exorcising ghosts and evil spirits. And it's not like the talisman paper is a consumable. I'm actually quite satisfied."

Looking at Jiang Xiaoli's expression, he understood. Patted Jiang Xiaoli on the shoulder: "It's okay, it will be cold when it's cold. This ghost game will probably be cold soon, it will be gone in a while, there is no pain."

Jiang Xiaoli:

The two didn't talk any more, Jiang Xiaoli planned to go to the cafeteria to eat something. And Ding Yirong planned to go back to the dormitory to see if he could find the things left by the former teachers, so the two parted.

As soon as Ding Yirong left, Jiang Xiaoli's heart suddenly ached. She was so painful that she couldn't stand up straight, and almost lay on the ground. Fortunately, the pain was only for a moment, and it disappeared in an instant. "You fell in love with Ding Yirong, go find him yourself, why pinch me!" As soon as the words fell, the heart began to twitch and ache again.

If this game had a chat channel and system prompts, then Jiang Xiaoli should have received thousands of prompts [Your ghost tried to attack a teammate, has been rejected by the rules] when chatting with Ding Yirong. Li Hongying expended a lot of energy, but she just couldn't warn successfully. As soon as Ding Yirong left, Li Hongying couldn't help but...

Jiang Xiaoli didn't dare to talk anymore after the pain this time, and went to the cafeteria to have a meal honestly. There is no need to spend money to eat in the cafeteria. Three spoonfuls of side dishes and one spoonful of rice, and then you can use an iron bowl to make a bowl of soup. Today's soup is tomato and egg soup, with a few tomato skins floating on it. The eggs and tomatoes are missing. The second half of the bucket of soup was crystal clear, and the iron spoon turned a circle to bring up a little egg froth.

While eating the free meal, Jiang Xiaoli couldn't help but sigh with emotion: Fortunately, the kindergarten provides meals, otherwise two hundred yuan may not be enough to eat. If he hadn't been killed by a ghost, he might have starved to death.

After eating, Jiang Xiaoli went to the apartment. Since it's a nap, she should take a nap too. She stays at home and doesn't like to move. She is tired after walking all morning, so she should rest more, so that she can run faster when the ghost comes.

Not long after returning to the apartment, there was a door-to-door courier. Jiang Xiaoli went out to check, and the player next door also received it. The express delivery is in a unified large box. She opened the courier receipt and saw that the clothes and toiletries were neatly placed inside. The size also fit unexpectedly.

—Maybe it's the handwriting of escape games.

Having nothing to do after a nap, Jiang Xiaoli found a piece of yellowed paper in the drawer of the bedside table. It seemed that someone had torn it off and threw it here. It was densely packed with words. She read two lines and realized that it was actually a supernatural story

It is about a female teacher who turns off the lights at midnight and stands in front of the mirror holding a lit candle, staring at herself in the mirror and reading from one to one hundred. You can see the past or the future.

However, the female teacher's name was partially blacked out. Moreover, the female teacher in this story failed to complete the game, and she screamed in fright when the candle was extinguished halfway, which created an extremely terrifying atmosphere...

"The cool wind was blowing around her neck, but she clearly closed the doors and windows before doing all this, so where did the wind come from? Candles were blown out, [blacked out] voice trembling but persisted Counting: 'sixty-seven, sixty-eight, sixty-nine...'Suddenly, everything went dark and the candles went out. She heard a woman's shrill laughter in her ear.' Seventy, seventy-one ...' A cool feeling passed from her waist to her back, as if someone was touching her lightly, the laughter became sharper, [blacked out] stared at the dark mirror, but suddenly thought of something, she suddenly returned Turning around, let out a shrill scream—" Li Hongying took the piece of paper and finished reading the scary part in a flat tone, turned it over, and suddenly smiled.

The back of the paper is completely black. Can't see anything.

"You want to play this game." Li Hongying looked at the slightly pale Jiang Xiaoli with the paper between her fingers, tilted her head, and put on an innocent and harmless appearance, "Do you need help?"

"Why am I doing this?"

"Hint. The past and the future, the experience of former players and what you will meet. You can know one after completing this. The teacher's name is blacked out, who knows if it corresponds to you? But if you don't want to do it , you can throw it in the other two female players' houses when others are not in the apartment."

Not doing this may cause some consequences, such as angering hidden ghosts? Or is it simply a hint that the information cannot be obtained without completion. Or, is this some kind of foreshadowing? After seeing this, Jiang Xiaoli was a little afraid to look directly at the mirror in the bathroom. As for what Li Hongying said about throwing it to others? —No matter how hard Jiang Xiaoli could do such a shameless thing.

"Restroom..." Jiang Xiaoli suddenly stood up and walked towards the toilet. She looked at the half-open window and was stunned. "This window has no curtains, even if it is closed... there is no way there will be no light at night."

"It came when the candle went out." Li Hongying hugged Jiang Xiaoli vaguely, and glanced at the mirror of the sink from the corner of her eye. Under her gaze, a thin crack suddenly appeared around the mirror. However, Li Hongying immediately looked away, and lowered her head greedily to sniff Jiang Xiaoli's body.

During the protection period, Jiang Xiaoli's smell that attracted ghosts was isolated, and Li Hongying couldn't smell the "food" smell coming from Jiang Xiaoli's flesh and blood soul. Instead, there is a very faint fragrance, which cannot be described, but it is also pleasant to smell.

Jiang Xiaoli suddenly thought of Ding Yirong, that guy returned to the apartment early, probably found this piece of paper long ago, right? Other players should also have such hints, but Jiang Xiaoli doesn't know if what they need to do is the same as himself. ... The game emphasizes fairness, even if it is different, the difficulty is estimated to be about the same.

After twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, even if it is done tonight, the protection period has passed. However, the ability of ghosts in the early stage should be weaker, Jiang Xiaoli thought about it, and decided to do it tonight. Let's go to the convenience store to buy a candle later.


Jiang Xiaoli lit the candle, held it in her hand and slowly walked towards the bathroom. Turn off the lights in the room.

A cold wind blows.

[The protection period is over, players please work hard to pass the level~]

The self in the mirror holding the candle is kind of silly. Jiang Xiaoli looked at herself in the mirror and began to read the numbers: "One, two, three..."

"Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five..."

The surrounding air gradually became colder, Jiang Xiaoli looked at himself in the mirror, and Li Hongying, who was half lying on his shoulder with red eyes, couldn't tell whether it was because the room became cold or because Li Hongying was too close to him.

"Forty-one..." Li Hongying seemed to have disappeared. Jiang Xiaoli read the numbers, but she could no longer see Li Hongying behind her in the mirror. where did she go Something distracted her

"Forty-nine, fifty, fifty..." The candle went out in a flash. Jiang Xiaoli gritted her teeth and continued to count, "One, fifty-two..." She fell into darkness.

Jiang Xiaoli didn't look away, even she didn't know if it was a mirror in front of her. Obviously she didn't close the doors and windows, it's impossible for the moonlight to be completely dark.

Here it comes, here it comes... This feeling was so obvious that goosebumps even appeared on her arms. Jiang Xiaoli didn't stop counting, but just stared at the dark mirror, staring straight at it, trying to let herself go. In the darkness, she vaguely saw a fat woman who seemed to be pinching something and lifting it up... The pinched thing is still struggling, is it a person? The picture flashed away, and the wind was blowing on her neck, as if someone was blowing on her.

"Seventy-five, seventy-six..."

Da, da, da... Is it the sound of high heels? The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and when Jiang Xiaoli said "eighty-four", an extremely cold feeling came from his neck. She was so startled that she raised her hand and struggled, but she didn't touch anything, "Eighty-five, eighty-six..."

Tick, tick, tick... Thick liquid dripped on her cheeks, neck, and clothes. Jiang Xiaoli tried her best not to change any posture, and kept her eyes fixed on her.

— "Shut up! Don't cry!"

— "I'm going to see my parents in two weeks. If they ask you if you are happy in kindergarten, how should you answer?"

— "See that telescope?"

The shrill cries mixed with the ghost's shrill laughter made Jiang Xiaoli almost so dazed that he forgot to continue counting. "ninety two… "

— "Who will know? Nothing to be afraid of."

- "Children know what a fart."

— "They forget it in a few days."

Jiang Xiaoli was suddenly strangled by someone. She widened her eyes and tried to push away something, but she felt that she was being choked and lifted up. A sense of suffocation swept over her, making her almost unable to breathe, but she couldn't touch anything with her hands... Opening her mouth, she struggled to spit out the next number from her throat, "Nine... Eighteen... Ninety... Nine..." The invisible His hands tightened suddenly, and under the extreme lack of oxygen, Jiang Xiaoli even felt that he was going to die.

"one hundred… "

"Click" and "Boom" the candle fell to the ground and rolled twice, it was already extinguished. Then there was a muffled sound, the sound of Jiang Xiaoli falling to the floor.

Jiang Xiaoli coughed violently and breathed heavily, the surrounding darkness dissipated, and the moonlight illuminated the room from the window. Unsteadily, a piece of paper fell from the ceiling. Reluctantly raising his hand to catch it, he saw the words "Since it's a gift, keep it safe~" on it. After reading it quickly, the piece of paper spontaneously ignited out of thin air, leaving no ashes behind. It disappeared into Jiang Xiaoli's hands, as if it had never appeared.

With both hands around Jiang Xiaoli's waist, he lifted her from the ground. Li Hongying's face was slightly cold. The paper was more like a small game. She tried to enter, but was told that "the difficulty is too low and no help is allowed." She was isolated.

"Pa-ta" Li Hongying turned on the light in the bathroom.

Jiang Xiaoli leaned halfway on Li Hongying's body, and when she turned her head, she saw a circle of bruised handprints on her neck in the mirror. A long trace of blood flow on the cheek is extremely obvious. Even the collar of the clothes and the stomach were stained with blood.